Why 'Moderate Islam' is an Oxymoron

There is only one Islam.....this article explains why Obama will not refer to "radical Islam".....

At a time when terrorism committed in the name of Islam is rampant, we are continuously being assured—especially by three major institutions that play a dominant role in forming the Western mindset, namely, mainstream media, academia, and government—that the sort of Islam embraced by "radicals," "jihadis," and so forth, has nothing to do with "real" Islam.

"True" Islam, so the narrative goes, is intrinsically free of anything "bad." It's the nut-jobs who hijack it for their own agenda that are to blame.

More specifically, we are told that there exists a "moderate" Islam and an "extremist" Islam—the former good and true, embraced by a Muslim majority, the latter a perverse sacrilege practiced by an exploitative minority.

Why 'Moderate Islam' is an Oxymoron
Then there's no such thing as moderate christians.....
I think the whole debate can be put to rest if someone...be it President Obama...or a candidate....says the following:

Radical Islam is at war with America. Radical Islam is at war with Christian Americans. Radical Islam is at war with Jewish Americans. Radical Islam is at war with Hindu Americans. Radical Islam is at war with Muslim Americans.

Being wrapped up in not insulting American Muslims is doing exactly what you are trying to avoid.....grouping Muslim Americans with radical Muslims.

He has said that. You just don't realize it because you're an ODS'er.
actually, he has not said that. Never. Not once. You think he did because it makes sense that he should. But he hasn't.

He continually claims OTHERS are saying they are one in the same....or others may think they are one in the same.

Do you think I meant that somehow, magically, he quoted you word for word as if he had some psychic power to know what you would say sometime later?

That's how Hitler demonized the Jews.
This is how Hitler sold anti-semitism...create a narrative that certain Jews were bad, and then create a second narrative that lumped all Jews together.

Some things never change.
Actually, Hitler did not create a narrative that some Jews were bad. He said all Jews were bad right out of the gate in Mein Kampf. He talked about "world concepts" and then explained what he believed the world concept of Jews was, and that their concept was centered around Marxism.

That is the point when I saw two dangers approaching. Previously, I did not truly understand their names or their importance to the German people’s existence. Their names were Marxism and Jewry.

Hitler then devoted the bulk of his book explaining his own world concept based on race, and explained that Germany must become as violent as possible toward all races, as this was a law of Nature, and must fight wars to gain territory. He particularly aimed his warring vitriol at France.

Hitler was so out there that he even scorned the "racialist" movement in Germany for not being violent enough. And for that reason, he made it clear in his book he did not want to be called a racialist. He thought they were wimps.

So those people who say "Islam is a religion of violence", and thus paint ALL Muslims with the same brush, are very much in line with Hitler's way of thinking.

Today, if you aren't extreme enough for modern day Nazis, they call you a "cultural marxist".

Actually Hitler had specific grievances against the Jews, mostly centered around Germany's defeat in WWI. Real or imagined, those were specific charges. He THEN made that an indictment of all Jews.
It isn't Islam that's the problem; it's a flaw in the human character. Whatever it is in the human character that allows some of us to be swayed by authority figures and to abandon self-restraint when told/allowed by authority is the problem. I'm sure if you took each and every one of the bombers or people who fly airplanes into buildings and ask him if we should live a life of not being a dick, not hurting people, not taking their stuff, and not harming people who have never harmed you each and every one of them would agree. But when some guy says he read it in a holy book or was convinced by a philosopher or told buy someone in a funny hat and gold braid and suddenly that otherwise normal person can become a stone cold killer and think they are completely justified.
Islam's followers are brainwashed 5 x a day.They brainwash themselves when they wake up, then 3 more times throughout the day, then finally when they sleep.....They have to clean themselves each time before they pray, further embedding the brainwashing into their psyche. It's brainwashing 101.
There is only one Islam.....this article explains why Obama will not refer to "radical Islam".....

At a time when terrorism committed in the name of Islam is rampant, we are continuously being assured—especially by three major institutions that play a dominant role in forming the Western mindset, namely, mainstream media, academia, and government—that the sort of Islam embraced by "radicals," "jihadis," and so forth, has nothing to do with "real" Islam.

"True" Islam, so the narrative goes, is intrinsically free of anything "bad." It's the nut-jobs who hijack it for their own agenda that are to blame.

More specifically, we are told that there exists a "moderate" Islam and an "extremist" Islam—the former good and true, embraced by a Muslim majority, the latter a perverse sacrilege practiced by an exploitative minority.

Why 'Moderate Islam' is an Oxymoron

Around two million Muslims in the United States.

If they are all 'extermist' Muslims- why are we not seeing 2 million murders by Muslims in the United States a day?
why didn't Syed Farook's father turn him in before he killed people.....?
This is almost as stupid as the thread premise.
"Why 'Moderate Islam' is an Oxymoron"

This fails as a straw man fallacy.

The lie is contrived that 'all Muslims' are 'extremists' and 'terrorists,' thus misrepresenting Muslims; Muslims are then attacked with the lie contrived (straw man), a lie that couldn't be any further from the truth.
"Why 'Moderate Islam' is an Oxymoron"

This fails as a straw man fallacy.

The lie is contrived that 'all Muslims' are 'extremists' and 'terrorists,' thus misrepresenting Muslims; Muslims are then attacked with the lie contrived (straw man), a lie that couldn't be any further from the truth.

I must REPEAT for the Black Shyster (are you really a Somalia muslim?LOLOL) it doesn't have to be ALL......

Well these ones definitely are not in it for good will and peace to all men.


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