Why No FBI....?

As much as I hate the cons, trump this evil ass judge....but this case of rape os ridiculous....so are lot of cases or high profile....you go to the party/bedroom/hotel room/drunk to have fun and be wild , and then 20 or 30 years later accuse a person of rape. I'm sorry bit I have 0 sympathy for that.
If one feels violated here or she report it immediately.
You mean, FBI investigation # 7? Bullshit... If they didn't find anything wrong in the last six, they won't find anything in a seventh. It's time to put an end to Deep State obstruction.
In the Kavanaugh hearing regarding the very serious allegations of sexual assault?

The FBI was called on during the Clarence Thomas hearings to investigate the accusations made by Anita Hill.

That is how this is done. In fact Orin Hatch REQUESTED that investigation in that case, He KNOWS that is the "regular order".

What are they afraid of?

Not regular order when you've already had 6 THOROUGH FBI checks and several clearance updates by the FBI. Also not anything the FBI can address because there are no potential criminal charges due to statute of limitations.

FBI is NOT a political tool. Have her hire a private investigation team. You Dems need to stop thinking that the FBI is your personal Gestapo..
It's not?

But it was in the Thomas hearing.

Odd huh?

were they investigating a 36 year old 'crime' in the Thomas case?
Did you think there was a statute of limitations here?

There is not

And further...what does that have to do with anything anyway.

Are you saying it's OK to confirm a SCOTUS Justice to a LIFETIME appointment even if you knew he had attempted to rape a woman 36 years ago?

Wrong, buffalo breath!

It is one year.

Maryland Statutes of Limitations for Sexual Abuse | LegalMatch Law Library

She couldn't even file a civil suit because that has a 3 year limit.
If Senate Republicans don't treat Dr. Ford with a reasonable degree of fairness and respect, she may feel compelled to file a criminal complaint against Kavanaugh in Maryland which could trigger a criminal investigation. This was discussed by Rachel Maddow earlier tonight.
In fact it's possible that were he confirmed...we might be treated to the "joy" of having a sitting Supreme Court Justice brought up on charges of attempted rape
Not from 40 years ago dumb ass.
There is no stature of limitations for attempted rape in Maryland...DUMBASS

Yes, there is. See the link in my other post.
In the Kavanaugh hearing regarding the very serious allegations of sexual assault?

The FBI was called on during the Clarence Thomas hearings to investigate the accusations made by Anita Hill.

That is how this is done. In fact Orin Hatch REQUESTED that investigation in that case, He KNOWS that is the "regular order".

What are they afraid of?
Not for something from 40 years ago with NO physical evidence no list of witnesses no location listed. Further it was a local matter between TEENAGERS. Any possibility it had a criminal component is null and void by statute of Limitations to boot.

Well, sparky, it was a local matter then - but it's a federal matter now. Dr. Ford can still file criminal charges in Maryland.
Then let her!

Did you even read the link you posted??

Whatever the FBI does, the prospect of criminal charges being filed against Kavanaugh appear very unlikely, legal experts say.

There has been no suggestion that Kavanaugh may have committed a federal crime, so the FBI would not conduct a criminal investigation.

The FBI is looking for any kind of current problem. What do I mean by current — 7 to 10 years.”

The allegations Ford detailed to The Washington Post appear to be misdemeanors that would be beyond the statute of limitations under Maryland law, said Randolph Rice, a Baltimore-based attorney who specializes in sex crimes.
In the Kavanaugh hearing regarding the very serious allegations of sexual assault?

The FBI was called on during the Clarence Thomas hearings to investigate the accusations made by Anita Hill.

That is how this is done. In fact Orin Hatch REQUESTED that investigation in that case, He KNOWS that is the "regular order".

What are they afraid of?
Not for something from 40 years ago with NO physical evidence no list of witnesses no location listed. Further it was a local matter between TEENAGERS. Any possibility it had a criminal component is null and void by statute of Limitations to boot.

Well, sparky, it was a local matter then - but it's a federal matter now.
It is not any matter as all it is is she said he said. Further the statute of Limitations is LONG past. You can not charge a man with a crime that happened 40 years ago past any reasonable time period for statute of limitations.
An investigation would show if he was at that party. If anyone saw him take Professor Ford into that bedroom...what her state was on returning...

How DRUNK he was. What he said and acted like when he left that bedroom..

There were other people at that party and that is EVIDENCE

And then there is the problem of him claiming NOT to be at a party where this occurred. His denial alone if it turns out he was there...is damning.

And an investigation would show this...or clear him.

He ought to be DEMANDING this...if he didn't do it

Yeah, people are coming out of the woodwork saying exactly the opposite.

No one even knows where this happened?

Where were the parents of the house where the alleged party occured? Would they not have to be brought up on charges that supplied alcohol to minors? Chances are, these unknown parents are already DEAD! I am not that much older than Kavanaugh and my parents have been dead for years. I say we dig the parents up and charge them too!

My God, you are an idiot of the highest caliber, right there alongside Senator Kristen Gillibrand.
If Senate Republicans don't treat Dr. Ford with a reasonable degree of fairness and respect, she may feel compelled to file a criminal complaint against Kavanaugh in Maryland which could trigger a criminal investigation. This was discussed by Rachel Maddow earlier tonight.
In fact it's possible that were he confirmed...we might be treated to the "joy" of having a sitting Supreme Court Justice brought up on charges of attempted rape
Not from 40 years ago dumb ass.
There is no stature of limitations for attempted rape in Maryland...DUMBASS

Who's telling you all this crap?? First of all, it wouldn't BE rape. They were BOTH WAAAAY underage. So MAYBE who ever told you there was no statute of limitations was speaking out of their ass. Could be different for UNDERAGE sex acts between minors....

Really. Who are the morons feeding you? Fire them. Get new morons..

He can't fire the voices in his head. He needs them to keep repeating "breathe in, breathe out", or he'll turn blue and die.
In the Kavanaugh hearing regarding the very serious allegations of sexual assault?

The FBI was called on during the Clarence Thomas hearings to investigate the accusations made by Anita Hill.

That is how this is done. In fact Orin Hatch REQUESTED that investigation in that case, He KNOWS that is the "regular order".

What are they afraid of?

Not regular order when you've already had 6 THOROUGH FBI checks and several clearance updates by the FBI. Also not anything the FBI can address because there are no potential criminal charges due to statute of limitations.

FBI is NOT a political tool. Have her hire a private investigation team. You Dems need to stop thinking that the FBI is your personal Gestapo..
Not regular order when you've already had 6 THOROUGH FBI checks and several clearance updates by the FBI.
Regular Order, in so far as a Senate committee's "advise and consent" Constitutional responsibilities are concerned, come in the form of Senate rules of order and established committee precedent and custom. Regular Order of the Senate Judiciary Committee includes an additional FBI background check if necessary under certain circumstances.

That precedent was established in 1991 when the Judiciary Committee reopened their hearing to hear Anita Hill's testimony and ordered an additional FBI background check which took a whooping 2 1/2 days to complete. It is recorded in the Senate committee records and memorialized on video of how both Grassley and Hatch clearly stated the absolute necessity of FBI background checks of all parties involved in the allegations. Now ~27 years later, Hatch and Grassley seem to have conveniently forgotten about the precedent they argued for and established. I wonder why????

The number of previous background checks for other government positions are NOT relevant other that to help with yielding additional background material, your surmise, notwithstanding. What one believes from the propaganda mill is one thing, but propaganda has a distinct problem of being at odds with fact and truth!
In the Kavanaugh hearing regarding the very serious allegations of sexual assault?

The FBI was called on during the Clarence Thomas hearings to investigate the accusations made by Anita Hill.

That is how this is done. In fact Orin Hatch REQUESTED that investigation in that case, He KNOWS that is the "regular order".

What are they afraid of?

Not regular order when you've already had 6 THOROUGH FBI checks and several clearance updates by the FBI. Also not anything the FBI can address because there are no potential criminal charges due to statute of limitations.

FBI is NOT a political tool. Have her hire a private investigation team. You Dems need to stop thinking that the FBI is your personal Gestapo..
Not regular order when you've already had 6 THOROUGH FBI checks and several clearance updates by the FBI.
Regular Order, in so far as a Senate committee's "advise and consent" Constitutional responsibilities are concerned, come in the form of Senate rules of order and established committee precedent and custom. Regular Order of the Senate Judiciary Committee includes an additional FBI background check if necessary under certain circumstances.

That precedent was established in 1991 when the Judiciary Committee reopened their hearing to hear Anita Hill's testimony and ordered an additional FBI background check which took a whooping 2 1/2 days to complete. It is recorded in the Senate committee records and memorialized on video of how both Grassley and Hatch clearly stated the absolute necessity of FBI background checks of all parties involved in the allegations. Now ~27 years later, Hatch and Grassley seem to have conveniently forgotten about the precedent they argued for and established. I wonder why????

The number of previous background checks for other government positions are NOT relevant other that to help with yielding additional background material, your surmise, notwithstanding. What one believes from the propaganda mill is one thing, but propaganda has a distinct problem of being at odds with fact and truth!

Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas is a bit different from reopening a Cold Case file, that was never a case to begin with.
Lesh said:
But it was in the Thomas hearing.

Odd huh?
Thomas Was A Federal Official Of The Time Of Hill's Allegations

The FBI Itself Says:
Assault, Rape And Attempted Murder
(She Was Afraid She Might Be Killed, Right)
Are Local Police Affairs
The FBI Just Doesn't Have Jurisdiction

None Of The People Of This Alleged Event
1. Were Federal Officials
2. Occurred On Federal Property
3. Were Taken Across State Lines

It's Not The FBI's Function To Find Non-Existent Evidence
Out Of A Convoluted Pile Of Ford Hearsay
Just Because Her Lawyer Demanded It From Them

All Of The Witnesses Ford Claims Were There
Claim They Don't Know What She's Talking About
There's No Forensic Evidence Of Any Kind
So What Is The FBI Supposed To Work With ??

Ford Hasn't Given Anyone Anything To Investigate
Saying She Has A Credible Case Over And Over
Doesn't Change That These Are Allegations With No Evidence
If Senate Republicans don't treat Dr. Ford with a reasonable degree of fairness and respect, she may feel compelled to file a criminal complaint against Kavanaugh in Maryland which could trigger a criminal investigation. This was discussed by Rachel Maddow earlier tonight.
Not On A 30yr Old Attempted Rape Charge
One With No 'Blue Dress' Or Corroborating Testimony
No. Case.

Maddow's Advisers Are Pee-Wee League
Gawd, what's that smell? Incredible how these corporate apologists squirm faced with one little woman's allegations and pending testimony! Perhaps this is just the tip of the iceberg? They sense an impending avalanche? Uh oh, what's this now?:
The Evidence Is Clear: Brett Kavanaugh Lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee
Slate Citing Senators Citing Slate
"Citing an essay in Slate by Lisa Graves, a former staffer for Sen. Patrick Leahy, Feinstein presented a line of argument that’s gaining currency among Democratic senators...."

Currency My Eye
More Stalling Because This Pick
Or Any Other Trump Pick
Will Pry The Prog Fingers Off An Activist Strangle Hold On SCOTUS
That Has Lasted For 60yrs
Last edited:
Lakhota said:
Well, sparky, who's trying to confirm him to SCOTUS? Who nominated him? Plus, Kavanaugh is already a fed on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.
This Alleged Incident
Didn't Occur While He Was An Anything Anywhere


No Prosecutor Will Pick-Up This Case
Because Of The Statute Of Limitations
And Any Judge Will Toss It Out Because Of The Statute Of limitations

Don't You Even Watch 'Law & Order' ??
Incredible how these corporate apologists squirm faced with one little woman's allegations and pending testimony!
She's Avoiding Justice
She's Avoiding Giving Testimony
Because She Has No Evidence Or Corroborating Testimony
No Blue Dress Hiding In Her Closet

This Is A Stall Tactic Based On Unicorns
Gambling On The Mid-Terms For Which There Is No Precedent
And If There's 51 Senators(D) After The Mid-Terms
They'll Stall Some More Until They Are Sworn In

So Trump Is Going To Keep Nominating Constitutionalists Like He Has Been
Do They Plan To Stall Until 2020 ??.....2024 ?
Infinity And Beyond ??

If There Is A Docket Pending Before SCOTUS
And There's A Vacant Seat(s)
The President Can Install A Dog-Catcher If He Wants
Without Committee Input At All
In the Kavanaugh hearing regarding the very serious allegations of sexual assault?

The FBI was called on during the Clarence Thomas hearings to investigate the accusations made by Anita Hill.

That is how this is done. In fact Orin Hatch REQUESTED that investigation in that case, He KNOWS that is the "regular order".

What are they afraid of?

No one is afraid of jack shit. Anita Hill was a federal employee and the alleged sexual harrassment was on federal property. Consequently a federal agency investigated the allegation.

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