Why One Should Smile In Pictures


VIP Member
Feb 14, 2004
I just KNOW that I am going to get flamed for this, but I can't help but post this. It is not racist, just funny as hell IMHO!

Sir Evil said:
:laugh: this one was posted a long time ago and the person did indeed get flamed for it! Hey it's just a picture, I think it's funny!

It reminded me of a story.

The night the Palms Hotel opened here in Vegas, my wife and I got an invite to the private party they had that went from 7 PM to Midnight and was for invited guests only. It was wild as can be.

Well, anyway, for some reason, my wife is a big Dennis Rodman fan. The owners of the Palms here in Vegas also own the Sacramento Kings. Well, anyway, they of course invited a lot of NBA players. Well, Rodman was there and he was with Jenna Jamison. My wife wanted a pic with him, so she walked up and asked him if she could have her picture taken with him. He told her to ask Jenna, she did and Jenna said - OK. So my wife leaned in next to Dennis as did Jenna and I took the pic. Well, I was pretty stoned and nervous and I was using a dipsposable camera that had a button you have to push for the flash to work. Well, being stoned and all, I forgot to push the button and when I got the pics developed, the only faces you could make out were those of my wife and Jenna. Dennis was NO WHERE to be found. To say the least, my wife was pissed!

LOL :smoke:
freeandfun1 said:
I just KNOW that I am going to get flamed for this, but I can't help but post this. It is not racist, just funny as hell IMHO!


He-he, I'm not sure that you'd be able to see anything but his teeth,anyway... but it is funny.
nycflasher said:
He-he, I'm not sure that you'd be able to see anything but his teeth,anyway... but it is funny.

that's the point of why one needs to make sure they smile in pics. otherwise, he isn't there..... lol

freeandfun1 said:
It reminded me of a story.

The night the Palms Hotel opened here in Vegas, my wife and I got an invite to the private party they had that went from 7 PM to Midnight and was for invited guests only. It was wild as can be.

Well, anyway, for some reason, my wife is a big Dennis Rodman fan. The owners of the Palms here in Vegas also own the Sacramento Kings. Well, anyway, they of course invited a lot of NBA players. Well, Rodman was there and he was with Jenna Jamison. My wife wanted a pic with him, so she walked up and asked him if she could have her picture taken with him. He told her to ask Jenna, she did and Jenna said - OK. So my wife leaned in next to Dennis as did Jenna and I took the pic. Well, I was pretty stoned and nervous and I was using a dipsposable camera that had a button you have to push for the flash to work. Well, being stoned and all, I forgot to push the button and when I got the pics developed, the only faces you could make out were those of my wife and Jenna. Dennis was NO WHERE to be found. To say the least, my wife was pissed!

LOL :smoke:

That's hillarious... I'd take my girl + Jenna over my girl + The Worm anyday!
freeandfun1 said:
that's the point of why one needs to make sure they smile in pics. otherwise, he isn't there..... lol


My point is that his face still wouldn't be there, lol, just his teeth.
nycflasher said:
That's hillarious... I'd take my girl + Jenna over my girl + The Worm anyday!

there were some HOT chicks there that night. They had chicks walking around only dressed in body paint. And the sushi bar? You guessed it - naked women with raw fish on them...... they were the platters...... it was VERY wild. All the booze you could drink - any kind - for FREE! I just love free stuff!
freeandfun1 said:
there were some HOT chicks there that night. They had chicks walking around only dressed in body paint. And the sushi bar? You guessed it - naked women with raw fish on them...... they were the platters...... it was VERY wild. All the booze you could drink - any kind - for FREE! I just love free stuff!

When I was living in Manhattan (I'm mostly in CT for the time being) I had a good sized group of friends all living nearby. Someone would get an email in the morning about some party sponsored by Grey Goose or [fill in any other pouplar alcoholic beverage] and a couple days a week there we would be, hustling from work to a "free" happy hour. I, too, enjoy taking advantage of free stuff. Especially when I was living in NYC and a fucking drink costs like 10 bucks at many of the current bars.

Although, eating sushi off of a woman's stomach, I usually have to pay extra for that anyway.:thup:

There was this one time, though, when I was about 21 or so. We used to go to the Bowery Bar for this party our friend Sara threw. Anyways, these two girls called the Lollipop Twins started showing up, or getting invited, probably the latter. To this day I don't believe they were sisters, but they would get up on the bar and satisfy eachother with lollipops and then put them back in there mouths and other assorted stuff. The first time this went on I almost dropped my drink--it just came out of nowhere. Actually, i just told you where it came out of. Doh!

Ah, to be young and in love.
nycflasher said:
When I was living in Manhattan (I'm mostly in CT for the time being) I had a good sized group of friends all living nearby. Someone would get an email in the morning about some party sponsored by Grey Goose or [fill in any other pouplar alcoholic beverage] and a couple days a week there we would be, hustling from work to a "free" happy hour. I, too, enjoy taking advantage of free stuff. Especially when I was living in NYC and a fucking drink costs like 10 bucks at many of the current bars.

Although, eating sushi off of a woman's stomach, I usually have to pay extra for that anyway.:thup:

There was this one time, though, when I was about 21 or so. We used to go to the Bowery Bar for this party our friend Sara threw. Anyways, these two girls called the Lollipop Twins started showing up, or getting invited, probably the latter. To this day I don't believe they were sisters, but they would get up on the bar and satisfy eachother with lollipops and then put them back in there mouths and other assorted stuff. The first time this went on I almost dropped my drink--it just came out of nowhere. Actually, i just told you where it came out of. Doh!

Ah, to be young and in love.

Last year I commuted between Vegas and NYC for a contract job that lasted from Jan - Dec. My "employer" was in Waterbury, CT. I spent many a nights up in the Waterbury area. There is a really good German restaurant in Springfield, MA I have been to a few times. I have a biz associate that works in Meriden, CT that loves that place (his wife is German).

NYC is great. My wife and I make at least one trip a year there and usually sometime around Thanksgiving. Last year we stayed at the Barclay Intercontinental Hotel on 48th for 10 nights over Thanksgiving. We had a blast. I just love NYC!
freeandfun1 said:
Last year I commuted between Vegas and NYC for a contract job that lasted from Jan - Dec. My "employer" was in Waterbury, CT. I spent many a nights up in the Waterbury area. There is a really good German restaurant in Springfield, MA I have been to a few times. I have a biz associate that works in Meriden, CT that loves that place (his wife is German).

NYC is great. My wife and I make at least one trip a year there and usually sometime around Thanksgiving. Last year we stayed at the Barclay Intercontinental Hotel on 48th for 10 nights over Thanksgiving. We had a blast. I just love NYC!

Yeah, New York is great. Maybe an even better to visit than to live ;-)
Love to know the name of that German restaurant in Springfield, is it the Student Prince Cafe? It's only about a half hour drive for me. February is game month and the special menu features ostrich, bear, bison, antelope, and sometimes elk. Great selection of beers.

So you were in Waterbury, eh? Former Governor John Rowland is from Waterbury...
nycflasher said:
Yeah, New York is great. Maybe an even better to visit than to live ;-)
Love to know the name of that German restaurant in Springfield, is it the Student Prince Cafe? It's only about a half hour drive for me. February is game month and the special menu features ostrich, bear, bison, antelope, and sometimes elk. Great selection of beers.

So you were in Waterbury, eh? Former Governor John Rowland is from Waterbury...

Waterbury is an "interesting" place. A lot of guys with sideway noses..... if ya know what I mean. The guy I was "working" for is pretty well "connected". I couldn't stand him. The only reason he hired me as a consultant was cuz the owner of the company was a friend of mine and, basically, made him. It was a very strange situation and a long story. Anyways......

I will get the name of the Restaurant for you. It is not the one you mentioned, but it is really good.

There is a pretty cool little restaurant/bar in Waterbury right across the street from the courthouse.... I can't remember the name, but it was damn good. All the "gambinos" and their attorneys hung out there after the end of court.... :beer:
freeandfun1 said:
Waterbury is an "interesting" place. A lot of guys with sideway noses..... if ya know what I mean. The guy I was "working" for is pretty well "connected". I couldn't stand him. The only reason he hired me as a consultant was cuz the owner of the company was a friend of mine and, basically, made him. It was a very strange situation and a long story. Anyways......

I will get the name of the Restaurant for you. It is not the one you mentioned, but it is really good.

There is a pretty cool little restaurant/bar in Waterbury right across the street from the courthouse.... I can't remember the name, but it was damn good. All the "gambinos" and their attorneys hung out there after the end of court.... :beer:

Yes, we can agree that Waterbury is a "colorful" place. Connecticut is a strange state in that we have the highest per capita income in the country ( at least we did) yet three of the poorest cities: Hartford, Bridgeport, New Haven. Rich towns and counties like Litchfield and Greenwich and then Hartford, where the average per capita income is around 11 g's. I just read recently that the AVERAGE price of a house in Greenwich is $1 million. Wow.

And Waterbury is right in the middle somewhere, where all the gangsters and their lawyers hangout. Gotta get me a piece of that action ;-) :whip:
Yes, I got flamed and I meant it only in a funny way ! Poor Brotha ! :confused:

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