Why Jihadists target places of worship on holy days


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Because they are beasts, and they will be hellbound with mOOhamMud...


Why Jihadists target places of worship on holy days.
April 26, 2017

Noah Beck

Originally written for the Investigative Project on Terrorism.

Nearly 50 people were murdered on Palm Sunday when Islamic State terrorists bombed two Coptic churches in an Easter celebration-nightmare. The next day, on the eve of the Jewish holiday of Passover, the Islamic State’s Sinai affiliate launched rockets at Israel.

Just before Christmas, a terrorist claimed by the Islamic State rammed a truck into Berlin’s crowded Christmas market, killing 12 people. And in Australia, a group of self-radicalized Islamists planned to attack St Paul’s Cathedral. In 2011, Nigerian Islamists murdered nearly 40 Catholic worshipers in a Christmas Day attack.

Terrorists attack where and when they can. But they seem keenly aware that turning holidays into horror can carry greater shock and terror. In 2002, 30 Israeli civilians were massacred and 140 injured by a Hamas suicide bomber who blew himself up as they sat for the seder, the traditional Passover meal, at the Park Hotel in Netanya.


Indeed, the only non-Muslim country in the entire Middle East is also the safest place for non-Muslims in the region, including Christians, Druze, and Bahai. “Christians and other minorities in Israel prosper and grow,” says Shadi Khalloul, founder of the Israeli Aramaic Movement. “[W]hile in other countries in the Middle East, as well as in the Palestinian Authority, they suffer heavily from the Islamic movement and persecution – until forced to disappear.”

Islamist Attacks on Holidays
Islam is the largest and most powerful Satanic Faith there has ever been. They target houses of worship because they are the enemy of God, and Allah is not God. He is Satan and the Koran is his bible. We know the tree by the fruit that it bears, and the tree of Islam bears death and destruction. What sane person could ever think that it's not a religion of hate and perversion?

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