Why nobody invades Switzerland....

FTR, while conservatives get all gushy over Switzerland, a friend of mine was living there in 2001. After 9/11, the biggest paper ran a poll of who was most to blame for 9/11, and 77% said "America."
FTR, while conservatives get all gushy over Switzerland, a friend of mine was living there in 2001. After 9/11, the biggest paper ran a poll of who was most to blame for 9/11, and 77% said "America."

In 2003, the Swiss disapproved of America's... and America's... and Amer

A key finding shows that 57 per cent of the Swiss have either a poor or very poor view of Americans.

"This is a European record," the Weltwoche said in its Thursday edition. "The negative picture of America appears to be a new phenomenon. In October 2000 a comprehensive study... showed two out of three Swiss had a good or very good view of America."​

What changed... psst... Bush

Excerpted from: swissinfo.ch/eng/anti-us-mood-rising-among-the-swiss Feb 6, 2003

Anti-Americanism in Switzerland
57 per cent have a "poor" or "very poor" view of America.

76 per cent disapprove of global Americanisation.

77 per cent believe Europe is (or is "somewhat") culturally superior to America.

56 per cent believe the world needs a second super-power.

40 per cent do not support a war in Iraq "under any circumstances".

71 per cent believe the US administration holds responsibility for Sept 11, 2001.


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