Why Liberals Hate Free Speech

When you can't win on facts, when history doesn't support you ideology / narrative, when your 'leaders' are constantly being exposed as liars, enemies of the Constitution/Rule of Law, and you have to ram your agendas through any way you can against the majority will of the people (like by telling the people who elected you they have no right to know what is in the secret edicts you are imposing on them), freedom of speech, transparency, and honesty is not your friend.

As seen throughout history, Liberals who oppose free speech have some infamous 'bedfellows'... China, Russia, Iran, Nazi Germany.... it's a sign of those who wish to CONTROL the people, not Represent them.
When you can't win on facts, when history doesn't support you ideology / narrative, when your 'leaders' are constantly being exposed as liars, enemies of the Constitution/Rule of Law, and you have to ram your agendas through any way you can against the majority will of the people (like by telling the people who elected you they have no right to know what is in the secret edicts you are imposing on them), freedom of speech, transparency, and honesty is not your friend.

As seen throughout history, Liberals who oppose free speech have some infamous 'bedfellows'... China, Russia, Iran, Nazi Germany.... it's a sign of those who wish to CONTROL the people, not Represent them.
There is no such thing as a liberal who opposed free speech. We invented it, and continue to defend it.
Speech is abridged by government-funded institutions to support the social engineering that the government endorses.

Say the magic words, "I'm offended!," and Liberal government jumps in to erase freedoms, including free speech.

9. In a philosophy class at Marquette University (a Catholic school, no less), no opinion opposed to same-sex marriage is allowed. This was the conversation between a student and instructor Cheryl Abbate:"

Student: Regardless of why I'm against gay marriage, it's still wrong for the teacher of a class to completely discredit one person's opinion when they may have different opinions.

Abbate: Ok, there are some opinions that are not appropriate that are harmful, such as racist opinions, sexist opinions, and quite honestly, do you know if anyone in the class is homosexual?

Student: No, I don't.

Abbate: And don't you think that that would be offensive to them if you were to raise your hand and challenge this?

Student: If I choose to challenge this, it's my right as an American citizen.

Abbate: Ok, well, actually you don't have a right in this class, as ... especially as an ethics professor, to make homophobic comments, racist comments, sexist comments ...

Abbate: How I would experience would be similar to how someone who is in this room and who is homosexual who would experience someone criticizing this.

Student: Ok, so because they are homosexual I can't have my opinions? And it's not being offensive towards them because I am just having my opinions on a very broad subject.

Abbate: You can have whatever opinions you want but I can tell you right now, in this class homophobic comments, racist comments, and sexist comments will not be tolerated. If you don't like that you are more than free to drop this class." Stripping a Professor of Tenure Over a Blog Post

And so, Liberal universities are funded by all taxpayers, in order to turn out cadres of totalitarians.
So much for this once noble experiment called 'America.'

About that same Marquette U....

Jodi O’Brien (Wisconsin)

"O’Brien, a sociology professor at Seattle University who is openly a lesbian and writes about sexuality, was originally offered a job as dean of one of Marquette University’s colleges. In May 2010, her offer was rescinded.

The Roman Catholic and Jesuit-run University told the New York Times that she lacked “the ability to represent the Marquette mission and identity.” University President Rev. Robert A. Wild argued that the choice not to hire O’Brien wasn’t due to her sexuality, but rather to her academic writing, in which he found “strongly negative statements about marriage and family.

O’Brien has written extensively about the topic of gay marriage; if this isn’t discrimination based on sexual orientation, it’s certainly discrimination based on beliefs about sexual orientation. Is there a substantial difference between the two?"

Looks like the conservatives at Marquette get to do their own discriminating and what you would call denial of free speech rights, eh?


5 People Who Were Fired for Being Gay, and the 29 States Where That is Still Legal

Hmmm.....five people.....

Tomorrow, just for you, I'll offer a thread on gay activism.

Sleep tight.

You cited ONE person at Marquette. I cited ONE. my example cancels out your example.

Don't dodge your Marquette debacle.
Born in raised in Hayward, went to SJSU, took all my first dates to SF to impress them. :cool-45:

This is about a behavior, a tactic, of the Left. And I lean Left, by the way.

When it's virtually impossible to criticize a black liberal in any way without someone screaming "racist" to put that person on the defensive and divert the conversation, we all lose. It shuts down communication. And that definitely appears to be the goal.

We're all victims of this, not just conservatives, and I strongly feel that the BIGGEST victims of this behavior are American Blacks.

And now, as the list of links I provided illustrates, more and more honest liberals are agreeing with me.
I'm glad you brought that up.

I somewhat agree, just not about the victimhood aspects.

The black experience in America is different from all other racial/cultural demographics.

Generally, whites caused the socio-economic disadvantages blacks had from 1870-1970.

I don't believe whites still create economic disadvantages for blacks, but social disadvantages remain.

Blacks faced oppression from whites from 1600-1970. Anti discrimination measures have only been in effect since 1970, and the correction will take as long as it takes...because statistics still indicate the long term effects of disadvantages remain for blacks as a whole.

Does that mean there has to be a double standard for what a non black says, and what a black says?...no

But as a white male...not calling black person the "N" word is not a big problem
There are MANY surveys etc that prove that blacks continue to be discriminated against in the USA. They're just not being blared endlessly on the Pub Propaganda Service.

1. Using the results of one study alone, I can prove that blacks are their own worst enemy....and then explain why

Report: Negligent Parenting Hurts Black Students' Performance

"Overall, white homes had 2.5 times as many books as black homes.

But the most surprising finding is that the top quintile of black homes reported having fewer books (69) than the bottom quintile of white homes (71).

Report Negligent Parenting Hurts Black Students Performance"
Quick Hits Page - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Report: Negligent Parenting Hurts Black Students' Performance

Can you imagine???? More books in the homes of the of the lowest quintile of whites, than the highest quintile of blacks!!!!!
Outside of psychobabble, there is no explanation for this that involves 'oppression' or 'discrimination.'

Libraries are free to all, and Amazon sells to anyone.

2. The explanation?

Democrats/Liberals have taught blacks that they are oppressed, and have no need to better themselves....
...their great friends, the Democrats/Liberals will take care of them!
Hence.....they ignore the course other groups have used: education.

Democrats have deprived blacks of the pleasures of striving and succeeding.

Or....perhaps Democrats don't believe that black Americans can do either.....
And mainly because bigot GOPers discriminate against them DUH, and ALL poor people for that matter DUH.

So....discrimination is the reason that they have so few books in their homes???

That's what I mean by psychobabble.

But.....I've seen your posts.....bet the only books you have come with crayons.
It's why they have NOTHING in their houses. duh
When you can't win on facts, when history doesn't support you ideology / narrative, when your 'leaders' are constantly being exposed as liars, enemies of the Constitution/Rule of Law, and you have to ram your agendas through any way you can against the majority will of the people (like by telling the people who elected you they have no right to know what is in the secret edicts you are imposing on them), freedom of speech, transparency, and honesty is not your friend.

As seen throughout history, Liberals who oppose free speech have some infamous 'bedfellows'... China, Russia, Iran, Nazi Germany.... it's a sign of those who wish to CONTROL the people, not Represent them.
Given your posting history – this post included – you're in no position to lecture others concerning facts, history, or 'liberals.'
Given your posting history – this post included – you're in no position to lecture others concerning facts, history, or 'liberals.'
CCJ, the history of my posts show I post links and facts while you, nuguh, and other libs attack people, call them names, spew your OPINIONS, and like in this post, talk about me instead of the issue.... the reason why is obvious. Talking about the issue would be engaging in free speech. Attacking people is just a way to try to silence speech. Thanks for the demo, proving my point.
Given your posting history – this post included – you're in no position to lecture others concerning facts, history, or 'liberals.'
CCJ, the history of my posts show I post links and facts while you, nuguh, and other libs attack people, call them names, spew your OPINIONS, and like in this post, talk about me instead of the issue.... the reason why is obvious. Talking about the issue would be engaging in free speech. Attacking people is just a way to try to silence speech. Thanks for the demo, proving my point.

You're delusional.
it is the right that has the problem with free speech; they don't even want women to bear true witness to us when it is our turn to use them.
This thread is just a re-run of this one:

Only Fascists Assail Free Speech | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

...thus proving my point that the OP loses the argument in one thread, then runs off and waits awhile before starting the same thread over again.

Read the old thread, and enjoy how she gets demolished.

Gee....I sure hope so!

A couple of months have gone by, and you Liberal fascists still hate free speech!

253 responses in that thread, and you Liberals joined in with a chorus of "is not, is not...!"

I don't know how to thank you enough for helping me spread the truth!

I proved you wrong repeatedly.

I showed you that Bob Jones University officially condemns free speech in its handbook.

Show me where liberal colleges do that.

Did someone ask about how Liberal universities are raising another generation of anti-free speech fascists?

6. "[Thus] the response that some of the students at Swarthmore had recently to the presence of Robert George, a conservative academic, when he was on campus as part of a debate with Cornell West, a professor noted for his radical Left views. Note again that the debate itself featured one Righty and one Lefty – so both sides of the aisle were evenly represented. So what to make of the statement by Swarthmore student and left-wing catechumen Erin Ching,

"What really bothered me is, the whole idea is that at a liberal arts college, we need to be hearing a diversity of opinion...I don't think we should be tolerating [George's] conservative views because that dominant culture embeds these deep inequalities in our society."

Who would have thought that a liberal arts college, with its traditional ideals of open inquiry and the championing of unpopular beliefs, would ever need to be hearing a diversity of opinions?

... these same types of barely-educated, closed-minded children such as Ms. Ching mistakenly believe themselves to already be "diverse" because in the mantras of the left-wing cult, "diversity" means "whatever disagrees with traditional ideas," while "conformity" means "holding to traditional ideas."

Hence, when young puppies like Erin Ching and her enablers in [Liberal] university administrations rigidly enforce ideological conformity by punishing anyone who is pro-life, pro-traditional marriage, pro-capitalism, or pro-2nd amendment (all of which have happened on American campuses), they think they're being "diverse," while tolerating these things is viewed as "conformity" and "being dictated to by the Man."
Why Liberals Hate Freedom Of Speech - Conservative Crusader


"What really bothered me is, the whole idea is that at a liberal arts college, we need to be hearing a diversity of opinion...."


I asked you which liberal colleges have an official anti-free speech policy aimed at students who might criticize the college,

comparable to the policy CONSERVATIVE Bob Jones U. has?

I believe this is the 3rd time you've asked this question, and it appears Dingbat can't answer. Now I'm not gonna read all 15 pages, but am curious....did you ever get an answer? :)
When you can't win on facts, when history doesn't support you ideology / narrative, when your 'leaders' are constantly being exposed as liars, enemies of the Constitution/Rule of Law, and you have to ram your agendas through any way you can against the majority will of the people (like by telling the people who elected you they have no right to know what is in the secret edicts you are imposing on them), freedom of speech, transparency, and honesty is not your friend.

As seen throughout history, Liberals who oppose free speech have some infamous 'bedfellows'... China, Russia, Iran, Nazi Germany.... it's a sign of those who wish to CONTROL the people, not Represent them.
There is no such thing as a liberal who opposed free speech. We invented it, and continue to defend it.

Thats funny, not according to your fellow liberal FrancoHFW on here, I don't know how many times he posted that he wished the fairness doctrine was back.
When you can't win on facts, when history doesn't support you ideology / narrative, when your 'leaders' are constantly being exposed as liars, enemies of the Constitution/Rule of Law, and you have to ram your agendas through any way you can against the majority will of the people (like by telling the people who elected you they have no right to know what is in the secret edicts you are imposing on them), freedom of speech, transparency, and honesty is not your friend.

As seen throughout history, Liberals who oppose free speech have some infamous 'bedfellows'... China, Russia, Iran, Nazi Germany.... it's a sign of those who wish to CONTROL the people, not Represent them.
There is no such thing as a liberal who opposed free speech. We invented it, and continue to defend it.

Thats funny, not according to your fellow liberal FrancoHFW on here, I don't know how many times he posted that he wished the fairness doctrine was back.
I support it as well, because for being granted access to the public airways we are allowed to set some rules. True free speech, like freedom of the press belonging to those who own one, is when you are allowed to stand in a public space and say just about any damn fool thing you wish to, even if it gets you punched in the nose or arrested for inciting a riot...
Can you name a liberal college that in its student handbook actually warns students against exercising their free speech rights?

Oh gee you can't?

Hmmm... I can name a famous CONSERVATIVE school that does. Bob Jones University.

"We desire to treat students fairly and to serve their needs effectively. We are open to constructive input regarding how we may improve our service to students, campus life and the testimony of BJU. Mass and social media are powerful tools to communicate truth. In the spirit of honor and wisdom,


students should not use media to disparage BJU

but should instead pursue truth in love by following this grievance process."

So who hates free speech again? lol


It took me all of 10 seconds and Google....Btw not sure why you are posting about a private college ???

berkley anti free spesch

berkley anti free spesch - Google Search

(For some reason it's not letting me post the link right)

On thursday, the UC Board of Regents will discuss a “Statement of Principles Against Intolerance” that condemns bigotry on campus while affirming the importance of free speech. Its overarching theme is that “intolerance has no place at the University of California.”

There is much to agree with in the statement, which was prepared by the staff of UC President Janet Napolitano with input from others, including some regents. But it also includes some loose language that could undermine the university's commitment to a free exchange of ideas and its obligation to respect the 1st Amendment.
Well said PC.

The Left rests ENTIRELY in Relativism... thus, due to their rejection of objectivity, they lack the intellectual capacity to recognize truth... thus any speech which refutes the irrational drivel that they're spouting must be 'silenced'.

And that is, in large measure, why Mao murdered 75 million people... Stalin another 25, and so on throughout the mid-early 20th century, wherein 150 million people were murdered by the Left.
I always knew the kids that went to berkley were so look indoctrinated...


The Anti-Free-Speech Movement at UCLA

A half-century ago, student activists at the University of California clashed with administrators during the Berkeley Free Speech Movement, a series of events that would greatly expand free-speech rights of people at public colleges and universities.

Today, activists at UCLA are demanding that administrators punish some of their fellow students for expressive behavior that is clearly protected by the First Amendment


Perhaps 18-to-22-year-olds can be forgiven for failing to appreciate what’s at stake in their activism. But UCLA administrators cannot be forgiven for complying with student demands to punish this free expression—a glaring illustration of their low-regard for the First Amendment, California law, and liberal ideals
When you can't win on facts, when history doesn't support you ideology / narrative, when your 'leaders' are constantly being exposed as liars, enemies of the Constitution/Rule of Law, and you have to ram your agendas through any way you can against the majority will of the people (like by telling the people who elected you they have no right to know what is in the secret edicts you are imposing on them), freedom of speech, transparency, and honesty is not your friend.

As seen throughout history, Liberals who oppose free speech have some infamous 'bedfellows'... China, Russia, Iran, Nazi Germany.... it's a sign of those who wish to CONTROL the people, not Represent them.
There is no such thing as a liberal who opposed free speech. We invented it, and continue to defend it.

Thats funny, not according to your fellow liberal FrancoHFW on here, I don't know how many times he posted that he wished the fairness doctrine was back.
I support it as well, because for being granted access to the public airways we are allowed to set some rules. True free speech, like freedom of the press belonging to those who own one, is when you are allowed to stand in a public space and say just about any damn fool thing you wish to, even if it gets you punched in the nose or arrested for inciting a riot...

Yea I know you want to get rid of all conservative talk radio and go back to the only thing on the dial AM dial. Was news and boring ass 40s music

I just realized you really are anti 1st amendment like most all liberals, the only thing you want spoken is what you agree in.

I AM curious why is that?
I find it funny to see this thread just above one telling people to boycott Tarentino movies because he said something the OP finds offensive.
When you can't win on facts, when history doesn't support you ideology / narrative, when your 'leaders' are constantly being exposed as liars, enemies of the Constitution/Rule of Law, and you have to ram your agendas through any way you can against the majority will of the people (like by telling the people who elected you they have no right to know what is in the secret edicts you are imposing on them), freedom of speech, transparency, and honesty is not your friend.

As seen throughout history, Liberals who oppose free speech have some infamous 'bedfellows'... China, Russia, Iran, Nazi Germany.... it's a sign of those who wish to CONTROL the people, not Represent them.
There is no such thing as a liberal who opposed free speech. We invented it, and continue to defend it.

Thats funny, not according to your fellow liberal FrancoHFW on here, I don't know how many times he posted that he wished the fairness doctrine was back.
And you think the FC is against free speech. Brainwashed functional idiot.
Well said PC.

The Left rests ENTIRELY in Relativism... thus, due to their rejection of objectivity, they lack the intellectual capacity to recognize truth... thus any speech which refutes the irrational drivel that they're spouting must be 'silenced'.

And that is, in large measure, why Mao murdered 75 million people... Stalin another 25, and so on throughout the mid-early 20th century, wherein 150 million people were murdered by the Left.
Because US libs are just like communist dictators lol...
When you can't win on facts, when history doesn't support you ideology / narrative, when your 'leaders' are constantly being exposed as liars, enemies of the Constitution/Rule of Law, and you have to ram your agendas through any way you can against the majority will of the people (like by telling the people who elected you they have no right to know what is in the secret edicts you are imposing on them), freedom of speech, transparency, and honesty is not your friend.

As seen throughout history, Liberals who oppose free speech have some infamous 'bedfellows'... China, Russia, Iran, Nazi Germany.... it's a sign of those who wish to CONTROL the people, not Represent them.
There is no such thing as a liberal who opposed free speech. We invented it, and continue to defend it.

Thats funny, not according to your fellow liberal FrancoHFW on here, I don't know how many times he posted that he wished the fairness doctrine was back.
I support it as well, because for being granted access to the public airways we are allowed to set some rules. True free speech, like freedom of the press belonging to those who own one, is when you are allowed to stand in a public space and say just about any damn fool thing you wish to, even if it gets you punched in the nose or arrested for inciting a riot...

Yea I know you want to get rid of all conservative talk radio and go back to the only thing on the dial AM dial. Was news and boring ass 40s music

I just realized you really are anti 1st amendment like most all liberals, the only thing you want spoken is what you agree in.

I AM curious why is that?
Total BS propaganda you love, with no debate EVER- for ignorant dupes only. A disgrace. I remember when 25% of the country weren't loudmouth hateful morons.

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