Why Not Build the Fence?

just like my house , sure I can accommodate more , sure I can feed more , I just don't want to .
the links tell me nothing that I don't already know . Sure they can be fed , sure there is enough room and space for them , I just don't want further population in the USA UNKATORE . Let them stay where they are as I don't see more immigration adding anything that I want .

You're an idiot who can't see past the end of his own nose.
aww , just noticed it and see that you are now calling names ehh UNKATORE ??
[funny] , I make my argument , you call names and like I said , yer links show me nothing I don't already know !!
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yep , this type immigration that's going on is not good for the USA or Americans living in the USA . USA is becoming a fragmented society because of immigration both illegal and the legal 1 - 2 million a year .
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Why Not Build the Fence?

Because a 'fence' won't work:

Most experts say that physical fencing would not drastically decrease the number of illegal immigrants entering the country. The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that as much as 40-50 percent of the U.S.’s unauthorized migrant population entered the country through legal ports of entry, either with nonimmigrant visas that subsequently expired (known as “overstayers”) or by using a Border Crossing Card that allows for short visits to the border region. A fence spanning the border would not prevent their entry to the country.

The Border Fence Folly | New Republic
more experts say , well stop the loose visa's and oversight of those visa's as part of the solution I guess and deport overstayers , jail their employers .
LEGAL immigrants are assimilating just as they always have. Frightened idiots are whining just as they always have. It'll work out about the same as usual.
well , Ill let the others decide for themselves if assimilation is occurring as they can see whats happening with their own eyes same as I see with my eyes UNKATORE . Course I never said anything about assimilation being of importance to me in my objection to a growing population in the USA in this thread .
Course I never said anything about assimilation being of importance to me in my objection to a growing population in the USA in this thread .

It seems you've never bothered to think about any of it at all.
Why Not Build the Fence?

Because a 'fence' won't work:

Most experts say that physical fencing would not drastically decrease the number of illegal immigrants entering the country. The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that as much as 40-50 percent of the U.S.’s unauthorized migrant population entered the country through legal ports of entry, either with nonimmigrant visas that subsequently expired (known as “overstayers”) or by using a Border Crossing Card that allows for short visits to the border region. A fence spanning the border would not prevent their entry to the country.

The Border Fence Folly | New Republic

The Fence is the dumbest idea ever but it makes the Repubs look good to demand it and the RWs fall for it.
Why Not Build the Fence?

Because a 'fence' won't work:

Most experts say that physical fencing would not drastically decrease the number of illegal immigrants entering the country. The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that as much as 40-50 percent of the U.S.’s unauthorized migrant population entered the country through legal ports of entry, either with nonimmigrant visas that subsequently expired (known as “overstayers”) or by using a Border Crossing Card that allows for short visits to the border region. A fence spanning the border would not prevent their entry to the country.

The Border Fence Folly | New Republic

The Fence is the dumbest idea ever but it makes the Repubs look good to demand it and the RWs fall for it.

ask the East Germans or Israel. A fence can stop 100% if you want it too. libturds don't want to stop it becuase they get votes dspite it taking 10 million jobs from Americans.
We have one in California and it works quite well; that is one of the reasons why illegal immigration has shifted to Texas. The disingenuous arguments about cost and effectiveness remind me of the opposition to anti-missile defenses in the 1980's. Try telling the Israelis that they don't work.

full agreement along as we enforce business illegal employee sanctions and pass immigration reform
and , build the fence !!

Google tunnels.

Go take a walk in the Sonora desert.

Its what is called a "sub tropical desert" because of the high rainfall. I lived there for more than 25 years. You could easily hide a herd of elephants (or illegals) and no one would find them.

I've written at length about the other lame idea that McCain/Kyl have foisted off on gullible tax payers.

Like their gazillion dollar night vision helicopters that are now parked in a huge graveyard that you can't see on Google Earth but can drive by in Tucson. The evening news used to show their tapes - coyotes (the dogs) trotting along - you could see them but ain't no way you could actually go to where they were. DUMB.

Another good one was the towers. They were like life guard towers and the Border Patrol would sit up there, cooking in the 114 degree heat and not able to see one damn thing - other than the brush and cactus.

But, yes, the Republicans will gladly take your money and build more fencing that won't even slow them down.

You might also want to Google that skinhead sheriff, Paul Babeu. He's the sheriff of Pinal county who appeared with McCain in those phony "finish the damn fence" spots.

Babeu is not just a skinhead, KKK asshole. He's also gay with an illegal lover. And, he's a crook - managed to score enough county bucks to buy a Hummer to drive down to the little cafe for lunch.

Now Google the location of Pinal county.

Feel dumb?
LEGAL immigrants are assimilating just as they always have.

What's with the problems of the children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren of some of those legal immigrants?

Because a 'fence' won't work:

The Fence is the dumbest idea ever but it makes the Repubs look good to demand it and the RWs fall for it.

ask the East Germans or Israel. A fence can stop 100% if you want it too. libturds don't want to stop it becuase they get votes dspite it taking 10 million jobs from Americans.

Oh please.

The Berlin wall stopped no one.

It was the 24/7 armed guards that stopped people.

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