‘Why must we hate Iran?’ Rick Sanchez questions MSM mantra as Trump & US intel disagree

You don't get it.

Nothing you can say has any bearing on Iran's stated intention and demonstrated execution of their goal of spreading their revolutionary religion to the entire world.

Stick to making your case without trying to confuse the facts of the threat posed by Iran.
That is my case. You're comparing some words in a book to tons and tons of bombs we've dropped in the region including helping Saddam kill a million Iranians with chemical weapons.
I do not condone a third rate news network whose employers have attempted to interfere with our elections to be a legitimate news source.

Don't worry spunky, you still have dozens of idiotic right wing websites you can link to for your 'truth'.
Thank you Ms Wasserman Schultz.

I do not condone a third rate news network whose employers have attempted to interfere with our elections to be a legitimate news source.

Don't worry spunky, you still have dozens of idiotic right wing websites you can link to for your 'truth'.
Thank you Ms Wasserman Schultz.

View attachment 243268

That's not even an answer. The Russian government tried to influence our elections, I don't see any reason why we need to entertain a third rate cable news network as anything other than Russian propaganda designed to divide our own country.
I'm all for the 1st amendment, I'm against the propaganda arm of the Russian government fucking around with our own public discourse.
So you want to only hear from propaganda arms right here in Murica, huh?
A warning on their broadcasts should be issued before, during and at the close of their news programs or every few minutes or as a crawl along the bottom of tbe screen.

We are past the point where we can pretend speech is not harmful to our nation's existence when consumed by young people with no other frame of reference to what is good or bad, harmful or helpful or healthy speech.

It is like giving heroin to adolescent kids.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
I didn't say I disagreed, just that the OP article would carry more weight if from a source not Russia Today. I learned about these things from studying the Syrian ordeal..started around 5 years ago.
RT is as, if not more, credible than any Murican "news" outlet I can think of....For what that's worth.

I agree, but a majority does not.
I didn't say I disagreed, just that the OP article would carry more weight if from a source not Russia Today. I learned about these things from studying the Syrian ordeal..started around 5 years ago.
RT is as, if not more, credible than any Murican "news" outlet I can think of....For what that's worth.

I agree, but a majority does not.
Fortunately, I don't let the majority do my thinking for me....I'm smart enough to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff from any of these sources...Hell, I'll even give Alex Jones a fair hearing.
A warning on their broadcasts should be issued before, during and at the close of their news programs or every few minutes or as a crawl along the bottom of tbe screen.

We are past the point where we can pretend speech is not harmful to our nation's existence when consumed by young people with no other frame of reference to what is good or bad, harmful or helpful or healthy speech.

It is like giving heroin to adolescent kids.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

You don't get it.

Nothing you can say has any bearing on Iran's stated intention and demonstrated execution of their goal of spreading their revolutionary religion to the entire world.

Stick to making your case without trying to confuse the facts of the threat posed by Iran.
That is my case. You're comparing some words in a book to tons and tons of bombs we've dropped in the region including helping Saddam kill a million Iranians with chemical weapons.
Iran is the threat.

The USA was very much an ally of Iran before the Islamic Revolution.

The revolution made them a threat.

We have responded to that threat appropriately.

When they renounce Islam or their ongoing campaign of violent and nonviolent Jihad, maybe then your cry for lenuency might be warrabted.

Until then, you are close to labeling yourself as an enemy of America by trying to apologize for Iran and to get us to buy into your misguided advocacy of the worlds worst purveyor of Islamic terrorism.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
It's not a case of "hating Iran" as much as it's a case of realizing it is a major sponsor of terrorism throughout the world. To stop terrorism, one must stop the sponsor of it.
I didn't say I disagreed, just that the OP article would carry more weight if from a source not Russia Today. I learned about these things from studying the Syrian ordeal..started around 5 years ago.
RT is as, if not more, credible than any Murican "news" outlet I can think of....For what that's worth.

I agree, but a majority does not.
Fortunately, I don't let the majority do my thinking for me....I'm smart enough to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff from any of these sources...Hell, I'll even give Alex Jones a fair hearing.

Unfortunately, there's been almost an entire generation purposely raised to not be able to do that.
‘Why must we hate Iran?’ Rick Sanchez questions MSM mantra as Trump & US intel disagree
Twisted headlines and nuclear accusations against Iran all serve the same purpose: beating the drums of war and fanning public hatred: Rick Sanchez takes on how the White House and the MSM are trying to ram their message home.

It's a great question. And if you look at a map it's
pretty easy to see who's threatening who when it comes to
the relationship between Iran and the United States.
View attachment 243234

Are you Mentally Ill?

The reason we have a presence in The Middle East, as does Russia and many European Nations is because of countries like Iran who are a State Sponsor of terror. The US and other allies are the only thing from stopping WWIII from breaking out in that region.

But don't believe me, go to Wiki and read the long list of terrorist activities Iran is directly involved in and judge for yourself. This is just a small snippet of what Iran is involved in.

Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia

Since the Iranian Revolution in 1979, the government of Iran has been accused by several countries, including the United States, of funding, providing equipment, weapons, training and giving sanctuary to terrorists.[1] Iran has been accused of training, financing, and providing weapons and safe havens for non-state militant actors, such as Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza, and other Palestinian groups (Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC)). These groups are designated terrorist groups by a number of countries and international bodies; however, Iran considers such groups to be "national liberation movements" with a right to self-defense in the face of Israeli military occupation.[2] The United States State Department has also accused Iranian-backed Iraqi Shia militias of terrorism against US troops, and Iran of cyberterrorism, primarily through its Quds Force.[3]

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps[edit]
After the fall of the Shah in 1979, the Islamic Republic of Iran established the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to domestically promote the government's social policy. IRGC is accused of spreading its ideology in neighboring regions by training and funding "terrorist organizations". By 1986, IRGC had 350,000 members and had acquired a small naval and air force. By 1996, its ground forces numbered 100,000 and the naval forces numbered 20,000. They are believed to use the Quds Force to train Islamic militants.[4]

In 1995, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard held a conference with worldwide organizations accused of engaging in terrorism including the Japanese Red Army, the Armenian Secret Army, the Kurdistan Workers' Party, the Iraqi Da'wah Party, the Islamic Front for the Liberation of Bahrain and Hezbollah in Beirut for the sole purpose of providing training to these organizations supposedly to help in the destabilization of Gulf States and aid assistance to militants in these countries to replace the existing governments with Iran-like regimes.[5]

The United States State Department states that IRGC provides support for Hamas, Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Israel. They also say that IRGC has given much support and training to terrorists supporting the Palestinian resistance. They are also accused of aiding the Iraqi insurgency in southern Iraq.[5]On September 26, 2007, the United States Senate passed legislation by a vote of 76-22 designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guards a terrorist organization.[6]U.S. President George W. Bush and Congress labeled the group under the guidelines established by Executive Order 13224 issued after the September 11, 2001 attacks.[7]

Every member of the 9-11 hijackers were from two of those countries with the black dots.

Every member of ISIS are from all of the countries with the black dots.

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