Why Religion Must Be Banished....

Jesus wouldnt be caught dead in any religion on earth today cos they are all corrupt and created with eviul intent

So you're a government school grad, huh?
What does that even mean love... I am using common sense duh Jesus wouldnt be attached to corruption simple

It means that the indoctrination is indelible in the less astute.....i.e., you.

It means, in short, that you're a dunce and have the energy to let everyone know it.

Jesus wouldnt be caught dead in any religion on earth today cos they are all corrupt and created with eviul intent

So you're a government school grad, huh?
What does that even mean love... I am using common sense duh Jesus wouldnt be attached to corruption simple

It means that the indoctrination is indelible in the less astute.....i.e., you.

It means, in short, that you're a dunce and have the energy to let everyone know it.

oh whom you are choosing to serve is very clear by the hate and ignorance you spit out at everyone every chance you get. Don't forget your sunblock in the afterlife love...
Jesus wouldnt be caught dead in any religion on earth today cos they are all corrupt and created with eviul intent

So you're a government school grad, huh?
What does that even mean love... I am using common sense duh Jesus wouldnt be attached to corruption simple

It means that the indoctrination is indelible in the less astute.....i.e., you.

It means, in short, that you're a dunce and have the energy to let everyone know it.

oh whom you are choosing to serve is very clear by the hate and ignorance you spit out at everyone every chance you get. Don't forget your sunblock in the afterlife love...

I'm stating the simple fact that you 'choose to serve' the collective....

That you identify with one of these:
Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Progressivism, Nazism, or Fascism.....

...never realizing that they are all based on the same aim and doctrines.

Only the Judeo-Christian faiths are based on free will and individualism.

I short, you're a dunce.....but, everyone must tell you that,huh?
Jesus wouldnt be caught dead in any religion on earth today cos they are all corrupt and created with eviul intent

So you're a government school grad, huh?
What does that even mean love... I am using common sense duh Jesus wouldnt be attached to corruption simple

It means that the indoctrination is indelible in the less astute.....i.e., you.

It means, in short, that you're a dunce and have the energy to let everyone know it.

oh whom you are choosing to serve is very clear by the hate and ignorance you spit out at everyone every chance you get. Don't forget your sunblock in the afterlife love...

I'm stating the simple fact that you 'choose to serve' the collective....

That you identify with one of these:
Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Progressivism, Nazism, or Fascism.....

...never realizing that they are all based on the same aim and doctrines.

Only the Judeo-Christian faiths are based on free will and individualism.

I short, you're a dunce.....but, everyone must tell you that,huh?
you are off in la la land - I am assuming youre talking to me cos you never answered me..where do y ou get your information lol
So you're a government school grad, huh?
What does that even mean love... I am using common sense duh Jesus wouldnt be attached to corruption simple

It means that the indoctrination is indelible in the less astute.....i.e., you.

It means, in short, that you're a dunce and have the energy to let everyone know it.

oh whom you are choosing to serve is very clear by the hate and ignorance you spit out at everyone every chance you get. Don't forget your sunblock in the afterlife love...

I'm stating the simple fact that you 'choose to serve' the collective....

That you identify with one of these:
Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Progressivism, Nazism, or Fascism.....

...never realizing that they are all based on the same aim and doctrines.

Only the Judeo-Christian faiths are based on free will and individualism.

I short, you're a dunce.....but, everyone must tell you that,huh?
you are off in la la land - I am assuming youre talking to me cos you never answered me..where do y ou get your information lol

I read.
I study.
I've had the benefit of an actual education.

Clearly, you represent the obverse.

I notice that you were unable to deny any of this post:
I'm stating the simple fact that you 'choose to serve' the collective....

That you identify with one of these:
Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Progressivism, Nazism, or Fascism.....

...never realizing that they are all based on the same aim and doctrines.

Only the Judeo-Christian faiths are based on free will and individualism.

You will neither be able to deny this:

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Yet you are a servant of the state.
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What does that even mean love... I am using common sense duh Jesus wouldnt be attached to corruption simple

It means that the indoctrination is indelible in the less astute.....i.e., you.

It means, in short, that you're a dunce and have the energy to let everyone know it.

oh whom you are choosing to serve is very clear by the hate and ignorance you spit out at everyone every chance you get. Don't forget your sunblock in the afterlife love...

I'm stating the simple fact that you 'choose to serve' the collective


That you identify with one of these:
Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Progressivism, Nazism, or Fascism.....

...never realizing that they are all based on the same aim and doctrines.

Only the Judeo-Christian faiths are based on free will and individualism.
please spare me you are wrong

I short, you're a dunce.....but, everyone must tell you that,huh?
you are off in la la land - I am assuming youre talking to me cos you never answered me..where do y ou get your information lol

I read.
I study.
I've had the benefit of an actual education.

Clearly, you represent the obverse.

I notice that you were unable to deny any of this post:
I'm stating the simple fact that you 'choose to serve' the collective....

That you identify with one of these:
Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Progressivism, Nazism, or Fascism.....

...never realizing that they are all based on the same aim and doctrines.

Only the Judeo-Christian faiths are based on free will and individualism.

You will neither be able to deny this:

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Yet you are a servant of the state.
PC must be a troll, I have never seen a post or thread that diverges from a standard hatred of the other and/or human development. There is never a sign of humanity nor kindness and tolerance in her threads which are constant negatives. It is the same bitterness over and over again. If not a troll a bitter sad person who really needs a life. You aren't a Russian are you?

PC is what happens when you take a Mail Order Bride from Korea and feed it a steady diet of Hate Radio.
How very racist of you.
Jefferson's "building a wall" didn't quite work out: the xian mafia in Wisconsin deliberately had to molest passing pedestrians as a form of proselytism to obtain an actual, physical building to eventually call a church home. This modus operandi of the theologian is intimate with Wisconsin state regulations regarding rents, religious gathering places, etc.. Pork Soda must dig deeper than Jefferson's accommodating letter.
Jefferson's "building a wall" didn't quite work out: the xian mafia in Wisconsin deliberately had to molest passing pedestrians as a form of proselytism to obtain an actual, physical building to eventually call a church home. This modus operandi of the theologian is intimate with Wisconsin state regarding rents, religious gathering places, etc.. Pork Soda must dig deeper than Jefferson's accommodating letter.

There is no such 'Jefferson's wall.'

Not in any of our memorializing documents, nor even in Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists.

It was a bastardized insertion into jurisprudence by KKK'er Hugo Black.

You're a government school grad, huh?

Have you ever read a book?
Post #188's "human development" is interesting a la Jefferson, because as the street theologians were chastizing sinner-pedestrians about piercings, tattoos, etc., the Chinese Triads were buying up real estate in the capitol city. Indeed, Chinese christ Jizu, a B.C. avatar shown on Han Chinese star charts in the Constellation Lupus, the asterism Jizu "a group of soldiers." (Kistemaker, The Chinese Sky During the Han)

Serious real-estate-desiring gangs from the theater of protection racketism.
Post #188's "human development" is interesting a la Jefferson, because as the street theologians were chastizing sinner-pedestrians about piercings, tattoos, etc., the Chinese Triads were buying up real estate in the capitol city. Indeed, Chinese christ Jizu, a B.C. avatar shown on Han Chinese star charts in the Constellation Lupus, the asterism Jizu "a group of soldiers." (Kistemaker, The Chinese Sky During the Han)

Serious real-estate-desiring gangs from the theater of protection racketism.

Let's see if you've learned: Is there any "Jefferson's wall of separation between church and state."

Take your time....
The theologians involved in the Wisconsin scenario eventually moved to a storefront building. While this process was underway, outbreaks of hepatitis B virus were occurring in plasma centers in the city, The following year hep B would be documented in nursing homes and medical installations California, New York, Ohio, and elsewhere. Deliberate transmission of the virus is documented. See www. for Uighur hypodermic needle attack.
The theologians involved in the Wisconsin scenario eventually moved to a storefront building. While this process was underway, outbreaks of hepatitis B virus were occurring in plasma centers in the city, The following year hep B would be documented in nursing homes and medical installations California, New York, Ohio, and elsewhere. Deliberate transmission of the virus is documented. See www. for Uighur hypodermic needle attack.

Perhaps you missed the question....

As you brought up a certain fallacy, I have tried to disabuse you of same.

Let's see if you've learned: Is there any "Jefferson's wall of separation between church and state."

Take your time....
PC must be a troll, I have never seen a post or thread that diverges from a standard hatred of the other and/or human development. There is never a sign of humanity nor kindness and tolerance in her threads which are constant negatives. It is the same bitterness over and over again. If not a troll a bitter sad person who really needs a life. You aren't a Russian are you?

PC is what happens when you take a Mail Order Bride from Korea and feed it a steady diet of Hate Radio.
How very racist of you.
oh please find another come back that one is so over not to mention totally created by propaganda to keep you dumbed down and in the dark wake up
In post #175, Jeff, tranqed-down on hemp and quilling away into the night ("It's really groovy living on a river like this. Really."). Addressing what he knows to be true, that the coercion behind the phrase "freedom of religion" can never suffice as a substitute for knowledge (rather than faith, which does substitute for knowledge), knowledge of the fact that ....

' "Lines of the Universe are feminine, lines of the State, prostitutional)." '
(Fenelon, quoted in A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia)

This is inherently a wall, or if you will, an abyss, between what Jeff assumes (that the population has taken the bait of "freedom of religion") and what Theo wants to hear from the Jeff of State as an oral tribute to the deceptions.
In post #175, Jeff is confident of being able to perceive (and speak for) the people's will ("supreme will of the nation") while making sure no toes are stepped on in this delicate church-and-state dance ("I contemplate with sovereign reverence"), and then introduces the necessary antagonism with the remark,."that he owes account to none other for his faith." This is prime evidence that Jeff knows about the deception that masks "freedom from religion," and can transmit it to Theo so that the historical record looks pristine and innocent. This is Jeff's fascist Wall. How could it be otherwise? Freedom from religion is also a valid freedom.

'Laclau underscores that " a Fascist regime can absorb and articulate democratic demands as much as a liberal one." It is precisely because of this undecidability that politics is a matter of hegemony. To hegemonize is to appropriate elements that do not have a necessary connection in order to form an alliance that could not exist without the hegemonic articulation. Accordingly, even the most ideal democracy must exercise violence. In Laclau's formulation, "even the most democratic of societies is a system of power and is partly based on force and exclusion."
While the concept of hegemony makes clear there that there cannot be a sovereign order, Laclau does not call into question that we desire such an order. Rather, he maintains that the struggle for hegemony is driven by a desire for the absolute fullness of sovereign being.'

Jeff knows that the 666 kuklos exothen of exclusion is operating in his letter to Theo from the banks of Stone Creek.

Just as in fascism, the masses desired their own repression (Anti-Oedipus) and the desired order having become being theologized. As Derrida has stated in Of Grammatology, "Perhaps it will never end. Nontheless, its closure has been outlined.'

...from the public arena and the public's consciousness: because it is the only way Leftism can survive.

1. The Founders were all deeply religious, steeped in Judeo-Christian tradition and the Bible. This was the warning:

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other" John Adams to Massachusetts Militia, 11 October 1798

2. Compare that to the worldview of the elites, and the operators of government school:

"Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physical sins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes."
Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913

3. Those who have accepted Liberalism, postmodernism, Progressivism, mock the idea of the Judeo-Christian God, and compare same to Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy.
And, they must.
Because if they accept the traditional view of God....then they would be forced to accept the corollary, the view that Evil, or Satan, or Lucifer, exist as well.....and the evidence would prove that Leftism is animated by that evil.

4. Compare Ronald Reagan's response to the what he named 'the evil empire' to Obama, who embraced and supported evil early on in his political career.

And, this is no surprise, as Barack Obama's mentor was Saul Alinsky, proud of his affiliation with the personification of evil:

"Alinsky dedicated his book to none other than the fallen angel Lucifer, yes that Lucifer, whom he describes as "the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment (that would be God) and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom." Webutante: The Late Saul Alinsky, Obama's Radical Community Organizer Inspirer-in-Chief

If the true animator of Leftism was revealed....the American people would never support any of its iterations:
Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism, Communism, Socialism or Fascism.

So....their mission is to banish God and religion.
Never happen. They have been trying to do just that for two thousand years. They have failed. Not only did they fail, but their persecution only makes Christianity thrive. Historically, everytime Christians were persecuted, Christianity became stronger, and many came to know Christ. So, go right ahead and persecute Christians. Won't do you a bit of good. We're not going anywhere.
...from the public arena and the public's consciousness: because it is the only way Leftism can survive.

1. The Founders were all deeply religious, steeped in Judeo-Christian tradition and the Bible. This was the warning:

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other" John Adams to Massachusetts Militia, 11 October 1798

2. Compare that to the worldview of the elites, and the operators of government school:

"Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physical sins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes."
Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913

3. Those who have accepted Liberalism, postmodernism, Progressivism, mock the idea of the Judeo-Christian God, and compare same to Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy.
And, they must.
Because if they accept the traditional view of God....then they would be forced to accept the corollary, the view that Evil, or Satan, or Lucifer, exist as well.....and the evidence would prove that Leftism is animated by that evil.

4. Compare Ronald Reagan's response to the what he named 'the evil empire' to Obama, who embraced and supported evil early on in his political career.

And, this is no surprise, as Barack Obama's mentor was Saul Alinsky, proud of his affiliation with the personification of evil:

"Alinsky dedicated his book to none other than the fallen angel Lucifer, yes that Lucifer, whom he describes as "the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment (that would be God) and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom." Webutante: The Late Saul Alinsky, Obama's Radical Community Organizer Inspirer-in-Chief

If the true animator of Leftism was revealed....the American people would never support any of its iterations:
Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism, Communism, Socialism or Fascism.

So....their mission is to banish God and religion.
Never happen. They have been trying to do just that for two thousand years. They have failed. Not only did they fail, but their persecution only makes Christianity thrive. Historically, everytime Christians were persecuted, Christianity became stronger, and many came to know Christ. So, go right ahead and persecute Christians. Won't do you a bit of good. We're not going anywhere.

"...go right ahead and persecute Christians. Won't do you a bit of good."

Who is the 'you' to whom you refer?
...from the public arena and the public's consciousness: because it is the only way Leftism can survive.

1. The Founders were all deeply religious, steeped in Judeo-Christian tradition and the Bible. This was the warning:

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other" John Adams to Massachusetts Militia, 11 October 1798

2. Compare that to the worldview of the elites, and the operators of government school:

"Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physical sins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes."
Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913

3. Those who have accepted Liberalism, postmodernism, Progressivism, mock the idea of the Judeo-Christian God, and compare same to Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy.
And, they must.
Because if they accept the traditional view of God....then they would be forced to accept the corollary, the view that Evil, or Satan, or Lucifer, exist as well.....and the evidence would prove that Leftism is animated by that evil.

4. Compare Ronald Reagan's response to the what he named 'the evil empire' to Obama, who embraced and supported evil early on in his political career.

And, this is no surprise, as Barack Obama's mentor was Saul Alinsky, proud of his affiliation with the personification of evil:

"Alinsky dedicated his book to none other than the fallen angel Lucifer, yes that Lucifer, whom he describes as "the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment (that would be God) and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom." Webutante: The Late Saul Alinsky, Obama's Radical Community Organizer Inspirer-in-Chief

If the true animator of Leftism was revealed....the American people would never support any of its iterations:
Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism, Communism, Socialism or Fascism.

So....their mission is to banish God and religion.
Never happen. They have been trying to do just that for two thousand years. They have failed. Not only did they fail, but their persecution only makes Christianity thrive. Historically, everytime Christians were persecuted, Christianity became stronger, and many came to know Christ. So, go right ahead and persecute Christians. Won't do you a bit of good. We're not going anywhere.

"...go right ahead and persecute Christians. Won't do you a bit of good."

Who is the 'you' to whom you refer?
People who hate Christ. They're the only ones I know of who persecute Christians.

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