Why No FBI....?

Well, sparky, it was a local matter then - but it's a federal matter now. Dr. Ford can still file criminal charges in Maryland.

it's a federal matter?


Yeah, sparky, it certainly is - because the hearing and confirmation of Kavanaugh is being conducted by the U.S. Senate.

Still doesn't make a possible groping a federal matter.
You're right...who cares if a potential Supreme Court Justice tried to rape a 15 year old girl....nothing to see here, folks.
Again for the SLOW and STUPID, she NEVER claimed he tried to rape her.
true! I didn't see her claim rape!

She did claim that with him forcefully holding her down and then the covering of her mouth area with his hand to prevent her screams from being heard, she worried that he was accidentally, going to kill her...
Well, sparky, it was a local matter then - but it's a federal matter now. Dr. Ford can still file criminal charges in Maryland.

it's a federal matter?


Yeah, sparky, it certainly is - because the hearing and confirmation of Kavanaugh is being conducted by the U.S. Senate.

Still doesn't make a possible groping a federal matter.
You're right...who cares if a potential Supreme Court Justice tried to rape a 15 year old girl....nothing to see here, folks.
Again for the SLOW and STUPID, she NEVER claimed he tried to rape her.
Of course she did. What she described is attempted rape.
In the Kavanaugh hearing regarding the very serious allegations of sexual assault?

The FBI was called on during the Clarence Thomas hearings to investigate the accusations made by Anita Hill.

That is how this is done. In fact Orin Hatch REQUESTED that investigation in that case, He KNOWS that is the "regular order".

What are they afraid of?

Not regular order when you've already had 6 THOROUGH FBI checks and several clearance updates by the FBI. Also not anything the FBI can address because there are no potential criminal charges due to statute of limitations.

FBI is NOT a political tool. Have her hire a private investigation team. You Dems need to stop thinking that the FBI is your personal Gestapo..
It's not?

But it was in the Thomas hearing.

Odd huh?

And it was completely inconclusive with Thomas being confirmed. There was actually more evidence provided with specific details - i.e., something for the FBI to check into.

In Ford's case, the only "evidence" is from HIGHLY SUSPECT repressed memory therapy. She has provided NO DETAILS to investigate.
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Hey titless WAVE, she has never alleged it was a rape or attempted rape
Yes she did...that is precisely what she described. It sure wasn't "attempted spooning by forcibly removing her clothes and covering her mouth so she couldn't scream"...you people are nuts....

he supposedly removed her clothes?

When did that come out?
She said he attempted to forcibly remove her clothes.
Hey titless WAVE, she has never alleged it was a rape or attempted rape
Yes she did...that is precisely what she described. It sure wasn't "attempted spooning by forcibly removing her clothes and covering her mouth so she couldn't scream"...you people are nuts....

he supposedly removed her clothes?

When did that come out?
She said he attempted to forcibly remove her clothes.


then, he didn't actually remove any clothing?
Hey titless WAVE, she has never alleged it was a rape or attempted rape
Yes she did...that is precisely what she described. It sure wasn't "attempted spooning by forcibly removing her clothes and covering her mouth so she couldn't scream"...you people are nuts....

he supposedly removed her clothes?

When did that come out?
She said he attempted to forcibly remove her clothes.


then, he didn't actually remove any clothing?
According to her, no. She escaped. Have you not read anything on this? Geez man..read something....
OMG! You people have moved beyond ridiculous. I think it'd be amazing to see her try that. What is she going to do, walk into a police station and say, "Hey, I know this guy assaulted me but I don't know when it happened or where it happened." And if they were both minors, they'd need to go to juvenile court. Good grief.

What are you even talking about?

Where are you getting this "don't know when it happened or where it happened"?

Pull that out your ass?

Where are you getting this "don't know when it happened or where it happened"?

That's what she's been saying.

Pull that out your ass?

among other sources, USAToday.

Kavanaugh, too? Christine Blasey Ford's account is missing key details of assault
THAT'S an OPINION PIECE, with no links to support what she claims....????

Where are the links to what this op writer got her op alleged facts from...?

that op included some falsehoods as well.... Juanita Broderick could NOT remember exactly when it happened... she remembered it was during Clinton's campaign, she remember it was at a hotel she was staying at... but she did not remember precisely when it happened.

Dr. ford took a lie detector test and passed.

but where are the links to her not knowing when or where? From what I read, she remembers the timing, she remembers the neighborhood, she remembers the inside of the house and what it looked like, she remembers it was a party... what she does not know is the precise DATE the party took place, but she does remember the year, the month it took place.

My sister was robbed at gunpoint as trying to enter her house, he held the gun to her head the whole time in her house, dragging her from room to room to gather her valuables, then he took her outside via gunpoint and told her to get in the trunk of the car... she managed to talk her way out of it by saying she would be screaming bloody murder the whole way because she was claustrophobic... so he made her drive, to the bank machine to with drawl money...

anyway, my sister was a special ed teacher, and had worked teaching Juvenile delinquents that were jailed, so she had experience with young thugs, this guy was about 20.

The whole time, my sister said, all she paid attention to, was trying to memorize this guys face, so she could identify him in a line up or with an artist trying to recreate his face, she said she even knew the count of how many and long his nose hairs were... hahahaha, all she did was concentrate on his face and the gun he was holding to hers!

Long story short, she escaped unharmed, went straight to the police.... the police asked her, what was the guy wearing as clothing.... and she could not remember, and honestly did not know what he was wearing, jeans pants shorts or naked.... all she remembered was his face, and the type of gun he was using... (she is a gun owner)

*They did catch him, she did identify him.
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Hey titless WAVE, she has never alleged it was a rape or attempted rape
Yes she did...that is precisely what she described. It sure wasn't "attempted spooning by forcibly removing her clothes and covering her mouth so she couldn't scream"...you people are nuts....

he supposedly removed her clothes?

When did that come out?
She said he attempted to forcibly remove her clothes.

One more time.

Anita Hill

It's what HAPPENS when there are allegations of impropriety with SCOTUS nominees
Anita hill didn't wait 36 years you idiot
those alter boys waited 20, 30, and even 40 years to come out and tell what the Priests did to them.

It is a known fact, male or female, it is a crime that is held in and compartmentalized... locked away in a lock box, by both male and females traumatized by it when young.

Read up on it.... inform yourself....
In the Kavanaugh hearing regarding the very serious allegations of sexual assault?

The FBI was called on during the Clarence Thomas hearings to investigate the accusations made by Anita Hill.

That is how this is done. In fact Orin Hatch REQUESTED that investigation in that case, He KNOWS that is the "regular order".

What are they afraid of?

Because the "crime" that Hill accused Thomas of violated Federal statutes? Because the "crime" that Ms. Ford has accused Brett Kavanaugh of isn't a Federal crime?

Admit it, Lesh...you know as well as I do that there is nothing THERE to investigate...you're simply hoping that an FBI investigation would drag on for months and the Democrats take enough seats in the Senate to block any Trump appointee to the Supreme Court! At least be honest about it...
The blatant hypocrisy in this can be seen simply by looking at how Ford's lawyer defended Bill Clinton against allegations of sexual harassment and how she now portrays what happened to Ford! It's a joke...
OMG! You people have moved beyond ridiculous. I think it'd be amazing to see her try that. What is she going to do, walk into a police station and say, "Hey, I know this guy assaulted me but I don't know when it happened or where it happened." And if they were both minors, they'd need to go to juvenile court. Good grief.

What are you even talking about?

Where are you getting this "don't know when it happened or where it happened"?

Pull that out your ass?

Where are you getting this "don't know when it happened or where it happened"?

That's what she's been saying.

Pull that out your ass?

among other sources, USAToday.

Kavanaugh, too? Christine Blasey Ford's account is missing key details of assault
THAT'S an OPINION PIECE, with no links to support what she claims....????

Where are the links to what this op writer got her op alleged facts from...?

that op included some falsehoods as well.... Juanita Broderick could NOT remember exactly when it happened... she remembered it was during Clinton's campaign, she remember it was at a hotel she was staying at... but she did not remember precisely when it happened.

Dr. ford took a lie detector test and passed.

but where are the links to her not knowing when or where? From what I read, she remembers the timing, she remembers the neighborhood, she remembers the inside of the house and what it looked like, she remembers it was a party... what she does not know is the precise DATE the party took place, but she does remember the year, the month it took place.

My sister was robbed at gunpoint as trying to enter her house, he held the gun to her head the whole time in her house, dragging her from room to room to gather her valuables, then he took her outside via gunpoint and told her to get in the trunk of the car... she managed to talk her way out of it by saying she would be screaming bloody murder the whole way because she was claustrophobic... so he made her drive, to the bank machine to with drawl money...

anyway, my sister was a special ed teacher, and had worked teaching Juvenile delinquents that were jailed, so she had experience with young thugs, this guy was about 20.

The whole time, my sister said, all she paid attention to, was trying to memorize this guys face, so she could identify him in a line up or with an artist trying to recreate his face, she said she even knew the count of how many and long his nose hairs were... hahahaha, all she did was concentrate on his face and the gun he was holding to hers!

Long story short, she escaped unharmed, went straight to the police.... the police asked her, what was the guy wearing as clothing.... and she could not remember, and honestly did not know what he was wearing, jeans pants shorts or naked.... all she remembered was his face, and the type of gun he was using... (she is a gun owner)

*They did catch him, she did identify him.

You do know that lie detectors do not detect lies don't you?
One more time.

Anita Hill

It's what HAPPENS when there are allegations of impropriety with SCOTUS nominees
Anita hill didn't wait 36 years you idiot
those alter boys waited 20, 30, and even 40 years to come out and tell what the Priests did to them.

It is a known fact, male or female, it is a crime that is held in and compartmentalized... locked away in a lock box, by both male and females traumatized by it when young.

Read up on it.... inform yourself....

There is ZERO proof to her accusations. Anyone can claim anything, doesnt make it true.

Get it? Got it?

Figure it out for fucks sake.

Christ you people are ridiculous.
In the Kavanaugh hearing regarding the very serious allegations of sexual assault?

The FBI was called on during the Clarence Thomas hearings to investigate the accusations made by Anita Hill.

That is how this is done. In fact Orin Hatch REQUESTED that investigation in that case, He KNOWS that is the "regular order".

What are they afraid of?
Not for something from 40 years ago with NO physical evidence no list of witnesses no location listed. Further it was a local matter between TEENAGERS. Any possibility it had a criminal component is null and void by statute of Limitations to boot.

Google is your friend, you can look it up. For the record, MD (where the alleged incident happened), has no statute of limitations for attempted rape.

Bad thing? He could get confirmed, and because there is no statute, she could wait until he was a sitting SC judge, press charges, and the police would have to pursue it.
That’s not the accusation
In the Kavanaugh hearing regarding the very serious allegations of sexual assault?

The FBI was called on during the Clarence Thomas hearings to investigate the accusations made by Anita Hill.

That is how this is done. In fact Orin Hatch REQUESTED that investigation in that case, He KNOWS that is the "regular order".

What are they afraid of?
Not for something from 40 years ago with NO physical evidence no list of witnesses no location listed. Further it was a local matter between TEENAGERS. Any possibility it had a criminal component is null and void by statute of Limitations to boot.

Google is your friend, you can look it up. For the record, MD (where the alleged incident happened), has no statute of limitations for attempted rape.

Bad thing? He could get confirmed, and because there is no statute, she could wait until he was a sitting SC judge, press charges, and the police would have to pursue it.
That’s not the accusation
Yes,it is.

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