Why No Shame?

He has to take responsibility for his actions.

It's a shame that he won't do that.
The Feds dropped charges on 90% of the summer of 2020 rioters that killed more people and did far more damage. Why weren't they held responsible? That destroys your bullshit post. Go away, you are stupid.
MAGA-thugs cheering on other MAGA-thugs when they attack Capitol cops.

That vast majority of Trump supporters did not support that riot and support them facing justice.

That you pretend otherwise is you trying to incite further division and violence.
Funny. Part of the mythos of the 1/6 panic mongering is that we on the right are very scary and dangerous. That is why you need such a strong punishment to try to scare us into restricting our violence and blah, blah, blah.

Yet, at the same time you are supporting the idea that 1/6 was sooooo bad, you are dismissing the idea that we on the right are capable of anything scary or dangerous at all.

Which is it Gator? Are we the bad guys, or not?

were you at the capital on Jan 6th?

If not then you are just some shit talker on the internet.
Funny. Part of the mythos of the 1/6 panic mongering is that we on the right are very scary and dangerous. That is why you need such a strong punishment to try to scare us into restricting our violence and blah, blah, blah.

Yet, at the same time you are supporting the idea that 1/6 was sooooo bad, you are dismissing the idea that we on the right are capable of anything scary or dangerous at all.

Which is it Gator? Are we the bad guys, or not?

No that isn't the premise of the 1/6 insurrection. The premise is that you wanted to over turn democracy but were too stupid and unorganized to realize throwing a tantrum on the House floor wasn't going to change shit.
My actions? What are those. My actions consist of drinking coffee, working, and crazily having to teach someone how to drive today almost a decade after I taught my youngest.

Well, thats the answer I am going to give as I would hope that my fellow citizens don't resort to terrorism because others were sentenced for assaulting police. Although they have their problems like everyone, I am a police supporter in general and frown on them being attacked.

Now if you're going to say this is going to get out the vote, then I am happy. Our Republic depends on an active and motivated citizenry.

The people imprisoned from this, will be political prisoners. That kind of thing invites a response.

You should really consider the implications of an action, BEFORE you do it, otherwise you end up looking like a whiny fool, when you complain that the shit you did, blew back on you.
It applies to this situation as that is the defense the dude is trying for. "Well, other people got away with it so I should also"

Do you really find that to be a valid defense?

Treating one group of rioters vastly different than another group of rioters, based not on the crime(s) committed by on their politics, is a violation of their civil rights, specifically the equal protection clause.


Equal Protection refers to the idea that a governmental body may not deny people equal protection of its governing laws. The governing body state must treat an individual in the same manner as others in similar conditions and circumstances. "
The Feds dropped charges on 90% of the summer of 2020 rioters that killed more people and did far more damage. Why weren't they held responsible? That destroys your bullshit post. Go away, you are stupid.
Protesting is different than an Insurrection to overthrow the voting will of the American people.
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were you at the capital on Jan 6th?

If not then you are just some shit talker on the internet.

I asked a simple question Gator. One you seem afraid to answer.

Are we dangerous, scary bad guys, or not?

Becasue, if we are, then crushing the 1/6 guys as an example, makes sense.

But then, your airy dismissal of our response, does not.

If we are NOT scary, bad guys, then pretending we are, as an excuse to crush your enemies, that makes you the bad guys.

Which is it?
That is lawfare. It is what progressives do. They use our own laws against us by taking things to extremes. Degenerate bastards that they are.
Would making violent threats against the National Archives be taking things to extremes?
From within the United States as I sit here using the legality of birth right citizenship to help take your country from you. 😁

So you claim. I have my doubts about you. Your lack of concern for your supposed black brothers and sisters, does not ring true.
I asked a simple question Gator. One you seem afraid to answer.

Are we dangerous, scary bad guys, or not?

Becasue, if we are, then crushing the 1/6 guys as an example, makes sense.

But then, your airy dismissal of our response, does not.

If we are NOT scary, bad guys, then pretending we are, as an excuse to crush your enemies, that makes you the bad guys.

Which is it?
Your violence toward our Democracy and our institutions will not be over looked.
I asked a simple question Gator. One you seem afraid to answer.

Are we dangerous, scary bad guys, or not?

Becasue, if we are, then crushing the 1/6 guys as an example, makes sense.

But then, your airy dismissal of our response, does not.

If we are NOT scary, bad guys, then pretending we are, as an excuse to crush your enemies, that makes you the bad guys.

Which is it?

For the most part no, there is not anything scary about you all but your willingness to blindly follow your cult leader.

The vast majority of you all just talk shit and never do a damn thing.

How many threads have we seen on this forum with talk about the coming civil war and succession....yet all it ever is is talk.
The people imprisoned from this, will be political prisoners. That kind of thing invites a response.
He admitted to assaulting a police officer. Thats not a political prisoner. Thats a felon.
You should really consider the implications of an action, BEFORE you do it, otherwise you end up looking like a whiny fool, when you complain that the shit you did, blew back on you.
This is always true. I immediately failed this test JUST NOW when I started eating a GS cookie without thinking about how fat and old I am. I did win my division this weekend so evidently old and fat beats young and talented on occasion. I really liked the stage where I started booking and popped the steel popper three times in a row as it was falling so I could pull a reload before getting to the last two targets. FUN!

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