why people hate taxes

Instead of being thankful that you earn enough money to pay federal income tax... you instead bitch about the individuals who are so poor that they do not fit into the bracket.

You abhorrent asshole.

LOL Lets create a strawman so I can cry. Go ahead cry.

But that was weak as hell. I know several people that got back more then they paid in. The odd thing, not poor at all.

Ahhh... the dubious... "I know several people" thing... Nothing like making "factual" claims on an anonymous message board.

Ok... i'll play... I know LOTS of people who work their asses off doing jobs most of you would shudder at, and barely make enough to survive... let alone pay for health insurance for their kids, pay their bills AND contribute enough to keep our consumer driven economy rolling... funny thing is? I'm not making shit up... you on the other hand? I'm doubtful... Not out and out calling you a liar, but... the potential is there.

You always were a dumbass.

Let me start with my now daughter inlaw. Paid in 900 got back 3500

Now asshole shut the fuck up.
no,, my perception is the absolute truth here in America.. Fifty percent of us do pay and 50% of youse do NOT pay.

Instead of being thankful that you earn enough money to pay federal income tax... you instead bitch about the individuals who are so poor that they do not fit into the bracket.

You abhorrent asshole.

They hate poor people.

funny thing is their policies just keep making more poor people

Name the policies.
no,, my perception is the absolute truth here in America.. Fifty percent of us do pay and 50% of youse do NOT pay.

Instead of being thankful that you earn enough money to pay federal income tax... you instead bitch about the individuals who are so poor that they do not fit into the bracket.

You abhorrent asshole.

They hate poor people.

funny thing is their policies just keep making more poor people



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What do I get for my taxes?

Hmmm I have a private well and septic system so I don't get water or sewage services from my town even though I pay for them

I don't have kids but I pay for other peoples' kids to go to school

I use roads but supposedly that's what gas taxes are for

The government uses my tax money to invade other countries for dubious reasons.
The government gives my tax money to other countries
The government gives my tax money to so called artists so they can make so called art
The government takes 15% of my lifetime income and hamstrings my financial security

The list goes on and on

And you wonder why people hate paying taxes.

Hmmm….maybe looking at the overall results somewhat skews the numbers. If you break it down further, you’ll find that it’s mainly Democrats (73%) that find the wealthy paying too little, vs. the Republicans (38%). And that is mainly due to some high profile misleading reports about the taxes paid (legally) by certain very large corporations (i.e. GE) for taking advantage of numerous tax incentives and credits championed by the Obama Administration to….wait for it….create jobs and encourage green energy. When the government uses these methods to encourage economic growth and companies take advantage of those incentives (as intended), it seems patently unfair to then accuse them of gaming the system.
And if you look at the details of the Pew report, it isn’t surprising that two thirds of those with household income less than $30,000/yr think the rich pay too little (vs. 44% of those over $75,000), but what is somewhat surprising is that only 6% of the former feel they pay less than their “fair share” – which for most earning that amount or less is zero, or even negative (they receive more back than they paid in). I’m not against low taxes for the poor; it seems silly to tax them and then give them food stamps and other assistance, just let them keep what they earn and reduce the assistance. But then to say you’re paying your “fair share”….well….
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Now try and win an election of protecting the wealthy from more taxes.

It doesnt matter if more dems feel that way.

what matters is how many AMERICAN voters feel that way.
It doesnt matter that more of them are Dems than Rs.

What matters is MOST AMERICAN VOTERS feel that way.

No general election will be won on protecting the rich this next year.

We are a democracy after all.
Life Inc. - Why we hate taxes (it's not what you think)

Among those surveyed, only 38 percent said they pay more than their “fair share” in federal taxes, compared with 55 percent who answered affirmatively in a similar 2000 poll. By contrast 52 percent said they pay “about the right amount” in taxes, up from 41 percent in 2003.

When asked what bothers them most about the federal tax system, only 11 percent cited the amount they pay in taxes. An overwhelming 57 percent cited the perception that wealthy people don’t pay their fare share, while 28 percent chose the complexity of the tax system.

LOL, that class warfare seems to working.
you lefties should be proud.
welll your party did a class warfare on most of the American people while in office and made a whole shit load of Americans poor
welll your party did a class warfare on most of the American people while in office and made a whole shit load of Americans poor

really? and your party has had THREE years saying they were going to make us all RICH. what the hell happened to that 800 billion stimulus? I sure didn't see any of it..
you people are fools.
When I go to the polls I won't be thinking "taxes" I'll be thinking

class warfare

the price of gasoline

the price of groceries

the price of energy

the horrible unemployment

the race war


fast and furious

eric holder

nancy pelosi

harry reid

barrack hussein obama

NLRB and boeing

the coal industry

the oil fields in the gulf of mexico..

the pipeline

yep.. i gotta long long list.
Maybe we simply are tired of working until April/May to pay off our obligations to the government. Maybe we simply want to work and provide for ourselves and our family without some politicians telling us we need to pay more so they can waste our money on themselves and their friends.

Somehow, i doubt the people polled were even asked that.
The stimulus worked.

Pretending it didnt is your job.

Now tell us why Bush had to go on national TV to announce we had to bail out the banks or the country would collapse?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsDmPEeurfA]President Bush Addresses Nation on Economic Crisis - YouTube[/ame]
I'd be embarrassed to even post this stupid article.

supposedly 57% say it's NOT HOW much they pay but the fact that the wealthy don't pay their fair share.

and 52% say they PAY the RIGHT AMOUNT.

MY GAWD..:lol:
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Maybe we simply are tired of working until April/May to pay off our obligations to the government. Maybe we simply want to work and provide for ourselves and our family without some politicians telling us we need to pay more so they can waste our money on themselves and their friends.

Somehow, i doubt the people polled were even asked that.

Maybe most of the people disagree with you. We'll find out in 2012.

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