Why Not Build the Fence?

The Fence is the dumbest idea ever but it makes the Repubs look good to demand it and the RWs fall for it.

ask the East Germans or Israel. A fence can stop 100% if you want it too. libturds don't want to stop it becuase they get votes dspite it taking 10 million jobs from Americans.

Oh please.

The Berlin wall stopped no one.

It was the 24/7 armed guards that stopped people.

Republicans are offering you an opportunity on a silver platter. Take it. Let's build the wall and then you can humiliate conservatives with your "I told you so" when it doesn't stop any infiltrators from jumping the border.
and --- what I've said applies to all immigrant groups no matter the race as I just don't care about Race . My only concern is a growing population of people inside USA borders . Course as I've said many times , old guys die out and its the young and their children that will inherit whatever is created .
LEGAL immigrants are assimilating just as they always have.

What's with the problems of the children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren of some of those legal immigrants?


Bring it 25 years forward to 2014, then I will pay attention to you.
ask the East Germans or Israel. A fence can stop 100% if you want it too. libturds don't want to stop it becuase they get votes dspite it taking 10 million jobs from Americans.

Oh please.

The Berlin wall stopped no one.

It was the 24/7 armed guards that stopped people.

Republicans are offering you an opportunity on a silver platter. Take it. Let's build the wall and then you can humiliate conservatives with your "I told you so" when it doesn't stop any infiltrators from jumping the border.

Nope, because our fellow GOP in Congress, if they get the fence without compromise on immigration and business illegal employee sanctions, will simply renege on their agreement.

Everything at once.
and --- what I've said applies to all immigrant groups no matter the race as I just don't care about Race . My only concern is a growing population of people inside USA borders . Course as I've said many times , old guys die out and its the young and their children that will inherit whatever is created .

I'm already pissed off at my parent's generation for spending the cultural inheritance that their parents passed them and giving us THIS cancer-wrecked society. How can my generation fix it so that we can restore the patrimony that once was?

Passing Brazil-North to my kids is not something that I look forward to.
hey Luddley , now its tunnels ehh , next you'll be talking ladders to climb fences , parachutes and hot air balloons , pogo sticks . [funny]
LEGAL immigrants are assimilating just as they always have.

What's with the problems of the children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren of some of those legal immigrants?


Bring it 25 years forward to 2014, then I will pay attention to you.

Why bother? You've already shown yourself ready to dismiss evidence presented which directly addresses your issues, so why would anyone on this board believe you when you write the above? You just ignore inconvenient data. That's who you are, that's your schtick and we all know it.
It strikes me as odd that Europeans and Spaniards can come to North America and take what's not theirs. Then America is founded on freedom of religion and speech and also as a place of refuge. Americans can invade, but noooooo, Mexicans aren't welcome.
Where's the logic in that?

It's called hypocrisy.
hey Luddley , now its tunnels ehh , next you'll be talking ladders to climb fences , parachutes and hot air balloons , pogo sticks . [funny]

I've been watching news footage of tunnels for more than 30 years.

Where have you been?
and --- what I've said applies to all immigrant groups no matter the race as I just don't care about Race . My only concern is a growing population of people inside USA borders . Course as I've said many times , old guys die out and its the young and their children that will inherit whatever is created .

I've read enough of your posts to know that the only thing you do care about is race.
nothing is keeping them from doing it the right way, just like your and my family did.

All the laws and regulations, and the cost of being able to come here is a good enough reason for a lot to just try to come here. Its not our land anyways. It is Mother Nature's and we are all people of this Earth, so why should men with guns say otherwise? I don't in any way support the drug cartels, human trafficking, or things like that. I just support freedom, what this country is supposedly founded on. If a family wants to


Oh, you're stewpud

never mind then

I know I'm not stupid.
What does insulting someone who feels differently than you do say about your character?
listening to EL RUSHBO the other day . He was talking about a length of time in the 30 to 60s [I'm unsure] that ALL immigration was shut down . I'll try to find some info but maybe some one else knows .
I've been seeing some tunnels on occasion but I know that if serious attempts are made then tunneling can be detected and stopped .
listening to EL RUSHBO the other day . He was talking about a length of time in the 30 to 60s [I'm unsure] that ALL immigration was shut down . I'll try to find some info but maybe some one else knows .

Here are two graphs. For the lefties who hate income inequality, you guys really need to focus, and focus deep, on the top graph.

I don't think that you are stupid , I think that you are naïve and I am not trying to insult you .
I know that you weren't , I just think that you are young and naïve . Could be wrong as you might be old and naïve .
I've been seeing some tunnels on occasion but I know that if serious attempts are made then tunneling can be detected and stopped .

Do you have any idea how long the tunnels have been in use? You might want to educate yourself.

While you're at it, learn to use the quote function.
quit being silly , we've been to the moon and the crushing depths of the seas . Detection could have probably been done 30 - 50 years earlier but its not in gov interest .
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