why many believe Trump was one of the best POTUS in modern history !

Fat slob francoHFW has been on ignore for years and he knows it. I saw this because I like you. He attacked my mother and sister saying he had sex with them, now he's gone and is going to stay that way.

He's desperate for my attention, he craves it. Maybe he thinks his internet delusion of having sex with other posters mothers makes him my father, LOL. He's twisted
I never said I had sex with your mother I said I had sex ( said tastefully) with a girl From Kalamazoo TRUE as a joke you're unbelievable in Paris in 1977,,, You are just as much of a liar as your GOP heroes and just as full of hate, brainwashed functional moron. Where I live is 72% trump and they are great people in the main but totally misinformed on politics. Something wrong with you you're so full of hate and lies.... You got me banned for absolutely nothing....

No it doesn’t. Democrats (and right thinking Conservatives have real concerns over nuclear power.

Zero emissions is false. There is nuclear waste.

What I proposed was that the Navy runs the plants. Top to bottom; bow to stern. Nobody gets a job in a plant because they know someone in HR. The companies that build them pay the Government a fee to run them. Then they charge the customers whatever they charge them as regulated by the public utility commissions. Nuke is cleaner than Coal and Natural Gas.

Sure they are. A major polluter is the internal combustion engine. Democrats are pro electronic vehicle. Your god, Trump, wants to do away with them,

Too bad you can’t prove any massive voter fraud. Otherwise you’d have a point other than that one on top of your head.

I debate in the manner in which I’m debated; always have.

You find me “nasty” because I hand you your head every time you are dumb enough to question me.

So I’ve shown you major issues where I disagree with liberals and democrats.

Now tell us all of the things you disagree with conservatives over. I’ll wait. You can’t. You won’t. Because you are a programmable sheep.

I stopped reading after your first sentence because you said there is no point to further discussion
I stopped reading after your first sentence because you said there is no point to further discussion
Ahh... you can’t tell us where you’ve ever disagreed on a major point with your team.

I had you pegged as a complete sheep. Thanks for confirming.

IF you need to reach me later on, I’ll be on yet another victory lap.
Ahh... you can’t tell us where you’ve ever disagreed on a major point with your team.

I had you pegged as a complete sheep. Thanks for confirming.

IF you need to reach me later on, I’ll be on yet another victory lap.
Come on! Fat chicks can't do a lap.
many on the left wonder why Trump is polling so high with republican voters but if one takes a moment to look at the accomplishments of the Trump admin and its policies it should be no surprise that Trump is viewed by millions as one of the best POTUS in modern history .

Well, to play devil's advocate, when you look at what Biden has done to the country, anyone would look like the best president in history.
Actually more and more everyday are seeing Biden as the worst president ever.

Biden is pretty bad, but there have been worse. The worst was Lincoln. He is the one who created the power of the Federal Government to prevent us from saying no to unrestricted Federal Power because we could no longer leave. Not being able to turn down Federal overreach is what is destroying us today.

Another one who was worse was Woodrow Wilson who created the income tax and got the US into our first overseas long term military engagement that started the trend to so many other disasters.

There are others such as Buchanan, and Lyndon Johnson who were pretty bad too

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