Tyreek Hill body-cam video from Miami-Dade Police. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Am I right?

I did, as an example of when discretion is wiser than being an obnoxious jackass. The same applies to police interactions. It’s not about your right to be a jackass, it’s about the wisdom of knowing when not to be.
and is why I said what we are talking about has nothing to do with what you say to a private citizen,,

wwe are talking about government officials that have been trained, paid and swore and oath to protect and defend our rights,,

not violate them when their feelings get hurt
the cop not only swore an oath but is paid and trained to not violate peoples rights,,

WE THE PEOPLE have the right to be as uncooperative as we damn well please as long as we dont break the law,,

why is it you dont support the constitution and the rights it protects and instead defend a violent police force??
Hill did break the law. That’s why he was pulled over.
You don’t have to roll your window down for a cop further than a crack to hand documents and speak to them.

They can ask you to get out of the car but I don’t think they had any grounds to lay hands on him after mere seconds of giving him the order to get out of the car.

I wish cops would act like they want people to respect them.
Hill's window was rolled completely up and he refused to roll it down at all. That created an unsafe situation for the cops.
Hill's window was rolled completely up and he refused to roll it down at all. That created an unsafe situation for the cops.
he already rolled it down and gave the cop his DL and when the cop went to walk away to write the ticket he rolled it back up and then the cop lost his mind

it took less than 60 seconds for the cops to go hands on after he complied with every lawful order,,
he already rolled it down and gave the cop his DL and when the cop went to walk away to write the ticket he rolled it back up and then the cop lost his mind

it took less than 60 seconds for the cops to go hands on after he complied with every lawful order,,
Keep believing that and the next time you get pulled over, try and let us know how it goes.
Keep believing that and the next time you get pulled over, try and let us know how it goes.
dont get mad at me, its right there in the video

and considering the outcome its a big positive,,

we either got rid of a bad cop or gave him and other cops an education they will never forget and the tax payers get to payout another big payday,,

OK only one of those is good,,
No, my claim is that a cop will let 10 white people drive by without their seatbelts, only to pull over the one black guy and then use that as a pretext to search his car.

Because we both know it happens. Cops have told me they do exactly that.
that's only because you are prejudiced,
you said a person shouldnt aggravate a cop,,

that means a person shouldnt use their god given right to speak and voice their displeasure with whats going on,,

sounds pretty anti 1st A to me,,
A wise person doesn't aggravate anyone. If you aggravate a cop, you are likely to wind up paying a lot of fines or going to jail, if you aggravate a private citizen you are likely to get your nose broken.
he already rolled it down and gave the cop his DL and when the cop went to walk away to write the ticket he rolled it back up and then the cop lost his mind

it took less than 60 seconds for the cops to go hands on after he complied with every lawful order,,
Rolled down and then up immediately but the police are supposed to know he has no weapons without constant visual? Damn those cops for not having x-ray glasses huh?
Rolled down and then up immediately but the police are supposed to know he has no weapons without constant visual? Damn those cops for not having x-ray glasses huh?

He is allowed to have weapons. Nothing illegal about that. Unless a police officer has a valid reason to believe you are committing a crime he needs to do his job and move on.
and is why I said what we are talking about has nothing to do with what you say to a private citizen,,

wwe are talking about government officials that have been trained, paid and swore and oath to protect and defend our rights,,

not violate them when their feelings get hurt
Nothing you’ve said negates the logic of my position.

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