Why Republicans are the world's greatest heros!

You think CHINA is a capitalist nation?


That explains much about your POV, then.

Yes, that is why they want our system to be more like China.

Domestic spying, torture, state control of reproduction, no worker rights, no rule of law, etc
You think CHINA is a capitalist nation?

Of course as a liberal you will lack the intelligence to know.

Here are 2 books for you to read:

"Capitalism With Chinese Characteristics"

"How China Became Capitalist"

U.S.'s Startup Myth; China's 'Ford Moment': Commentary Review ...
Jul 3, 2010... may have to go Communist. It's tempting to wonder which way China will go. ... So far, China has taken the first path, going more the way of capitalism than Communism. ... Krugman or Paulson: Who You Gonna Bet On? ...

Businessweek - Business News, Stock market & Financial Advice... - Similar

The Myth of Asia's Miracle
Paul Krugman* ... Communist growth rates were certainly impressive, but not magical. ..... unfair: one is weighing down the buoyant performance of Chinese capitalism with the leaden performance of Chinese socialism. ... Even a modest slowing in China's growth will change the geopolitical outlook substantially. ...

web.mit.edu/krugman/www/myth.html - Similar
You think CHINA is a capitalist nation?

Of course as a liberal you will lack the intelligence to know.

Here are 2 books for you to read:

"Capitalism With Chinese Characteristics"

"How China Became Capitalist"

U.S.'s Startup Myth; China's 'Ford Moment': Commentary Review ...
Jul 3, 2010... may have to go Communist. It's tempting to wonder which way China will go. ... So far, China has taken the first path, going more the way of capitalism than Communism. ... Krugman or Paulson: Who You Gonna Bet On? ...

Businessweek - Business News, Stock market & Financial Advice... - Similar

The Myth of Asia's Miracle
Paul Krugman* ... Communist growth rates were certainly impressive, but not magical. ..... unfair: one is weighing down the buoyant performance of Chinese capitalism with the leaden performance of Chinese socialism. ... Even a modest slowing in China's growth will change the geopolitical outlook substantially. ...

web.mit.edu/krugman/www/myth.html - Similar

Ok, so you believe in a mixed economic system? Or you think China is a pure capitalist country? Or "more" capitalistic than the U.S.?


If you say a mixed system is better than socialism you will get little debate.
Communism is not liberal.

then why did our liberals spy for Stalin and give him the bomb? Why did Obama have two communist parents and vote to the left of Bernie Sanders???????????

Norman Thomas quotes:
The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

dealing with children is like dealing with liberals. They are so slow? The most obvious things escape them!
Nixon was no Hero. His visit to China was a precursor that all but doomed the American middle Class to extinction.

a liberal will lack the IQ to know that trade between individuals, cities, states, or countries is a good thing. With no trade each individual would have to make everything himself and it would make him very very poor!!
Firstly, and most obviously, because they introduced capitalism to China 30 years ago and thereby cut the world's poverty rate in half!!

What could be more heroic than that?

There are same-sex couples denied their equal protection rights who see republicans as anything but ‘heroes.’

you perfect idiot liberal !! As if thats a significant issue when 10 million Chinese were starving to death each year under liberalism

You take the cake for pure stupidity!
Firstly, and most obviously, because they introduced capitalism to China 30 years ago and thereby cut the world's poverty rate in half!!

What could be more heroic than that?

There are same-sex couples denied their equal protection rights who see republicans as anything but ‘heroes.’

you perfect idiot liberal !! As if thats a significant issue when 10 million Chinese were starving to death each year under liberalism

You take the cake for pure stupidity!

You still didn't answer why you think a corporation looking to make a profit by offshoring jobs for profit is an heroic act. An heroic act to me is risking life or limb for a good cause. And anyway US corporations weren't the first to do this. The Chinese were selling cheap knockoffs of western goods to the Spaniards by way of Manila to Europe back in the 16th century. The Spaniards shipped these goods to Europe to sell for profit. Such heroic Spaniards. It got so bad in Europe with trades people not being able to compete with cheap chinese products that European countries put a tariff on the goods. Sounds like what's happening to USA but it seem like you applaud the race to the bottom on wages. So how is making a profit an act of heroism unless that act was done to save others lives which I don't think that was the intention. Keep it simple due to my liberal slowness.
You still didn't answer why you think a corporation looking to make a profit by offshoring jobs for profit is an heroic act.

Dear, I said introducing capitalism was heroic because it saved about 20 million human beings from slow starvation and eliminated half the world's poverty!!

Did you think the Girls Scouts did that????????????
So you're giving credit to the Republicans for the Chinese economic renaissance (slave labor is awesome!) yet you vilify the Chinese and I wonder if you'll continue to have this point of view when the Chinese overtake us economically and become the most powerful nation because of your theory.

In your theory, the Republicans made arguably our biggest enemy on the planet an economic super power and you're happy about that? :cuckoo:
You still didn't answer why you think a corporation looking to make a profit by offshoring jobs for profit is an heroic act.

Dear, I said introducing capitalism was heroic because it saved about 20 million human beings from slow starvation and eliminated half the world's poverty!!

Did you think the Girls Scouts did that????????????

I think the former communists in china moderated their system.

Hey,did you decide if we should become more socialisy like the chinese are to better ourselvrs? Or stay about our current level of mixed? I am sure I missed a post by you answering this simple question. Anyone could answer it. I am certain I misssd your answer.
You still didn't answer why you think a corporation looking to make a profit by offshoring jobs for profit is an heroic act.

Dear, I said introducing capitalism was heroic because it saved about 20 million human beings from slow starvation and eliminated half the world's poverty!!

Did you think the Girls Scouts did that????????????

I think the former communists in china moderated their system.

1) of course a switch from communism to capitalism is infinitely more than moderation. Slow???

2) they would not have know in which direction to dramatically change their system if not for the efforts of Jefferson, Smith, Friedman and Republicans over many many decades.
This has to be one of the dumbest threads ever. Not only does it show complete ignorance of world history but it's applauding the crack pot theory that Republicans made one of our biggest enemies an economic super power. I am just in awe of this stupidity.
So you're giving credit to the Republicans for the Chinese economic renaissance (slave labor is awesome!)

20 million people a year buying cars with money from jobs they choze to take and can quit at will is hardly slavery dear. Slow??

yet you vilify the Chinese

I do??????????????????????????????????

the Republicans made arguably our biggest enemy on the planet an economic super power and you're happy about that? :cuckoo:

enemy??? as fellow capitalists they are no longer our enemy. Certainly they are far far less of an enemy than when their communist philosophy demanded that they destroy capitalism as a relic of the past. Sorry!!
what is YOUR definition of a conservative?

may i chime in.., thank you !

my idea/definition of a conservative is one who REJECTS ALL forms of liberalism,e.g., extravagant life style, voting for a commie to lead this country, going to movies where there are anti gun actors blazing away thousands of rounds of ammo to kill one "slingshot" carrying criminal (?) qweers (sic) getting married, abortion on demand, believing .gov is their "Daddy", fire two shotgun blasts in the air to scare away home invaders, higher taxes, no morals/anything goes/if it feeeeels good.., do it.

i could fill a few pages with examples of liarberalism, but any one with a half cents worth of brain power can figure this one out by themselves........., oooopsie ! guess that excludes the liberals........:gay: ............ :laugh2:


You could fill a few pages, and it would still be bullshit.
Dear, I said introducing capitalism was heroic because it saved about 20 million human beings from slow starvation and eliminated half the world's poverty!!

Did you think the Girls Scouts did that????????????

I think the former communists in china moderated their system.

1) of course a switch from communism to capitalism is infinitely more than moderation. Slow???

2) they would not have know in which direction to dramatically change their system if not for the efforts of Jefferson, Smith, Friedman and Republicans over many many decades.

So there was no capitalism before Jefferson? Or no quasi dictatorships run by a ruling party or family?

Slow? Come on big boy. Remember the conversation where I walking you towards admitting substinance farmers could not be taxed equally to the middle class?
This has to be one of the dumbest threads ever. Not only does it show complete ignorance of world history but it's applauding the crack pot theory that Republicans made one of our biggest enemies an economic super power. I am just in awe of this stupidity.

Edward reads a bit, he just can not see the middle ground and hero worship to the point of hypocrisy bothers me.

I need to have more patience. His love of capitalism is well placed but my lord, both systems have their failings on either extreme.
This has to be one of the dumbest threads ever. Not only does it show complete ignorance of world history but it's applauding the crack pot theory that Republicans made one of our biggest enemies an economic super power. I am just in awe of this stupidity.

At least they're consistent.

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