Why liberals really hate stay-at-home moms

My mother was a stay at home mom from 1958 to about 1978. When my twin bro and I entered HS, she went to work.

My wife was a stay at home mom for several years as well. If Reagan had not set the table for the destruction of the middle class in America, she would have stayed one. That choice has been stripped away from most American families.
Being a parent is a job, whether you are a stay at home mom or have another job in addition. What happened to the sisterly love.....sad to see women being so mean to each other....
...because there is a :eek: responsible father in the picture.....?

...because the father must be "rich" to support a stay-at-home mom.....?

...because of the politics of envy.....?

one stay-at-home mom explains it succinctly:

Because they want government to raise the child instead of the childs parents...

Because they believe in the notion that "it takes a village to raise a child."

They don't want you instilling your morals into your own child - that is bad for society...

Remember Obamafuck aka Hitler wants a "youth army..

aka Hitler? How is the water over in the deep end?:wtf:

Replace "Jews" with "rich white republicans" and then you may understand.

Obama is more of a fascist than a socialist - not that the ends of either are any different....
OK OK, RWers are right, a millionnaire mother with a nanny and maids is a perfect advisor on women's issues....

how about a half-millionaire mother.....?

or a quarter-millionaire mother.....?

or a $10,000-more-than-you mother.....?


Don't you think Nancy Pelosi had nannies? Or the Kennedy's or the Kerry's or any other rich Democrat? Why do you think Republicans are the only ones who are rich. Every member of congress is rich. You didn't know that, did you?

of course i know Demonrats are rich too........out of the 2012 Top Ten richest.... 7 are Dems.....
The 50 Richest Members of Congress — 112th : Roll Call

what does that have to do with what i said...?
This is so effing typical of the lying rw.

Rosen, who STILL works for CNN, NOT Obama as mittens and the lying sheep keep saying ... Rosen did not attack sahm's you all know it.

The only person who attacked sahm's was Mittens himself, and you all know that too.

You've been caught in this, your latest indefensible lie, so give it up.
Because they want government to raise the child instead of the childs parents...

Because they believe in the notion that "it takes a village to raise a child."

They don't want you instilling your morals into your own child - that is bad for society...

Remember Obamafuck aka Hitler wants a "youth army..

aka Hitler? How is the water over in the deep end?:wtf:

Replace "Jews" with "rich white republicans" and then you may understand.

Obama is more of a fascist than a socialist - not that the ends of either are any different....

Sure Nick, cause Hitler's final solution was to increase the Jews tax by 3% and force them to pay more tax on their capital gains..........No wait that's not right, he wanted to kill them all , nevermind.....:cuckoo::cuckoo:
My mother was a stay at home mom from 1958 to about 1978. When my twin bro and I entered HS, she went to work.

My wife was a stay at home mom for several years as well. If Reagan had not set the table for the destruction of the middle class in America, she would have stayed one. That choice has been stripped away from most American families.

Which is exactly the point of Rosens quote. That is, IF one listens to the entire quote instead of cherry picking the part that can be twisted into yet another rw lie.

Ann Romney has no right to speak for women who have no choice but to work to feed her kids. And, Mittens is the only one who is attacking those women.
Because they want government to raise the child instead of the childs parents...

Because they believe in the notion that "it takes a village to raise a child."

They don't want you instilling your morals into your own child - that is bad for society...

Remember Obamafuck aka Hitler wants a "youth army..

aka Hitler? How is the water over in the deep end?:wtf:

Replace "Jews" with "rich white republicans" and then you may understand.

Obama is more of a fascist than a socialist - not that the ends of either are any different....

I really wish we could get rw's to look up the definitions of words they obviously don't know.

Not that they would understand ...:cuckoo:
This is so effing typical of the lying rw.

Rosen, who STILL works for CNN, NOT Obama as mittens and the lying sheep keep saying ... Rosen did not attack sahm's you all know it.

The only person who attacked sahm's was Mittens himself, and you all know that too.

You've been caught in this, your latest indefensible lie, so give it up.

what i'd like to know......who ARE the other two Hillary Rosens......? :doubt:

Romney rightly pointed out that BO hurts women more than anybody today with his awful economic policies......ask any mom if she likes paying today's gas or grocery prices....
My mother was a stay at home mom from 1958 to about 1978. When my twin bro and I entered HS, she went to work.

My wife was a stay at home mom for several years as well. If Reagan had not set the table for the destruction of the middle class in America, she would have stayed one. That choice has been stripped away from most American families.

Which is exactly the point of Rosens quote. That is, IF one listens to the entire quote instead of cherry picking the part that can be twisted into yet another rw lie.

Ann Romney has no right to speak for women who have no choice but to work to feed her kids. And, Mittens is the only one who is attacking those women.

Ann Romney has a right to speak and say anything she wants. You don't like it? tough! Don't listen to it. Lots of women work outside the home because they want to. either because of financial reasons or just because they have a career they enjoy and they choose to work. Once upon a time I was the executive secretary to the director of nursing at the hospital. SHE at about about 30ish had twins, she didn't think she could GET pregnant, but. . . Her husband had a very well paying job and she COULD have stayed home but she chose to get a nanny instead and work. So they both were well off and they BOTH worked. As far as "cherry picking" something and then twisting it? If THAT isn't the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is. Ever watch MSNBS or Huffy-Puffy post? You people wrote the book on spinning a story.
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...because there is a :eek: responsible father in the picture.....?

...because the father must be "rich" to support a stay-at-home mom.....?

...because of the politics of envy.....?

one stay-at-home mom explains it succinctly:

I am the counterweight to the state. Therefore, I am dangerous. I am subversive simply by existing. My love for my children is a dominant force that works its way into their psyches and that trumps the state-run schools and the state complicit media world. Some mothers, of course, are entirely in sync with schools and media. They happily reinforce the statist message. But those of us who don’t are a powerful anti-statist force and we must be challenged.

In today’s world, as the author notes, being a stay-at-home mother is the ultimate expression of individuality.

Why Liberals Hate Ann Romney… | Power Line

Of course... liberals hate the idea that women aren't helpless creatures in need of a gubmint daddy... same with other minorities...
If you need welfare to be able to have children, you shouldn't be having children. You wouldn't buy a dog if you couldn't afford food for it or vet visits, would you? I raised my children without government help. I KNEW I would never be afford a large family, thus didn't have one. Women without the means to get work or be able to provide for their children and are on welfare are likely more often than not to not have a clue how to raise children. They aren't going to be supportive of schooling or anything. They likely are out partying or finding the next man to father their next little welfare recipient.


from that: Approximately 90% of Americans receiving cash assistance benefits are single mothers

These women did not get a college education and then decide they wanted a baby without a husband. These women were likely about 16, got pregnant and went on welfare. I have seen with my own eyes people with foodstamps whip out a 20 dollar bill for beer or wine. I help give out food baskets at Christmas through the Elks and they DO drive up in Cadillacs and SUVs. The SAME people year after year. Young husband-less, education-less women with infants get free babyfood. Getting pregnant is not something to catch, like a bad cold. It is cultivated condition, a chosen one. One that you need to THINK about before doing. What they should be doing is requiring the girl not only finish high school, but go on to learn a skill to be able to independently support herself and her child. I do not believe that is done. These women were not stricken with an illness though no fault of their own -- they knew exactly what they were doing and they couldn't pay the consequences, so now the rest of us have to pay it for them. For how long? You think THESE children are going to be encouraged to make something of themselves, get good grades in school? I doubt it. Then what happens when these kids grow up? I venture to say a goodly number of prison inmates, gang members, etc., of all races, contain these children after they grow up.

And before you get all hoity toity on me here, I was raised by a single, divorced mother in the 1950s! No welfare, no government assistance, no father visits either. She would work sometimes 3 jobs. It wasn't easy, but she did it. I was encouraged to get an education and be able to support myself before I got married. I did. If my husband would have either left me or died when my daughter was a baby, I could have supported the two of us just fine without the government's help. If you liberals can't wipe your butts without asking for government assistant, that's your problem.

Nope, cash benefits assistance is overwhelmingly 2 parent households.
Everyone is doing it!
My mother was a stay at home mom from 1958 to about 1978. When my twin bro and I entered HS, she went to work.

My wife was a stay at home mom for several years as well. If Reagan had not set the table for the destruction of the middle class in America, she would have stayed one. That choice has been stripped away from most American families.

Which is exactly the point of Rosens quote. That is, IF one listens to the entire quote instead of cherry picking the part that can be twisted into yet another rw lie.

Ann Romney has no right to speak for women who have no choice but to work to feed her kids. And, Mittens is the only one who is attacking those women.

Ann Romney was not speaking, never said a damn thing.
Rosen was the tongue wagger.
aka Hitler? How is the water over in the deep end?:wtf:

Replace "Jews" with "rich white republicans" and then you may understand.

Obama is more of a fascist than a socialist - not that the ends of either are any different....

Sure Nick, cause Hitler's final solution was to increase the Jews tax by 3% and force them to pay more tax on their capital gains..........No wait that's not right, he wanted to kill them all , nevermind.....:cuckoo::cuckoo:

but they still wind up the same.......defeated....

and who's to say they would not eventually be killed or jailed......force is what underlies socialism...
The left hates Ann Romney because she's married. There's no other reason. Hilary Rosen hates Ann Romney because Ann Romney is not a lesbian.
The left hates Ann Romney because she's married. There's no other reason. Hilary Rosen hates Ann Romney because Ann Romney is not a lesbian.

Now that there is some brilliance. You are making the USMB conservative community very, very proud.

why?.....does he have that Hillary Rosen mixed up with one of the other two Hillary Rosens....?
There is no evidence anyone hates stay at home Moms.
Lots of BS politically charged rhetoric from all sides but no evidence or facts whatsoever.
Best all you folks save all that hot air FOR YOUR INFLATABLE DATES and enjoy the company until the first leak.
Replace "Jews" with "rich white republicans" and then you may understand.

Obama is more of a fascist than a socialist - not that the ends of either are any different....

Sure Nick, cause Hitler's final solution was to increase the Jews tax by 3% and force them to pay more tax on their capital gains..........No wait that's not right, he wanted to kill them all , nevermind.....:cuckoo::cuckoo:

but they still wind up the same.......defeated....

and who's to say they would not eventually be killed or jailed......force is what underlies socialism...

No buts. They wound up dead, not defeated. It's unreasonable(that is to say it goes beyond the bounds of normal reason) to equate recending the bush tax cuts with Hitler's final solution for the Jews.
The real reason both "jillian" and Hilary Rosen hate Ann Romney is because she's a white gentile female who bore FIVE sons.

In other words, Ann Romney is a Nazi-making machine.

All other explanations: just playing footsy.

Look at all these happy, healthy WHITE PEOPLE, smiling away and refusing to shed a tear for Trayvon Martin:


THIS is what gets the liberal/Jewish/minority/homosexual hate machine cranking on all cylinders, people.

Really, if you were to boil down the essential goal of liberalism, it would be this:

Eliminate the White Race.

Think about it. From abortion to welfare for blacks to amnesty for illegals to promotion of homosexuality to childlessness to divorce, pretty much every policy favored by liberals results in FEWER WHITE HUMANS LIVING.

Name one liberal policy that doesn't.
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