Why Not Build the Fence?

THIS REPLY IS TO THE ONE RIGHT ABOVE YOUR LAST REPLY UNKATORE ------------------------------ Probably not UNKATORE so the USA will be similar to the overcrowded U.K. eventually . The U.K. has 60,000,000 people living on an island about the size of the US state of Oregon . Oregon itself has a population of about 3 and a half - 4 million people and Oregon is pretty nice . Young people are building USA society and young people will have to live in it .
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and sure I want to hurry it along by stopping ALL immigration . That'd work pretty good as it'd reduce growth by a million or 2 a year [legal immigrants] and the older American people would just eventually leave especially since they will now have to rely on 'obamacare' .
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THIS REPLY IS TO THE ONE RIGHT ABOVE YOUR LAST REPLY UNKATORE ------------------------------ Probably not UNKATORE so the USA will be similar to the overcrowded U.K. eventually . .

No, it will not. Learn something about demographic trends worldwide.
sounds like you have another couple of Opinions UNKATORE and we still disagree . ME , well i'll just keep trusting my thinking and talking about my ideas .
We have one in California and it works quite well; that is one of the reasons why illegal immigration has shifted to Texas. The disingenuous arguments about cost and effectiveness remind me of the opposition to anti-missile defenses in the 1980's. Try telling the Israelis that they don't work.

We have one in California and it works quite well; that is one of the reasons why illegal immigration has shifted to Texas. The disingenuous arguments about cost and effectiveness remind me of the opposition to anti-missile defenses in the 1980's. Try telling the Israelis that they don't work.


yes we have no fence because liberals get votes from not having one, even as 10 million illegals have taken 10 million jobs from Americans thanks to the liberal open border..
It strikes me as odd that Europeans and Spaniards can come to North America and take what's not theirs. Then America is founded on freedom of religion and speech and also as a place of refuge. Americans can invade, but noooooo, Mexicans aren't welcome.
Where's the logic in that?

Euros used to kill people that wondered into their lands.

So does that mean we should kill all the illegals?

just showing you your "logic"

Killing those who are coming to United States won't solve anything. I never implied that's what should be done.

sarcasm a bit much for you?

John Kerry on
The Mexicans aren't trying to keep America. Many of them are fleeing and trying to have a better life for their families.

nothing is keeping them from doing it the right way, just like your and my family did.

All the laws and regulations, and the cost of being able to come here is a good enough reason for a lot to just try to come here. Its not our land anyways. It is Mother Nature's and we are all people of this Earth, so why should men with guns say otherwise? I don't in any way support the drug cartels, human trafficking, or things like that. I just support freedom, what this country is supposedly founded on. If a family wants to


Oh, you're stewpud

never mind then
It strikes me as odd that Europeans and Spaniards can come to North America and take what's not theirs. Then America is founded on freedom of religion and speech and also as a place of refuge. Americans can invade, but noooooo, Mexicans aren't welcome.
Where's the logic in that?

dear, today we have countries with borders. Today international law prevents you from
invading other countries or taking up residency in other countries because you want to. What people did 100's of years ago does not mean we should do it today. Do you understand?
It strikes me as odd that Europeans and Spaniards can come to North America and take what's not theirs. Then America is founded on freedom of religion and speech and also as a place of refuge. Americans can invade, but noooooo, Mexicans aren't welcome.
Where's the logic in that?
Can anyone translate this for Me?

I cannot for the life of Me find a single instance in recent history where we actually invaded a country and kept it.

Are we hiding countries again??:eusa_shifty:

The Mexicans aren't trying to keep America. Many of them are fleeing and trying to have a better life for their families.

so what??? Most of the world could make a better life for themselves by fleeing here!! Liberals don't think!!
thing is that all the people flowing here just make things worse for the people that are already here . Kids are now growing up in the USA with 310,000,000 people where when I was born 1949 the USA population was 180,000,000 [about] . I haven't looked yet but 1974 was about 200,000,000 [about] . I see no reason to continues to grow the population and certainly see no duty to anyone to allow , help or encourage immigration . USA government , business , religion and the dead lefty emma lazurus may want more people in the USA but I don't .
i just don't like the population increase , laws , regulations to govern more and different types of people UNKATORE . Sure , they can be fed and they'd have enough room to take the bus to work and pay taxes . As far as 'WORLD' population exploding or declining I could not care less . I'm only interested in not crowding the USA .
I'm only interested in not crowding the USA .

Then stop worrying, because that is not a problem. Illegal immigration is a problem, but there is NO 'overcrowding' problem in the US. The problems that the US is going to have to face - and problems they surely are - will stem from population aging and decline, as with other developed countries.
the links tell me nothing that I don't already know . Sure they can be fed , sure there is enough room and space for them , I just don't want further population in the USA UNKATORE . Let them stay where they are as I don't see more immigration adding anything that I want .

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