Tyreek Hill body-cam video from Miami-Dade Police. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Am I right?

Before you all make excuses for hot headed thug cops, remember that their actions cost the taxpayers millions in settlements for their behavior.

Stop making excuses for the guys who waste our money.

SHUP fool. Rigged LW commee courts just like J6 or anything trump. The enemies of America took over the GOVT. They had previously infiltrated schools and Courts. Get off the boards you dope.
that's only because you are prejudiced,

No, I'm a realist. I see every day how cops treat blacks vs. the way they treat whites.

A wise person doesn't aggravate anyone. If you aggravate a cop, you are likely to wind up paying a lot of fines or going to jail, if you aggravate a private citizen you are likely to get your nose broken.

I don't want cops out there who will lose their tempers when things get difficult.
No, I'm a realist. I see every day how cops treat blacks vs. the way they treat whites.

I don't want cops out there who will lose their tempers when things get difficult.
figures you would make it about race when its whites that suffer more under police corruption,,
Do you need a video to speak for you? I think the cops overreacted. They might not have if Tyreek had acted differently. That doesn’t excuse what they did, but it does provide a plausible reason.
I just figured a civil rights attornys perspective on this might be interesting to you,,

all it does for me is confirm my opinion and how it pertains to the law and rights
Asking the police to act professionally is "neutralizing" them?
I don’t think so, asking a motorist to roll down their window is a professional request that most law abiding citizens will comply with.
Here's the thing. They assumed a black man driving an expensive car probably stole it, and they approached him like he was a perp.
Imagine if you were to use facts, oh wait that wasn’t your intention…
Seriously, four motorcycle cops to deal with a SEAT BELT violation?
You missed the video were he was hauling ass past the 4 motorcycle cops, but you tend to miss a lot of things…
I don’t think so, asking a motorist to roll down their window is a professional request that most law abiding citizens will comply with.

Imagine if you were to use facts, oh wait that wasn’t your intention…

You missed the video were he was hauling ass past the 4 motorcycle cops, but you tend to miss a lot of things…
he did roll it down,,

and he even tried to get out of the car when they told him too with that window open,,

they chose to not let him get out and went straight to violence

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