Why more and more people are believing the MEDIA has blown COVID out of proportion for political purposes!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Headlines :Calling that number a "record," CNN reported that Arizona that day reported "117 deaths from Covid-19 over the last 24 hours."
after an increase of 134 new deaths from the previous day — the second-highest single-day increase — according to the Arizona Department of Health Services.

Now the facts a little farther down in the articles...

"While we had 91 new deaths reported today, the graph [on the dashboard] shows them by the actual date of death," she said on Friday.
"Although those 91 were reported today, it doesn't mean today was the date of death.
Those deaths may have occurred at any time on the graph but were simply reported today."
The daily new death report often generates misleading sensationalist reports throughout the media.
On July 7, for instance, the state recorded 117 "new deaths" on its dashboard.
Calling that number a "record," CNN reported that Arizona that day reported "117 deaths from Covid-19 over the last 24 hours.

Business Insider reported that Arizona recorded "its highest number of newly reported coronavirus deaths" on that day.

News Break said the state on that date "recorded its highest single-day death toll."


In other words the media didn't pay any attention that the 91 new deaths reported may NOT have been for that specific DAY.
But the deaths had occurred earlier i.e. the DATES on the certificates!

So why does the MSM continue to blown out of proportion? TO DISTORT?

It is one more arrow in the quiver to attack Trump!
Again, what is your end game here? How does bloviating get people back to work?..or children back to school?
Your rant just seems to want to reassure the election of your lord and savior in November.
What is it that you give a shit about? Don't quote the same bold embossed lines.
What is it that you think is a blown out of proportion conspiracy here??
Headlines :Calling that number a "record," CNN reported that Arizona that day reported "117 deaths from Covid-19 over the last 24 hours."
after an increase of 134 new deaths from the previous day — the second-highest single-day increase — according to the Arizona Department of Health Services.

Now the facts a little farther down in the articles...

"While we had 91 new deaths reported today, the graph [on the dashboard] shows them by the actual date of death," she said on Friday.
"Although those 91 were reported today, it doesn't mean today was the date of death.
Those deaths may have occurred at any time on the graph but were simply reported today."
The daily new death report often generates misleading sensationalist reports throughout the media.
On July 7, for instance, the state recorded 117 "new deaths" on its dashboard.
Calling that number a "record," CNN reported that Arizona that day reported "117 deaths from Covid-19 over the last 24 hours.

Business Insider reported that Arizona recorded "its highest number of newly reported coronavirus deaths" on that day.

News Break said the state on that date "recorded its highest single-day death toll."


In other words the media didn't pay any attention that the 91 new deaths reported may NOT have been for that specific DAY.
But the deaths had occurred earlier i.e. the DATES on the certificates!

So why does the MSM continue to blown out of proportion? TO DISTORT?

It is one more arrow in the quiver to attack Trump!
View attachment 365928
Just hope enough cops around the country wake up to,the new world agenda. They are the only ones who can stop it,the good ones.
Headlines :Calling that number a "record," CNN reported that Arizona that day reported "117 deaths from Covid-19 over the last 24 hours."
after an increase of 134 new deaths from the previous day — the second-highest single-day increase — according to the Arizona Department of Health Services.

Now the facts a little farther down in the articles...

"While we had 91 new deaths reported today, the graph [on the dashboard] shows them by the actual date of death," she said on Friday.
"Although those 91 were reported today, it doesn't mean today was the date of death.
Those deaths may have occurred at any time on the graph but were simply reported today."
The daily new death report often generates misleading sensationalist reports throughout the media.
On July 7, for instance, the state recorded 117 "new deaths" on its dashboard.
Calling that number a "record," CNN reported that Arizona that day reported "117 deaths from Covid-19 over the last 24 hours.

Business Insider reported that Arizona recorded "its highest number of newly reported coronavirus deaths" on that day.

News Break said the state on that date "recorded its highest single-day death toll."


In other words the media didn't pay any attention that the 91 new deaths reported may NOT have been for that specific DAY.
But the deaths had occurred earlier i.e. the DATES on the certificates!

So why does the MSM continue to blown out of proportion? TO DISTORT?

It is one more arrow in the quiver to attack Trump!
View attachment 365928
Why? Because you guys keep repeating the lie.
Headlines :Calling that number a "record," CNN reported that Arizona that day reported "117 deaths from Covid-19 over the last 24 hours."
after an increase of 134 new deaths from the previous day — the second-highest single-day increase — according to the Arizona Department of Health Services.

Now the facts a little farther down in the articles...

"While we had 91 new deaths reported today, the graph [on the dashboard] shows them by the actual date of death," she said on Friday.
"Although those 91 were reported today, it doesn't mean today was the date of death.
Those deaths may have occurred at any time on the graph but were simply reported today."
The daily new death report often generates misleading sensationalist reports throughout the media.
On July 7, for instance, the state recorded 117 "new deaths" on its dashboard.
Calling that number a "record," CNN reported that Arizona that day reported "117 deaths from Covid-19 over the last 24 hours.

Business Insider reported that Arizona recorded "its highest number of newly reported coronavirus deaths" on that day.

News Break said the state on that date "recorded its highest single-day death toll."


In other words the media didn't pay any attention that the 91 new deaths reported may NOT have been for that specific DAY.
But the deaths had occurred earlier i.e. the DATES on the certificates!

So why does the MSM continue to blown out of proportion? TO DISTORT?

It is one more arrow in the quiver to attack Trump!
View attachment 365928
The more they do this, the more it helps Trump. In 2016, around August I was becoming kind of demoralized about his chances. But then when they released the "pussy tape" it was such an obvious orchestrated attack, it galvanized my support and it wasn't so much about Trump as it was about fighting back against the psychological warfare conducted by insulated, effete, mainstream media elitists who use the power of the pen to defame and destroy people. I was so motivated that I drove across state lines to Nevada and campaigned for Trump and went door-to-door, then I attended the rally at Reno and was amazed at the intensity of his support ON THE GROUND.
Go to other places on the internet, and the complacency amongst liberals is staggering. They look at the polls and for them its a foregone conclusion that Biden wins. A more ominous sign should be his pathetic showing in the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries, where REAL voters make their voices heard, rather than academics who call random ass people off a "registered voters" list and then fabricate feel-good headlines like "WASHINGTON POST AND NY TIMES AGREE THAT BIDEN IS UP 15 POINTS!!!" so hopeful libtards will click and give them ad revenue. The same peddlers of muh Russia are now peddlers of muh polls. The "Biden lead" is equally as fake as "Russia collusion". The liberals keep falling for it hook, line an sinker.
No one supports Biden the man. And people aren't gonna turn out to vote for a placeholder. It's not about polls, its about TURNOUT.
It's hilarious... they have no idea what's about to hit them.
Again, what is your end game here? How does bloviating get people back to work?..or children back to school?
Your rant just seems to want to reassure the election of your lord and savior in November.
What is it that you give a shit about? Don't quote the same bold embossed lines.
What is it that you think is a blown out of proportion conspiracy here??

What a stupid post. Trump's your lord and savior!!!! Idiot
Headlines :Calling that number a "record," CNN reported that Arizona that day reported "117 deaths from Covid-19 over the last 24 hours."
after an increase of 134 new deaths from the previous day — the second-highest single-day increase — according to the Arizona Department of Health Services.

Now the facts a little farther down in the articles...

"While we had 91 new deaths reported today, the graph [on the dashboard] shows them by the actual date of death," she said on Friday.
"Although those 91 were reported today, it doesn't mean today was the date of death.
Those deaths may have occurred at any time on the graph but were simply reported today."
The daily new death report often generates misleading sensationalist reports throughout the media.
On July 7, for instance, the state recorded 117 "new deaths" on its dashboard.
Calling that number a "record," CNN reported that Arizona that day reported "117 deaths from Covid-19 over the last 24 hours.

Business Insider reported that Arizona recorded "its highest number of newly reported coronavirus deaths" on that day.

News Break said the state on that date "recorded its highest single-day death toll."


In other words the media didn't pay any attention that the 91 new deaths reported may NOT have been for that specific DAY.
But the deaths had occurred earlier i.e. the DATES on the certificates!

So why does the MSM continue to blown out of proportion? TO DISTORT?

It is one more arrow in the quiver to attack Trump!
View attachment 365928
Why? Because you guys keep repeating the lie.

I always crack up over Democrats talking about anyone else lying. Democrats are doing nothing but lying. You have a whole industry built around fake news that rejects any different view. Every supposed Trump is a racist quote is a misquote, which is a lie. You attacked Trump for not testing enough, then when we tested more you attacked him for finding more cases. You lie about illegal aliens as if we're against "immigrants," which is yet another flaming lie. You lie about your objective for shutting down in March. It was flattening the curve at the time, now you just lie, pounce and attack anything, you have no plan at all other than attack.

What are Democrats doing that isn't a lie? Most of Trump's supposed lies are not his but your side lying about what he said.

What are Democrats doing that isn't a lie?
People look around and they don't know anyone sick. There are no people in the hospital sick with the flu. They start to doubt.
Not true for everyone. I know a dozen people who have gotten sick and one who died of COVID.

My condolences. I'm sorry to hear that.

I think though the point isn't that literally no one is getting sick. It's that the hype doesn't match what we see every day
Headlines :Calling that number a "record," CNN reported that Arizona that day reported "117 deaths from Covid-19 over the last 24 hours."
after an increase of 134 new deaths from the previous day — the second-highest single-day increase — according to the Arizona Department of Health Services.

Now the facts a little farther down in the articles...

"While we had 91 new deaths reported today, the graph [on the dashboard] shows them by the actual date of death," she said on Friday.
"Although those 91 were reported today, it doesn't mean today was the date of death.
Those deaths may have occurred at any time on the graph but were simply reported today."
The daily new death report often generates misleading sensationalist reports throughout the media.
On July 7, for instance, the state recorded 117 "new deaths" on its dashboard.
Calling that number a "record," CNN reported that Arizona that day reported "117 deaths from Covid-19 over the last 24 hours.

Business Insider reported that Arizona recorded "its highest number of newly reported coronavirus deaths" on that day.

News Break said the state on that date "recorded its highest single-day death toll."


In other words the media didn't pay any attention that the 91 new deaths reported may NOT have been for that specific DAY.
But the deaths had occurred earlier i.e. the DATES on the certificates!

So why does the MSM continue to blown out of proportion? TO DISTORT?

It is one more arrow in the quiver to attack Trump!
View attachment 365928
The more they do this, the more it helps Trump. In 2016, around August I was becoming kind of demoralized about his chances. But then when they released the "pussy tape" it was such an obvious orchestrated attack, it galvanized my support and it wasn't so much about Trump as it was about fighting back against the psychological warfare conducted by insulated, effete, mainstream media elitists who use the power of the pen to defame and destroy people. I was so motivated that I drove across state lines to Nevada and campaigned for Trump and went door-to-door, then I attended the rally at Reno and was amazed at the intensity of his support ON THE GROUND.
Go to other places on the internet, and the complacency amongst liberals is staggering. They look at the polls and for them its a foregone conclusion that Biden wins. A more ominous sign should be his pathetic showing in the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries, where REAL voters make their voices heard, rather than academics who call random ass people off a "registered voters" list and then fabricate feel-good headlines like "WASHINGTON POST AND NY TIMES AGREE THAT BIDEN IS UP 15 POINTS!!!" so hopeful libtards will click and give them ad revenue. The same peddlers of muh Russia are now peddlers of muh polls. The "Biden lead" is equally as fake as "Russia collusion". The liberals keep falling for it hook, line an sinker.
No one supports Biden the man. And people aren't gonna turn out to vote for a placeholder. It's not about polls, its about TURNOUT.
It's hilarious... they have no idea what's about to hit them.

I did a search on "are Trump supporters being honest with pollsters" and came up with this article... thought it was very revealing...BUT again remember who published it!!!

If there is a systematic underreporting of Trump’s numbers, it is more likely that some Trump voters are embarrassed to admit it and claiming to be undecided. Research on polling has shown that some people are reluctant to reveal their true preference if that preference is not considered socially acceptable. And Trump is just about the most vilified president ever.
Overall, the national polls may well be underestimating Trump’s support — but not enough to make up for his widening deficit with Biden.
Headlines :Calling that number a "record," CNN reported that Arizona that day reported "117 deaths from Covid-19 over the last 24 hours."
after an increase of 134 new deaths from the previous day — the second-highest single-day increase — according to the Arizona Department of Health Services.

Now the facts a little farther down in the articles...

"While we had 91 new deaths reported today, the graph [on the dashboard] shows them by the actual date of death," she said on Friday.
"Although those 91 were reported today, it doesn't mean today was the date of death.
Those deaths may have occurred at any time on the graph but were simply reported today."
The daily new death report often generates misleading sensationalist reports throughout the media.
On July 7, for instance, the state recorded 117 "new deaths" on its dashboard.
Calling that number a "record," CNN reported that Arizona that day reported "117 deaths from Covid-19 over the last 24 hours.

Business Insider reported that Arizona recorded "its highest number of newly reported coronavirus deaths" on that day.

News Break said the state on that date "recorded its highest single-day death toll."


In other words the media didn't pay any attention that the 91 new deaths reported may NOT have been for that specific DAY.
But the deaths had occurred earlier i.e. the DATES on the certificates!

So why does the MSM continue to blown out of proportion? TO DISTORT?

It is one more arrow in the quiver to attack Trump!
View attachment 365928
The more they do this, the more it helps Trump. In 2016, around August I was becoming kind of demoralized about his chances. But then when they released the "pussy tape" it was such an obvious orchestrated attack, it galvanized my support and it wasn't so much about Trump as it was about fighting back against the psychological warfare conducted by insulated, effete, mainstream media elitists who use the power of the pen to defame and destroy people. I was so motivated that I drove across state lines to Nevada and campaigned for Trump and went door-to-door, then I attended the rally at Reno and was amazed at the intensity of his support ON THE GROUND.
Go to other places on the internet, and the complacency amongst liberals is staggering. They look at the polls and for them its a foregone conclusion that Biden wins. A more ominous sign should be his pathetic showing in the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries, where REAL voters make their voices heard, rather than academics who call random ass people off a "registered voters" list and then fabricate feel-good headlines like "WASHINGTON POST AND NY TIMES AGREE THAT BIDEN IS UP 15 POINTS!!!" so hopeful libtards will click and give them ad revenue. The same peddlers of muh Russia are now peddlers of muh polls. The "Biden lead" is equally as fake as "Russia collusion". The liberals keep falling for it hook, line an sinker.
No one supports Biden the man. And people aren't gonna turn out to vote for a placeholder. It's not about polls, its about TURNOUT.
It's hilarious... they have no idea what's about to hit them.

I did a search on "are Trump supporters being honest with pollsters" and came up with this article... thought it was very revealing...BUT again remember who published it!!!

If there is a systematic underreporting of Trump’s numbers, it is more likely that some Trump voters are embarrassed to admit it and claiming to be undecided. Research on polling has shown that some people are reluctant to reveal their true preference if that preference is not considered socially acceptable. And Trump is just about the most vilified president ever.
Overall, the national polls may well be underestimating Trump’s support — but not enough to make up for his widening deficit with Biden.

I know a lot of people who criticize Trump, but you'd never believe they'd vote for Biden either. When you ask them who they are going to vote for, they say Trump. They don't hesitate. They don't like what he says, but if you polled their views you'd think they were wavering and they are not.

Also, there are a lot of people who will be honest about supporting Trump privately, but won't say it out in public because they don't want to be attacked for it verbally or physically by belligerent leftists.

I didn't vote for Trump in 2016, but I will this time. But I don't answer polls at all. And I live in Florida, a big swing state.

I do think there's a lot of reluctance to tell someone people don't know they will vote for Trump other than the hard core Trump supporters.

I'm not at all saying Trump will win. But I don't believe the numbers we're seeing
People look around and they don't know anyone sick. There are no people in the hospital sick with the flu. They start to doubt.

That's a great point. I don't know anyone personally who's had covid-19. Yet I go to the store and everyone is wearing a mask. You do have to wonder what's going on
I know a couple people who have had it, I may have had it....Yet we're all walking around right as rain after a few days of convalescing, as we would with any other bout with a cold of flu.

We''re being subjected to the worst kind of political theater, and have been since it was obvious that hospitals weren't being overrun with patients.
Headlines :Calling that number a "record," CNN reported that Arizona that day reported "117 deaths from Covid-19 over the last 24 hours."
after an increase of 134 new deaths from the previous day — the second-highest single-day increase — according to the Arizona Department of Health Services.

Now the facts a little farther down in the articles...

"While we had 91 new deaths reported today, the graph [on the dashboard] shows them by the actual date of death," she said on Friday.
"Although those 91 were reported today, it doesn't mean today was the date of death.
Those deaths may have occurred at any time on the graph but were simply reported today."
The daily new death report often generates misleading sensationalist reports throughout the media.
On July 7, for instance, the state recorded 117 "new deaths" on its dashboard.
Calling that number a "record," CNN reported that Arizona that day reported "117 deaths from Covid-19 over the last 24 hours.

Business Insider reported that Arizona recorded "its highest number of newly reported coronavirus deaths" on that day.

News Break said the state on that date "recorded its highest single-day death toll."


In other words the media didn't pay any attention that the 91 new deaths reported may NOT have been for that specific DAY.
But the deaths had occurred earlier i.e. the DATES on the certificates!

So why does the MSM continue to blown out of proportion? TO DISTORT?

It is one more arrow in the quiver to attack Trump!
View attachment 365928
Why? Because you guys keep repeating the lie.

I always crack up over Democrats talking about anyone else lying. Democrats are doing nothing but lying. You have a whole industry built around fake news that rejects any different view. Every supposed Trump is a racist quote is a misquote, which is a lie. You attacked Trump for not testing enough, then when we tested more you attacked him for finding more cases. You lie about illegal aliens as if we're against "immigrants," which is yet another flaming lie. You lie about your objective for shutting down in March. It was flattening the curve at the time, now you just lie, pounce and attack anything, you have no plan at all other than attack.

What are Democrats doing that isn't a lie? Most of Trump's supposed lies are not his but your side lying about what he said.

What are Democrats doing that isn't a lie?
Everything they do and say is a lie. Online democrats know dozens of people who have had it some died horrible deaths. Only democrats. The more anti Trump the more people they know that have gotten the flu.
Headlines :Calling that number a "record," CNN reported that Arizona that day reported "117 deaths from Covid-19 over the last 24 hours."
after an increase of 134 new deaths from the previous day — the second-highest single-day increase — according to the Arizona Department of Health Services.

Now the facts a little farther down in the articles...

"While we had 91 new deaths reported today, the graph [on the dashboard] shows them by the actual date of death," she said on Friday.
"Although those 91 were reported today, it doesn't mean today was the date of death.
Those deaths may have occurred at any time on the graph but were simply reported today."
The daily new death report often generates misleading sensationalist reports throughout the media.
On July 7, for instance, the state recorded 117 "new deaths" on its dashboard.
Calling that number a "record," CNN reported that Arizona that day reported "117 deaths from Covid-19 over the last 24 hours.

Business Insider reported that Arizona recorded "its highest number of newly reported coronavirus deaths" on that day.

News Break said the state on that date "recorded its highest single-day death toll."


In other words the media didn't pay any attention that the 91 new deaths reported may NOT have been for that specific DAY.
But the deaths had occurred earlier i.e. the DATES on the certificates!

So why does the MSM continue to blown out of proportion? TO DISTORT?

It is one more arrow in the quiver to attack Trump!
View attachment 365928

People are more and more concerned about the coronavirus. You are a liar as usual. The fact is that while voters generally don't support the media but they trust the media MORE than they trust vTrump.
I think people are missing the point. What it means is they can use any random date to report daily cases that aren't even daily, which the result is a demonstration of more cases for our viewing pleasure, where's the fucking mystery?

Here's some fun, enter any three digit number followed by "new cases" into Google, the results are all reported no matter what the number and it's all COVID - scroll and scroll, COVID COVID COVID.

Sure you can say yeah, it's a big country and world, someone is going to report any number. On the flip-side how is it Google presents COVID first in every instance, and WTF are there so many reports shoved up our collective ass 24-7 by the media?

These people are filthy bastards. I don't even know who owns Google, I just know it's a PROG.
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