Why Religion Must Be Banished....

"F" as in failure ^^^

Poli Sci for the Dummy:
  • Conservatives are slow to react and resist change
  • Reactionaries want to return to an earlier time
  • Liberals are visionary and ask, why not
  • Rebels want change yesterday.

Spoken like a bona fide FOOL.

My undergrad degrees are Poli Sci and US History, what are yours?

I have a PHD in owning morons like you.

You do? How come you don't know the proper abbreviation for a Doctorate Degree? But I'm sure it's a typo, isn't it Doctor?

In which U. did you matriculate, and in what field of study? Is your dissertation on line, many are, and I'd enjoy reading it.

You graduated Summa Caramel Latte?


....blood alcohol level?

He's butthurt, as evidenced by his pm to me today. LOL!
"PC uses the past with the reverence of a true believer, but what was considered true in past times, is not necessarily so today."

And once again we have recapitulated our traditional 'Punch and Judy' play.....

And now for your next 'punch'....and lesson:

1) Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent. Liberals are destroyers of custom and convention. To a conservative, change should be gradual, as the new society is often inferior to the old. We build on the ideas and experience of our ancestors. The species is wiser than the individual (Burke).

2) Liberals are impulsive, and imprudent. They believe in quick changes, and risk new abuses worse than the ‘evils’ that they would sweep away, since remedies are usually not simple. Plato said that prudence is the mark of the statesman. There should be a balance between permanence and change, while liberals see ‘progress’ as some mythical direction for society.

Learning isn't your 'thing'?
Well, then.....just be satisfied that you're the Michael Jordan of Chutes and Ladders.

"F" as in failure ^^^

Poli Sci for the Dummy:
  • Conservatives are slow to react and resist change
  • Reactionaries want to return to an earlier time
  • Liberals are visionary and ask, why not
  • Rebels want change yesterday.

Spoken like a bona fide FOOL.

My undergrad degrees are Poli Sci and US History, what are yours?

I have a PHD in owning morons like you.

You do? How come you don't know the proper abbreviation for a Doctorate Degree? But I'm sure it's a typo, isn't it Doctor?

In which U. did you matriculate, and in what field of study? Is your dissertation on line, many are, and I'd enjoy reading it.

Perhaps you can enthrall me with more of your butthurt personal messages. LMAO!
Ah, yes, the old witch test. You remember the good old days when you would throw a woman into the lake and if she floated, she was a witch and thus burned at the stake. If she sank, hey, she was innocent. Dead, but innocent. I find it interesting that your tolerance of those who disagree with you is so extremely high. You must be an atheist.

Well, you miss the point. Certainly if there was a God, and we started throwing religious leaders off the tops of buildings, he'd catch them.

Can't vote establishment big government types out of office either. So, it is the same thing.

Sure we can. We just don't want to. It's why the Libertarians only get a couple percentage points despite their billionaire sugar daddies. People want government to look out for them.

Get on your knees boy and open wide for your central planning masters. You've asked for it.

Yawn, guy, I'd trust government before I'd trust business any day of the week.

IOW, you still want to treat God like an ATM. Push the right buttons and goodies deal into your lap.

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No, more like 'when you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on the support of Paul'

You're not a citizen, you're a subject. Spread 'em wide!

You see, here's the thing, Since Peter had already cheated Paul, all Paul was doing was making sure that Peter paid his fair share.

Now, if we had fair and reasonable wealth distribution in this country, if the rich didn't cheat working people at every turn, you probably wouldn't need as much government to rectify that.

But you keep telling yourself the government is bad.... because that's what Libertarian Children do.
I would like to see your face when after you die you are reunited with your mother and you embrace her. You will then understand that life goes on and that this mortal life was only temporary. We all will die, but thanks to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we shall all be resurrected and live an immortal life and be reunited again in the hereafter. I understand your pain because I lost my father when I was young. The joy of that eternal reunion will be overwhelming. I pray that you will take hope in the Lord and find comfort to your soul in his grand message of immortality and the resurrection.

Ain't going to happen.

Hey how come when Muslims have Near Death Experiences, they always see Mohammed and not Jesus?

The thing is, according to your bible, most of us are going to Hell either because we dont' worship Jesus or because we aren't worshipping him the right way.

IN fucked up Christian Theology, Jeff Dahmner is going to Heaven because he found Jesus but Ann Frank is burning in Hell right next to Hitler because she rejected him.

That's all kinds of fucked up. It also makes your God come off as being more needy that Trump is.
Now, if we had fair and reasonable wealth distribution in this country...

Free market capitalism isn't perfect, but it's the best economic system the world has ever known. Why is it that communists like you never learn your history?
IOW, you still want to treat God like an ATM. Push the right buttons and goodies deal into your lap.

Except the goodies never show up, that's the problem, no matter how many buttons you push, or how much money you give the Religious Shysters.

SO really, your God isn't like an ATM. He's more like a video Poker Machine.

Free market capitalism isn't perfect, but it's the best economic system the world has ever known. Why is it that communists like you never learn your history?

Actually, Free Market Capitalism kind of sucks for most people, which is why most of the world rejected it in favor of a system that allows for strong worker and consumer rights... including this one.

This is what Free Market Capitalism looked like for most people, round the early part of the century.

No, more like 'when you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on the support of Paul'

You're not a citizen, you're a subject. Spread 'em wide!

You see, here's the thing, Since Peter had already cheated Paul, all Paul was doing was making sure that Peter paid his fair share.

Now, if we had fair and reasonable wealth distribution in this country, if the rich didn't cheat working people at every turn, you probably wouldn't need as much government to rectify that.

But you keep telling yourself the government is bad.... because that's what Libertarian Children do.

Ah yes, wealth distribution. Because we know that if a fat man is standing next to a skinny man, the fat one MUST have taken the skinny guy's food.

You're an idiot.
IOW, you still want to treat God like an ATM. Push the right buttons and goodies deal into your lap.

Except the goodies never show up, that's the problem, no matter how many buttons you push, or how much money you give the Religious Shysters.

SO really, your God isn't like an ATM. He's more like a video Poker Machine.


And therein lies your problem. You have a totally unrealistic view of who God is and what you think He should be.

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Ah yes, wealth distribution. Because we know that if a fat man is standing next to a skinny man, the fat one MUST have taken the skinny guy's food.

You're an idiot.

Not even a valid comparison, but do try again.

what is wealth but the measurement of the value of all goods and services created?

Here's the thing, One Percent of the population controls 43% of the wealth. They most certainly did not do 43% of the labor that created that wealth.

Meanwhile, 40% of the population controls less than 1% of the wealth. They are certainly doing more than 1% of the hard work in thankless jobs.


The big government you whine about incessantly is because of this inequality. Because the one percent have so much of the wealth and they still want more.

If it were evenly distributed, we wouldn't need food stamps, social security, section 8 housing or any of the other stuff you bitch about.
And therein lies your problem. You have a totally unrealistic view of who God is and what you think He should be.

I have a perfectly realistic view of God.

God is something stupid people hope is a thing because they can't deal with the thought of their inevitable death.

And smarter people have tricked dumber people into thinking they can intercede with this Imaginary Sky Pixie if you just get on your knees once a week and give them money.

It's an awesome scam. I wouldn't do it, because I have ethics. But it's still a pretty awesome scam.
God is something stupid people hope is a thing because they can't deal with the thought of their inevitable death.

That's right. The universe created itself and life materialized out of nowhere.
Now, if we had fair and reasonable wealth distribution in this country...

Free market capitalism isn't perfect, but it's the best economic system the world has ever known. Why is it that communists like you never learn your history?

Monopoly, cartels, insider trading, collusion with foreign powers, corporations polluting the air, water and soil, would flourish in a free market economy. Your neighbor could open a fish market or house of prostitution, drugs would be available with no controls allowing addictions and super bugs to flourish too. Without regulations and government oversight rip offs would flourish and subliminal advertising would pollute minds and empty wallets.

Only stupid people play the Communist Card; it is fear mongering and irrelevant in any conversation in the 21st Century. Russia and China, the two enormous nation states which were conceived and dedicated to Communism / Maoism in the early and mid 20th Century, are no longer dedicated to this dead theory, and its utopian promises.

We live as do they in a mixed economy, and we in the US have always regulated the economy as anyone who has read and understood COTUS knows.
IOW, you still want to treat God like an ATM. Push the right buttons and goodies deal into your lap.

Except the goodies never show up, that's the problem, no matter how many buttons you push, or how much money you give the Religious Shysters.

SO really, your God isn't like an ATM. He's more like a video Poker Machine.


And therein lies your problem. You have a totally unrealistic view of who God is and what you think He should be.

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Well, since you know what HE(?) is please do tell us all about HER(?). Begin with an explanation on why you believe to know his/her gender.

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