‘Why must we hate Iran?’ Rick Sanchez questions MSM mantra as Trump & US intel disagree

‘Why must we hate Iran?’ Rick Sanchez questions MSM mantra as Trump & US intel disagree
Twisted headlines and nuclear accusations against Iran all serve the same purpose: beating the drums of war and fanning public hatred: Rick Sanchez takes on how the White House and the MSM are trying to ram their message home.

It's a great question. And if you look at a map it's
pretty easy to see who's threatening who when it comes to
the relationship between Iran and the United States.
View attachment 243234

People who comment on Islam or deal with Islamic issues or Muslims as part of official US policy should be licensed because they try to make Islam fit inside their too small vision of it and in doing so their ignorance helps the slread of Islam and harms America.
Iranian women before the US-backed Islamic Revolution.
‘Why must we hate Iran?’ Rick Sanchez questions MSM mantra as Trump & US intel disagree
Twisted headlines and nuclear accusations against Iran all serve the same purpose: beating the drums of war and fanning public hatred: Rick Sanchez takes on how the White House and the MSM are trying to ram their message home.

It's a great question. And if you look at a map it's
pretty easy to see who's threatening who when it comes to
the relationship between Iran and the United States.
View attachment 243234

I took the sheep here to school on that in the Iran section a long time ago showing how people like Ron Paul have been taking Americans to school on that that OUR government and Israel are the TRUE threats to world peace,that its IMPOSSIBLE for Iran to be the threat when they got all these military bases surrounding them but like the blind sheep they are,they ignore it covering their ears and closing their eyes because all they are interested in hearing is PROPAGANDA,they have NO INTEREST in the TRUTH.:rolleyes:
The 1979 Iranian Islamic Revolution was a major turning point in the official attitude of the Iranian government.

Since then, it's #1 goal has been to carry out Koranic orders to oppose and defeat jahilliyah and spread Islam to the entierty of mankind and conquer all the nations on the globe.

And that is exactly what they have continuously tried to do since then.
That is Zionist propaganda.
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View attachment 243254

Two questions can settle this matter.

Did the Ayatollah write the Little Green Book?

Has the Iranian government changed its goals since 1979?

Try this on for size.

The Little Green Book
Volume I
Chapter 1
Islam as a Revolutionary Religion
Islam is a religion of those who struggle for truth and justice, of those who clamor
for liberty and independence. It is the school of those who fight against
Our one and only remedy is to bring down these corrupt and corrupting systems
of government, and to overthrow the traitorous, repressive, and despotic gangs in
charge. This is the duty of Muslims in all Islamic countries; this is the way to
victory for all Islamic revolutions.
Muslims have no alternative, if they wish to correct the political balance of
society, and force those in power to conform to the laws and principles of Islam,
to an armed Jihad against profane governments.
Though you may not have the means to prevent heresy or fight corruption,
nevertheless, you must not remain silent. If they hit you in the head, protest!
Resigning yourself to oppression is more immoral than oppression itself. Argue,
denounce, oppose, shout. Spread the truth – that Islamic justice is not what they
say it is.
Jihad means the conquest of all non-Muslim territories. Such a war may well be
declared after the formation of an Islamic government worthy of that name, at the
direction of the Imam or under his orders. It will then be the duty of every able-
bodied adult male to volunteer for this war of conquest, the final aim of which is
to put Qur'anic law in power from one end of the earth to the other. But the whole
world should understand that the universal supremacy of Islam is considerably
different from the hegemony of other conquerors. It is therefore necessary for the
Islamic government first to be created under the authority of the Imam in order
that he may undertake this conquest, which will be distinguishable from all other
wars of conquest, which are unjust and tyrannical and disregard the moral and
civilizing principles of Islam.
Who liberated our country and our people from the shame of Zoroastrianism, if
not the victorious army of Islam?

The Little Green Book (Page 2)

There are some of us who aren't concerned with developing an Islamic movement,
but, instead, of making the pilgrimage to Mecca with the Muslim brothers, in
peace and understanding. It certainly wasn't that way in the time of the Prophet.
The Friday prayers were the means of mobilizing the people, of inspiring them to
battle. The man who goes to war straight from the mosque is afraid of only one
thing – Allah. Dying, poverty, and homelessness mean nothing to him; an army of
men like that is a victorious army.
Islamic faith and justice demand that within the Muslim world, anti-Islamic
governments not be allowed to survive. The installation of a lay public power is
equivalent to actively opposing the progress of Islamic order. Any nonreligious
power, whatever form or shape it may take, is necessarily an atheistic power, the
tool of Satan; it is part of our duty to stand in its path and to struggle against its
effects. Such Satanic power can engender nothing but corruption on earth, the
supreme evil which must be pitilessly fought and rooted out. To achieve that end,
we have no recourse other than to overthrow all governments that do not rest on
pure Islamic principles, and are thus traitorous, rotten, unjust, and tyrannical
administrative systems that server them. That is not only our duty in Iran, but it is
also the duty of all Muslims in the world, in all Muslim countries, to carry the
Islamic political revolution to its final victory.
‘Why must we hate Iran?’ Rick Sanchez questions MSM mantra as Trump & US intel disagree
Twisted headlines and nuclear accusations against Iran all serve the same purpose: beating the drums of war and fanning public hatred: Rick Sanchez takes on how the White House and the MSM are trying to ram their message home.

It's a great question. And if you look at a map it's
pretty easy to see who's threatening who when it comes to
the relationship between Iran and the United States.
View attachment 243234

Are you Mentally Ill?

The reason we have a presence in The Middle East, as does Russia and many European Nations is because of countries like Iran who are a State Sponsor of terror. The US and other allies are the only thing from stopping WWIII from breaking out in that region.

Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia

The same Intel community that is now being bashed daily tells you Iran is the largest sponsor of terrorism and you believe it without question...that same community says something different about Iran and you dismiss it blindly.

Saying "something different" when Iran's behavior is unchanged is either vanity or sidelong support.

Remember, Obama helped finance that regime.

How do you know what Iran’s actions are? Do you have a source that is not the government?

Yes. Iranians.

You know a lot of them?

The ones involved in the terrorism?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I took the sheep here to school on that in the Iran section a long time ago showing how people like Ron Paul have been taking Americans to school on that that OUR government and Israel are the TRUE threats to world peace,that its IMPOSSIBLE for Iran to be the threat when they got all these military bases surrounding them but like the blind sheep they are,they ignore it covering their ears and closing their eyes because all they are interested in hearing is PROPAGANDA,they have NO INTEREST in the TRUTH.:rolleyes:
Bolton or Pompeo just yesterday said they're gonna just walk in and take Venezuela's oil. Chevron and Halliburton are already there and we sent 5000 troops to Colombia. Thanks to alt-media we even know about it- usually they do the coup d' etats secretly and we don't hear about it for 10 years.
People who comment on Islam or deal with Islamic issues or Muslims as part of official US policy should be licensed
What the fuck are you babbling about ?

Many people who advocate policy or deal with explaining Islam to Kafirs invariably misunderestimate ir mischaracterize Islam.

They fail to recognize what Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al Banna says here:

"It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not be dominated.

To impose it's law on all nations and to extend it's power to the entire planet."

I didn't say I disagreed, just that the OP article would carry more weight if from a source not Russia Today. I learned about these things from studying the Syrian ordeal..started around 5 years ago.
RT is as, if not more, credible than any Murican "news" outlet I can think of....For what that's worth.

Does RT recognize this?

"It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not be dominated.
To impose it's law on all nations and to extend it's power to the entire planet."

Hassan Al Banna
‘Why must we hate Iran?’ Rick Sanchez questions MSM mantra as Trump & US intel disagree
Twisted headlines and nuclear accusations against Iran all serve the same purpose: beating the drums of war and fanning public hatred: Rick Sanchez takes on how the White House and the MSM are trying to ram their message home.

It's a great question. And if you look at a map it's
pretty easy to see who's threatening who when it comes to
the relationship between Iran and the United States.
View attachment 243234

we have a military base in the middle of the ocean?
‘Why must we hate Iran?’ Rick Sanchez questions MSM mantra as Trump & US intel disagree
Twisted headlines and nuclear accusations against Iran all serve the same purpose: beating the drums of war and fanning public hatred: Rick Sanchez takes on how the White House and the MSM are trying to ram their message home.

It's a great question. And if you look at a map it's
pretty easy to see who's threatening who when it comes to
the relationship between Iran and the United States.
View attachment 243234

I took the sheep here to school on that in the Iran section a long time ago showing how people like Ron Paul have been taking Americans to school on that that OUR government and Israel are the TRUE threats to world peace,that its IMPOSSIBLE for Iran to be the threat when they got all these military bases surrounding them but like the blind sheep they are,they ignore it covering their ears and closing their eyes because all they are interested in hearing is PROPAGANDA,they have NO INTEREST in the TRUTH.:rolleyes:

You remind me of someone who might have felt sorry for Hannibal Lechter and maybe felt he was being unfairly dogged by the police when he was in shackles and mask.

The reality of course was that those were the precautions needed to protect the society from him after understanding his nature and tendencies.

Anyone who understands the nature and tendencies of Iran knows exactly why there is a focus on Iran.

You dont.

Or if you do, you are acting as an agent of Jihad.
Last edited:
People who comment on Islam or deal with Islamic issues or Muslims as part of official US policy should be licensed
What the fuck are you babbling about ?

Many people who advocate policy or deal with explaining Islam to Kafirs invariably misunderestimate ir mischaracterize Islam.

They fail to recognize what Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al Banna says here:

"It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not be dominated.

To impose it's law on all nations and to extend it's power to the entire planet."

Would you like me to pull out some Bible passages ?
Maybe the ones Bush had in mind when he decided to bomb the shit out of Iran's neighbors - Iraq and Afganistan.

Bombs speak louder than words, wouldn't you agree ?
I took the sheep here to school on that in the Iran section a long time ago showing how people like Ron Paul have been taking Americans to school on that that OUR government and Israel are the TRUE threats to world peace,that its IMPOSSIBLE for Iran to be the threat when they got all these military bases surrounding them but like the blind sheep they are,they ignore it covering their ears and closing their eyes because all they are interested in hearing is PROPAGANDA,they have NO INTEREST in the TRUTH.:rolleyes:
Bolton or Pompeo just yesterday said they're gonna just walk in and take Venezuela's oil. Chevron and Halliburton are already there and we sent 5000 troops to Colombia. Thanks to alt-media we even know about it- usually they do the coup d' etats secretly and we don't hear about it for 10 years.

Here are the two threads i was referring to wherei took the blind sheep americans here at USMB to school that our corruot government and Israel are the TRUE threats to world peach and are the war mongers of countries around the world.i OWNED them,they refused to watch the video or read the link covering their ears and closing their eyes since the TRUTH hurts.they could only cry in defeat.:abgg2q.jpg:

as you can see they ALL even avoided the second one since they knew i had them backed up against the wall with nowhere to run.:haha:

Ron Paul talks about Trump pulling out of Iran deal

Trump regime falsely calls Iran leader of state sponsored terrorism
I'm all for the 1st amendment, I'm against the propaganda arm of the Russian government fucking around with our own public discourse.
So you want to only hear from propaganda arms right here in Murica, huh?

I do not condone a third rate news network whose employers have attempted to interfere with our elections to be a legitimate news source.

Don't worry spunky, you still have dozens of idiotic right wing websites you can link to for your 'truth'.
People who comment on Islam or deal with Islamic issues or Muslims as part of official US policy should be licensed
What the fuck are you babbling about ?

Many people who advocate policy or deal with explaining Islam to Kafirs invariably misunderestimate ir mischaracterize Islam.

They fail to recognize what Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al Banna says here:

"It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not be dominated.

To impose it's law on all nations and to extend it's power to the entire planet."

Would you like me to pull out some Bible passages ?
Maybe the ones Bush had in mind when he decided to bomb the shit out of Iran's neighbors - Iraq and Afganistan.

Bombs speak louder than words, wouldn't you agree ?

You don't get it.

Nothing you can say has any bearing on Iran's stated intention and demonstrated execution of their goal of spreading their revolutionary religion to the entire world.

Stick to making your case without trying to confuse the facts of the threat posed by Iran.

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