‘Why must we hate Iran?’ Rick Sanchez questions MSM mantra as Trump & US intel disagree

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
‘Why must we hate Iran?’ Rick Sanchez questions MSM mantra as Trump & US intel disagree
Twisted headlines and nuclear accusations against Iran all serve the same purpose: beating the drums of war and fanning public hatred: Rick Sanchez takes on how the White House and the MSM are trying to ram their message home.

It's a great question. And if you look at a map it's
pretty easy to see who's threatening who when it comes to
the relationship between Iran and the United States.

‘Why must we hate Iran?’ Rick Sanchez questions MSM mantra as Trump & US intel disagree
Twisted headlines and nuclear accusations against Iran all serve the same purpose: beating the drums of war and fanning public hatred: Rick Sanchez takes on how the White House and the MSM are trying to ram their message home.

It's a great question. And if you look at a map it's
pretty easy to see who's threatening who when it comes to
the relationship between Iran and the United States.
View attachment 243234

Are you Mentally Ill?

The reason we have a presence in The Middle East, as does Russia and many European Nations is because of countries like Iran who are a State Sponsor of terror. The US and other allies are the only thing from stopping WWIII from breaking out in that region.

But don't believe me, go to Wiki and read the long list of terrorist activities Iran is directly involved in and judge for yourself. This is just a small snippet of what Iran is involved in.

Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia

Since the Iranian Revolution in 1979, the government of Iran has been accused by several countries, including the United States, of funding, providing equipment, weapons, training and giving sanctuary to terrorists.[1] Iran has been accused of training, financing, and providing weapons and safe havens for non-state militant actors, such as Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza, and other Palestinian groups (Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC)). These groups are designated terrorist groups by a number of countries and international bodies; however, Iran considers such groups to be "national liberation movements" with a right to self-defense in the face of Israeli military occupation.[2] The United States State Department has also accused Iranian-backed Iraqi Shia militias of terrorism against US troops, and Iran of cyberterrorism, primarily through its Quds Force.[3]

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps[edit]
After the fall of the Shah in 1979, the Islamic Republic of Iran established the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to domestically promote the government's social policy. IRGC is accused of spreading its ideology in neighboring regions by training and funding "terrorist organizations". By 1986, IRGC had 350,000 members and had acquired a small naval and air force. By 1996, its ground forces numbered 100,000 and the naval forces numbered 20,000. They are believed to use the Quds Force to train Islamic militants.[4]

In 1995, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard held a conference with worldwide organizations accused of engaging in terrorism including the Japanese Red Army, the Armenian Secret Army, the Kurdistan Workers' Party, the Iraqi Da'wah Party, the Islamic Front for the Liberation of Bahrain and Hezbollah in Beirut for the sole purpose of providing training to these organizations supposedly to help in the destabilization of Gulf States and aid assistance to militants in these countries to replace the existing governments with Iran-like regimes.[5]

The United States State Department states that IRGC provides support for Hamas, Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Israel. They also say that IRGC has given much support and training to terrorists supporting the Palestinian resistance. They are also accused of aiding the Iraqi insurgency in southern Iraq.[5]On September 26, 2007, the United States Senate passed legislation by a vote of 76-22 designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guards a terrorist organization.[6]U.S. President George W. Bush and Congress labeled the group under the guidelines established by Executive Order 13224 issued after the September 11, 2001 attacks.[7]
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‘Why must we hate Iran?’ Rick Sanchez questions MSM mantra as Trump & US intel disagree
Twisted headlines and nuclear accusations against Iran all serve the same purpose: beating the drums of war and fanning public hatred: Rick Sanchez takes on how the White House and the MSM are trying to ram their message home.

It's a great question. And if you look at a map it's
pretty easy to see who's threatening who when it comes to
the relationship between Iran and the United States.
View attachment 243234

Are you Mentally Ill?

The reason we have a presence in The Middle East, as does Russia and many European Nations is because of countries like Iran who are a State Sponsor of terror. The US and other allies are the only thing from stopping WWIII from breaking out in that region.

Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia

The same Intel community that is now being bashed daily tells you Iran is the largest sponsor of terrorism and you believe it without question...that same community says something different about Iran and you dismiss it blindly.

Partisanship does not allow for consistency.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
‘Why must we hate Iran?’ Rick Sanchez questions MSM mantra as Trump & US intel disagree
Twisted headlines and nuclear accusations against Iran all serve the same purpose: beating the drums of war and fanning public hatred: Rick Sanchez takes on how the White House and the MSM are trying to ram their message home.

It's a great question. And if you look at a map it's
pretty easy to see who's threatening who when it comes to
the relationship between Iran and the United States.
View attachment 243234

Are you Mentally Ill?

The reason we have a presence in The Middle East, as does Russia and many European Nations is because of countries like Iran who are a State Sponsor of terror. The US and other allies are the only thing from stopping WWIII from breaking out in that region.

Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia

The same Intel community that is now being bashed daily tells you Iran is the largest sponsor of terrorism and you believe it without question...that same community says something different about Iran and you dismiss it blindly.

Saying "something different" when Iran's behavior is unchanged is either vanity or sidelong support.

Remember, Obama helped finance that regime.
After seeing 65 years of US 'relations' with Iran, the world is supposed to see them as the 'bad guys' ? That's what the MSM wants us to believe and it's working. We could nuke all 81 million of them and half the dumbasses in American would cheer.

1953 Iranian coup d'état - Wikipedia


Are you Mentally Ill?

The reason we have a presence in The Middle East, as does Russia and many European Nations is because of countries like Iran who are a State Sponsor of terror. The US and other allies are the only thing from stopping WWIII from breaking out in that region.

But don't believe me, go to Wiki and read the long list of terrorist activities Iran is directly involved in and judge for yourself. This is just a small snippet of what Iran is involved in.

Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia

Since the Iranian Revolution in 1979, the government of Iran has been accused by several countries, including the United States, of funding, providing equipment, weapons, training and giving sanctuary to terrorists.[1] Iran has been accused of training, financing, and providing weapons and safe havens for non-state militant actors, such as Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza, and other Palestinian groups (Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC)). These groups are designated terrorist groups by a number of countries and international bodies; however, Iran considers such groups to be "national liberation movements" with a right to self-defense in the face of Israeli military occupation.[2] The United States State Department has also accused Iranian-backed Iraqi Shia militias of terrorism against US troops, and Iran of cyberterrorism, primarily through its Quds Force.[3]

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps[edit]
After the fall of the Shah in 1979, the Islamic Republic of Iran established the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to domestically promote the government's social policy. IRGC is accused of spreading its ideology in neighboring regions by training and funding "terrorist organizations". By 1986, IRGC had 350,000 members and had acquired a small naval and air force. By 1996, its ground forces numbered 100,000 and the naval forces numbered 20,000. They are believed to use the Quds Force to train Islamic militants.[4]

In 1995, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard held a conference with worldwide organizations accused of engaging in terrorism including the Japanese Red Army, the Armenian Secret Army, the Kurdistan Workers' Party, the Iraqi Da'wah Party, the Islamic Front for the Liberation of Bahrain and Hezbollah in Beirut for the sole purpose of providing training to these organizations supposedly to help in the destabilization of Gulf States and aid assistance to militants in these countries to replace the existing governments with Iran-like regimes.[5]

The United States State Department states that IRGC provides support for Hamas, Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Israel. They also say that IRGC has given much support and training to terrorists supporting the Palestinian resistance. They are also accused of aiding the Iraqi insurgency in southern Iraq.[5]On September 26, 2007, the United States Senate passed legislation by a vote of 76-22 designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guards a terrorist organization.[6]U.S. President George W. Bush and Congress labeled the group under the guidelines established by Executive Order 13224 issued after the September 11, 2001 attacks.[7]
Since when did Wiki become a credible source?
‘Why must we hate Iran?’ Rick Sanchez questions MSM mantra as Trump & US intel disagree
Twisted headlines and nuclear accusations against Iran all serve the same purpose: beating the drums of war and fanning public hatred: Rick Sanchez takes on how the White House and the MSM are trying to ram their message home.

It's a great question. And if you look at a map it's
pretty easy to see who's threatening who when it comes to
the relationship between Iran and the United States.
View attachment 243234

Are you Mentally Ill?

The reason we have a presence in The Middle East, as does Russia and many European Nations is because of countries like Iran who are a State Sponsor of terror. The US and other allies are the only thing from stopping WWIII from breaking out in that region.

Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia

The same Intel community that is now being bashed daily tells you Iran is the largest sponsor of terrorism and you believe it without question...that same community says something different about Iran and you dismiss it blindly.

Saying "something different" when Iran's behavior is unchanged is either vanity or sidelong support.

Remember, Obama helped finance that regime.

How do you know what Iran’s actions are? Do you have a source that is not the government?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
OP would be more credible without the link being RT.

Rick Sanchez left CNN so he could tell the truth and be an actual journalist.
But I realize Americans have forgotten what that is.

Well, to be clear, Sanchez was fired but more than likely he would have soon quit anyway.

Also, RT needs to be kicked out of our country.

That said, Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism, they are not good actors whether or not they have followed through on the Iran deal. I'm a proponent of the deal, but I don't trust Iran one little bit. Trust but verify seems to be the best solution.

Yep, we're not perfect either and I like the Chomsky quote, but we are better than the government of Iran. With that said, I'd very much like to take a trip to the country, my understanding is that the citizens are very friendly regardless of their governments propaganda against the west.
‘Why must we hate Iran?’ Rick Sanchez questions MSM mantra as Trump & US intel disagree
Twisted headlines and nuclear accusations against Iran all serve the same purpose: beating the drums of war and fanning public hatred: Rick Sanchez takes on how the White House and the MSM are trying to ram their message home.

It's a great question. And if you look at a map it's
pretty easy to see who's threatening who when it comes to
the relationship between Iran and the United States.
View attachment 243234

Are you Mentally Ill?

The reason we have a presence in The Middle East, as does Russia and many European Nations is because of countries like Iran who are a State Sponsor of terror. The US and other allies are the only thing from stopping WWIII from breaking out in that region.

Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia

The same Intel community that is now being bashed daily tells you Iran is the largest sponsor of terrorism and you believe it without question...that same community says something different about Iran and you dismiss it blindly.

Saying "something different" when Iran's behavior is unchanged is either vanity or sidelong support.

Remember, Obama helped finance that regime.

How do you know what Iran’s actions are? Do you have a source that is not the government?

Yes. Iranians.
After seeing 65 years of US 'relations' with Iran, the world is supposed to see them as the 'bad guys' ? That's what the MSM wants us to believe and it's working. We could nuke all 81 million of them and half the dumbasses in American would cheer.

1953 Iranian coup d'état - Wikipedia

View attachment 243241

I didn't say I disagreed, just that the OP article would carry more weight if from a source not Russia Today. I learned about these things from studying the Syrian ordeal..started around 5 years ago.
‘Why must we hate Iran?’ Rick Sanchez questions MSM mantra as Trump & US intel disagree
Twisted headlines and nuclear accusations against Iran all serve the same purpose: beating the drums of war and fanning public hatred: Rick Sanchez takes on how the White House and the MSM are trying to ram their message home.

It's a great question. And if you look at a map it's
pretty easy to see who's threatening who when it comes to
the relationship between Iran and the United States.
View attachment 243234

mingorant.might be becaust of their desire to destroy us calling us the great satan
‘Why must we hate Iran?’ Rick Sanchez questions MSM mantra as Trump & US intel disagree
Twisted headlines and nuclear accusations against Iran all serve the same purpose: beating the drums of war and fanning public hatred: Rick Sanchez takes on how the White House and the MSM are trying to ram their message home.

It's a great question. And if you look at a map it's
pretty easy to see who's threatening who when it comes to
the relationship between Iran and the United States.
View attachment 243234

The Little Green Book - Fatawah of the Ayatollah Khomeini

The Little Green Book is a collection of fatawah handed down by the most prominent and arguably one of the most influential Muslim clerics in modern history; the Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Ruhollah Mosavi Khomeini, commonly known as the Ayatollah Khomeini. Fatawah (the plural of fatwah) are Islamic religious decrees sent down by Muslim religious leaders. Since Islam demands that Muslims abide by Sharia - Islamic law as individuals and as a society, these fatawah are not simply religious insights or advice. They are legal pronouncements, and define the law of the land in an Islamic country. In his unrivaled role as Iran's Supreme Leader and the highest-ranking cleric for Shi'a Muslims, the Ayatollah Khomeini's fatawah guided the lives of more Shi'a Muslims than did any other Islamic leader throughout history.

Parallel Qur'an / Quran / Koran Translations

The 1979 Iranian Islamic Revolution was a major turning point in the official attitude of the Iranian government.

Since then, it's #1 goal has been to carry out Koranic orders to oppose and defeat jahilliyah and spread Islam to the entierty of mankind and conquer all the nations on the globe.

And that is exactly what they have continuously tried to do since then.
The 1979 Iranian Islamic Revolution was a major turning point in the official attitude of the Iranian government.

Since then, it's #1 goal has been to carry out Koranic orders to oppose and defeat jahilliyah and spread Islam to the entierty of mankind and conquer all the nations on the globe.

And that is exactly what they have continuously tried to do since then.
That is Zionist propaganda.


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