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Why Liberals Hate America


Apr 18, 2013
Why liberals hate America

It is a proposition widely accepted among the left that conservatives vote liberally in support of self-interest, whereas they vote liberally in support of the interests of others. This inclination, they assert, applies to many contested realms, with the chief and most contested realm relating to economic policy. Liberals are, as they tenderly delineate it, those with a rich concern for the economic interests of others, whereas conservatives are those with a rich concern for the economic interests of self. But is this proposition in fact fair, or even true? And if it is, economic disparities being what they are in most societies, is this why liberals seem at times to hate and conservatives to love their country? And if not, what is it about being a liberal that makes someone hate his country and being a conservative love hers? Or as many conservatives ask, why do liberals hate America?

Politics And Polemics: Why liberals hate America

A great read and its sheds some clarity as to why Liberals hate America.
And for you so called vets that will say "I love America" then answer why you support a party and President that limits the very rights you swore an oath to uphold? Obama with the backing of the democrats have shown support of limiting free speech.

The Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution you swore to protect.

Blasphemy (American Style): Obama Administration Supports Resolution on Limiting Free Speech to Bar Criticism of Religion | JONATHAN TURLEY


FREE SPEECH NOW A FELONY ? Obama gives Secret Service Power to Limit Free Speech

The legislation, H.R. 347, now allows Secret Service agents to decide where and when you have the right to speak freely. This legislation, supported by both parties, gives the Secret Service the ability to set up “NO FREE SPEECH ZONES”. In these zones, it would become a felony punishable by up to one year in jail to protest against the government

Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Ban Free Speech | End Time Bible Prophecy
It's obvious. America makes a mockery out of the Liberal notion that "Government knows best" From a standing start a few hundred years ago, our free enterprise system created the most prosperous nation on the planet.
This is what you get for being a brainwashed sheep to the right wing propaganda machine :cuckoo:
OK, dingleberry. Who spouts nonsense about armed revolution? About seccesion? About second amendment solutions? And spews constant hate for other Americans who are not the right color or ethnic background?

It is you 'Conservatives' that hate the Constitution that the great Liberals of the 18th Century gave us. It you who talk in terms of 'Real' Americans, that being those like yourself in all aspects. You hold education in disdain, prefering willful ignorance, and celebrate your stupidity. You cannot accept or fit into the sophisticated urban society that America has become, and constantly seek to take us back to an imagined agrarian utopia that never existed. And you cannot fathom why the rest of America sees you as loose cannons in the ship of state.
OK, dingleberry. Who spouts nonsense about armed revolution? About seccesion? About second amendment solutions? And spews constant hate for other Americans who are not the right color or ethnic background?

It is you 'Conservatives' that hate the Constitution that the great Liberals of the 18th Century gave us. It you who talk in terms of 'Real' Americans, that being those like yourself in all aspects. You hold education in disdain, prefering willful ignorance, and celebrate your stupidity. You cannot accept or fit into the sophisticated urban society that America has become, and constantly seek to take us back to an imagined agrarian utopia that never existed. And you cannot fathom why the rest of America sees you as loose cannons in the ship of state.

The Great Liberals of the 18th Century were called Quislings
OK, dingleberry. Who spouts nonsense about armed revolution? About seccesion? About second amendment solutions? And spews constant hate for other Americans who are not the right color or ethnic background?

It is you 'Conservatives' that hate the Constitution that the great Liberals of the 18th Century gave us. It you who talk in terms of 'Real' Americans, that being those like yourself in all aspects. You hold education in disdain, prefering willful ignorance, and celebrate your stupidity. You cannot accept or fit into the sophisticated urban society that America has become, and constantly seek to take us back to an imagined agrarian utopia that never existed. And you cannot fathom why the rest of America sees you as loose cannons in the ship of state.


Obama and the Dem party take a leak on the Constitution all the time. Pick and choose which laws they will enforce, and disregard at their leisure. Change laws by proxy, through Gov't agencies, and tell Border Patrol officers to ignore their jobs. And so on.

Back to an imagined agrarian utopia. LOL The Greatest documents in the history of this world, and you ditch them. You ditch the Founding Fathers and fall into the catagory of Woodrow Wilson, FDR, and Obama on the Constitution. That's it's an old document meant to be changed and all that chit. Done so to a point, that MUCH OF IT HAS CHANGED FOR THE WORSE. It's original INTENT SHREDDED.

All for Power, and Greed, and the SO CALLED COMMON GOOD that has been abused since FDR.

And now, we have a Currency that is BS and on the path to collapse. We have the EPA creating it's own laws. A Senate that doesn't listen to the States they are supposed to serve. A Federal Reserve that charges us interest to get our own currency.

Plenty more. We've been down this road before on our stances. One side favors Big Gov't, and the other DOESN'T. And so it continues.
Justly revered as our great Constitution is, it could be stripped off and thrown aside like a garment, and the nation would still stand forth in the living vestment of flesh and sinew, warm with the heart-blood of one people, ready to recreate constitutions and laws. ... Woodrow Wilson

Which he did. He believed in absolute power of the Gov't, not a system of checks and balances. He and the Liberals of today REJECT THE NOTION of a REPUBLIC. They want a PURE DEMON-ACRACY.

Let's look at this GREAT PROGRESSIVE..........................

The Espionage Act: The Worst Attack on Civil Liberties in U.S. History - National American history | Examiner.com

he Espionage Act of 1917 outlawed any attempt to interfere with the military during wartime or support the enemy. It also forbid attempts to interfere with recruitment. The act allowed the Postmaster General to seize and read mail. Opponents argued this stifled free speech. Woodrow Wilson and the courts disagreed.

The following year, congress passed a companion act. The Sedition Act amended the 1917 law to clamp down on speech rights. The 1918 amendment made it a crime to use abusive language toward the military, the government, or the flag. People could not show an ounce of disloyalty without risk of jail.

The government imprisoned many people under these acts. At least 200 people became federal prisoners under the two acts. Former Socialist presidential candidate Eugene Debs went to jail in 1918. He ran for the presidency in 1920 from his jail cell. Warren Harding freed him in 1921. Poet E.E. Cummings spent several months in jail after writing about his war experiences.

While sending people to jail, the government also used the act to snoop into the mail. The Postmaster General ordered his people to watch the mail for suspicious material. Many refused to obey the law. Still, the post office examined the mails and impounded some materials. The administration refused to deliver antiwar material. The Postmaster General's overzealous censorship finally went too far. He began censoring some of the president's friends. He was told to back off.
OK, dingleberry. Who spouts nonsense about armed revolution? About seccesion? About second amendment solutions? And spews constant hate for other Americans who are not the right color or ethnic background?

Wasn't our form of govt founded on secession? Didn't we have a armed revolution to become a free nation?

History always make you idiot liberals look stupid.

Yet you liberals claim to be the party of tolerant yet are the first to want to limit freedoms of those you disagree with.:eusa_whistle:
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The people of every nation therefore would be made both the instruments and objects of a predominate world power, imposed by what we now call, by his preference, "central banking." Every organization today which advocates government about a nucleus of "central banking" is either by intention or inadvertent misconception, an organization compliant with Rothschild's prescription for usurped power, confiscation of wealth, and extinguishing of individuality, freedom and justice necessary to his graft.

"Central banking" is creation and ownership of every nation's currency by private bankers of this very same, persistent discipline, for the sake of unlimited profit by inherent, irreversible multiplication of debt, necessarily wrought in every nation of the world necessarily maintaining its vital circulation, by the mere act of re-borrowing what we pay in interest and principal as subsequent debts, increased so much as period "interest" (usury).

Every such system inherently and irreversibly multiplies debt in proportion to a circulation, or the commerce which can be sustained by it, until, with all wealth distributed from the producers of the wealth to the "central banking" system itself, the nation, and every other such marginalized nation, ultimately collapses under insoluble debt — whereupon, should it please the usurpers of all wealth, once the subjects of the system are stripped of all meaningful possession, the graft may be begun anew, to manifest in yet another such, successive, inevitable end.

The righteous, anti-central-banking principles of the founding fathers, which many had given their lives for in the revolution, comprised a formidable threat to the world's new breed of usurer. The central bankers could not afford for the colonists' experiments in usury-free taxation and circulation to survive, or especially to evolve as an example of the prosperity possible by a circulation not subject to unearned profit.

Much as would result "for instance" of Enron purchasing the favor of both purportedly vying political parties, the Republicans of the 1912 presidential election proposed, as solution, the audacity of uniting the very culpable banks into one central bank. The Democrats promised not to create a central bank, and were elected on that very platform.

A year later, in violation of that promise, at the "guidance" of these same bankers, Democrat President Woodrow Wilson established the proposed banking coalition under the purposed guise, "Federal Reserve System."

Fifteen years later, multiplication of debt precipitated the Great Depression.

Liberal idea of tolerance.
The device of Rothschild was never intended to be reversible. It cannot be reversed. Merely because it exists, it perpetually and irreversibly multiplies debt in proportion to commerce, with the singular ultimate consequence of system-wide insoluble debt.

To fail to establish mathematically perfected economy then, is to suffer the consequences. All about us, every subject nation of the world is now verging almost simultaneously on system-wide insoluble debt; and nowhere can the one thing a central bank can offer, further multiplying debt, save us from the multiplying debt we soon altogether cannot afford.

The struggle is not a new one. Our founding fathers gave their lives for it. A return to the Constitution is imperative, if we are not to suffer the most inapt and damaging cycle so far repeated, by a supposedly evolved mankind.

The question to be answered eternally is whether an economy should be a system providing for unjust profit — or whether an economy should provide only for its subjects to exchange their production equitably. The former is the grave illness. The latter is solution.

Thomas Jefferson put it somewhat differently. If the American people ever allow the banks to issue their currency, the banks and [bank-owned] corporations which will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property, until their children wake up homeless, on the continent their fathers conquered.
Why liberals hate America

It is a proposition widely accepted among the left that conservatives vote liberally in support of self-interest, whereas they vote liberally in support of the interests of others. This inclination, they assert, applies to many contested realms, with the chief and most contested realm relating to economic policy. Liberals are, as they tenderly delineate it, those with a rich concern for the economic interests of others, whereas conservatives are those with a rich concern for the economic interests of self. But is this proposition in fact fair, or even true? And if it is, economic disparities being what they are in most societies, is this why liberals seem at times to hate and conservatives to love their country? And if not, what is it about being a liberal that makes someone hate his country and being a conservative love hers? Or as many conservatives ask, why do liberals hate America?

Politics And Polemics: Why liberals hate America

A great read and its sheds some clarity as to why Liberals hate America.

Conservatives love a different version of America. An America that is white, Christian and straight. Anyone who falls outside that norm is not a "Real American"
Conservatives value the symbols of America over America itself. The concept of American values is beyond them
Unheralded Warnings from the Founding Fathers... | Gather

Andrew Jackson speaking on the second attempt to establish a central bank in America:

"If congress has the right under the Constitution to issue paper money, it was given them to use themselves, not to be delegated to individuals or corporations."

"I am one of those who do not believe that a national debt is a national blessing, but rather a curse to a republic, inasmuch as it is calculated to raise around the administration a monied aristocracy dangerous to the liberties of the country."

President Jackson told the bankers "You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal god, I will rout you out!"


Andrew Jackson was the last president to stop control by a Central Bank. The Second National Bank. He VETOED the bill required to give them power and STOPPED a CENTRALIZED BANK.

Today, we face what Wilson has IMPOSED ON US. He took a leak on the Constitution and established the Central Bank. aka The Federal Reserve, which now, with the help of it's bought off leaders, will DESTROY OUR CURRENCY. By DESIGN.

So it can be replaced by another World Currency so they can start the process again.

Debt Levels Are Skyrocketing To Extremely Dangerous Levels: Direxion Daily Small Cap Bear 3X Shares (NYSEARCA:TZA), Direxion Daily Financial Bear 3X Shares (NYSEARCA:FAZ) | ETF DAILY NEWS

Euroarea: 92.2%, up from 88.2% a year ago
Greece: 160.5%, up from 136.5% a year ago
Italy: 130.3%; up from 123.8% a year ago
Portugal: 127.2%, up from 112.3% a year ago
Ireland: 125.1%, up from 106.8% a year ago
Spain: 88.2%, up from 73.0% a year ago
Netherlands: 72.0%, up from 66.7% a year ago

The greatest debt bubble in the history of the planet is still expanding.

How long will it be before it bursts?

The truth is that the real storm has not even hit yet. When the debt bubble finally bursts, we are going to see economic chaos in this country unlike anything that we have ever experienced before.

I hope that you are getting ready.
And for you so called vets that will say "I love America" then answer why you support a party and President that limits the very rights you swore an oath to uphold? Obama with the backing of the democrats have shown support of limiting free speech.

The Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution you swore to protect.

Blasphemy (American Style): Obama Administration Supports Resolution on Limiting Free Speech to Bar Criticism of Religion | JONATHAN TURLEY

Democratic Platform Calls for Constitutional Amendment Limiting Free Speech | CNS News

FREE SPEECH NOW A FELONY ? Obama gives Secret Service Power to Limit Free Speech

The legislation, H.R. 347, now allows Secret Service agents to decide where and when you have the right to speak freely. This legislation, supported by both parties, gives the Secret Service the ability to set up “NO FREE SPEECH ZONES”. In these zones, it would become a felony punishable by up to one year in jail to protest against the government

Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Ban Free Speech | End Time Bible Prophecy


Are you aware that you've debunked your own point in this post?
You talk about people supporting a particular party being against free speech, but the quote you give specifically says the legislation is supported by both parties.

If it's bad legislation, it's bad legislation. Don't cloud that issue with silly partisanship.

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