Why people are growing tired of cops

This is just one example. Video after video just like that are getting updated to the Internet daily.
If there were good cops, we wouldn't have so many bad ones.
THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU. Just their power hunger and egos.

When you lower the standards for a minority group of people, because they cant pass a test to get into the police force, then you also lower the standards where the "no so cream of the crop" can get into the force. I heard from a Capitol Police Officer, that they are one step above the criminal in attitude. Get rid of the Democrats and their DEI and soon you can have the very best serving to protect you..

When you lower the standards for a minority group of people, because they cant pass a test to get into the police force, then you also lower the standards where the "no so cream of the crop" can get into the force. I heard from a Capitol Police Officer, that they are one step above the criminal in attitude. Get rid of the Democrats and their DEI and soon you can have the very best serving to protect you..
That never happened.

This is just one example. Video after video just like that are getting updated to the Internet daily.
If there were good cops, we wouldn't have so many bad ones.
THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU. Just their power hunger and egos.


When you lower the standards for a minority group of people, because they cant pass a test to get into the police force, then you also lower the standards where the "no so cream of the crop" can get into the force. I heard from a Capitol Police Officer, that they are one step above the criminal in attitude. Get rid of the Democrats and their DEI and soon you can have the very best serving to protect you..
This shit isn't new, man.

This is just one example. Video after video just like that are getting updated to the Internet daily.
If there were good cops, we wouldn't have so many bad ones.
THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU. Just their power hunger and egos.

For every bad cop there are a hundreds of good ones. Tens of thousands of officers interact with people 24 hours a day every single day across the country.

Your view on bad cops is also skewed because most of the MSM and social media only show you a small segment of an entire incident. They also fail to recognize things like say George Floyd in that if he wasn't a criminal doing criminal shit the cops never would have shown on and if he didn't resist arrest he would have just gone to jail. One cop does one thing and it is plastered all over social media and the news for days and that 1 incident seems like a big series of incidents when it isn't.

You also forget that by disparaging officers, hating them, saying they should be defunded all you do is run off the good cops and that makes it harder for good people to want to be cops. It also makes it harder for forces to hire more cops so their department isn't over burdened which leads to them being stressed and angry. It also means they have less money and time for training.

You also don't notice due to a lot of cities heavy handed enforcement of dei policies that they have to hire non white, non educated and non good fit for duty officers which do a sub standard job because they are sub standard hires.

You also only focus on the few negative incidents instead of actually showing some respect for the vastly greater number of positive situations.

You should be thanking officers because if they all quit you'd be robbed, beaten and your loved ones raped in no time.
For every bad cop there are a hundreds of good ones. Tens of thousands of officers interact with people 24 hours a day every single day across the country.

Your view on bad cops is also skewed because most of the MSM and social media only show you a small segment of an entire incident. They also fail to recognize things like say George Floyd in that if he wasn't a criminal doing criminal shit the cops never would have shown on and if he didn't resist arrest he would have just gone to jail. One cop does one thing and it is plastered all over social media and the news for days and that 1 incident seems like a big series of incidents when it isn't.

You also forget that by disparaging officers, hating them, saying they should be defunded all you do is run off the good cops and that makes it harder for good people to want to be cops. It also makes it harder for forces to hire more cops so their department isn't over burdened which leads to them being stressed and angry. It also means they have less money and time for training.

You also don't notice due to a lot of cities heavy handed enforcement of dei policies that they have to hire non white, non educated and non good fit for duty officers which do a sub standard job because they are sub standard hires.

You also only focus on the few negative incidents instead of actually showing some respect for the vastly greater number of positive situations.

You should be thanking officers because if they all quit you'd be robbed, beaten and your loved ones raped in no time.
If there are so many good ones, then why are there so many bad ones? Shit don't compute bro
One of my best friends became a cop. She does good apparently she is already detective after about two years.
Do I trust her to fully abide by her oath? No. Do I think she would be lenient on me? Yes.
Cops need more training.
We require years of training to dig up bones and fossils, but 6 months to determine peoples lives?
Literally a fucking archeologist requires decades of experience to get access to a spot, but it just takes 6 months to to give people the authority to take lives.

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