Why Religion Must Be Banished....

Ah yes, wealth distribution. Because we know that if a fat man is standing next to a skinny man, the fat one MUST have taken the skinny guy's food.

You're an idiot.

Not even a valid comparison, but do try again.

what is wealth but the measurement of the value of all goods and services created?

Here's the thing, One Percent of the population controls 43% of the wealth. They most certainly did not do 43% of the labor that created that wealth.

Meanwhile, 40% of the population controls less than 1% of the wealth. They are certainly doing more than 1% of the hard work in thankless jobs.


The big government you whine about incessantly is because of this inequality. Because the one percent have so much of the wealth and they still want more.

If it were evenly distributed, we wouldn't need food stamps, social security, section 8 housing or any of the other stuff you bitch about.

Good lord, are you really this thick?

Wealth is NOT a finite pile of cash from which we all must draw. Stated differently, because one man has more money than another doesn't mean he took something that didn't belong to him.

Same for food.

You're really making yourself look silly.
And therein lies your problem. You have a totally unrealistic view of who God is and what you think He should be.

I have a perfectly realistic view of God.

God is something stupid people hope is a thing because they can't deal with the thought of their inevitable death.

And smarter people have tricked dumber people into thinking they can intercede with this Imaginary Sky Pixie if you just get on your knees once a week and give them money.

It's an awesome scam. I wouldn't do it, because I have ethics. But it's still a pretty awesome scam.
Not only totally unrealistic, false too.
The amazing thing about the greedy, they never fucking learn.

And there you have it folks, proof positive that for leftists, it really is about jealousy. Greedy need not mean one did anything to take what doesn't belong to him, nothing to unnecessarily hurt another....and yet, because you're life didn't manage out as well as that of another, you're prepared to murder him. As evidence, I give you:


So, not only are you a petty asshole envious of those carried out more lucrative financial transactions than yourself, you advocate killing such people. That makes you immoral and an idiot.

I'm done arguing with you, particularly on this day.
And there you have it folks, proof positive that for leftists, it really is about jealousy. Greedy need not mean one did anything to take what doesn't belong to him, nothing to unnecessarily hurt another....and yet, because you're life didn't manage out as well as that of another, you're prepared to murder him. As evidence, I give you:

Hey, guy, stuff like that happens. It happens when you have the kind of wealth inequality you advocate. So the next time you pay your tax for welfare, maybe you should think of it as "Decapitation insurance".

Because you have to ask yourself, how did it get to the point where someone was happily in the crowd CHEERING when they lopped off Louis XVI head? How many of his kids did he watch starve to death while Louis' wife was saying "Let them eat cake!"

So, not only are you a petty asshole envious of those carried out more lucrative financial transactions than yourself, you advocate killing such people. That makes you immoral and an idiot.

No, i'm not jealous, I'm frustrated that I see people work hard all their lives and end up dying in debt because the One Percent have not only confiscated all the fruits of hteir labors, but money they haven't even made yet.

That's how you get revolutions.

We're probably heading for one.
And there you have it folks, proof positive that for leftists, it really is about jealousy. Greedy need not mean one did anything to take what doesn't belong to him, nothing to unnecessarily hurt another....and yet, because you're life didn't manage out as well as that of another, you're prepared to murder him. As evidence, I give you:

Hey, guy, stuff like that happens. It happens when you have the kind of wealth inequality you advocate. So the next time you pay your tax for welfare, maybe you should think of it as "Decapitation insurance".

Because you have to ask yourself, how did it get to the point where someone was happily in the crowd CHEERING when they lopped off Louis XVI head? How many of his kids did he watch starve to death while Louis' wife was saying "Let them eat cake!"

So, not only are you a petty asshole envious of those carried out more lucrative financial transactions than yourself, you advocate killing such people. That makes you immoral and an idiot.

No, i'm not jealous, I'm frustrated that I see people work hard all their lives and end up dying in debt because the One Percent have not only confiscated all the fruits of hteir labors, but money they haven't even made yet.

That's how you get revolutions.

We're probably heading for one.

Ironic, don't you think, that you described perfectly the federal government? The one percent doesn't have the legal power to do what you're whining about. The government does.

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Ironic, don't you think, that you described perfectly the federal government? The one percent doesn't have the legal power to do what you're whining about. The government does.

Um, no. The one percent buys the government,t hat's part of the problem. The other part of the problem is that the laws that working people used to have to protect them from the one percent have been washed away.
Ironic, don't you think, that you described perfectly the federal government? The one percent doesn't have the legal power to do what you're whining about. The government does.

Um, no. The one percent buys the government,t hat's part of the problem. The other part of the problem is that the laws that working people used to have to protect them from the one percent have been washed away.

Then you should stop voting for democrats who can be bought and sold. Ironically (see how I did that?), you're in the position of defending the very politicians you so desperately want to blame for your level of anxiety. Trump represents the only alternative currently available that can do anything about the entrenched powers that be, yet you petulantly whine about his very existence.

The bottom line remains that Nancy Pelosi is a far greater threat to my freedom than is Bill Gates.

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Then you should stop voting for democrats who can be bought and sold. Ironically (see how I did that?), you're in the position of defending the very politicians you so desperately want to blame for your level of anxiety. Trump represents the only alternative currently available that can do anything about the entrenched powers that be, yet you petulantly whine about his very existence.

Trump is a clown who has manipulated stupid people into voting against their own interest. The Republicans used to be clever about this with Reagan and Bush... but now it's like they aren't even trying.

Trump says, "Scary Mexicans" and you clowns all vote for him, not realizing you are in exactly the same boat the Mexicans are in... because you're stupid.

The bottom line remains that Nancy Pelosi is a far greater threat to my freedom than is Bill Gates.

I know. She has a vagina AND an opinion! Women in power are scary!!!
Then you should stop voting for democrats who can be bought and sold. Ironically (see how I did that?), you're in the position of defending the very politicians you so desperately want to blame for your level of anxiety. Trump represents the only alternative currently available that can do anything about the entrenched powers that be, yet you petulantly whine about his very existence.

Trump is a clown who has manipulated stupid people into voting against their own interest. The Republicans used to be clever about this with Reagan and Bush... but now it's like they aren't even trying.

Trump says, "Scary Mexicans" and you clowns all vote for him, not realizing you are in exactly the same boat the Mexicans are in... because you're stupid.

Wow, a lame attempt at a personal insult. Don't worry, I've heard worse from better.

The bottom line remains that Nancy Pelosi is a far greater threat to my freedom than is Bill Gates.

I know. She has a vagina AND an opinion! Women in power are scary!!!

So you admit the original idea is false. Where did that stupid thing come from, anyway?

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So you admit the original idea is false. Where did that stupid thing come from, anyway?

i'm sure you are up at night scared that Nancy will be speaker again and threaten to emasculate you, but that's kind of your hangup, buddy.

Then you live in a strange, delusional world. Haven't you figured out yet that juvenile insults don't bother me?

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Post #164 reveals a glaring contradiction in reasoning: jealousy requires three entities. Post #166 leads us back to a more serious review of pathologies at Malheur, Oregon.
Jefferson's Letter to the Danbury Baptists
The Final Letter, as Sent

To messers. Nehemiah Dodge, Ephraim Robbins, & Stephen S. Nelson, a committee of the Danbury Baptist association in the state of Connecticut.


The affectionate sentiments of esteem and approbation which you are so good as to express towards me, on behalf of the Danbury Baptist association, give me the highest satisfaction. my duties dictate a faithful and zealous pursuit of the interests of my constituents, & in proportion as they are persuaded of my fidelity to those duties, the discharge of them becomes more and more pleasing.

Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.

I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection & blessing of the common father and creator of man, and tender you for yourselves & your religious association, assurances of my high respect & esteem.

Th Jefferson
Jan. 1. 1802.

Back to June 1998 - Vol 57, No. 6

Jefferson's Letter to the Danbury Baptists (June 1998) - Library of Congress Information Bulletin

lol.... you just bit the big one on this thread, superchicky.................:itsok:
Too bad you can't understand what you read.
Have you read "Democracy in America"?

Do you know who de Tocqueville was?

Or...are you simply one more boilerplate government school grad?

"No novelty in the United States struck me more vividly during my stay there than the equality of conditions"
Democracy in America,
Anchor Books edition, 1969

Would you like the first sentence from the authors to Vol. 2?

Considering the authors intro in Vol 1, in respect to the BLM protest movement, one must question the authority of Alexis in this topic sentence. .PC uses the past with the reverence of a true believer, but what was considered true in past times, is not necessarily so today.

"PC uses the past with the reverence of a true believer, but what was considered true in past times, is not necessarily so today."

And once again we have recapitulated our traditional 'Punch and Judy' play.....

And now for your next 'punch'....and lesson:

1) Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent. Liberals are destroyers of custom and convention. To a conservative, change should be gradual, as the new society is often inferior to the old. We build on the ideas and experience of our ancestors. The species is wiser than the individual (Burke).

2) Liberals are impulsive, and imprudent. They believe in quick changes, and risk new abuses worse than the ‘evils’ that they would sweep away, since remedies are usually not simple. Plato said that prudence is the mark of the statesman. There should be a balance between permanence and change, while liberals see ‘progress’ as some mythical direction for society.

Learning isn't your 'thing'?
Well, then.....just be satisfied that you're the Michael Jordan of Chutes and Ladders.

"F" as in failure ^^^

Poli Sci for the Dummy:
  • Conservatives are slow to react and resist change
  • Reactionaries want to return to an earlier time
  • Liberals are visionary and ask, why not
  • Rebels want change yesterday.

Spoken like a bona fide FOOL.

My undergrad degrees are Poli Sci and US History, what are yours?

When are you going to do? Will you just teach?

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