Why Poor Whites in Red-States Vote Against Their Interest


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
In what is quite possibly the most powerful, insightful, and concise answer to the age-old question of why poor whites residing in red-states always vote against their own best interest

Butt burn runs deep.

Yet again the left has to tell the poor how stupid they are and how they are their benevolent masters. But they got the message, democrats are their malevolent masters.
In what is quite possibly the most powerful, insightful, and concise answer to the age-old question of why poor whites residing in red-states always vote against their own best interest

If I voted against my own interest I would vote democrat
Isn't it interesting how 'Democrats" criticize democracy when they don't get their way?
Do you suppose that forced gay marriage on the states that rejected it by popular vote had anything to do with Tuesday's election?

No, of course you don't. Both the dem and republican strategists are denying it was a factor and both are denying for different reasons.

I'm telling you, this cult is not just destroying the healthy push and pull of the two parties, they are unravelling the fabric of our democracy.

What behaviors will be "special" next? And even if we disagree with them, how would we deny anyone their "civil rights"?

BTW do you suppose this platform turned catholic hispanics away from the dems?

No, of course not. It couldn't possibly be happening.
They have their religion and their politics all mixed up together and see changing parties in the same light as denying God. All that misplaced blind faith in men who use the dual levers of God and country to achieve their narrow self-serving ends, sad.
If you're a poor white boy who is a good student and you want to make something of yourself, the Democrats are your mortal enemy. They'll work to block your from being admitted to university based on merit in order to free up spots for unqualified black and Hispanic students.

If you want to start a small business, Democrats are going to work to make sure that Blacks and Hispanics get government loans and grants and assorted aid due to their race which you won't get. You have to compete with one arm tied behind your back and you'll have to pay taxes to the government so that the government can take your taxes and give them to your black and Hispanic competitors who are intent on driving you out of business.

If you want to be hired as a policeman or fireman, Democrats are going to work like the dickens to stop that from happening in order to create positions for lesser qualified blacks and Hispanics.

Democrats offer nothing to white people. You'd have to be one stupid fuck to be a white person and vote for Democrats.
who the hell are you to tell others what their BEST INTERST IS?
vote for yourself for government to wipe your butt if you need and shut the hell about others and how they vote

loser snobs
If you're a poor white boy who is a good student and you want to make something of yourself, the Democrats are your mortal enemy. They'll work to block your from being admitted to university based on merit in order to free up spots for unqualified black and Hispanic students.

If you want to start a small business, Democrats are going to work to make sure that Blacks and Hispanics get government loans and grants and assorted aid due to their race which you won't get. You have to compete with one arm tied behind your back and you'll have to pay taxes to the government so that the government can take your taxes and give them to your black and Hispanic competitors who are intent on driving you out of business.

If you want to be hired as a policeman or fireman, Democrats are going to work like the dickens to stop that from happening in order to create positions for lesser qualified blacks and Hispanics.

Democrats offer nothing to white people. You'd have to be one stupid fuck to be a white person and vote for Democrats.

Or suffering from Post Traumatic Guilt Disorder.
In what is quite possibly the most powerful, insightful, and concise answer to the age-old question of why poor whites residing in red-states always vote against their own best interest

Democrats tell the poor that there is no way out of their poverty without the help of the government.

Republicans tell the poor that only they can pull themselves out of poverty.

Poor white people have pride. They may not be highly educated, by they have lots of pride. And they will not vote for a party that tells them that they aren't to blame for their situation.

They know better. So they vote for the party that will tell them what they want to hear. They can/could do better. They just don't. But it is no ones fault but theirs they aren't doing better. And most believe that. So they vote Republican.

That's my best guess.

That and the fact a lot of poor whites are racist and don't want anything to do with a political party that has a lot of minorities claiming membership. As far as the poor white is concerned, it is those minorities that are their problem and their enemy. So they vote for the party of the rich white guy.

It is an amazing phenomena.
the lack of Dem voters that made it to the polls is a reflection of the shift to Republicans because the Dems offer whites nothing ..

try telling that to yourself in 2016 if Hillary runs
As a retired white business former business owner neither the democrats nor the grumpy old party offer nothing for me. So I didn't vote. I had no candidate who I could actually vote for. So both parties are full of idiots. I will survive no matter who is in office. I always have. The country has swung red, it will swing blue again someday. Its always been this way. I would rather have a country that is not united than one that is. It works better that way.
Poor whites, or whites in general don't need no black man telling them how they should vote.
Especially when nearly all blacks support a party that works to keep them glued to government social programs.
Poor Whites voted against their own interest when a President wants to allow 6 million illegal aliens in the country to compete with them for jobs? I see it the other way around.
I always vote .

AGAINST INCUMBENTS... regardless of party.

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