Why Liberalism Must Be Expunged.

Why do you label this the greatest country in the world? Lmao and I wawas born and raised here.....
Generation after generation, liberalism wins. Liberalism is progress and progress has proven inevitable.

You don't think so? Try to bring back segregation, or take away a woman's right to vote, or end Social Security, or bring back child labor, or kick gays out of the military or deny them marriage equality.

You can't win, conservatives. All you can do is slow things down temporarily.

You are like the rear guard defense of a perpetually retreating army.
uh oh!!! You did it now!!! PoliSpice is going to copynpaste some more
Sooner or later liberalism is bound to die out in the greatest Country in the world without the need of threats to to expunge or erase or wipe it out. The only thing liberalism ever had going for it in the last hundred years was propaganda and the total support of the criminal conspiracy known as the mainstream or liberal media. Trump's election shows what can happen in the age of information while the stodgy liberal media still uses dying old tactics like rigged polls and fake news. Americans are smarter than they were when Walter Cronkite was king of T.V. and Dan Rather thought he could use forged documents to influence a presidential election. It's no secret that the democrat party has been at war with information for the last couple of decades. The democrat party bill ironically named "fairness doctrine in broadcasting" would have forced talk radio to promote left wing propaganda in order to stay in business. College campuses run by liberal academia still have a list of words that cannot be uttered and a list of books that are banned. Hollywood has a new form of "McCarthyism" where actors would be blacklisted if they revealed that they were republicans. Democrat liberalism lost over a thousand federal, state and local elections in the last eight years including the biggest mid term landslide in modern history and they still don't get it. The ironic thing is that the liberal war on information has backfired and the dying democrat party has become the party of ignorance and intolerance.

So you think that sooner or later all the conservative causes throughout history that were defeated by progress are going to be revived?

What Conservatives were champions of those rights? Please be specific.

Do you really think that George Wallace was a Liberal? Do you think those opposing women's suffrage were Liberals? Was opposing stem cell research a position advocated by Liberals?

Really. Study up before you bring such nonsense.

Liberal and Democrat are synonymous and interchangeable.

• In 1857, a Democratically controlled Supreme Court delivered the Dred Scott decision, declaring that blacks were not persons or citizens but instead were property and therefore had no rights.
• The 13th Amendment to abolish slavery was voted for by 100% of the Republicans in congress and by 23% of the Democrats in congress.
• Not one Democrat either in the House or the Senate voted for the 14th amendment declaring that former slaves were full citizens of the state in which they lived and were therefore entitled to all the rights and privileges of any other citizen in that state.
• Not a single one of the 56 Democrats in Congress voted for the 15th amendment that granted explicit voting rights to black Americans.
• In 1866 Democrats formed the Ku Klux Klan to pave the way for Democrats to regain control in the elections.
• George Wallace was a Democrat.
• Bull Connor was a Democrat.
• In the 19th century, Democrats prevented Black Americans from going to public school.
• In the 20th and 21st century Democrats prevented Black Americans trapped in failing schools from choosing a better school. In fact Democrats voted against the bill by 99%.
• Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, grandfather clauses, Literacy tests, white only primaries, and physical violence all came from the Democratic Party.
• Between 1882 and 1964, 4,743 individuals were lynched. 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites. Republicans often led the efforts to pass federal anti-lynching laws and Democrats successfully blocked those bills.
Did You Know? | Frederick Douglass Republicans
You are either the biggest idiot drawing oxygen or incapable of understanding the distinctions of party and ideology.

The following all have the very same end in mind for society:

Liberalism, Communism, Socialism, Nazism, Fascism, Progressivism

All are collectivist.
All believe in the centralization of power...none believe in the American doctrine of separation of powers

Don't you know that?
Ah! The depths of nuance and understanding have been plumed! And we can do it with a toothpick!

What was George Wallace's party?

Louder....I can't hear you.

Political party identity and political ideology are not joined at the hip!!!

Are you now telling us that George C. Wallace was, in fact, a tree hugging, Birkenstock wearing, egalitarian Liberal?
Here is a rule which is the hermeneutical key to understanding how the Left differs, in a most deleterious way, from the right:

The Left does not value prosperity....it values equality.

1. Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.

The Left’s concept of materialism broadens into the overarching desire to see every individual materially equal. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it, and has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.

Leftists believe that an end to social and economic inequality and one will have Utopia! Dennis Prager, ”Still The Best Hope”

2. Claims of 'racism' are linked to demands for increased minimum wage laws by this view of the world.
No matter that it has been tried, and not only failed, failed miserably, but resulted in well over 100 million human beings slaughtered.

3. And, more bad news for the Left from the LA Times:
"Leaving for Las Vegas: California's minimum wage law leaves businesses no choice

California’s minimum wage jumped
to $10.50 an hour at the start of the new year. As the founder of a small fashion design house and clothing manufacturer in San Fernando, I’m not a disinterested observer in this change.

After two years in business, my company now has more than 150 clients from all over the world and 18 employees. It’s what’s known as a cut-and-sew house, part of the garment industry that generates about $17 billion in annual economic activity in Los Angeles County, including $6.9 billion in payroll, according to a 2016 industry report by the California Fashion Assn. This is the epicenter of apparel design and manufacturing in the United States; domestically manufactured clothing is more expensive, but retail and wholesale customers who care about quality and working conditions have historically been willing to pay for it.

Unfortunately, the industry is on a downward trend. Los Angeles County used to have more than 5,000 apparel factories; today, my company is one of roughly 2,000 — and many (e.g. American Apparel) are looking for a way out. One Los Angeles Times headline, quoting a California State University economist, warned that “the exodus has begun."

If not for the $15 minimum wage, I’d have zero interest in leaving California."
Leaving for Las Vegas: California's minimum wage law leaves businesses no choice

Did I mention that the Left does not value prosperity....it values equality.

Think about that.

Generation after generation, liberalism wins. Liberalism is progress and progress has proven inevitable.

You don't think so? Try to bring back segregation, or take away a woman's right to vote, or end Social Security, or bring back child labor, or kick gays out of the military or deny them marriage equality.

You can't win, conservatives. All you can do is slow things down temporarily.

You are like the rear guard defense of a perpetually retreating army.
"Progress" gave us back segregation in the form of "safe spaces", and the legalization of child prostitution in California.

"Progress" is directly responsible for the growth of the most conservative mainstream religion, one that has zero tolerance for gays.
Here is a rule which is the hermeneutical key to understanding how the Left differs, in a most deleterious way, from the right:

The Left does not value prosperity....it values equality.

1. Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.

The Left’s concept of materialism broadens into the overarching desire to see every individual materially equal. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it, and has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.

Leftists believe that an end to social and economic inequality and one will have Utopia! Dennis Prager, ”Still The Best Hope”

2. Claims of 'racism' are linked to demands for increased minimum wage laws by this view of the world.
No matter that it has been tried, and not only failed, failed miserably, but resulted in well over 100 million human beings slaughtered.

3. And, more bad news for the Left from the LA Times:
"Leaving for Las Vegas: California's minimum wage law leaves businesses no choice

California’s minimum wage jumped
to $10.50 an hour at the start of the new year. As the founder of a small fashion design house and clothing manufacturer in San Fernando, I’m not a disinterested observer in this change.

After two years in business, my company now has more than 150 clients from all over the world and 18 employees. It’s what’s known as a cut-and-sew house, part of the garment industry that generates about $17 billion in annual economic activity in Los Angeles County, including $6.9 billion in payroll, according to a 2016 industry report by the California Fashion Assn. This is the epicenter of apparel design and manufacturing in the United States; domestically manufactured clothing is more expensive, but retail and wholesale customers who care about quality and working conditions have historically been willing to pay for it.

Unfortunately, the industry is on a downward trend. Los Angeles County used to have more than 5,000 apparel factories; today, my company is one of roughly 2,000 — and many (e.g. American Apparel) are looking for a way out. One Los Angeles Times headline, quoting a California State University economist, warned that “the exodus has begun."

If not for the $15 minimum wage, I’d have zero interest in leaving California."
Leaving for Las Vegas: California's minimum wage law leaves businesses no choice

Did I mention that the Left does not value prosperity....it values equality.

Think about that.

Generation after generation, liberalism wins. Liberalism is progress and progress has proven inevitable.

You don't think so? Try to bring back segregation, or take away a woman's right to vote, or end Social Security, or bring back child labor, or kick gays out of the military or deny them marriage equality.

You can't win, conservatives. All you can do is slow things down temporarily.

You are like the rear guard defense of a perpetually retreating army.
"Progress" gave us back segregation in the form of "safe spaces", and the legalization of child prostitution in California.

"Progress" is directly responsible for the growth of the most conservative mainstream religion, one that has zero tolerance for gays.

You're an idiot. Your post confirms it, again.
Liberal and Democrat are synonymous and interchangeable.

• In 1857, a Democratically controlled Supreme Court delivered the Dred Scott decision, declaring that blacks were not persons or citizens but instead were property and therefore had no rights.
• The 13th Amendment to abolish slavery was voted for by 100% of the Republicans in congress and by 23% of the Democrats in congress.
• Not one Democrat either in the House or the Senate voted for the 14th amendment declaring that former slaves were full citizens of the state in which they lived and were therefore entitled to all the rights and privileges of any other citizen in that state.
• Not a single one of the 56 Democrats in Congress voted for the 15th amendment that granted explicit voting rights to black Americans.
• In 1866 Democrats formed the Ku Klux Klan to pave the way for Democrats to regain control in the elections.
• George Wallace was a Democrat.
• Bull Connor was a Democrat.
• In the 19th century, Democrats prevented Black Americans from going to public school.
• In the 20th and 21st century Democrats prevented Black Americans trapped in failing schools from choosing a better school. In fact Democrats voted against the bill by 99%.
• Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, grandfather clauses, Literacy tests, white only primaries, and physical violence all came from the Democratic Party.
• Between 1882 and 1964, 4,743 individuals were lynched. 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites. Republicans often led the efforts to pass federal anti-lynching laws and Democrats successfully blocked those bills.
Did You Know? | Frederick Douglass Republicans
You are either the biggest idiot drawing oxygen or incapable of understanding the distinctions of party and ideology.

The following all have the very same end in mind for society:

Liberalism, Communism, Socialism, Nazism, Fascism, Progressivism

All are collectivist.
All believe in the centralization of power...none believe in the American doctrine of separation of powers

Don't you know that?
Ah! The depths of nuance and understanding have been plumed! And we can do it with a toothpick!

What was George Wallace's party?

Louder....I can't hear you.

Political party identity and political ideology are not joined at the hip!!!

Are you now telling us that George C. Wallace was, in fact, a tree hugging, Birkenstock wearing, egalitarian Liberal?

George Wallace ran for president under the banner of the American Independent Party. He more or less won the states that Goldwater had won in 1964.

And, duh, he ran AGAINST the Democrat Lyndon Johnson.
Here is a rule which is the hermeneutical key to understanding how the Left differs, in a most deleterious way, from the right:

The Left does not value prosperity....it values equality.

1. Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.

The Left’s concept of materialism broadens into the overarching desire to see every individual materially equal. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it, and has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.

Leftists believe that an end to social and economic inequality and one will have Utopia! Dennis Prager, ”Still The Best Hope”

2. Claims of 'racism' are linked to demands for increased minimum wage laws by this view of the world.
No matter that it has been tried, and not only failed, failed miserably, but resulted in well over 100 million human beings slaughtered.

3. And, more bad news for the Left from the LA Times:
"Leaving for Las Vegas: California's minimum wage law leaves businesses no choice

California’s minimum wage jumped
to $10.50 an hour at the start of the new year. As the founder of a small fashion design house and clothing manufacturer in San Fernando, I’m not a disinterested observer in this change.

After two years in business, my company now has more than 150 clients from all over the world and 18 employees. It’s what’s known as a cut-and-sew house, part of the garment industry that generates about $17 billion in annual economic activity in Los Angeles County, including $6.9 billion in payroll, according to a 2016 industry report by the California Fashion Assn. This is the epicenter of apparel design and manufacturing in the United States; domestically manufactured clothing is more expensive, but retail and wholesale customers who care about quality and working conditions have historically been willing to pay for it.

Unfortunately, the industry is on a downward trend. Los Angeles County used to have more than 5,000 apparel factories; today, my company is one of roughly 2,000 — and many (e.g. American Apparel) are looking for a way out. One Los Angeles Times headline, quoting a California State University economist, warned that “the exodus has begun."

If not for the $15 minimum wage, I’d have zero interest in leaving California."
Leaving for Las Vegas: California's minimum wage law leaves businesses no choice

Did I mention that the Left does not value prosperity....it values equality.

Think about that.

Generation after generation, liberalism wins. Liberalism is progress and progress has proven inevitable.

You don't think so? Try to bring back segregation, or take away a woman's right to vote, or end Social Security, or bring back child labor, or kick gays out of the military or deny them marriage equality.

You can't win, conservatives. All you can do is slow things down temporarily.

You are like the rear guard defense of a perpetually retreating army.
"Progress" gave us back segregation in the form of "safe spaces", and the legalization of child prostitution in California.

"Progress" is directly responsible for the growth of the most conservative mainstream religion, one that has zero tolerance for gays.

You're an idiot. Your post confirms it, again.
I dare you to try to explain how that post makes me an idiot.
Here is a rule which is the hermeneutical key to understanding how the Left differs, in a most deleterious way, from the right:

The Left does not value prosperity....it values equality.

1. Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.

The Left’s concept of materialism broadens into the overarching desire to see every individual materially equal. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it, and has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.

Leftists believe that an end to social and economic inequality and one will have Utopia! Dennis Prager, ”Still The Best Hope”

2. Claims of 'racism' are linked to demands for increased minimum wage laws by this view of the world.
No matter that it has been tried, and not only failed, failed miserably, but resulted in well over 100 million human beings slaughtered.

3. And, more bad news for the Left from the LA Times:
"Leaving for Las Vegas: California's minimum wage law leaves businesses no choice

California’s minimum wage jumped
to $10.50 an hour at the start of the new year. As the founder of a small fashion design house and clothing manufacturer in San Fernando, I’m not a disinterested observer in this change.

After two years in business, my company now has more than 150 clients from all over the world and 18 employees. It’s what’s known as a cut-and-sew house, part of the garment industry that generates about $17 billion in annual economic activity in Los Angeles County, including $6.9 billion in payroll, according to a 2016 industry report by the California Fashion Assn. This is the epicenter of apparel design and manufacturing in the United States; domestically manufactured clothing is more expensive, but retail and wholesale customers who care about quality and working conditions have historically been willing to pay for it.

Unfortunately, the industry is on a downward trend. Los Angeles County used to have more than 5,000 apparel factories; today, my company is one of roughly 2,000 — and many (e.g. American Apparel) are looking for a way out. One Los Angeles Times headline, quoting a California State University economist, warned that “the exodus has begun."

If not for the $15 minimum wage, I’d have zero interest in leaving California."
Leaving for Las Vegas: California's minimum wage law leaves businesses no choice

Did I mention that the Left does not value prosperity....it values equality.

Think about that.

Generation after generation, liberalism wins. Liberalism is progress and progress has proven inevitable.

You don't think so? Try to bring back segregation, or take away a woman's right to vote, or end Social Security, or bring back child labor, or kick gays out of the military or deny them marriage equality.

You can't win, conservatives. All you can do is slow things down temporarily.

You are like the rear guard defense of a perpetually retreating army.
"Progress" gave us back segregation in the form of "safe spaces", and the legalization of child prostitution in California.

"Progress" is directly responsible for the growth of the most conservative mainstream religion, one that has zero tolerance for gays.

You're an idiot. Your post confirms it, again.
I dare you to try to explain how that post makes me an idiot.
Oh. Poor thing. That post does make you look like an idiot. You equated segregation with safe spaces. Segregation meant that you could not avail yourself of public areas and commerce because you were Black. You diluted the tragedy of Jim Crow to point out your disdain for safe spaces.

You think that the recent bill passed in California legalizes child prostitution while it clearly does not. Rather it does not hamstring a child exploited in the sex trade with a criminal record. It further allows authorities to provide sanctuary and safety to the victims of the sex trade. Poor thing! Did some right wing radio or internet asshole tell you to think that way? And you think "Progress" means the promotion,of fake Christians using a beautiful, loving and forgiving faith as moral cover for their own bigotry and hatred?

Poor,poor thing. School must have been a bitch for you. Were you homeschooled at the trailer park, or did you ride the special bus to school?
Here is a rule which is the hermeneutical key to understanding how the Left differs, in a most deleterious way, from the right:

The Left does not value prosperity....it values equality.

1. Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.

The Left’s concept of materialism broadens into the overarching desire to see every individual materially equal. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it, and has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.

Leftists believe that an end to social and economic inequality and one will have Utopia! Dennis Prager, ”Still The Best Hope”

2. Claims of 'racism' are linked to demands for increased minimum wage laws by this view of the world.
No matter that it has been tried, and not only failed, failed miserably, but resulted in well over 100 million human beings slaughtered.

3. And, more bad news for the Left from the LA Times:
"Leaving for Las Vegas: California's minimum wage law leaves businesses no choice

California’s minimum wage jumped
to $10.50 an hour at the start of the new year. As the founder of a small fashion design house and clothing manufacturer in San Fernando, I’m not a disinterested observer in this change.

After two years in business, my company now has more than 150 clients from all over the world and 18 employees. It’s what’s known as a cut-and-sew house, part of the garment industry that generates about $17 billion in annual economic activity in Los Angeles County, including $6.9 billion in payroll, according to a 2016 industry report by the California Fashion Assn. This is the epicenter of apparel design and manufacturing in the United States; domestically manufactured clothing is more expensive, but retail and wholesale customers who care about quality and working conditions have historically been willing to pay for it.

Unfortunately, the industry is on a downward trend. Los Angeles County used to have more than 5,000 apparel factories; today, my company is one of roughly 2,000 — and many (e.g. American Apparel) are looking for a way out. One Los Angeles Times headline, quoting a California State University economist, warned that “the exodus has begun."

If not for the $15 minimum wage, I’d have zero interest in leaving California."
Leaving for Las Vegas: California's minimum wage law leaves businesses no choice

Did I mention that the Left does not value prosperity....it values equality.

Think about that.

Generation after generation, liberalism wins. Liberalism is progress and progress has proven inevitable.

You don't think so? Try to bring back segregation, or take away a woman's right to vote, or end Social Security, or bring back child labor, or kick gays out of the military or deny them marriage equality.

You can't win, conservatives. All you can do is slow things down temporarily.

You are like the rear guard defense of a perpetually retreating army.
"Progress" gave us back segregation in the form of "safe spaces", and the legalization of child prostitution in California.

"Progress" is directly responsible for the growth of the most conservative mainstream religion, one that has zero tolerance for gays.

You're an idiot. Your post confirms it, again.
I dare you to try to explain how that post makes me an idiot.
Oh. Poor thing. That post does make you look like an idiot. You equated segregation with safe spaces. Segregation meant that you could not avail yourself of public areas and commerce because you were Black. You diluted the tragedy of Jim Crow to point out your disdain for safe spaces.

You think that the recent bill passed in California legalizes child prostitution while it clearly does not. Rather it does not hamstring a child exploited in the sex trade with a criminal record. It further allows authorities to provide sanctuary and safety to the victims of the sex trade. Poor thing! Did some right wing radio or internet asshole tell you to think that way? And you think "Progress" means the promotion,of fake Christians using a beautiful, loving and forgiving faith as moral cover for their own bigotry and hatred?

Poor,poor thing. School must have been a bitch for you. Were you homeschooled at the trailer park, or did you ride the special bus to school?
How is one "safe" if they are not segregated from threatening or potentially threatening individuals and/or groups?

Raise your IQ a few more digits before you ever attempt to reply to one of my posts again.
Generation after generation, liberalism wins. Liberalism is progress and progress has proven inevitable.

You don't think so? Try to bring back segregation, or take away a woman's right to vote, or end Social Security, or bring back child labor, or kick gays out of the military or deny them marriage equality.

You can't win, conservatives. All you can do is slow things down temporarily.

You are like the rear guard defense of a perpetually retreating army.
"Progress" gave us back segregation in the form of "safe spaces", and the legalization of child prostitution in California.

"Progress" is directly responsible for the growth of the most conservative mainstream religion, one that has zero tolerance for gays.

You're an idiot. Your post confirms it, again.
I dare you to try to explain how that post makes me an idiot.
Oh. Poor thing. That post does make you look like an idiot. You equated segregation with safe spaces. Segregation meant that you could not avail yourself of public areas and commerce because you were Black. You diluted the tragedy of Jim Crow to point out your disdain for safe spaces.

You think that the recent bill passed in California legalizes child prostitution while it clearly does not. Rather it does not hamstring a child exploited in the sex trade with a criminal record. It further allows authorities to provide sanctuary and safety to the victims of the sex trade. Poor thing! Did some right wing radio or internet asshole tell you to think that way? And you think "Progress" means the promotion,of fake Christians using a beautiful, loving and forgiving faith as moral cover for their own bigotry and hatred?

Poor,poor thing. School must have been a bitch for you. Were you homeschooled at the trailer park, or did you ride the special bus to school?
How is one "safe" if they are not segregated from threatening or potentially threatening individuals and/or groups?

Raise your IQ a few more digits before you ever attempt to reply to one of my posts again.


"Progress" gave us back segregation in the form of "safe spaces", and the legalization of child prostitution in California.

"Progress" is directly responsible for the growth of the most conservative mainstream religion, one that has zero tolerance for gays.

You're an idiot. Your post confirms it, again.
I dare you to try to explain how that post makes me an idiot.
Oh. Poor thing. That post does make you look like an idiot. You equated segregation with safe spaces. Segregation meant that you could not avail yourself of public areas and commerce because you were Black. You diluted the tragedy of Jim Crow to point out your disdain for safe spaces.

You think that the recent bill passed in California legalizes child prostitution while it clearly does not. Rather it does not hamstring a child exploited in the sex trade with a criminal record. It further allows authorities to provide sanctuary and safety to the victims of the sex trade. Poor thing! Did some right wing radio or internet asshole tell you to think that way? And you think "Progress" means the promotion,of fake Christians using a beautiful, loving and forgiving faith as moral cover for their own bigotry and hatred?

Poor,poor thing. School must have been a bitch for you. Were you homeschooled at the trailer park, or did you ride the special bus to school?
How is one "safe" if they are not segregated from threatening or potentially threatening individuals and/or groups?

Raise your IQ a few more digits before you ever attempt to reply to one of my posts again.


That is not a response.

"Safe space" is nothing but a PC term for segregation, always has been.

You think safe spaces and segregated areas are different because you are a gullible idiot who believes what the openly fascist new left tells you.
You're an idiot. Your post confirms it, again.
I dare you to try to explain how that post makes me an idiot.
Oh. Poor thing. That post does make you look like an idiot. You equated segregation with safe spaces. Segregation meant that you could not avail yourself of public areas and commerce because you were Black. You diluted the tragedy of Jim Crow to point out your disdain for safe spaces.

You think that the recent bill passed in California legalizes child prostitution while it clearly does not. Rather it does not hamstring a child exploited in the sex trade with a criminal record. It further allows authorities to provide sanctuary and safety to the victims of the sex trade. Poor thing! Did some right wing radio or internet asshole tell you to think that way? And you think "Progress" means the promotion,of fake Christians using a beautiful, loving and forgiving faith as moral cover for their own bigotry and hatred?

Poor,poor thing. School must have been a bitch for you. Were you homeschooled at the trailer park, or did you ride the special bus to school?
How is one "safe" if they are not segregated from threatening or potentially threatening individuals and/or groups?

Raise your IQ a few more digits before you ever attempt to reply to one of my posts again.


That is not a response.

"Safe space" is nothing but a PC term for segregation, always has been.

You think safe spaces and segregated areas are different because you are a gullible idiot who believes what the openly fascist new left tells you.
Segregation means you cannot go someplace or buy something because of who,you are. A safe place is somewhere I would like to go after encountering blithering idiots like you.
Here is a rule which is the hermeneutical key to understanding how the Left differs, in a most deleterious way, from the right:

The Left does not value prosperity....it values equality.

1. Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.

The Left’s concept of materialism broadens into the overarching desire to see every individual materially equal. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it, and has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.

Leftists believe that an end to social and economic inequality and one will have Utopia! Dennis Prager, ”Still The Best Hope”

2. Claims of 'racism' are linked to demands for increased minimum wage laws by this view of the world.
No matter that it has been tried, and not only failed, failed miserably, but resulted in well over 100 million human beings slaughtered.

3. And, more bad news for the Left from the LA Times:
"Leaving for Las Vegas: California's minimum wage law leaves businesses no choice

California’s minimum wage jumped
to $10.50 an hour at the start of the new year. As the founder of a small fashion design house and clothing manufacturer in San Fernando, I’m not a disinterested observer in this change.

After two years in business, my company now has more than 150 clients from all over the world and 18 employees. It’s what’s known as a cut-and-sew house, part of the garment industry that generates about $17 billion in annual economic activity in Los Angeles County, including $6.9 billion in payroll, according to a 2016 industry report by the California Fashion Assn. This is the epicenter of apparel design and manufacturing in the United States; domestically manufactured clothing is more expensive, but retail and wholesale customers who care about quality and working conditions have historically been willing to pay for it.

Unfortunately, the industry is on a downward trend. Los Angeles County used to have more than 5,000 apparel factories; today, my company is one of roughly 2,000 — and many (e.g. American Apparel) are looking for a way out. One Los Angeles Times headline, quoting a California State University economist, warned that “the exodus has begun."

If not for the $15 minimum wage, I’d have zero interest in leaving California."
Leaving for Las Vegas: California's minimum wage law leaves businesses no choice

Did I mention that the Left does not value prosperity....it values equality.

Think about that.

Generation after generation, liberalism wins. Liberalism is progress and progress has proven inevitable.

You don't think so? Try to bring back segregation, or take away a woman's right to vote, or end Social Security, or bring back child labor, or kick gays out of the military or deny them marriage equality.

You can't win, conservatives. All you can do is slow things down temporarily.

You are like the rear guard defense of a perpetually retreating army.
No, what will happen is a War on ideology that is happening now with Radical Muslims. The US citizens have a constitution to back them, and in this latest election, those citizens have spoken even after 8 years of the propaganda machine FORCING radical progressive policies upon US. We have spoken, we don't want radical liberalism(not classical liberalism) and we will root out the cancer that you lefties have left US. It is a shame that when this economy starts to work again, that you schmucks will benefit from it, as always happens. But hey, if you don't like it here, then Cuba has been opened for you, go their for your socialist utopian paradise you so want.

[American Conservatism: An Encyclopedia , 2006]

"Classical liberalism" is the term used to designate the ideology advocating private property, an unhampered market economy, the rule of law, constitutional guarantees of freedom of religion and of the press, and international peace based on free trade. Up until around 1900, this ideology was generally known simply as liberalism. The qualifying "classical" is now usually necessary, in English-speaking countries at least (but not, for instance, in France), because liberalism has come to be associated with wide-ranging interferences with private property and the market on behalf of egalitarian goals. This version of liberalism — if such it can still be called — is sometimes designated as "social," or (erroneously) "modern" or the "new," liberalism. Here we shall use liberalism to signify the classical variety.

The restrictions put on business are to prevent exploitation. Exploitation of workers, the environment and other businesses. There is no such ch thing as laissez fairs Capitalism. Thank God! Further, there has NEVER been any such thing as laissez fairer Capitalism.
That is the biggest crock of crap. America is the land of endless opportunity. The worker cannot be "exploited" because he chooses to be there. If he doesn't like it he is free to go somewhere else or start his own company.

The left's "victim" shtick is as old and tired as their "racist" shtick.
You are either the biggest idiot drawing oxygen or incapable of understanding the distinctions of party and ideology.
That's usually what progressive whiners say when PoliticalChic is dominating them with facts. I think progressive men find her threatening. The left doesn't like bright, self-respecting women. They prefer dumb women who "know their place" as sexual objects for progressive men.
Well if that's true, then you're conceding that conservatives have signed onto 3 of the biggest socialist programs in America.
Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are not socialism, doofus.
When Democrats were trying to pass Social Security conservatives called Social
Security communism. Is it now no longer communism?
It is absolutely communism. It's also ignorant and 100% unconstitutional. Oh....and let's not forget that conservatives also warned it was completely unsustainable. As always, they were correct. Unfunded liabilities now exceed revenue to the program.
We cannot as a nation let business direct things....they must abide by rules otherwise people die...I stake my life on this. Petfe fly...PERFECTLY cleaclean air and water must be tnhe goal. This is easily, easily, easily done. Unlike China where poison is OK. The Chinese model is opposite totally of what is good for a nation.
Well that's an odd statement considering the left constantly points at China as the wonderful way to conduct business. :eusa_doh:
You are either the biggest idiot drawing oxygen or incapable of understanding the distinctions of party and ideology.
That's usually what progressive whiners say when PoliticalChic is dominating them with facts. I think progressive men find her threatening. The left doesn't like bright, self-respecting women. They prefer dumb women who "know their place" as sexual objects for progressive men.
So that's why you're divorced..
We cannot as a nation let business direct things....they must abide by rules otherwise people die...I stake my life on this. Petfe fly...PERFECTLY cleaclean air and water must be tnhe goal. This is easily, easily, easily done. Unlike China where poison is OK. The Chinese model is opposite totally of what is good for a nation.
Well that's an odd statement considering the left constantly points at China as the wonderful way to conduct business. :eusa_doh:
And that's why Trump loves China so much...

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