Why Liberalism Must Be Expunged.

Everything I post is linked, sourced and documented.

And it's all opinion.

If you want to prove something, post the numbers, the data, the facts, the graphs. But you can't, because they're not on your side. All you have is opinion.

And as they say about assholes, everybody has one.

Morgenthau.....the Sec'y of Treasury gives his analysis.....and your response is the typical anti-intellectual Liberal moan "is not, issssss noottttttt!!!"
Was FDR's Secretary of the Treasury a Republican or a Democrat?

Was FDR a socialist or a communist?
According to the people of FDR's time, he was America's greatest president.
According to the historians of a later time, he was America's greatest president.
Everything I post is linked, sourced and documented.

And it's all opinion.

If you want to prove something, post the numbers, the data, the facts, the graphs. But you can't, because they're not on your side. All you have is opinion.

And as they say about assholes, everybody has one.

Morgenthau.....the Sec'y of Treasury gives his analysis.....and your response is the typical anti-intellectual Liberal moan "is not, issssss noottttttt!!!"
Was FDR's Secretary of the Treasury a Republican or a Democrat?

Was FDR a socialist or a communist?
According to the people of FDR's time, he was America's greatest president.
According to the historians of a later time, he was America's greatest president.

Soooo.....why are you unable to dispute fact I post such as
1. he extended the recession into a depression
2. he turned over military control of US strategy in WWII to Joseph Stalin
3. he despised minorities
4. he despised the Constitution
5. he kept WWII going an extra 2-3 years with concomitant casualties.

and...you wouldn't answer the query 'Was FDR a socialist or a communist?'

Sounds like you're nothing but a shill.

Posting a video of someone's opinions does not an argument of facts make.

Wait. Let me post a YouTube video about how Martians caused the Great Depression. Then we can blame them.
Bastards. They will stop at nothing to take over the Earth.

RamenNoodle just called and wants to know what we can do about them dirty Martians.

Posting a video of someone's opinions does not an argument of facts make.

Wait. Let me post a YouTube video about how Martians caused the Great Depression. Then we can blame them.
Bastards. They will stop at nothing to take over the Earth.

RamenNoodle just called and wants to know what we can do about them dirty Martians.

San Fransisco will gladly take them. They will take anything. They are a sanctuary city.

Posting a video of someone's opinions does not an argument of facts make.

Wait. Let me post a YouTube video about how Martians caused the Great Depression. Then we can blame them.
Bastards. They will stop at nothing to take over the Earth.

RamenNoodle just called and wants to know what we can do about them dirty Martians.

San Fransisco will gladly take them. They will take anything. They are a sanctuary city.

But....the Martians don't speak Spanish.....

Posting a video of someone's opinions does not an argument of facts make.

Wait. Let me post a YouTube video about how Martians caused the Great Depression. Then we can blame them.
Bastards. They will stop at nothing to take over the Earth.

RamenNoodle just called and wants to know what we can do about them dirty Martians.

San Fransisco will gladly take them. They will take anything. They are a sanctuary city.

But....the Martians don't speak Spanish.....

That simply makes them another privileged, endangered minority class to be protected and given free driver's licenses, healthcare and free housing and schooling.

Posting a video of someone's opinions does not an argument of facts make.

Wait. Let me post a YouTube video about how Martians caused the Great Depression. Then we can blame them.
Bastards. They will stop at nothing to take over the Earth.

RamenNoodle just called and wants to know what we can do about them dirty Martians.

San Fransisco will gladly take them. They will take anything. They are a sanctuary city.

But....the Martians don't speak Spanish.....

That simply makes them another privileged, endangered minority class to be protected and given free driver's licenses, healthcare and free housing and schooling.

There may not be room at that 'inn.'

"Looking for the biggest Cinco de Mayo celebration in the world? Look no further than Fiesta Broadway in Los Angeles, where hundreds of thousands of people come out for food, music and crafts in a celebration of Hispanic heritage."
Which product is named after the surgeon who pioneered antiseptic surgery?
Liberals are the antithesis of natural order: in nature, animals strengthen the strong to make them even stronger so that they have the best chance at surviving, and to carry forward their strong genes into the next generation, while letting the weak whither and die. It isn't cruelty, it is nature only using the natural process that has allowed life to survive 4.3 billion years of opposition and hardship to continue to survive. I mean, would you put all of your money into the bank that keeps getting robbed? Or put all of your gasoline into the car with a hole in the tank? Of course not.

Then comes liberals. Their mental illness is that they defy natural order. They take from the strong and give to the weak and see it as a moral duty and ethical highroad of pride so that the strong are made weaker, as weak as possible and as disadvantaged as possible while giving all they can to the weakest, then brag about it. Soon, the strong are almost as weak as the weak and the weak flourish. They call that a success. You see a fading of the strong and the weak grow greatly in number. Soon, if successful, you have weak everywhere, otherwise unable to make it on their own, artificially buoyed and sustained, so that they can live to produce more weak. But not enough to become part of the strong, just enough to stay weak. Soon, you have a society of the weak, full of the weak and the only strong left are those that take care of the weak until the strong's money finally runs out.
Liberals are the antithesis of natural order: in nature, animals strengthen the strong to make them even stronger so that they have the best chance at surviving, and to carry forward their strong genes into the next generation, while letting the weak whither and die. It isn't cruelty, it is nature only using the natural process that has allowed life to survive 4.3 billion years of opposition and hardship to continue to survive. I mean, would you put all of your money into the bank that keeps getting robbed? Or put all of your gasoline into the car with a hole in the tank? Of course not.

Then comes liberals. Their mental illness is that they defy natural order. They take from the strong and give to the weak and see it as a moral duty and ethical highroad of pride so that the strong are made weaker, as weak as possible and as disadvantaged as possible while giving all they can to the weakest, then brag about it. Soon, the strong are almost as weak as the weak and the weak flourish. They call that a success. You see a fading of the strong and the weak grow greatly in number. Soon, if successful, you have weak everywhere, otherwise unable to make it on their own, artificially buoyed and sustained, so that they can live to produce more weak. But not enough to become part of the strong, just enough to stay weak. Soon, you have a society of the weak, full of the weak and the only strong left are those that take care of the weak until the strong's money finally runs out.

"....while letting the weak whither and die."

Of course, in the natural world that you describe...the 'weak' don't have the vote.
Democrats only give the vote to the weak to vote for more democrats. While conservatives help others to raise themselves up to be freer, more productive and self-sufficient, democrats only goal is to hold people down and to attract the lazy and stupid who either cannot or will not produce under the guise of victimhood so that they can appear to be the gateway to survival in order to get more votes. Rights, they scream! You needs rights! What right? The right to more democrats and government handouts, ie, them. Is it any wonder then that they are the bastions of illegal immigration and sanctuary cities?
Democrats only give the vote to the weak to vote for more democrats. While conservatives help others to raise themselves up to be freer, more productive and self-sufficient, democrats only goal is to hold people down and to attract the lazy and stupid who either cannot or will not produce under the guise of victimhood so that they can appear to be the gateway to survival in order to get more votes. Rights, they scream! You needs rights! What right? The right to more democrats and government handouts, ie, them. Is it any wonder then that they are the bastions of illegal immigration and sanctuary cities?
The all volunteer military is predominately made up of Red State voters who vote for the GOPEEE. Having said this, these Red State conservative voters have exactly won how many wars-police actions since the end of WW2?

The point is conservative service-military members makepoor weak Soldiers; they are just poor examples of using conservative ideologies to fight wars of choice.
Democrats only give the vote to the weak to vote for more democrats. While conservatives help others to raise themselves up to be freer, more productive and self-sufficient, democrats only goal is to hold people down and to attract the lazy and stupid who either cannot or will not produce under the guise of victimhood so that they can appear to be the gateway to survival in order to get more votes. Rights, they scream! You needs rights! What right? The right to more democrats and government handouts, ie, them. Is it any wonder then that they are the bastions of illegal immigration and sanctuary cities?

Conservative Success is based on two things: You forgetting their sorry history, and swallowing down these whoppers!










Liberals are the antithesis of natural order: in nature, animals strengthen the strong to make them even stronger so that they have the best chance at surviving, and to carry forward their strong genes into the next generation, while letting the weak whither and die. It isn't cruelty, it is nature only using the natural process that has allowed life to survive 4.3 billion years of opposition and hardship to continue to survive. I mean, would you put all of your money into the bank that keeps getting robbed? Or put all of your gasoline into the car with a hole in the tank? Of course not.

Then comes liberals. Their mental illness is that they defy natural order. They take from the strong and give to the weak and see it as a moral duty and ethical highroad of pride so that the strong are made weaker, as weak as possible and as disadvantaged as possible while giving all they can to the weakest, then brag about it. Soon, the strong are almost as weak as the weak and the weak flourish. They call that a success. You see a fading of the strong and the weak grow greatly in number. Soon, if successful, you have weak everywhere, otherwise unable to make it on their own, artificially buoyed and sustained, so that they can live to produce more weak. But not enough to become part of the strong, just enough to stay weak. Soon, you have a society of the weak, full of the weak and the only strong left are those that take care of the weak until the strong's money finally runs out.

Posting a video of someone's opinions does not an argument of facts make.

Wait. Let me post a YouTube video about how Martians caused the Great Depression. Then we can blame them.
Bastards. They will stop at nothing to take over the Earth.

Well post it! What are you afraid of. Pull your thong out of the crack of your ASS.......focus and post something of interest......or conservative propaganda~!!!!!!
"You forgetting their sorry history, and swallowing down these whoppers"

Gee. What were the odds. Another liberal who cannot even write a coherent 5th grade sentence who thinks he knows every fact of the world.

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