Why liberals really hate stay-at-home moms

I believe the evolution of feminism has us of today after the absurd comment by Hillary Rosen seeing the start of the decline and eventual fall of feminism.
Feminism was always about equality for women with men and then all of a sudden they wanted and demanded to BE JUST LIKE MEN.
Women are different than men. Having been married for 36 years believe me, that is a damn fact.
Rosen and her comment are the beginning of the end for feminism. It served a valuable purpose and then the definition changed and that is what cooked them.

You know, I totally agree. I'm a woman, married 42 years and yes by God men and women are different - both vital, interesting, smart, productive, but different. I love men, but I do NOT want to be like them. no thanks. I certainly can't stand a whiny woman though, one who can't go to the ladies room without her husband taking her there. Whether that's the husband's idea or hers, I don't know, but we are not like that.

I think women's lib has gone too far. I never felt I needed to be "liberated" - I'm kind of like Lucy in "I Love Lucy" --- I find a way to do what I want and I usually succeed. If she had been a submissive milk toast, Ricky would have mopped the floor with her. There was a time when the woman of the house was revered and disrespecting a woman was a no-no.
I hate radical right winger who feel raising their own childre is a job. and is ok with their women staying home but not demonize welfare mothers who want to stay home and raise their children.

Do you think women who stay home with children should be forced to accept welfare?

Should a social worker be assigned to ensure the children are being raised in accordance with federal guidelines?

Would you agree that all children, prior to entering government schools, should be required to attend a federal "Head Start" program that exposes them to ideas that promote society at a very young age? Say 6 months through 5 years? Then they can attend government schools.

If you need welfare to be able to have children, you shouldn't be having children. You wouldn't buy a dog if you couldn't afford food for it or vet visits, would you? I raised my children without government help. I KNEW I would never be afford a large family, thus didn't have one. Women without the means to get work or be able to provide for their children and are on welfare are likely more often than not to not have a clue how to raise children. They aren't going to be supportive of schooling or anything. They likely are out partying or finding the next man to father their next little welfare recipient.
...because there is a :eek: responsible father in the picture.....?

...because the father must be "rich" to support a stay-at-home mom.....?

...because of the politics of envy.....?

one stay-at-home mom explains it succinctly:

I am the counterweight to the state. Therefore, I am dangerous. I am subversive simply by existing. My love for my children is a dominant force that works its way into their psyches and that trumps the state-run schools and the state complicit media world. Some mothers, of course, are entirely in sync with schools and media. They happily reinforce the statist message. But those of us who don’t are a powerful anti-statist force and we must be challenged.

In today’s world, as the author notes, being a stay-at-home mother is the ultimate expression of individuality.

Why Liberals Hate Ann Romney… | Power Line
Well then the GOP must hate women because so many of them divorce their wives with children for their new younger trophy wife. How many wives has Gingrich had??? Trump??? etc.

And Clinton never did divorce his wife for a "trophy wife" --- he just screwed them all and had them as playthings on the side. You haven't got any room to criticize ANY GOP's morals as long as you have Clinton. He is and was a dirtbag of the highest degree. Ted Kennedy right along with him.
I hate radical right winger who feel raising their own childre is a job. and is ok with their women staying home but not demonize welfare mothers who want to stay home and raise their children.

Do you think women who stay home with children should be forced to accept welfare?

Should a social worker be assigned to ensure the children are being raised in accordance with federal guidelines?

Would you agree that all children, prior to entering government schools, should be required to attend a federal "Head Start" program that exposes them to ideas that promote society at a very young age? Say 6 months through 5 years? Then they can attend government schools.

If you need welfare to be able to have children, you shouldn't be having children. You wouldn't buy a dog if you couldn't afford food for it or vet visits, would you? I raised my children without government help. I KNEW I would never be afford a large family, thus didn't have one. Women without the means to get work or be able to provide for their children and are on welfare are likely more often than not to not have a clue how to raise children. They aren't going to be supportive of schooling or anything. They likely are out partying or finding the next man to father their next little welfare recipient.

Well then the GOP must hate women because so many of them divorce their wives with children for their new younger trophy wife. How many wives has Gingrich had??? Trump??? etc.

and that proves WHAT...? they didn't have political agendas against stay home moms..
It shows it's not the Republicans who are the responsible fathers in the picture. See I can paint with just as broad a brush as you nitwits!!!

it shows that SOME republicans may not be responsible fathers.....

however do you see those republicans knocking stay-at-home moms?....or voting to pay endless welfare to those mothers who have babies out of wedlock thus replacing the fathers?.....or voting for government nursery schools to replace the mothers.....?
What a funny thread. I'm liberal and my partner stays home with our kids. Do I have to "hate" her since I'm a liberal?

do you do everything you are told to do.....? oh wait....you ARE a liberal......better tell her to get a job or else put her on government welfare.....:lol:
Do you think women who stay home with children should be forced to accept welfare?

Should a social worker be assigned to ensure the children are being raised in accordance with federal guidelines?

Would you agree that all children, prior to entering government schools, should be required to attend a federal "Head Start" program that exposes them to ideas that promote society at a very young age? Say 6 months through 5 years? Then they can attend government schools.

If you need welfare to be able to have children, you shouldn't be having children. You wouldn't buy a dog if you couldn't afford food for it or vet visits, would you? I raised my children without government help. I KNEW I would never be afford a large family, thus didn't have one. Women without the means to get work or be able to provide for their children and are on welfare are likely more often than not to not have a clue how to raise children. They aren't going to be supportive of schooling or anything. They likely are out partying or finding the next man to father their next little welfare recipient.


from that: Approximately 90% of Americans receiving cash assistance benefits are single mothers

These women did not get a college education and then decide they wanted a baby without a husband. These women were likely about 16, got pregnant and went on welfare. I have seen with my own eyes people with foodstamps whip out a 20 dollar bill for beer or wine. I help give out food baskets at Christmas through the Elks and they DO drive up in Cadillacs and SUVs. The SAME people year after year. Young husband-less, education-less women with infants get free babyfood. Getting pregnant is not something to catch, like a bad cold. It is cultivated condition, a chosen one. One that you need to THINK about before doing. What they should be doing is requiring the girl not only finish high school, but go on to learn a skill to be able to independently support herself and her child. I do not believe that is done. These women were not stricken with an illness though no fault of their own -- they knew exactly what they were doing and they couldn't pay the consequences, so now the rest of us have to pay it for them. For how long? You think THESE children are going to be encouraged to make something of themselves, get good grades in school? I doubt it. Then what happens when these kids grow up? I venture to say a goodly number of prison inmates, gang members, etc., of all races, contain these children after they grow up.

And before you get all hoity toity on me here, I was raised by a single, divorced mother in the 1950s! No welfare, no government assistance, no father visits either. She would work sometimes 3 jobs. It wasn't easy, but she did it. I was encouraged to get an education and be able to support myself before I got married. I did. If my husband would have either left me or died when my daughter was a baby, I could have supported the two of us just fine without the government's help. If you liberals can't wipe your butts without asking for government assistant, that's your problem.
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What a funny thread. I'm liberal and my partner stays home with our kids. Do I have to "hate" her since I'm a liberal?

do you do everything you are told to do.....? oh wait....you ARE a liberal......better tell her to get a job or else put her on government welfare.....:lol:

Funny thing is that if it wasn't for "liberal policies" she would have to work or go on welfare.

You're the one that claims that "liberals" hate SAHMs. Are you admitting your OP is a lie?
If you need welfare to be able to have children, you shouldn't be having children. You wouldn't buy a dog if you couldn't afford food for it or vet visits, would you? I raised my children without government help. I KNEW I would never be afford a large family, thus didn't have one. Women without the means to get work or be able to provide for their children and are on welfare are likely more often than not to not have a clue how to raise children. They aren't going to be supportive of schooling or anything. They likely are out partying or finding the next man to father their next little welfare recipient.


from that: Approximately 90% of Americans receiving cash assistance benefits are single mothers

These women did not get a college education and then decide they wanted a baby without a husband. These women were likely about 16, got pregnant and went on welfare. I have seen with my own eyes people with foodstamps whip out a 20 dollar bill for beer or wine. I help give out food baskets at Christmas through the Elks and they DO drive up in Cadillacs and SUVs. The SAME people year after year. Young husband-less, education-less women with infants get free babyfood. Getting pregnant is not something to catch, like a bad cold. It is cultivated condition, a chosen one. One that you need to THINK about before doing. What they should be doing is requiring the girl not only finish high school, but go on to learn a skill to be able to independently support herself and her child. I do not believe that is done. These women were not stricken with an illness though no fault of their own -- they knew exactly what they were doing and they couldn't pay the consequences, so now the rest of us have to pay it for them. For how long? You think THESE children are going to be encouraged to make something of themselves, get good grades in school? I doubt it. Then what happens when these kids grow up? I venture to stay a goodly number of prison inmates, gang members, etc., of all races, contain these children after they grow up.

Look further. 50% are divorced. Most are working.
What a funny thread. I'm liberal and my partner stays home with our kids. Do I have to "hate" her since I'm a liberal?

do you do everything you are told to do.....? oh wait....you ARE a liberal......better tell her to get a job or else put her on government welfare.....:lol:

Funny thing is that if it wasn't for "liberal policies" she would have to work or go on welfare.

You're the one that claims that "liberals" hate SAHMs. Are you admitting your OP is a lie?

how so....?

no....liberals do not like stayathome moms......they tend to threaten their core agenda.....
OK OK, RWers are right, a millionnaire mother with a nanny and maids is a perfect advisor on women's issues....

how about a half-millionaire mother.....?

or a quarter-millionaire mother.....?

or a $10,000-more-than-you mother.....?

do you do everything you are told to do.....? oh wait....you ARE a liberal......better tell her to get a job or else put her on government welfare.....:lol:

Funny thing is that if it wasn't for "liberal policies" she would have to work or go on welfare.

You're the one that claims that "liberals" hate SAHMs. Are you admitting your OP is a lie?

how so....?

no....liberals do not like stayathome moms......they tend to threaten their core agenda.....

Because in my liberal state she is treated exactly like an opposite sex partner and can be on my health insurance policy.

SAHMs threaten nothing. Your statements are ludicrous.
...because there is a :eek: responsible father in the picture.....?

...because the father must be "rich" to support a stay-at-home mom.....?

...because of the politics of envy.....?

one stay-at-home mom explains it succinctly:

I am the counterweight to the state. Therefore, I am dangerous. I am subversive simply by existing. My love for my children is a dominant force that works its way into their psyches and that trumps the state-run schools and the state complicit media world. Some mothers, of course, are entirely in sync with schools and media. They happily reinforce the statist message. But those of us who don’t are a powerful anti-statist force and we must be challenged.

In today’s world, as the author notes, being a stay-at-home mother is the ultimate expression of individuality.

Why Liberals Hate Ann Romney… | Power Line

Because they want government to raise the child instead of the childs parents...

Because they believe in the notion that "it takes a village to raise a child."

They don't want you instilling your morals into your own child - that is bad for society...

Remember Obamafuck aka Hitler wants a "youth army..

aka Hitler? How is the water over in the deep end?:wtf:
Funny thing is that if it wasn't for "liberal policies" she would have to work or go on welfare.

You're the one that claims that "liberals" hate SAHMs. Are you admitting your OP is a lie?

how so....?

no....liberals do not like stayathome moms......they tend to threaten their core agenda.....

Because in my liberal state she is treated exactly like an opposite sex partner and can be on my health insurance policy.

SAHMs threaten nothing. Your statements are ludicrous.

oh brother.....everything comes back to your gay thing.... :cuckoo:

gee....you must be one "rich" spouse to support your stayathome...just like Mitt Romney....:D

and she probably doesn't know anything about economics either......just like Anne Romney......:D
OK OK, RWers are right, a millionnaire mother with a nanny and maids is a perfect advisor on women's issues....

how about a half-millionaire mother.....?

or a quarter-millionaire mother.....?

or a $10,000-more-than-you mother.....?


Don't you think Nancy Pelosi had nannies? Or the Kennedy's or the Kerry's or any other rich Democrat? Why do you think Republicans are the only ones who are rich. Every member of congress is rich. You didn't know that, did you?
My mother was a liberal and so was my step dad. he was a deisel mechanic in the Union and worked at LeeWay Motor freight during the '60's and '70's. We lived in a 3bedroom home with central heat and air. i had a 5 dollar a week allowance starting at 6 and supplimented it by working on my grandad's frm and picking up pop bottles along the highways and streets. I started to work early after my mother divorced and hurt herself and could not work. I was 13. I am now 50 and raised 4 kids. They are good people and have liberal and conservative views.
I am displeased with the majority of posters post. Showing more ignorance than informed statements. most statements are crass and personally insulting. Is this sort of communicate necesssary? I would think not, it shows you are a character that has no respect for yourself and how people view you.
Please try to be a little nicer.

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