Why Not White Organizations Like The Blacks Have?


Silver Member
Jul 19, 2011
New Hampshire
It's not "racist" for the BLACK people in this country to have their own organizations.

So in the interest of EQUALITY, I propose the following organizations for WHITE people:

White Entertainment Television

White History Month

White Miss America

White Panthers

United Caucasian College Fund

National Association for the Advancement of White People (NAAWP)

Congressional White Caucus

National Organization Of White Engineers

National White Nurses Association

National White Chamber Of Commerce

National White MBA Association

National White Business Council

National Council Of Caucasian Women, Inc.

National Association of White Journalists

National Association of White Hotel Owners, Operators & Developers

Association of White Psychologists

American Association of Whites In Energy

National White Men Can't Jump Basketball Association
America needs to live by a single standard. If it's politically correct for one racial group to separate themselves and have special privileges then it's acceptable for all. Or, nobody has them. But many of these all black organizations are mainstream and perfectly "P.C." My cable provider features BET and my local grocery store sells Ebony Magazine. Isn't it just as racist to suppress white people as it is to suppress any other race? I say it is.

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