Why LBJ Had MLK and Malcolm X whacked


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
As a southern Democrat, LBJ was the Senate's staunchest voice in favor of suppressing blacks. In 1957, President Eisenhower presented a Civil Right Bill that LBJ bottled up in the Senate (with the help of Al Gore, Sr).

Thankfully Richard Nixon got the bill passed, but only after LBJ severely watered it down. In 1960, about 30% of blacks voted Republican.

In the mid-60's sensing Democrats stood to lose the black vote, LBJ decided to pass Ike's Bill in full. He suppressed black Civil Rights for 7 full years yet gained a completely undeserved reputation as a Civil rights Hero. He promised to deliver the black vote to Democrats to for the next 200 years.

He passed a series of programs designed to put the government in place of the black male head of household.

Then came MLK and Malcolm X who each stood for black self respect. LBJ called blacks "uppity" and never had anything good to say about MLK.

Is it just coincidence that MLK and Malcolm X were each assassinated during LBJ's tenure? Wasn't this LBJ's way of sending a message? Don't you see how LBJ could not afford to wager the entire future of black support of Democrats only to lose it people who rejected the notion that they should be grateful for being subservient to a benevolent government?

He had them killed so blacks would fall in line behind Democrat Party pimps like Jesse Jackson
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