Why No Arrests For All of the Fraud?


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
You really would think prosecutors could come up with more than one 72 year old republican guy who voted absentee for his mother who had been dead for 7 years, and tried to register his dead mother-in-law.
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?

That isn't the question. The proper question is "Why no executions over all of the fraud."
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?

That isn't the question. The proper question is "Why no executions over all of the fraud."
You’re going to execute the republican governor of Georgia for fraud?
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
In Pennsylvania they did get this guy. for voter fraud
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
Arrest, trial and execution is too lenient for them. That is why I'm developing the Sicksisciss system. (aka Hell Rocket)

The worst form of torture that has ever been conceived by mankind. Western medical science has traditionally focused on pain relief and prolonging life. My invention will be able to prolong the life of the doomed almost indefinitely, while maximizing their pain. They will wish they were dead, but death will never arrive.

Mwuhahahahha! :rock: :stir::FIREdevil:
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Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
Arrest ???? Rotflmbo.... Why arrest these days, when the leftist idiot criminals get right back out due to a corrupt rogue leftists judge or due to the leftist non-enforcement ideology being pushed by the radical left in society today.
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
Arrest ???? Rotflmbo.... Why arrest these days, when the leftist idiot criminals get right back out due to a corrupt rogue leftists judge or due to the leftist non-enforcement ideology being pushed by the radical left in society today.

So nobody is getting arrested anywhere right now? Is that the craziness you're now selling?
We take care of business here. I can't speak for other states.

This shit-eating rodent is looking at 10 years:
Texas Social Worker Charged With 134 Counts Involving Election Fraud

This is exactly why we don't want to continue to coexist with you marxist filthy animals anymore. Capiche?
This occurred two years ago and has no bearing on the 2020 Presidential Election. Here's the actual indictment.

Additionally, there are bad apples in both parties. Here's a North Carolina Republican charged with three felony counts.

Looks like your dumb ass is so hell bent on proving something that didn't exist that your stupidity got the best of you. Post relevant facts bitch or Shut The Fuck Up. Anyone can dig up old non-relevant news supporting anything they want.

Damn, you're a fucking idiot, and before you state "that you weren't referring to this year's election." Why post such old and outdated news? Pull your feeble head out of trump's asshole and get a dose of reality.
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
Arrest ???? Rotflmbo.... Why arrest these days, when the leftist idiot criminals get right back out due to a corrupt rogue leftists judge or due to the leftist non-enforcement ideology being pushed by the radical left in society today.

So nobody is getting arrested anywhere right now? Is that the craziness you're now selling?
How about you keep it context please. I'm not chasing you all over the place while you hollar nah, nah, na, boo, boo like a good little spoiled rotten child thinking they are getting away with something.
Sure seems as though (if there was as much fraud as is alleged every hour here) that the people committing the fraud would have been arrested by now. Are you guys telling me that there isn't one sheriff in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania who is sympathetic to Trump to have arrested these felons you guys swear are everywhere?
Arrest ???? Rotflmbo.... Why arrest these days, when the leftist idiot criminals get right back out due to a corrupt rogue leftists judge or due to the leftist non-enforcement ideology being pushed by the radical left in society today.

So nobody is getting arrested anywhere right now? Is that the craziness you're now selling?
How about you keep it context please. I'm not chasing you all over the place while you hollar nah, nah, na, boo, boo like a good little spoiled rotten child thinking they are getting away with something.

How about you try to answer the question...why are none of these highly conservative sheriffs in Georgia arresting people for election fraud?

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