Why Obamacare is going-to-will-have-been a disaster


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Why we must believe Obamacare is a disaster before it even happens - chicagotribune.com

Of all the things in this world that haven't happened yet, Obamacare is clearly the worst. I know this because Sean Hannity of Fox News has been telling me since the law was passed in 2010 that it's destroying America, and I believe him because the Bible says lying is a sin and I seriously doubt a sinner would get his own television show.

Just recently, Mr. Hannity talked to a few patriotic Americans on his program, and they all said Obamacare is either destroying their family business or causing their health insurance rates to skyrocket.

Hearing three random couples say an insurance program that doesn't start insuring people until January is going-to-will-have-been an abject failure lines up well with my belief in time travel, so I have no reason to doubt the credibility of their claims.

Granted, a so-called journalist named Eric Stern with a so-called website named Salon followed up with these people and found that none of them had actually looked at the Affordable Care Act insurance exchanges. And granted, what Stern found was that Obamacare would likely either have no impact on them or save them money.

But that's hogwash, because Stern unfairly misled these people by asking fact-based questions. Typical lamestream media move.


I think he musta been raised on Colbert.

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