Why Left Wingers cut Ties to Trump Voters


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2010
Interesting Read.

Ten Reasons Left-Wingers Cut Trump Voters from Their Lives

The article starts off with a few examples of Overreaction to the Trump win. The wedding one is particularly childish.

Matthew Horn, a software engineer from Boulder, Colo., canceled Christmas plans with his family in Texas. Nancy Sundin, a social worker in Spokane, Wash., has called off Thanksgiving with her mother and brother. Ruth Dorancy, a software designer in Chicago, decided to move her wedding so that her fiancé’s grandmother and aunt, strong Trump supporters from Florida, could not attend.

Then the question is asked, why is this phenomenon so one-sided?

All of this raises an obvious question: Why is this phenomenon of cutting off contact with friends and relatives so one-sided? Why don’t we hear about conservatives shunning friends and relatives who supported Hillary Clinton? After all, almost every conservative considered Clinton to be ethically and morally challenged. And most believed that another four years of left-wing rule would complete what Barack Obama promised he would do in 2008 if he were elected president — fundamentally transform the United States of America. In other words, conservatives were not one whit less fearful of Clinton and the Democrats than Democrats were of Trump and Republicans. Yet virtually no conservatives cut off contact with friends, let alone parents, who supported Clinton.

Then he gives his 10 reasons. My favorite:

The Left associates human decency not so much with personal integrity as with having correct — i.e. progressive — political positions. Therefore, if you don’t hold progressive positions, you lack decency. Ask your left-wing friends if they’d rather their high-school son or daughter cheat on tests or support Trump.

Read more at: Ten Reasons Left-Wingers Cut Trump Voters from Their Lives
Anecdotally, it's much easier for me to have a "real life" conversation with a conservative than a liberal when we disagree. The conservative is eager to get into it, the liberal gets angry and dismissive. That's how it is in my family and at least 90% of the time outside my family.

Even if I think the conservative is dead wrong on an issue, even if I think they're just spouting talking points and platitudes, at least they'll want to debate and try to convince me to see things their way. The liberal just gets emotional and pissy.

There are exceptions, of course, but not many.
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Anecdotally, it's much easier for me to have a "real life" conversation with a conservative than a liberal when we disagree. The conservative is eager to get into it, the liberal gets angry and dismissive. That's how it is in my family and at least 90% of the time outside my family.

Even if I think the conservative is dead wrong on an issue, even if I think they're just spouting talking points and platitudes, at least they'll want to debate and try to convince me to see things their way. The liberal just gets emotional and pissy.

There are exceptions, of course, but not many.

It's because for some progressives (I refuse to call the current incantation "liberal") political beliefs have replaced religious beliefs, so you are not just questioning their opinions, you are questioning their dogma.
Anecdotally, it's much easier for me to have a "real life" conversation with a conservative than a liberal when we disagree. The conservative is eager to get into it, the liberal gets angry and dismissive. That's how it is in my family and at least 90% of the time outside my family.

Even if I think the conservative is dead wrong on an issue, even if I think they're just spouting talking points and platitudes, at least they'll want to debate and try to convince me to see things their way. The liberal just gets emotional and pissy.

There are exceptions, of course, but not many.

It's because for some progressives (I refuse to call the current incantation "liberal") political beliefs have replaced religious beliefs, so you are not just questioning their opinions, you are questioning their dogma.
Yeah, agreed. And the "illiberal" adjective that many traditional liberals apply to them is accurate.
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The reason is that this is not a matter of the standard Republican versus democrat that we always see. This was the election of a vile human who has so little respect for so many different groups of people. He's a terrible person, nevermind president.

You can say what you want about Hillary and she has flaws but she never mocked the disabled, veterans, women or specific ethnic groups. This went way beyond Republican v. Democrat and anyone who is ok with someone like Trump being our leader is not someone I want to call a friend because we obviously have very different value systems and moral code.
The reason is that this is not a matter of the standard Republican versus democrat that we always see. This was the election of a vile human who has so little respect for so many different groups of people. He's a terrible person, nevermind president.

You can say what you want about Hillary and she has flaws but she never mocked the disabled, veterans, women or specific ethnic groups. This went way beyond Republican v. Democrat and anyone who is ok with someone like Trump being our leader is not someone I want to call a friend because we obviously have very different value systems and moral code.
She called a quarter of the country deplorable. She made a video asking why she wasn't 50 points ahead and condescended the entire country. Get the fuck outta here, hack boi
The reason is that this is not a matter of the standard Republican versus democrat that we always see. This was the election of a vile human who has so little respect for so many different groups of people. He's a terrible person, nevermind president.

You can say what you want about Hillary and she has flaws but she never mocked the disabled, veterans, women or specific ethnic groups. This went way beyond Republican v. Democrat and anyone who is ok with someone like Trump being our leader is not someone I want to call a friend because we obviously have very different value systems and moral code.

Every election cycle progressives claim the Republican nominee is just like Hitler, every cycle they break friendships or whine over thanksgiving dinner, or sneer callously at their relatives who aren't progressive lickspittles.

This time your side finally had to go "full retard", and the examples of tantrums being shown is a prime example of how fragile and useless people of your political persuasion are.

I'm not talking about the true believers, who can actually counter non-progressive arguments with their own views, I'm talking about fragile little snowflakes like yourself, that get the vapors when confronted with a conflicting opinion, and have to go the "everyone else is Hitler/evil" route to "justify" your positions.
The reason is that this is not a matter of the standard Republican versus democrat that we always see. This was the election of a vile human who has so little respect for so many different groups of people. He's a terrible person, nevermind president.

You can say what you want about Hillary and she has flaws but she never mocked the disabled, veterans, women or specific ethnic groups. This went way beyond Republican v. Democrat and anyone who is ok with someone like Trump being our leader is not someone I want to call a friend because we obviously have very different value systems and moral code.

Stop lying.
And didn't emails come out that showed Hillary camp paid for trump assault accusers to go to acting class? Maybe I am wrong..
The reason is that this is not a matter of the standard Republican versus democrat that we always see. This was the election of a vile human who has so little respect for so many different groups of people. He's a terrible person, nevermind president.

You can say what you want about Hillary and she has flaws but she never mocked the disabled, veterans, women or specific ethnic groups. This went way beyond Republican v. Democrat and anyone who is ok with someone like Trump being our leader is not someone I want to call a friend because we obviously have very different value systems and moral code.
She called a quarter of the country deplorable. She made a video asking why she wasn't 50 points ahead and condescended the entire country. Get the fuck outta here, hack boi

People that support racism, sexism and xenophobia are deplorable. That's the point.
The reason is that this is not a matter of the standard Republican versus democrat that we always see. This was the election of a vile human who has so little respect for so many different groups of people. He's a terrible person, nevermind president.

You can say what you want about Hillary and she has flaws but she never mocked the disabled, veterans, women or specific ethnic groups. This went way beyond Republican v. Democrat and anyone who is ok with someone like Trump being our leader is not someone I want to call a friend because we obviously have very different value systems and moral code.
She called a quarter of the country deplorable. She made a video asking why she wasn't 50 points ahead and condescended the entire country. Get the fuck outta here, hack boi

People that support racism, sexism and xenophobia are deplorable. That's the point.
You are a PERFECT example for the OP. Thank you for posting here.
The reason is that this is not a matter of the standard Republican versus democrat that we always see. This was the election of a vile human who has so little respect for so many different groups of people. He's a terrible person, nevermind president.

You can say what you want about Hillary and she has flaws but she never mocked the disabled, veterans, women or specific ethnic groups. This went way beyond Republican v. Democrat and anyone who is ok with someone like Trump being our leader is not someone I want to call a friend because we obviously have very different value systems and moral code.
She called a quarter of the country deplorable. She made a video asking why she wasn't 50 points ahead and condescended the entire country. Get the fuck outta here, hack boi

People that support racism, sexism and xenophobia are deplorable. That's the point.
You are a PERFECT example for the OP. Thank you for posting here.

I explained the mindset. What were you looking for?
The reason is that this is not a matter of the standard Republican versus democrat that we always see. This was the election of a vile human who has so little respect for so many different groups of people. He's a terrible person, nevermind president.

You can say what you want about Hillary and she has flaws but she never mocked the disabled, veterans, women or specific ethnic groups. This went way beyond Republican v. Democrat and anyone who is ok with someone like Trump being our leader is not someone I want to call a friend because we obviously have very different value systems and moral code.
She called a quarter of the country deplorable. She made a video asking why she wasn't 50 points ahead and condescended the entire country. Get the fuck outta here, hack boi

People that support racism, sexism and xenophobia are deplorable. That's the point.

The problem is you call anyone who disagrees with you politically those things, and most of the time, they are not.

Wanting a set immigration policy followed, removing illegal people, and allowing legal immigration is not xenophobic.
Interesting Read.

Ten Reasons Left-Wingers Cut Trump Voters from Their Lives

The article starts off with a few examples of Overreaction to the Trump win. The wedding one is particularly childish.

Matthew Horn, a software engineer from Boulder, Colo., canceled Christmas plans with his family in Texas. Nancy Sundin, a social worker in Spokane, Wash., has called off Thanksgiving with her mother and brother. Ruth Dorancy, a software designer in Chicago, decided to move her wedding so that her fiancé’s grandmother and aunt, strong Trump supporters from Florida, could not attend.

Then the question is asked, why is this phenomenon so one-sided?

All of this raises an obvious question: Why is this phenomenon of cutting off contact with friends and relatives so one-sided? Why don’t we hear about conservatives shunning friends and relatives who supported Hillary Clinton? After all, almost every conservative considered Clinton to be ethically and morally challenged. And most believed that another four years of left-wing rule would complete what Barack Obama promised he would do in 2008 if he were elected president — fundamentally transform the United States of America. In other words, conservatives were not one whit less fearful of Clinton and the Democrats than Democrats were of Trump and Republicans. Yet virtually no conservatives cut off contact with friends, let alone parents, who supported Clinton.

Then he gives his 10 reasons. My favorite:

The Left associates human decency not so much with personal integrity as with having correct — i.e. progressive — political positions. Therefore, if you don’t hold progressive positions, you lack decency. Ask your left-wing friends if they’d rather their high-school son or daughter cheat on tests or support Trump.

Read more at: Ten Reasons Left-Wingers Cut Trump Voters from Their Lives
Cut Ties. I want to cut their Achilles Tendons! (-:
The reason is that this is not a matter of the standard Republican versus democrat that we always see. This was the election of a vile human who has so little respect for so many different groups of people. He's a terrible person, nevermind president.

You can say what you want about Hillary and she has flaws but she never mocked the disabled, veterans, women or specific ethnic groups. This went way beyond Republican v. Democrat and anyone who is ok with someone like Trump being our leader is not someone I want to call a friend because we obviously have very different value systems and moral code.
She called a quarter of the country deplorable. She made a video asking why she wasn't 50 points ahead and condescended the entire country. Get the fuck outta here, hack boi

People that support racism, sexism and xenophobia are deplorable. That's the point.

The problem is you call anyone who disagrees with you politically those things, and most of the time, they are not.

Wanting a set immigration policy followed, removing illegal people, and allowing legal immigration is not xenophobic.

You're right, what you outline is not.

Lumping all people in to a group because of the actions of a few is. Trump did that and that is lazy and disgusting behavior.
If a friend or relative dropped you for political positions, you didn't need them in your life anyways..
The reason is that this is not a matter of the standard Republican versus democrat that we always see. This was the election of a vile human who has so little respect for so many different groups of people. He's a terrible person, nevermind president.

You can say what you want about Hillary and she has flaws but she never mocked the disabled, veterans, women or specific ethnic groups. This went way beyond Republican v. Democrat and anyone who is ok with someone like Trump being our leader is not someone I want to call a friend because we obviously have very different value systems and moral code.
She called a quarter of the country deplorable. She made a video asking why she wasn't 50 points ahead and condescended the entire country. Get the fuck outta here, hack boi

People that support racism, sexism and xenophobia are deplorable. That's the point.

By saying that they pretend that YOU are the one with the problem not the racist, sexist deplorables.
The reason is that this is not a matter of the standard Republican versus democrat that we always see. This was the election of a vile human who has so little respect for so many different groups of people. He's a terrible person, nevermind president.

You can say what you want about Hillary and she has flaws but she never mocked the disabled, veterans, women or specific ethnic groups. This went way beyond Republican v. Democrat and anyone who is ok with someone like Trump being our leader is not someone I want to call a friend because we obviously have very different value systems and moral code.
She called a quarter of the country deplorable. She made a video asking why she wasn't 50 points ahead and condescended the entire country. Get the fuck outta here, hack boi

People that support racism, sexism and xenophobia are deplorable. That's the point.

The problem is you call anyone who disagrees with you politically those things, and most of the time, they are not.

Wanting a set immigration policy followed, removing illegal people, and allowing legal immigration is not xenophobic.

You're right, what you outline is not.

Lumping all people in to a group because of the actions of a few is. Trump did that and that is lazy and disgusting behavior.

Your side is the king of the lumpers, as seen by your attempt to label anyone right of Mitt Romney as "alt-right" and thus a white nationalist.

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