Why Republicans are the world's greatest heros!

What you believe is liberal and conservative comes up in darn near every one of your posts. Just trying to figure out where your point if view lies.

dear, what I believe is conservative libertarian philosophy and its 1000's of years old. Got it yet.

If you want to avoid talking liberal vs conservative or republican vs liberal I would think you would quit bringing it up.

submoron, you may be the only person to read a post of mine and think I want to avoid it

BTW, it makes absolute sense to support small government in regards to not believing in anti gay laws or whatever while believing a big, strong FDA or patent office is needed. You just can't go around calling people names if you have mixed beliefs like most do.

too stuipid as usual!! Libertarian conservatives don't have mixed beliefs they have libertarian conservative beliefs. Some overlap between liberal and conservative does not mean liberal and conservative are the same. Sorry to destroy what is apparently the greatest idea you think you ever had.
You think CHINA is a capitalist nation?


That explains much about your POV, then.

two good books to get you started on your ABC's:

"Capitalism With Chinese Characteristics"

"How China Became Capitalist"

U.S.'s Startup Myth; China's 'Ford Moment': Commentary Review ...
Jul 3, 2010... may have to go Communist. It's tempting to wonder which way China will go. ... So far, China has taken the first path, going more the way of capitalism than Communism. ... Krugman or Paulson: Who You Gonna Bet On? ...

Businessweek - Business News, Stock market & Financial Advice... - Similar

The Myth of Asia's Miracle
Paul Krugman* ... Communist growth rates were certainly impressive, but not magical. ..... unfair: one is weighing down the buoyant performance of Chinese capitalism with the leaden performance of Chinese socialism. ... Even a modest slowing in China's growth will change the geopolitical outlook substantially. ...

web.mit.edu/krugman/www/myth.html - Similar
Firstly, and most obviously, because they introduced capitalism to China 30 years ago and thereby cut the world's poverty rate in half!!

What could be more heroic than that?

And if the GOP had the full run of things, it would only be a matter of time before our daughters were mail order brides to China :cuckoo:

under liberalism 20 million slowly starved to death, under Republicanism 20 million now by cars!!

Can a liberal admit which is better???

China has a socialist-market economy, with the State owning large swaths of China's industry.

That is your preference? Which industries would you have our government take over?
Firstly, and most obviously, because they introduced capitalism to China 30 years ago and thereby cut the world's poverty rate in half!!

What could be more heroic than that?

And if the GOP had the full run of things, it would only be a matter of time before our daughters were mail order brides to China :cuckoo:

under liberalism 20 million slowly starved to death, under Republicanism 20 million now by cars!!

Can a liberal admit which is better???

It's your fucking fantasy, Bro'. Go wherever you want.
And if the GOP had the full run of things, it would only be a matter of time before our daughters were mail order brides to China :cuckoo:

under liberalism 20 million slowly starved to death, under Republicanism 20 million now by cars!!

Can a liberal admit which is better???

It's your fucking fantasy, Bro'. Go wherever you want.

this is a fantasy???: under liberalism 20 million slowly starved to death, under Republican capitalism 20 million now buy cars!!

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow?
Beck again? LOL

Beck was wrong when he said they now buy 20 million cars whereas under liberalism 20 million slowly starved to death?? What do you think actually happened in China or don't you have any idea whatsoever??

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow? Ever think of a college education before posting here or before forming goofy liberal feelings?


Do you Edward believe conservatism has nothing to do with limiting government powers where the military and basic rights to due process apply?

lets not be personal worring about what I believe when conservatism is 1000's of years old and I merely represent it to illiterate liberals like you who don't know it because you lack the IQ to understand it.

as I said it is a contradiction when you talk about limiting the power of the military when generally speaking you want a mililtary to be super powerful so you never have to worry about being killed by the enemy. Still over your head????

Looking at Baiamonte's posts I can see that he is very young and immature; probably a teenager in the 9th or 10th grade. I think I will go elsewhere and join the adults.
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Do you Edward believe conservatism has nothing to do with limiting government powers where the military and basic rights to due process apply?

lets not be personal worring about what I believe when conservatism is 1000's of years old and I merely represent it to illiterate liberals like you who don't know it because you lack the IQ to understand it.

as I said it is a contradiction when you talk about limiting the power of the military when generally speaking you want a mililtary to be super powerful so you never have to worry about being killed by the enemy. Still over your head????

Looking at Baiamonte's posts I can see that he is very young and immature; probably a teenager in the 9th or 10th grade. I think I will go elsewhere and join the adults.

ad hominem from typical liberal without IQ for substance
Really? Cuz all those Koch-sucking, GOP boot-licking mega corporaitions seem to LOVE your GOP congresscritters much more than your typical democrat

not true, Obama got more first time from corporations than Republicans did. Even if it was true it would merely mean that they were not really good Republicans and so we should concentrate more on electing real small government Republicans so there would be no government powerful enough to be worth buying off!!

Making sense now?

As long as you have Democrats in DC the corporations will always be there trying to buy them off; this is called crony socialism or crony liberalism.

Its a simple concept but one way over the liberals IQ.
In my opinion, there is nothing "heroic" about the subject of the OP.

dear, a subject is not heroic, Republicans are heroic for introducing capitalism to China thus eliminating half the poverty in the world and saving millions of lives from slow starvation.

Making sense now???
All I know is that since Obama took office, the rich have gotten filthy rich..........

Les Leopold: The Rich Have Gained $5.6 Trillion in the 'Recovery,' While the Rest of Us Have Lost $669 Billion

Who are the stupidest mofus?:up:

so you feel Obama is for the rich?? you feel the rest of us are lazy or discriminated against???

Can you say???

They all are.........dummy.

Time to wake up and smell the maple nut crunch...........


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All I know is that since Obama took office, the rich have gotten filthy rich..........

Les Leopold: The Rich Have Gained $5.6 Trillion in the 'Recovery,' While the Rest of Us Have Lost $669 Billion

Who are the stupidest mofus?:up:

so you feel Obama is for the rich?? you feel the rest of us are lazy or discriminated against???

Can you say???

They all are.........dummy.

they are all, what???????? you clean forgot to say!!

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