Why Lefty Should Be Pissed @ Our Intelligence

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Remember Ted Kennedy Conspiring with Russia against Richard Nixon with the help of our Intelligence Community?

What was done about that?

How about the multiple leaks Damaging National Security over the past few years? Any heads roll over that?

How about Snowden exposing Illegal Spying on Americans without a warrant by an Intelligence Agency who is supposed to protect our Freedoms not violate them?

And how about the fact that The DNC Leaks actually came from inside The DNC and political cronies trying to drag your corrupt candidate across the finish inside our Intelligence Community allowed The American Public to be scammed in to thinking the Russians affected the outcome of an election where Hillary Clinton won the Popular Vote?

Where is the proof of that and again who has been made accountable for
disseminating misinformation?

Had the truth been told, and had justice been served, your candidate might be president...Bernie Sanders that is.

And now we come to the current situation where the only laws broken were broken by The Intelligence Community.

Some of the worst violations of Law and the biggest deceptions foisted upon The American People have occurred under the watch of hand picked politicos placed in sensitive positions by Barack Obama an admitted Marxist. Need I list all the scandals where not one person was ever held accountable?

Where is The Rule of Law? And why have you abandoned it?

If you want to blame someone for costing you the election blame Hillary for what she did, and Obama for creating an atmosphere of Lawlessness in our Government and Intelligence Apparatus.

No Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, or Independent should condone the current lawless climate in the FBI, NSA, CIA, IRS, and DOJ.

We should all be equally outraged instead of being engaged in partisan bickering. But hey if you want to help burn America down while Marxist Moles undermine your freedoms, have at it.

Just don't call for help when you become a victim of the very monster you are helping to create.
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Oh look. Another Commie sympathizer, trying to run cover for his commie-symp-in-chief.

Here's a thought. Why not try being more loyal to the USA than to DerParteiRepublikkan?
Oh look. Another Commie sympathizer, trying to run cover for his commie-symp-in-chief.

Here's a thought. Why not try being more loyal to the USA than to DerParteiRepublikkan?

I Am loyal to America & I am an Independent and swore an Oath to defend this country and The Constitution unlike many liberals who commit to nothing except the destruction of the very thing I vowed to defend.
I think you'll find those people in The Intelligence Community are highly displeased with their political bosses.

And Russia has nothing to do at all with Hillary Clinton and members of The Intelligence Community and people holding some of the most Powerful Positions in this country Committing Treason, High Crimes & Misdemeanors.

Did Susan Rice Ever get prosecuted BTW?

Eric Holder?




Ask someone who works in Intelligence and they will tell you that the very people who were appointed to be their bosses are the greatest threat to the rule of law in this country & The Russian Strawman is just a Red Herring.
Here is a good question for Lefty.

Will you create Sanctuary Cities for people committing Treason and how far are you willing to go with your Coup Attempt?
And Russia has nothing to do at all with Hillary Clinton and members of The Intelligence Community and people holding some of the most Powerful Positions in this country Committing Treason, High Crimes & Misdemeanors.

As nobody on the Clinton team did such things, why are you babbling such nonsense?

Ask someone who works in Intelligence and they will tell you that the very people who were appointed to be their bosses are the greatest threat to the rule of law in this country & The Russian Strawman is just a Red Herring.

‘He will die in jail’: Intelligence community ready to ‘go nuclear’ on Trump, senior source says

"Now we go nuclear. He will die in jail."
--- The US intel community, concerning Trump.

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