Why No FBI....?

Who's telling you all this crap?? First of all, it wouldn't BE rape. They were BOTH WAAAAY underage. So MAYBE who ever told you there was no statute of limitations was speaking out of their ass. Could be different for UNDERAGE sex acts between minors....

Really. Who are the morons feeding you? Fire them. Get new morons..

Really? It's not rape because they were "waaaay underage"? He was 17, and she was 15. That is not "waaaay underage", that is almost at the age of consent (18). And, there is nothing in MD's sexual assault laws that say you have to be over a certain age for it to be rape. Matter of fact, the penalties go up as the age goes down.

Maryland Rape and Sexual Assault Laws - FindLaw

The various forms of sexual assault that are prohibited in Maryland include:

  • Rape
    • First Degree – engaging in sexual intercourse with another without his or her consent by force, using weapons, strangling or inflicting serious physical injury, threatening with death, serious injury, or kidnapping, or committed with another’s help or during a burglary
    • Second Degree – engaging in vaginal intercourse with another 1) without his or her consent by force or threat, 2) with a mentally or physically incapacitated person (includes drunk, high, or unconscious) when the defendant knows of his or her condition, or 3) the victim is under 14 years old and the defendant is at least 4 years older than the victim
  • Sexual Offense
    • First Degree – engaging in a sexual act (oral or anal sex, or any object or part of one’s body penetrates the genitals or anus for sexual gratification, but not vaginal intercourse – that’s above in rape) by force, threat, or without consent while displaying a weapon, suffocating or physically injuring the victim, or threatening the victim with death, disfigurement, or serious physical injury, or committed with another’s help or during a burglary
    • Second Degree – engaging in a sexual act with another by 1) force or without his or her consent, 2) with a mentally or physically incapacitated person (includes drunk, high, or unconscious) when the defendant should know of his or her condition, or 3) the victim is under 14 and the defendant is at least 4 years older than the victim
    • Third Degree – includes any of the following:
      • engaging in sexual contact (intentionally touching the victim’s or defendant’s genital, anal, or other private parts for sexual gratification or abuse of either person) in any of the following situations:
        • Without consent while using a weapon, strangling or seriously injuring the victim, threatening the victim with death, serious injury, or kidnapping, or committed with another’s help OR
        • The victim is mentally or physically incapacitated (drunk or unconscious for example) and the defendant knows of his or her condition
        • The victim is under 14 years old and the defendant is at least 4 years older
        • Engaging in a sexual act (i.e. oral or anal sex) or vaginal sex with a 14 or 15 year old victim by a 21 year old or older defendant, AKA statutory rape
    • Fourth Degree – any of the following:
      • Engaging in sexual contact without the other’s consent
      • Engaging in a sexual act or vaginal sex with a 14 or 15 year old when the defendant is at least 4 years older
      • Engaging in a sexual act, sexual contact, or vaginal sex with a child under 18 who at the time of the sexual activity was a student enrolled in a school where the person was in a position of authority (i.e. a principal, coach, teacher, or counselor who’s at least 21 years old, employed by the school, and was in a supervisory position over the student)

Wheres the police report?
so that refers to adult acting with a minor

according to the accuser they both had been minors at the time

Doesn't matter. You can still be charge with attempted rape even if you are a minor.

I see. So wheres the police report?

there isnt any
Who's telling you all this crap?? First of all, it wouldn't BE rape. They were BOTH WAAAAY underage. So MAYBE who ever told you there was no statute of limitations was speaking out of their ass. Could be different for UNDERAGE sex acts between minors....

Really. Who are the morons feeding you? Fire them. Get new morons..

Really? It's not rape because they were "waaaay underage"? He was 17, and she was 15. That is not "waaaay underage", that is almost at the age of consent (18). And, there is nothing in MD's sexual assault laws that say you have to be over a certain age for it to be rape. Matter of fact, the penalties go up as the age goes down.

Maryland Rape and Sexual Assault Laws - FindLaw

The various forms of sexual assault that are prohibited in Maryland include:

  • Rape
    • First Degree – engaging in sexual intercourse with another without his or her consent by force, using weapons, strangling or inflicting serious physical injury, threatening with death, serious injury, or kidnapping, or committed with another’s help or during a burglary
    • Second Degree – engaging in vaginal intercourse with another 1) without his or her consent by force or threat, 2) with a mentally or physically incapacitated person (includes drunk, high, or unconscious) when the defendant knows of his or her condition, or 3) the victim is under 14 years old and the defendant is at least 4 years older than the victim
  • Sexual Offense
    • First Degree – engaging in a sexual act (oral or anal sex, or any object or part of one’s body penetrates the genitals or anus for sexual gratification, but not vaginal intercourse – that’s above in rape) by force, threat, or without consent while displaying a weapon, suffocating or physically injuring the victim, or threatening the victim with death, disfigurement, or serious physical injury, or committed with another’s help or during a burglary
    • Second Degree – engaging in a sexual act with another by 1) force or without his or her consent, 2) with a mentally or physically incapacitated person (includes drunk, high, or unconscious) when the defendant should know of his or her condition, or 3) the victim is under 14 and the defendant is at least 4 years older than the victim
    • Third Degree – includes any of the following:
      • engaging in sexual contact (intentionally touching the victim’s or defendant’s genital, anal, or other private parts for sexual gratification or abuse of either person) in any of the following situations:
        • Without consent while using a weapon, strangling or seriously injuring the victim, threatening the victim with death, serious injury, or kidnapping, or committed with another’s help OR
        • The victim is mentally or physically incapacitated (drunk or unconscious for example) and the defendant knows of his or her condition
        • The victim is under 14 years old and the defendant is at least 4 years older
        • Engaging in a sexual act (i.e. oral or anal sex) or vaginal sex with a 14 or 15 year old victim by a 21 year old or older defendant, AKA statutory rape
    • Fourth Degree – any of the following:
      • Engaging in sexual contact without the other’s consent
      • Engaging in a sexual act or vaginal sex with a 14 or 15 year old when the defendant is at least 4 years older
      • Engaging in a sexual act, sexual contact, or vaginal sex with a child under 18 who at the time of the sexual activity was a student enrolled in a school where the person was in a position of authority (i.e. a principal, coach, teacher, or counselor who’s at least 21 years old, employed by the school, and was in a supervisory position over the student)

Wheres the police report?
so that refers to adult acting with a minor

according to the accuser they both had been minors at the time

Doesn't matter. You can still be charge with attempted rape even if you are a minor.

Only 2nd degree rape IF you are 4 years older than the victim. And this is NOT RAPE anyways. So knock it off with the escalations of guilt here.

according to the accuser there is only a couple of years difference

in at least one version
Not only do the Republicans NOT want the FBI to investigate these allegations as they did in the Thomas/Hill issue...but they are refusing to have ANY other witnesses even though Ford's attorney says she has witnesses to back up her story

They KNOW she's telling the truth
Not for something from 40 years ago with NO physical evidence no list of witnesses no location listed. Further it was a local matter between TEENAGERS. Any possibility it had a criminal component is null and void by statute of Limitations to boot.

Well, sparky, it was a local matter then - but it's a federal matter now. Dr. Ford can still file criminal charges in Maryland.

it's a federal matter?


Yeah, sparky, it certainly is - because the hearing and confirmation of Kavanaugh is being conducted by the U.S. Senate.

Still doesn't make a possible groping a federal matter.
You're right...who cares if a potential Supreme Court Justice tried to rape a 15 year old girl....nothing to see here, folks.

He tried to rape her?

Well, sparky, it was a local matter then - but it's a federal matter now. Dr. Ford can still file criminal charges in Maryland.

it's a federal matter?


Yeah, sparky, it certainly is - because the hearing and confirmation of Kavanaugh is being conducted by the U.S. Senate.

Still doesn't make a possible groping a federal matter.
You're right...who cares if a potential Supreme Court Justice tried to rape a 15 year old girl....nothing to see here, folks.

He tried to rape her?


Dr. Ford. That's why she wants a thorough FBI investigation.
In the Kavanaugh hearing regarding the very serious allegations of sexual assault?

The FBI was called on during the Clarence Thomas hearings to investigate the accusations made by Anita Hill.

That is how this is done. In fact Orin Hatch REQUESTED that investigation in that case, He KNOWS that is the "regular order".

What are they afraid of?

NOTHING “very serious” takes 36 years to report.
Use your head once.
In the Kavanaugh hearing regarding the very serious allegations of sexual assault?

The FBI was called on during the Clarence Thomas hearings to investigate the accusations made by Anita Hill.

That is how this is done. In fact Orin Hatch REQUESTED that investigation in that case, He KNOWS that is the "regular order".

What are they afraid of?

Not regular order when you've already had 6 THOROUGH FBI checks and several clearance updates by the FBI. Also not anything the FBI can address because there are no potential criminal charges due to statute of limitations.

FBI is NOT a political tool. Have her hire a private investigation team. You Dems need to stop thinking that the FBI is your personal Gestapo..
the Senate judicial committee is being used as a political tool though

And I agree the FBI is not.

This is why the FBI should do the Investigating on this issue and not the senate judiciary committee's Republican staffers, who were assigned to the 'job'.... while those senate staffers doing the alleged fair investigation are tweeting to their constituents, ''Don't worry, we'll get Kavanaugh through'' :rolleyes:

This bullying of Grassley and him not requesting the FBI to reopen their back ground check for this NEW revelation, and not accommodating the witness which is in their protocol to do, is an injustice to both Kavanaugh, Ford, and the American people and especially a slap in the face and kick in the gut for ALL WOMEN who may have truly been sexually abused.

And everyone on the R side of the committee telling their cult not to worry, Kavanaugh will be SC Justice, BEFORE the hearing even takes place without hearing all of the facts, nor wanting to gather the facts that can be gathered...

Is a dereliction of duty and shows the whole hearing is a sham, before it even began....

And the whole world is watching and sees the sham of our government of the USA... what a complete embarrassment and shameful imo.
Not for something from 40 years ago with NO physical evidence no list of witnesses no location listed. Further it was a local matter between TEENAGERS. Any possibility it had a criminal component is null and void by statute of Limitations to boot.

Well, sparky, it was a local matter then - but it's a federal matter now. Dr. Ford can still file criminal charges in Maryland.

it's a federal matter?


Yeah, sparky, it certainly is - because the hearing and confirmation of Kavanaugh is being conducted by the U.S. Senate.

Still doesn't make a possible groping a federal matter.
You're right...who cares if a potential Supreme Court Justice tried to rape a 15 year old girl....nothing to see here, folks.
Again for the SLOW and STUPID, she NEVER claimed he tried to rape her.
If Senate Republicans don't treat Dr. Ford with a reasonable degree of fairness and respect, she may feel compelled to file a criminal complaint against Kavanaugh in Maryland which could trigger a criminal investigation. This was discussed by Rachel Maddow earlier tonight.

OH YES, I can only hope they will re-confirm their utter ignorance, desperation, and hate.

I can just see the cop taking this complaint.

Officer: When did this happen?

Ford: About 36 years ago.

Officer: Uhhh...Dr. Ford, you do know there is a statute of limitations don't you?

Ford: Yeah, yeah, details, I just have to file a complaint and barbecue his ass!

Officer: You do know we're not here to exact revenge, don't you?

Ford: What good are you then? Never mind, let's get on with this!

Officer: What was the date of the alleged offense?

Ford: Well, I'm not exactly sure, but that's not important.

Officer: Not important? What:

Ford: Come on, let's move this along, I have to say I filed a complaint!

Officer: What's the address of the alleged offense?

Ford: Address, smashdress, it has a swimming pool and is close to a country club. Close enough.

Officer: Okay, maybe we can find it. How did you get to the party?

Ford: Well...I'm not sure.

Officer: How old were you and was alcohol being consumed.

Ford: I think I was 15 and yes there was drinking.

Officer, so everyone was drinking underage.

Ford: Yes, but that's not relevant, everyone did it at the time.

Officer: So there was illegal drinking. How did you get to and from the party?

Ford: Well, that's another thing, I don't exactly remember. BUT, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?

Officer: Well, actually it makes a huge difference.

Ford: Why? That worked for goddess Hillary Clinton!

Officer: You're not Hillary Clinton!

Ford: You're just being sexist, when can I have this report ready for publication? Can I get it for the Sunday papers?

Officer: Somebody, anybody, HELP!
In the Kavanaugh hearing regarding the very serious allegations of sexual assault?

The FBI was called on during the Clarence Thomas hearings to investigate the accusations made by Anita Hill.

That is how this is done. In fact Orin Hatch REQUESTED that investigation in that case, He KNOWS that is the "regular order".

What are they afraid of?
Not for something from 40 years ago with NO physical evidence no list of witnesses no location listed. Further it was a local matter between TEENAGERS. Any possibility it had a criminal component is null and void by statute of Limitations to boot.

Well, sparky, it was a local matter then - but it's a federal matter now. Dr. Ford can still file criminal charges in Maryland.
OMG! You people have moved beyond ridiculous. I think it'd be amazing to see her try that. What is she going to do, walk into a police station and say, "Hey, I know this guy assaulted me but I don't know when it happened or where it happened." And if they were both minors, they'd need to go to juvenile court. Good grief.
OMG! You people have moved beyond ridiculous. I think it'd be amazing to see her try that. What is she going to do, walk into a police station and say, "Hey, I know this guy assaulted me but I don't know when it happened or where it happened." And if they were both minors, they'd need to go to juvenile court. Good grief.

What are you even talking about?

Where are you getting this "don't know when it happened or where it happened"?

Pull that out your ass?
And the whole world is watching and sees the sham of our government of the USA... what a complete embarrassment and shameful imo.

That's just foolish. Plus, I don't really give a rip what any other nature thinks.

As for everyone watching? I bet you could go out on the street and not find two out of ten people who know the name of the Supreme Court nominee.
OMG! You people have moved beyond ridiculous. I think it'd be amazing to see her try that. What is she going to do, walk into a police station and say, "Hey, I know this guy assaulted me but I don't know when it happened or where it happened." And if they were both minors, they'd need to go to juvenile court. Good grief.

What are you even talking about?

Where are you getting this "don't know when it happened or where it happened"?

Pull that out your ass?

Where are you getting this "don't know when it happened or where it happened"?

That's what she's been saying.

Pull that out your ass?

among other sources, USAToday.

Kavanaugh, too? Christine Blasey Ford's account is missing key details of assault
OMG! You people have moved beyond ridiculous. I think it'd be amazing to see her try that. What is she going to do, walk into a police station and say, "Hey, I know this guy assaulted me but I don't know when it happened or where it happened." And if they were both minors, they'd need to go to juvenile court. Good grief.

What are you even talking about?

Where are you getting this "don't know when it happened or where it happened"?

Pull that out your ass?
Nope. That's from your put up accuser Ford. She doesn't know when the party happened, where the party happened, how she got there or how she got home. Ask her.
If Senate Republicans don't treat Dr. Ford with a reasonable degree of fairness and respect, she may feel compelled to file a criminal complaint against Kavanaugh in Maryland which could trigger a criminal investigation. This was discussed by Rachel Maddow earlier tonight.
In fact it's possible that were he confirmed...we might be treated to the "joy" of having a sitting Supreme Court Justice brought up on charges of attempted rape
Not from 40 years ago dumb ass.
There is no stature of limitations for attempted rape in Maryland...DUMBASS

Who's telling you all this crap?? First of all, it wouldn't BE rape. They were BOTH WAAAAY underage. So MAYBE who ever told you there was no statute of limitations was speaking out of their ass. Could be different for UNDERAGE sex acts between minors....

Really. Who are the morons feeding you? Fire them. Get new morons..

Really? It's not rape because they were "waaaay underage"? He was 17, and she was 15. That is not "waaaay underage", that is almost at the age of consent (18). And, there is nothing in MD's sexual assault laws that say you have to be over a certain age for it to be rape. Matter of fact, the penalties go up as the age goes down.

Maryland Rape and Sexual Assault Laws - FindLaw

The various forms of sexual assault that are prohibited in Maryland include:

  • Rape
    • First Degree – engaging in sexual intercourse with another without his or her consent by force, using weapons, strangling or inflicting serious physical injury, threatening with death, serious injury, or kidnapping, or committed with another’s help or during a burglary
    • Second Degree – engaging in vaginal intercourse with another 1) without his or her consent by force or threat, 2) with a mentally or physically incapacitated person (includes drunk, high, or unconscious) when the defendant knows of his or her condition, or 3) the victim is under 14 years old and the defendant is at least 4 years older than the victim
  • Sexual Offense
    • First Degree – engaging in a sexual act (oral or anal sex, or any object or part of one’s body penetrates the genitals or anus for sexual gratification, but not vaginal intercourse – that’s above in rape) by force, threat, or without consent while displaying a weapon, suffocating or physically injuring the victim, or threatening the victim with death, disfigurement, or serious physical injury, or committed with another’s help or during a burglary
    • Second Degree – engaging in a sexual act with another by 1) force or without his or her consent, 2) with a mentally or physically incapacitated person (includes drunk, high, or unconscious) when the defendant should know of his or her condition, or 3) the victim is under 14 and the defendant is at least 4 years older than the victim
    • Third Degree – includes any of the following:
      • engaging in sexual contact (intentionally touching the victim’s or defendant’s genital, anal, or other private parts for sexual gratification or abuse of either person) in any of the following situations:
        • Without consent while using a weapon, strangling or seriously injuring the victim, threatening the victim with death, serious injury, or kidnapping, or committed with another’s help OR
        • The victim is mentally or physically incapacitated (drunk or unconscious for example) and the defendant knows of his or her condition
        • The victim is under 14 years old and the defendant is at least 4 years older
        • Engaging in a sexual act (i.e. oral or anal sex) or vaginal sex with a 14 or 15 year old victim by a 21 year old or older defendant, AKA statutory rape
    • Fourth Degree – any of the following:
      • Engaging in sexual contact without the other’s consent
      • Engaging in a sexual act or vaginal sex with a 14 or 15 year old when the defendant is at least 4 years older
      • Engaging in a sexual act, sexual contact, or vaginal sex with a child under 18 who at the time of the sexual activity was a student enrolled in a school where the person was in a position of authority (i.e. a principal, coach, teacher, or counselor who’s at least 21 years old, employed by the school, and was in a supervisory position over the student)

Nothing happened between the two but nothing in the allegation is listed above. You and the other Progressives fille with hate are simply boasting about your desperation.
Nope. That's from your put up accuser Ford. She doesn't know when the party happened, where the party happened, how she got there or how she got home. Ask her.

Still repeating that lie?

Post something that show's "she's been saying that" or stop fucking lying

Of course you ARE lying because she has NOT said that
In the Kavanaugh hearing regarding the very serious allegations of sexual assault?

The FBI was called on during the Clarence Thomas hearings to investigate the accusations made by Anita Hill.

That is how this is done. In fact Orin Hatch REQUESTED that investigation in that case, He KNOWS that is the "regular order".

What are they afraid of?

Not regular order when you've already had 6 THOROUGH FBI checks and several clearance updates by the FBI. Also not anything the FBI can address because there are no potential criminal charges due to statute of limitations.

FBI is NOT a political tool. Have her hire a private investigation team. You Dems need to stop thinking that the FBI is your personal Gestapo..

Wrong. There is no statute of limitations for attempted rape in the state of MD, where the attack is supposed to have happened.

Maryland Prosecutor on Kavanaugh Allegations: “When There’s Something the Police Have Brought to Us, We’ll Address It”

But the FBI is not the only law enforcement agency that could launch an investigation.

In Maryland, there is no statute of limitations for rape or attempted rape and the alleged incident took place in suburban Montgomery County, outside Washington, D.C.

Hey titless WAVE, she has never alleged it was a rape or attempted rape, so back that truck up!

This thread has long since covered that the statute of limitations in Maryland does apply. Stop being a libtard!
Last edited:
Not from 40 years ago dumb ass.
There is no stature of limitations for attempted rape in Maryland...DUMBASS

Who's telling you all this crap?? First of all, it wouldn't BE rape. They were BOTH WAAAAY underage. So MAYBE who ever told you there was no statute of limitations was speaking out of their ass. Could be different for UNDERAGE sex acts between minors....

Really. Who are the morons feeding you? Fire them. Get new morons..

Really? It's not rape because they were "waaaay underage"? He was 17, and she was 15. That is not "waaaay underage", that is almost at the age of consent (18). And, there is nothing in MD's sexual assault laws that say you have to be over a certain age for it to be rape. Matter of fact, the penalties go up as the age goes down.

Maryland Rape and Sexual Assault Laws - FindLaw

The various forms of sexual assault that are prohibited in Maryland include:

  • Rape
    • First Degree – engaging in sexual intercourse with another without his or her consent by force, using weapons, strangling or inflicting serious physical injury, threatening with death, serious injury, or kidnapping, or committed with another’s help or during a burglary
    • Second Degree – engaging in vaginal intercourse with another 1) without his or her consent by force or threat, 2) with a mentally or physically incapacitated person (includes drunk, high, or unconscious) when the defendant knows of his or her condition, or 3) the victim is under 14 years old and the defendant is at least 4 years older than the victim
  • Sexual Offense
    • First Degree – engaging in a sexual act (oral or anal sex, or any object or part of one’s body penetrates the genitals or anus for sexual gratification, but not vaginal intercourse – that’s above in rape) by force, threat, or without consent while displaying a weapon, suffocating or physically injuring the victim, or threatening the victim with death, disfigurement, or serious physical injury, or committed with another’s help or during a burglary
    • Second Degree – engaging in a sexual act with another by 1) force or without his or her consent, 2) with a mentally or physically incapacitated person (includes drunk, high, or unconscious) when the defendant should know of his or her condition, or 3) the victim is under 14 and the defendant is at least 4 years older than the victim
    • Third Degree – includes any of the following:
      • engaging in sexual contact (intentionally touching the victim’s or defendant’s genital, anal, or other private parts for sexual gratification or abuse of either person) in any of the following situations:
        • Without consent while using a weapon, strangling or seriously injuring the victim, threatening the victim with death, serious injury, or kidnapping, or committed with another’s help OR
        • The victim is mentally or physically incapacitated (drunk or unconscious for example) and the defendant knows of his or her condition
        • The victim is under 14 years old and the defendant is at least 4 years older
        • Engaging in a sexual act (i.e. oral or anal sex) or vaginal sex with a 14 or 15 year old victim by a 21 year old or older defendant, AKA statutory rape
    • Fourth Degree – any of the following:
      • Engaging in sexual contact without the other’s consent
      • Engaging in a sexual act or vaginal sex with a 14 or 15 year old when the defendant is at least 4 years older
      • Engaging in a sexual act, sexual contact, or vaginal sex with a child under 18 who at the time of the sexual activity was a student enrolled in a school where the person was in a position of authority (i.e. a principal, coach, teacher, or counselor who’s at least 21 years old, employed by the school, and was in a supervisory position over the student)

Wheres the police report?

She hasn't filed one yet. But, because there is no statute of limitations when it comes to felony sexual assault (and attempted rape qualifies), she can file one anytime she wants to, if she wants to, and the police have to investigate, even if it is over 35 years old.

And, that is one of the things that made Trump's tweet so stupid today. He didn't know that there isn't a statute of limitations, and by asking her to produce a police report, she just might decide to file charges.

Wrong. Read the thread, dumbass!

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