‘Why must we hate Iran?’ Rick Sanchez questions MSM mantra as Trump & US intel disagree

I didn't say I disagreed, just that the OP article would carry more weight if from a source not Russia Today. I learned about these things from studying the Syrian ordeal..started around 5 years ago.
RT is as, if not more, credible than any Murican "news" outlet I can think of....For what that's worth.

I agree, but a majority does not.
Think about this.

You are building an AR 15 from components.

No one component is dangerous until the very last element is added to the rifle.

RT could be the seemingly benign element that we allow to be in our homes and to be part of our news consumption.


So imagine one day somehow or some way, Russia has a plan to defeat America which needs only one more element to achieve its goal.

That element is the support of enough Americans who have been lulled into believing RT is harmless.

Then, for the very first time in it's up until that point trustworthy history of broadcasting they are told by the Russian governmebt to broadcast a huge lie.

The lie wouldnt need to withstand scrutiny for more than a day. But in that day it might serve to cause us confusion or freeze us from taking action.

RT might be the last needed element which the Russian government might need to make their plan work.

The bullet that turns the AR 15 from a pile of metal and plastic parts into a lethal weapon.

We can no longer view speech as harmless when our enemies use it as a weapon against us taking advantage of our ignorance.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
Until then, you are close to labeling yourself as an enemy of America by trying to apologize for Iran and to get us to buy into your misguided advocacy of the worlds worst purveyor of Islamic terrorism.
Save it for your Prepper group meeting at the VFW pal.
Nobody needs the anti- Muslim propaganda here.
Everyone needs it if they are not Muslims and dont wish to become Muslim against their will or be dominated in our own country by Muslims.

And you have set off the Crossfield Memo sensor.

You post like an enemy of America.

That allows us to treat you like an enemy of America.

Angelo is a Jihadist.

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RT could be the seemingly benign element that we allow to be in our homes and to be part of our news consumption.
You made your point.
Thank you.

Internet troll: A person, usually operating under a pseudonym, who posts deliberately provocative messages to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of provoking maximum disruption and argument. They are often paid by nefarious sources but sometime are motivated to do so for their own amusement. They often try to provoke dissension and doubt by writing dis-informational letters to the editors of newspapers.

Another good definition of an internet troll: A person who purposely and deliberately starts an online or media argument in a manner which attacks others on a forum without in any way listening to the arguments proposed by other commenters. He will often use ad hominem attacks.

Internet shill: Someone who promotes something or someone online for pay without divulging that they are associated with the entity they shill for. Shills promote companies, products, public figures and viewpoints for profit, while pretending to have no motivation for doing so other than personal belief. Alternatively, they sometimes denigrate someone or something, such as a political viewpoint or a competitor’s product, that is in conflict with the entity they serve. Shill jobs are telecommute positions or are conducted from temporary offices which are frequently moved to avoid detection.
‘Why must we hate Iran?’ Rick Sanchez questions MSM mantra as Trump & US intel disagree
Twisted headlines and nuclear accusations against Iran all serve the same purpose: beating the drums of war and fanning public hatred: Rick Sanchez takes on how the White House and the MSM are trying to ram their message home.

It's a great question. And if you look at a map it's
pretty easy to see who's threatening who when it comes to
the relationship between Iran and the United States.
View attachment 243234
Why must we hate Iran?

Because Iran hates Israel.

Because Iran hates US.

Because Iran spreads terrorism.

Because Iran threatens its neighbors.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
Why must we hate Iran?

Because Iran hates Israel.

Because Iran hates US.

Israel and the US have created a lot of enemies. Where were the 9/11 hijackers from ?

Because Iran spreads terrorism.

Because Iran threatens its neighbors.
Our wars of aggression have created the terrorists, and you know it. Venezuela is our neighbor and we are threatening them right now.

US Should Balance Iran and Saudi Arabia

You sound like you are intentionally spreading misinformation.

Try this.

What is Islam? - Political Islam
What is Islam? - Political Islam



What is Islam?

Islam is a cultural, religious and political system. Only the political system is of interest to kafirs (non-Muslims) since it determines how we are defined and treated. The Islamic political system is contained in the Koran, the Hadith (the traditions of Mohammed) and his biography, the Sira.

Center for the Study of Political Islam (CSPI) is an educational organization dedicated to enlightening the general public about the doctrine of political Islam based on the works of Dr. Bill Warner.

Our Mission
Political Islam has subjugated other civilizations for 1400 years. Our mission is to educate the world about political Islam, its founder Mohammed, his political doctrine and his god, Allah.

The Five Principles
Islam’s Trilogy of three sacred texts is the Koran and two books about the life of Mohammed. When the Trilogy is sorted, categorized, arranged, rewritten and analyzed, it becomes apparent that five principles are the foundation of Islam.

All of Islam is based upon the Trilogy—Koran, Sira (Mohammed’s biography) and Hadith (his Traditions).

Most of the Islamic doctrine is political, not religious. Islam is a political ideology.

Islam divides the world into Muslims and unbelievers, kafirs.

Political Islam always has two different ways to treat kafirs—dualistic ethics. Kafirs can be abused in the worst ways or they can be treated like a good neighbor.

Kafirs must submit to Islam in all politics and public life. Every aspect of kafir civilization must submit to political Islam.

These Five Principles can be put in five words—Trilogy, politics, kafirs, dualism and submission. These five words bring clarity and ease of learning about political Islam.

Up until now Islam has been hard to understand because it seemed complex and contradictory and did not make sense. But, once you see how the Five Principles work, everything falls into place. Complexity becomes simplicity. Chaos becomes order.

All CSPI books are based on these Five Principles.

1. Trilogy
The Trilogy contains three books—
The Koran is what Mohammed said that the angel Gabriel said that Allah said. But the Koran does not contain enough guidance for one to be a Muslim. The Koran repeatedly says that all of the world should imitate Mohammed in every way. Mohammed’s words and deeds are called the Sunna. The Sunna is found in two different texts—the Sira and Hadith.
The first source of the Sunna is the Sira which is Mohammed’s biography. The most authoritative version is by Ibn Ishaq.

The other source of the Sunna is the Hadith, the Traditions of Mohammed. There are several versions of Hadith, but the most commonly used is by Bukhari.
So the Trilogy is the Koran, Sira and Hadith.

2. Political Islam
Political Islam is the doctrine that relates to the unbeliever, the kafir. Islam’s relationship to the kafir cannot be religious since a Muslim is strictly forbidden to have any religious interaction with them The religion of Islam is what is required for a Muslim to avoid Hell and enter Paradise.
The Trilogy not only advocates a religious superiority over the kafir—the kafirs go to Hell whereas Muslims go to Paradise—but also its doctrine demands that Muslims dominate the kafir in all politics and culture. This domination is political, not religious.
As mentioned earlier, the Koran has 61% of its text devoted to the kafir. The Sira (Mohammed’s biography) has about 75% of its text devoted to the kafir and jihad.
Islam’s success comes primarily from its politics. In thirteen years as a spiritual leader, Mohammed converted 150 people to his religion. When he became a political leader and warrior, Islam exploded in growth, and Mohammed became king of Arabia in ten years.
Islam has a complete doctrine of how to treat the kafir that is found in the Trilogy.

3. Kafirs
Non-believers are so important that they have several names. Christians and Jews are called People of the Book or infidels. Other religious names for non-Muslims are atheist, polytheist, and pagan. But the Koran uses one word that includes all of the religious names. That name is kafir, an Arabic word.
Kafir is usually translated as unbeliever, but that translation is wrong. Unbeliever is a neutral word. The Koran is very clear about the kafir. Indeed, the Koran defines the kafir by how it speaks of them. Kafirs are the lowest and worst form of life. Kafirs can be robbed, murdered, tortured, enslaved, crucified and more. Later in this chapter, more of the Koran’s doctrine of the kafir is given in some detail. But the key point is that a kafir is not only a non-Muslim, but also a person who falls under a different moral code from the Muslim.
The Koran is devoted to the division between those who believe Mohammed, Muslims, and those who do not, kafirs. This grand division of the Koran means that there are two points of view of the Koran—the view of the Muslim and the view of the kafir.

4. Dualism
The third principle is duality, and is unique to Islam. As an example, here is a verse from the Koran:
109:2 I do not worship what you worship, and you do not worship what I worship. I will never worship what you worship, and you will never worship what I worship. You to your religion, me to my religion.
This sounds very tolerant, but this verse was written later:
9:5 When the sacred months are passed, kill the kafirs wherever you find them. Take them as captives, besiege them, and lie in wait for them with every kind of ambush. If they submit to Islam, observe prayer, and pay the poor tax, then let them go their way. Allah is gracious and merciful.
Now we have absolute intolerance. This contradiction is normal for the Koran and is even addressed in the Koran. The solution to contradiction is called abrogation where the later verse is better than the earlier verse.
The logic here is very important. Since Allah is perfect and the Koran is the exact words of Allah, then both contradictory verses are true, but the later verse is better or stronger. This leads to dualistic logic where two contradictory facts can both be true.

5. Submission
Islam means submission and Muslim means one who has submitted. It is clearly stated in the Trilogy that all kafirs and their civilizations must be annihilated. Mohammed’s success depended on violence to persuade kafirs that he was the prophet of Allah.
Submission is political, as well as religious. Islam demands that kafirs submit in every aspect of public life. Every part of kafir culture is an offense to Allah.

Everything you say about political Islam has to have a reference to the Islamic foundational texts found in the Trilogy: Koran, Sira, Hadith.

The CSPI Teaching Method is the easiest and quickest way to learn about Islam.

There are only two ultimate authorities about Islam—Allah and Mohammed. Allah is found in the Koran. Mohammed is found in the Sira (Mohammed’s biography) and in the Hadith (his words and actions). CSPI approaches these three Islamic texts from the point of view of the Kafir (non-Muslim). A referencing system allows the reader to verify the book content from the Islamic foundational source texts.

Systemic Knowledge
The easiest way to study Islam is to see the whole picture. For instance, the Koran alone cannot be understood due to a lack of context, but when the life of Mohammed is added, it makes sense.

Levels of Learning
The ideas of Islam are very foreign to our civilization. It takes repetition to grasp the new ideas. The CSPI method uses four levels of training to teach the doctrine in depth. The first level is designed for a beginner and lays out the entire scope of Islam. Each level and book repeats the basics to insure in depth learning. Therefore each book can be read on its own or as part of the full series.

Political Islam, Not Religious Islam
Islam has a political doctrine and a religious doctrine. Its political doctrine concerns everyone, while religious Islam only concerns Muslims. CSPI books deal only with political Islam and Mohammed, not Muslims.

Scientific Approach
The CSPI method employs a rational or scientific approach with fact-based reasoning to deconstruct the Islamic doctrine. CSPI uses simple statistics, graphs & categorization to analyze the doctrine. We do not question the truth of the doctrine, we merely examine objectively what is there. We hold this truth to be self evident: Koran + Sira + Hadith (Trilogy) = Islamic Doctrine. To uphold the truth of the doctrine, CSPI stresses the importance of precise naming when discussing political Islam.

What is Islam? - Political Islam
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RT could be the seemingly benign element that we allow to be in our homes and to be part of our news consumption.
You made your point.
Thank you.

Internet troll: A person, usually operating under a pseudonym, who posts deliberately provocative messages to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of provoking maximum disruption and argument. They are often paid by nefarious sources but sometime are motivated to do so for their own amusement. They often try to provoke dissension and doubt by writing dis-informational letters to the editors of newspapers.

Another good definition of an internet troll: A person who purposely and deliberately starts an online or media argument in a manner which attacks others on a forum without in any way listening to the arguments proposed by other commenters. He will often use ad hominem attacks.

Internet shill: Someone who promotes something or someone online for pay without divulging that they are associated with the entity they shill for. Shills promote companies, products, public figures and viewpoints for profit, while pretending to have no motivation for doing so other than personal belief. Alternatively, they sometimes denigrate someone or something, such as a political viewpoint or a competitor’s product, that is in conflict with the entity they serve. Shill jobs are telecommute positions or are conducted from temporary offices which are frequently moved to avoid detection.

Whether you are a Muslim or a new convert to Islam or an apologist, your challenge should be to present the words and deeds of the Prophet Mohammed clearly as written in the Koran, Hadith and Sira.

Then the challenge should be to show how the Iranian givernment does or does not obey the holy Islamic texts and why.

Otherwise you are wasting keystrokes and our time.
‘Why must we hate Iran?’ Rick Sanchez questions MSM mantra as Trump & US intel disagree
Twisted headlines and nuclear accusations against Iran all serve the same purpose: beating the drums of war and fanning public hatred: Rick Sanchez takes on how the White House and the MSM are trying to ram their message home.

It's a great question. And if you look at a map it's
pretty easy to see who's threatening who when it comes to
the relationship between Iran and the United States.
View attachment 243234
Why must we hate Iran?

Because Iran hates Israel.

Because Iran hates US.

Because Iran spreads terrorism.

Because Iran threatens its neighbors.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

That is it right there, we are taught Iran hates Israel but its the Israel regime they dislike and also we are taught Iran hates the US but they didn't attack us ever. No Iran doesn't spread terrorism, only if you talk to Israel or Saudi Arabia and the those who suck up to SA and Israel in the US, and we like SA only due to the petro dollar. Iran is friendly with its neighbor Syria, and also Lebanon.
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OP would be more credible without the link being RT.

Rick Sanchez left CNN so he could tell the truth and be an actual journalist.
But I realize Americans have forgotten what that is.
I appreciate the effort. But what is going on now is that the present administration has to reverse the wrong headed policies of the previous administration.

You can't coddle terrorists to bring them to the peace table or get them to lay down arms by emptying GITMO of it's mass murderers. That isn't going to stop terrorists from digging mass graves, beheading people, setting them to flame or drowning them in a cage.

You can't pay Al Queda to assassinate Qadaffi and not expect them to attack Benghazi when they find out through your careless handling of classified data that you are illegally using it as a weapon's depot to arm radical Islamocists to support your own little private war in Libya.

You can't look the other way while ISIS ravages the countryside, slaughters 500,000 Christians, rapes and kidnaps women and passes them around like a box of chocolates as sex slaves, and expect them to not continue to take more territory and murder even more people, just because you tell them they are "naughty".

Above all, you can't give a country like Iran who funds numerous terrorist groups, $150 Billion in violation of International Law and expect them and the rest of the world to respect you. You can't give them $150 Billion dollars and stop them from spending more money to arm terrorists, produce nuclear weapons, and test longer range ICBMs with the words written upon them "Death to Israel" "Death to America".
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Above all, you can't give a country like Iran who funds numerous terrorist groups, $150 Billion in violation of International Law and expect them and the rest of the world to respect you.
You ever hear of the Iran Contra Affair which our justice system chose to virtually ignore ?
Reagan and George HW Bush not only armed Iran but then to make sure they didn't win the war with Iraq they armed Saddam Hussein . Almost at the same time --arming the Taliban in Afghanistan and creating the future Al Qaeda.
I didn't say I disagreed, just that the OP article would carry more weight if from a source not Russia Today. I learned about these things from studying the Syrian ordeal..started around 5 years ago.
RT is as, if not more, credible than any Murican "news" outlet I can think of....For what that's worth.

I agree, but a majority does not.
Think about this.

You are building an AR 15 from components.

No one component is dangerous until the very last element is added to the rifle.

RT could be the seemingly benign element that we allow to be in our homes and to be part of our news consumption.


So imagine one day somehow or some way, Russia has a plan to defeat America which needs only one more element to achieve its goal.

That element is the support of enough Americans who have been lulled into believing RT is harmless.

Then, for the very first time in it's up until that point trustworthy history of broadcasting they are told by the Russian government to broadcast a huge lie.

The lie wouldnt need to withstand scrutiny for more than a day. But in that day it might serve to cause us confusion or freeze us from taking action.

RT might be the last needed element which the Russian government might need to make their plan work.

The bullet that turns the AR 15 from a pile of metal and plastic parts into a lethal weapon.

We can no longer view speech as harmless when our enemies use it as a weapon against us taking advantage of our ignorance.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

The Russian Government Already has control of our Media. THE MSM WORKS FOR VLADIMIR PUTIN. This is why they were and still are complicit in Obama's Soft COUP to overturn our Legal and Valid Election of Donald J. Trump.

Think about it. The MSM continually promotes "Russian Collusion" even when they are told there is none. They constantly hype it up, constantly try to say our president is mentally ill, unfit for office, is a Russian Spy, was not elected legitimately.

They are more of a threat than RT can ever be, because The American People Once Trusted them, and many still do.

When your Nation's media becomes a propaganda machine, they are the enemy of The American People and are an ally of our Enemies.

They do their work for them.....and for FREE.

Imagine if during The Revolutionary War, you had The MSM siding with The Empire of Great Britain, and invited Red Coat after Red Coat on to their platform to denounce and criticize George Washington 10,000 times a day on thousands of media outlets.

That is EXACTLY what we have today.

The Red Coats aren't coming......They are already here broadcasting The Nightly News......their version of The Nightly News.

"Impeach 44" is the same equivalent of "Hang The Traitor George Washington!"
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Some people around here have selective memories when it comes to history.
Iran rounded up hundreds of Arabs to help the United States counter al Qaeda after the Sept. 11 attack after they crossed the border from Afghanistan, a former Bush administration official said Tuesday.
Iran Gave U.S. Help On Al Qaeda After 9/11
The Russian Government Already has control of our Media. THE MSM WORKS FOR VLADIMIR PUTIN. This is why they were and still are complicit in Obama's Soft COUP to overturn our Legal and Valid Election of Donald J. Trump.

Think about it. The MSM continually promotes "Russian Collusion" even when they are told there is none. They constantly hype it up, constantly try to say our president is mentally ill, unfit for office, is a Russian Spy, was not elected legitimately.

They are more of a threat than RT can ever be, because The American People Once Trusted them, and many still do.

When your Nation's media becomes a propaganda machine, they are the enemy of The American People and are an ally of our Enemies.

They do their work for them.....and for FREE.

Imagine if during The Revolutionary War, you had The MSM siding with The Empire of Great Britain, and invited Red Coat after Red Coat on to their platform to denounce and criticize George Washington 10,000 times a day on thousands of media outlets.

That is EXACTLY what we have today.

The Red Coats aren't coming......They are already here broadcasting The Nightly News......their version of The Nightly News.

"Impeach 44" is the same equivalent of "Hang The Traitor George Washington!"
The Russian Government Already has control of our Media. THE MSM WORKS FOR VLADIMIR PUTIN. ..

The MSM is just part of the matrix of control, and Russia has no control over it I assure you.
Then the challenge should be to show how the Iranian givernment does or does not obey the holy Islamic texts and why.

A lot of us are much more concerned about our own government violating the Constitution.
As if that is going to destroy America?


It has gone on and we dont like it. And we have to stop this corruption.

But you are tearing down the President we hired to oversee the changes we want made.

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