Why ‘religious freedom’ laws are doomed

From your oh-so-unbiased link:

..what kind of signal are we sending to society if we have in essence a sign up in the inn or the bake shop that says ‘heterosexuals only,’ or ‘weddings for heterosexuals only?’

Answer: That we are a free society. A society that understands and values the right and vital importance to a functioning Republic of private property ownership. A society that allows asshole business owners to feel the wrath of the marketplace without imposing ridiculous slippery slope laws that could end up forcing a gay owned business to provide its service to the Westboro Baptist Church. That's the kind of signal we should sent...that freedom comes with with consequences and you have no right to not be offended. Stated differently, get the fuck over yourself.
Spot on, and their ultimate GOAL. Don't let 'em fool you. Their actions speak loudly if not brazenly. Their arrogance knows no bounds until WE stand up to their tyranny.

Fighting r-wing extremism is 'tyranny'? Since when?
First Amendment stuff son. Get over it and yourself.

The First Amendment does not allow people of any religious bent to create and enforce laws that are ONLY based on their religious tenets.
From your oh-so-unbiased link:

..what kind of signal are we sending to society if we have in essence a sign up in the inn or the bake shop that says ‘heterosexuals only,’ or ‘weddings for heterosexuals only?’

Answer: That we are a free society. A society that understands and values the right and vital importance to a functioning Republic of private property ownership. A society that allows asshole business owners to feel the wrath of the marketplace without imposing ridiculous slippery slope laws that could end up forcing a gay owned business to provide its service to the Westboro Baptist Church. That's the kind of signal we should sent...that freedom comes with with consequences and you have no right to not be offended. Stated differently, get the fuck over yourself.

Should we repeal the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and let this mythical 'marketplace' of yours assure that all Americans of color always get equal treatment in all businesses in America?
Fighting r-wing extremism is 'tyranny'? Since when?
First Amendment stuff son. Get over it and yourself.

The First Amendment does not allow people of any religious bent to create and enforce laws that are ONLY based on their religious tenets.

Our whole Constitution is based on religious tenets, it is based on God's Natural Law of our rights, over human rule.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" are the very first words of the 1st Amendment to the US Bill of Rights. Above everything else within the realm of human imagination, the Founders stated first and foremost that religious doctrine of any faith will never be official US law.

They then followed those words with, "...nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof", which means that as long as religions stay out of public government, public government will remove itself from religious affairs. If Christians want to keep voting their faith, then the churches can start paying their fair share of taxes.
First Amendment stuff son. Get over it and yourself.

The First Amendment does not allow people of any religious bent to create and enforce laws that are ONLY based on their religious tenets.

Our whole Constitution is based on religious tenets, it is based on God's Natural Law of our rights, over human rule.

No such thing as "God's Natural Law of our rights, over human rule".
Nice try though.
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If Christians want to keep voting their faith, then the churches can start paying their fair share of taxes.

Then so must ALL not-for-profits including Unions, Planned Parenthood, etc.
From your oh-so-unbiased link:

..what kind of signal are we sending to society if we have in essence a sign up in the inn or the bake shop that says ‘heterosexuals only,’ or ‘weddings for heterosexuals only?’

Answer: That we are a free society. A society that understands and values the right and vital importance to a functioning Republic of private property ownership. A society that allows asshole business owners to feel the wrath of the marketplace without imposing ridiculous slippery slope laws that could end up forcing a gay owned business to provide its service to the Westboro Baptist Church. That's the kind of signal we should sent...that freedom comes with with consequences and you have no right to not be offended. Stated differently, get the fuck over yourself.

Should we repeal the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and let this mythical 'marketplace' of yours assure that all Americans of color always get equal treatment in all businesses in America?

No, just the part that trampled on private property rights.

You remember the Woolworth segregated counters? They desegregated BEFORE the CRA due to public pressure and financial consequences...that "mythical" marketplace.

Sorry comrade, you're PC bullshit does not trump private property rights.
The First Amendment does not allow people of any religious bent to create and enforce laws that are ONLY based on their religious tenets.

Our whole Constitution is based on religious tenets, it is based on God's Natural Law of our rights, over human rule.

No such thing as "God's Natural Law of our rights, over human rule".
Nice try though.

Declaration of Independence which goes with and helped to write our Constitution.

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Our rights in the Constitution is based on Natures Law which is life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
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“I think you’ve had a rise in hostility towards religion, and towards religious people in the public square,” says Brian Walsh, executive director of the American Religious Freedom Program, which helped write religious freedom legislation in Kansas and elsewhere. “It’s become increasingly acceptable to be negative towards religious people. It’s okay now to speak in a very negative way, especially if you can label them as haters.”

Another fine example of the persecution complex in action.

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