Why Obamacare is failing.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Humana healthcare, a big insurance company that was one of those working through the Obamacare program to offer individual plans, is pulling out.

Humana Continues to Build Upon Proven Strategy Following Termination of Merger with Aetna; Provides 2017 Financial Guidance; Announces Capital Deployment Plans | Humana Healthcare

Regarding the company’s individual commercial medical coverage (Individual Commercial), substantially all of which is offered on-exchange through the federal Marketplaces, Humana has worked over the past several years to address market and programmatic challenges in order to keep coverage options available wherever it could offer a viable product. This has included pursuing business changes, such as modifying networks, restructuring product offerings, reducing the company’s geographic footprint and increasing premiums.

All of these actions were taken with the expectation that the company’s Individual Commercial business would stabilize to the point where the company could continue to participate in the program. However, based on its initial analysis of data associated with the company’s healthcare exchange membership following the 2017 open enrollment period, Humana is seeing further signs of an unbalanced risk pool. Therefore, the company has decided that it cannot continue to offer this coverage for 2018. Through the remainder of 2017, Humana remains committed to serving its current members across 11 states where it offers Individual Commercial products. And, as it has done in the past, Humana will work closely with its state partners as it navigates this process.

So another insurer is pulling out. The obvious question is why? Well it is once you get past the I told you so crowing of the anti Obamacare folks.

The reason why the individual market is failing is simple. Employers are required to provide the insurance to employees. Young healthy people were getting their insurance through their parents, or through their employers. Or they decided they didn't need it based upon cost. Those are the young healthy people who were supposed to float the order or more in need of care people in the original vision of the program.

Employer based plans are run based upon the health of the employees who are covered. The individual marketplace was never going to have enough young healthy people without insurance but with the money to afford the program. So Humana is following the example of others, leaving the marketplace to reduce the losses on the financial report.

Now some may sneer and say that Humana is just a greedy corporation. That is just nonsense. Every corporation has a need to meet expenses and a bit of profit. Just like all of us as a matter of fact.

At the end of they year you take a look back and examine your financial health. You look at the losses you endured and the gains. Some are rare like Hurricane loss or severe storm damage. Others are fixed like house payments and still others are flexible like electric and cable. You can use a little less electrical and reduce the bill is what flexible means.

You can probably absorb a little loss once in a while. You can't afford to absorb a loss every year. Nobody else can either.

If Humana lost money year after year they would go bankrupt just like you would. The ACA operated on a flawed premise. The idea that the young and healthy would pay in to support those who were less so. Perhaps they would pay a little, but paying big bills for something you don't use is counterintuitive. The bills were hundreds or even thousands every month.

This is why it was destined to fail. Obamacare was an effort to create a privatized National Health Service. Voluntary participation was always going to be problematic. So they came up with the fines/tax to incentivize people to join. The reality was the fine/tax was going to be cheaper than the plan.

This was the second failure. The idea that people would pay more to get something rather than pay less because they had nothing. If you were going to be fined $500 for not having insurance you would be willing to pay $1,000 and get insurance. It would only cost you $500 more after all.

As for me, I get my coverage through my employer. I got it through my employer when Bush was President too.

To accomplish the goals laid out socialized medicine was required. Some people viewed the ACA as a stepping stone to Socialized medicine. That was just stupid.

The analogy I used at the time was this. If a Mechanic screws up your car you aren't going to pay him to fix the car right this time. If a Surgeon amputates the wrong leg you aren't going to tell him to try again.

You are going with someone else, and that someone would not be Democrats.

Every year the costs are going up for the individual plans, and every year more of the young and healthy were bailing on the expensive and in their view unnecessary individual marketplace plans.

Obamacare was always doomed. I believe the Democrats always knew that too.
Cut the bullshit, the prime reason ACA market is sputtering right now is due to huge uncertainties.

How can carriers possibly plan to open new plans while nobody knows what will happen with the law and (market it creates) tomorrow
Humana healthcare, a big insurance company that was one of those working through the Obamacare program to offer individual plans, is pulling out.

Humana Continues to Build Upon Proven Strategy Following Termination of Merger with Aetna; Provides 2017 Financial Guidance; Announces Capital Deployment Plans | Humana Healthcare

Regarding the company’s individual commercial medical coverage (Individual Commercial), substantially all of which is offered on-exchange through the federal Marketplaces, Humana has worked over the past several years to address market and programmatic challenges in order to keep coverage options available wherever it could offer a viable product. This has included pursuing business changes, such as modifying networks, restructuring product offerings, reducing the company’s geographic footprint and increasing premiums.

All of these actions were taken with the expectation that the company’s Individual Commercial business would stabilize to the point where the company could continue to participate in the program. However, based on its initial analysis of data associated with the company’s healthcare exchange membership following the 2017 open enrollment period, Humana is seeing further signs of an unbalanced risk pool. Therefore, the company has decided that it cannot continue to offer this coverage for 2018. Through the remainder of 2017, Humana remains committed to serving its current members across 11 states where it offers Individual Commercial products. And, as it has done in the past, Humana will work closely with its state partners as it navigates this process.

So another insurer is pulling out. The obvious question is why? Well it is once you get past the I told you so crowing of the anti Obamacare folks.

The reason why the individual market is failing is simple. Employers are required to provide the insurance to employees. Young healthy people were getting their insurance through their parents, or through their employers. Or they decided they didn't need it based upon cost. Those are the young healthy people who were supposed to float the order or more in need of care people in the original vision of the program.

Employer based plans are run based upon the health of the employees who are covered. The individual marketplace was never going to have enough young healthy people without insurance but with the money to afford the program. So Humana is following the example of others, leaving the marketplace to reduce the losses on the financial report.

Now some may sneer and say that Humana is just a greedy corporation. That is just nonsense. Every corporation has a need to meet expenses and a bit of profit. Just like all of us as a matter of fact.

At the end of they year you take a look back and examine your financial health. You look at the losses you endured and the gains. Some are rare like Hurricane loss or severe storm damage. Others are fixed like house payments and still others are flexible like electric and cable. You can use a little less electrical and reduce the bill is what flexible means.

You can probably absorb a little loss once in a while. You can't afford to absorb a loss every year. Nobody else can either.

If Humana lost money year after year they would go bankrupt just like you would. The ACA operated on a flawed premise. The idea that the young and healthy would pay in to support those who were less so. Perhaps they would pay a little, but paying big bills for something you don't use is counterintuitive. The bills were hundreds or even thousands every month.

This is why it was destined to fail. Obamacare was an effort to create a privatized National Health Service. Voluntary participation was always going to be problematic. So they came up with the fines/tax to incentivize people to join. The reality was the fine/tax was going to be cheaper than the plan.

This was the second failure. The idea that people would pay more to get something rather than pay less because they had nothing. If you were going to be fined $500 for not having insurance you would be willing to pay $1,000 and get insurance. It would only cost you $500 more after all.

As for me, I get my coverage through my employer. I got it through my employer when Bush was President too.

To accomplish the goals laid out socialized medicine was required. Some people viewed the ACA as a stepping stone to Socialized medicine. That was just stupid.

The analogy I used at the time was this. If a Mechanic screws up your car you aren't going to pay him to fix the car right this time. If a Surgeon amputates the wrong leg you aren't going to tell him to try again.

You are going with someone else, and that someone would not be Democrats.

Every year the costs are going up for the individual plans, and every year more of the young and healthy were bailing on the expensive and in their view unnecessary individual marketplace plans.

Obamacare was always doomed. I believe the Democrats always knew that too.
You have laid out an excellent essay, Savannah, that is easy for a numbskull like me to understand, although it took some effort. But bottom line is what? To return to the days that weren't so 'good old' to so many? What about those who no longer have an employer, or who have an employer that doesn't offer health coverage? Everyone knows the current plan is flawed. Relying on the young to pick up a burden they do not yet realize they will one day need was a pipe dream. There is so much about the ACA I do not understand because I do not use it, but to my knowledge rates have not increased in my area, and I do not know why some areas are going up while others not. And this is the first year my private COB has not increased in the 10 years I've had it.
Cut the bullshit, the prime reason ACA market is sputtering right now is due to huge uncertainties.

How can carriers possibly plan to open new plans while nobody knows what will happen with the law and (market it creates) tomorrow

Pfui. Insurers have been pulling out for years. That fact alone demolishes your argument.

One after another different insurance companies have withdrawn from the ACA marketplace. Those shopping on the website saw choices dwindle and options vanish.

There was only one way the ACA would work, and that one way was the one they decided to avoid hoping for a true socialized medicine program sometime in the future.
Humana healthcare, a big insurance company that was one of those working through the Obamacare program to offer individual plans, is pulling out.

Humana Continues to Build Upon Proven Strategy Following Termination of Merger with Aetna; Provides 2017 Financial Guidance; Announces Capital Deployment Plans | Humana Healthcare

Regarding the company’s individual commercial medical coverage (Individual Commercial), substantially all of which is offered on-exchange through the federal Marketplaces, Humana has worked over the past several years to address market and programmatic challenges in order to keep coverage options available wherever it could offer a viable product. This has included pursuing business changes, such as modifying networks, restructuring product offerings, reducing the company’s geographic footprint and increasing premiums.

All of these actions were taken with the expectation that the company’s Individual Commercial business would stabilize to the point where the company could continue to participate in the program. However, based on its initial analysis of data associated with the company’s healthcare exchange membership following the 2017 open enrollment period, Humana is seeing further signs of an unbalanced risk pool. Therefore, the company has decided that it cannot continue to offer this coverage for 2018. Through the remainder of 2017, Humana remains committed to serving its current members across 11 states where it offers Individual Commercial products. And, as it has done in the past, Humana will work closely with its state partners as it navigates this process.

So another insurer is pulling out. The obvious question is why? Well it is once you get past the I told you so crowing of the anti Obamacare folks.

The reason why the individual market is failing is simple. Employers are required to provide the insurance to employees. Young healthy people were getting their insurance through their parents, or through their employers. Or they decided they didn't need it based upon cost. Those are the young healthy people who were supposed to float the order or more in need of care people in the original vision of the program.

Employer based plans are run based upon the health of the employees who are covered. The individual marketplace was never going to have enough young healthy people without insurance but with the money to afford the program. So Humana is following the example of others, leaving the marketplace to reduce the losses on the financial report.

Now some may sneer and say that Humana is just a greedy corporation. That is just nonsense. Every corporation has a need to meet expenses and a bit of profit. Just like all of us as a matter of fact.

At the end of they year you take a look back and examine your financial health. You look at the losses you endured and the gains. Some are rare like Hurricane loss or severe storm damage. Others are fixed like house payments and still others are flexible like electric and cable. You can use a little less electrical and reduce the bill is what flexible means.

You can probably absorb a little loss once in a while. You can't afford to absorb a loss every year. Nobody else can either.

If Humana lost money year after year they would go bankrupt just like you would. The ACA operated on a flawed premise. The idea that the young and healthy would pay in to support those who were less so. Perhaps they would pay a little, but paying big bills for something you don't use is counterintuitive. The bills were hundreds or even thousands every month.

This is why it was destined to fail. Obamacare was an effort to create a privatized National Health Service. Voluntary participation was always going to be problematic. So they came up with the fines/tax to incentivize people to join. The reality was the fine/tax was going to be cheaper than the plan.

This was the second failure. The idea that people would pay more to get something rather than pay less because they had nothing. If you were going to be fined $500 for not having insurance you would be willing to pay $1,000 and get insurance. It would only cost you $500 more after all.

As for me, I get my coverage through my employer. I got it through my employer when Bush was President too.

To accomplish the goals laid out socialized medicine was required. Some people viewed the ACA as a stepping stone to Socialized medicine. That was just stupid.

The analogy I used at the time was this. If a Mechanic screws up your car you aren't going to pay him to fix the car right this time. If a Surgeon amputates the wrong leg you aren't going to tell him to try again.

You are going with someone else, and that someone would not be Democrats.

Every year the costs are going up for the individual plans, and every year more of the young and healthy were bailing on the expensive and in their view unnecessary individual marketplace plans.

Obamacare was always doomed. I believe the Democrats always knew that too.
You have laid out an excellent essay, Savannah, that is easy for a numbskull like me to understand, although it took some effort. But bottom line is what? To return to the days that weren't so 'good old' to so many? What about those who no longer have an employer, or who have an employer that doesn't offer health coverage? Everyone knows the current plan is flawed. Relying on the young to pick up a burden they do not yet realize they will one day need was a pipe dream. There is so much about the ACA I do not understand because I do not use it, but to my knowledge rates have not increased in my area, and I do not know why some areas are going up while others not. And this is the first year my private COB has not increased in the 10 years I've had it.

Thanks for the compliment. What we were trying for was always doomed to fail. A public health program run as a private concern.

Let's look at other ideas to figure out what could have worked. Let's take Mortgages as one example.

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the VA all do similar things. They guarantee a loan. They are insurance programs in a manner of speaking. The VA guarantees the loan that Veterans like myself take out to buy a house.

Your bank is insured. The FDIC is an insurance program for banks. It guarantees the depositors accounts.

The only way for the ACA to have worked was if we created a similar public/private organization like Fannie Mae to manage insurance. Insurance policies from employers for example would be taxed, and that plus the fees paid by the insured people would have to be enough to cover expenses.

The second thing needed was interstate insurance policies. The Blue Cross of Georgia plan has different costs than the Blue Cross of New York. Same company, so the costs are because of the state costs. Getting approval from the State Insurance oversight. In Georgia it's the Insurance Commissioner. This means the insurance company has to hire people to submit and explain costs to each state they are active in.

What I mean is that you have national insurance instead of State. My drivers license and auto insurance is valid in all the states. I can drive to California and have proof of insurance in every state I cross. My health insurance is now "out of network". Doctors in Nevada are the same as Doctors in Alabama aren't they? Why should my insurance be iffy in those other states?

I'm afraid I am not saying this right. We needed a national insurance plan. Not a patchwork quilt of State plans. Blue Cross should have been national instead of Blue Cross of insert state name here. There is still plenty of opportunity for consumer protection by the state. But just as my license is valid in every state, and my ability to buy a Ford is not dependent upon the approval of a valid plan submitted to the state, so should my insurance.

It was never going to happen that way. The plan submitted for approval in Georgia had to show the costs and profits for that market only. The plan submitted to California had to meet the even higher standards for California. We needed national standards and national plans.

Two options for success. We picked neither.
Cut the bullshit, the prime reason ACA market is sputtering right now is due to huge uncertainties.

How can carriers possibly plan to open new plans while nobody knows what will happen with the law and (market it creates) tomorrow

Pfui. Insurers have been pulling out for years. That fact alone demolishes your argument.

One after another different insurance companies have withdrawn from the ACA marketplace. Those shopping on the website saw choices dwindle and options vanish.

There was only one way the ACA would work, and that one way was the one they decided to avoid hoping for a true socialized medicine program sometime in the future.

Well here is one:


Gee, if exchanges were so financially ruinous why does this one keep expanding?
Cut the bullshit, the prime reason ACA market is sputtering right now is due to huge uncertainties.

How can carriers possibly plan to open new plans while nobody knows what will happen with the law and (market it creates) tomorrow

Pfui. Insurers have been pulling out for years. That fact alone demolishes your argument.

One after another different insurance companies have withdrawn from the ACA marketplace. Those shopping on the website saw choices dwindle and options vanish.

There was only one way the ACA would work, and that one way was the one they decided to avoid hoping for a true socialized medicine program sometime in the future.

Well here is one:


Gee, if exchanges were so financially ruinous why does this one keep expanding?
Obama care is gonna die but death of 1000 cuts because it's no longer a mandate… It will make it much easier to repeal.
As it should it was an underhanded bill...
The whole plan was underhanded on how it was passed.... karma is a bitch

It was a nearly pure replica of a Republican plan, penned by Heritage and implemented by Romney in his state, celebrated by the likes of Gingrich....and then Obama/Democrats agreed to it and suddenly not a single Republican wanted to take a YES for an answer.

Take your "how it was passed" and shove it up your ass.
The whole plan was underhanded on how it was passed.... karma is a bitch

It was a nearly pure replica of a Republican plan, penned by Heritage and implemented by Romney in his state, celebrated by the likes of Gingrich....and then Democrats agreed to it and suddenly not a single Republican wanted to take a YES for an answer.

Take your "how it was passed" and shove it up your ass.
Take your Obama care mandate and shove it up your ass, because it's no longer a mandate…:dance:

By the way it would not have passed without a corrupt paid off supreme court justice… Roberts
The whole plan was underhanded on how it was passed.... karma is a bitch

It was a nearly pure replica of a Republican plan, penned by Heritage and implemented by Romney in his state, celebrated by the likes of Gingrich....and then Obama/Democrats agreed to it and suddenly not a single Republican wanted to take a YES for an answer.

Take your "how it was passed" and shove it up your ass.
Major Blow to Obamacare Mandate: IRS Won't Reject Tax Returns That Don't Answer Health Insurance Question
The whole plan was underhanded on how it was passed.... karma is a bitch

It was a nearly pure replica of a Republican plan, penned by Heritage and implemented by Romney in his state, celebrated by the likes of Gingrich....and then Democrats agreed to it and suddenly not a single Republican wanted to take a YES for an answer.

Take your "how it was passed" and shove it up your ass.

Take your Obama care mandate

Here are the origins of personal mandate ideas:

Mandate all households to obtain adequate insurance. Many states now require passengers in automobiles to wear seat-belts for their own protection. Many others require anybody driving a car to have liability insurance. But neither the federal government nor any state requires all households to protect themselves from the potentially catastrophic costs of a serious accident or illness. Under the Heritage plan, there would be such a requirement.

Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans | The Heritage Foundation

Just in case you don't know what Heritage exists to do:

Leading the Conservative Movement
The Heritage Foundation effectively communicates rigorous conservative policy research to Congress and the American people.
The whole plan was underhanded on how it was passed.... karma is a bitch

It was a nearly pure replica of a Republican plan, penned by Heritage and implemented by Romney in his state, celebrated by the likes of Gingrich....and then Democrats agreed to it and suddenly not a single Republican wanted to take a YES for an answer.

Take your "how it was passed" and shove it up your ass.

Take your Obama care mandate

Here are the origins of personal mandate ideas:

Mandate all households to obtain adequate insurance. Many states now require passengers in automobiles to wear seat-belts for their own protection. Many others require anybody driving a car to have liability insurance. But neither the federal government nor any state requires all households to protect themselves from the potentially catastrophic costs of a serious accident or illness. Under the Heritage plan, there would be such a requirement.

Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans | The Heritage Foundation

Just in case you don't know what Heritage exists to do:

Leading the Conservative Movement
The Heritage Foundation effectively communicates rigorous conservative policy research to Congress and the American people.
Heritage foundation is 100% wrong in this case… I disagree with them in many areas as do many other libertarians

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