Why Republicans are the world's greatest heros!

So there was no capitalism before Jefferson?

Technically, no. Property Rights did not exist anywhere in the world before the late 17th century. Before that, you had nobles and kings who could confiscate the fruits of someone else's labor without an issue.
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Nixon was no Hero. His visit to China was a precursor that all but doomed the American middle Class to extinction.

a liberal will lack the IQ to know that trade between individuals, cities, states, or countries is a good thing. With no trade each individual would have to make everything himself and it would make him very very poor!!

Right, my IQ isn't low enough to comprehend your odd hypotheses but I'l give it a try. It seems to me that the so-called golden age of America extended from the mid 1940s up through though the late 1960s. Most of that time America did just fine without outsourcing jobs to foreign nations.

Economically, for the USA, it was better that China was either a monarchy or Communist. Capitalism paid off for us in those days when the competition for natural resources and manufacturing jobs was less intense. Sorry, but as an American, I would rather see the effects of poverty elsewhere rather than among my fellow American citizens.

Trade IS a good thing, but do you call NAFTA and outsourcing good manufacturing jobs trading?
Do YOU have a high enough IQ to see how dumb your line of thinking really IS?
So there was no capitalism before Jefferson?

Technically, no. Property Rights did not exist anywhere in the world before the late 17th century. Before that, you had nobles and kings who could confiscate the fruits of someone else's labor without an issue.

lol. as if someone who said such things would be considered a capitalist these days :lmao:

"I hope we shall... crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country."
-- Thomas Jefferson; from letter to George Logan (Nov. 12, 1816)

"legislators cannot invent too many devices for subdividing property, only taking care to let their subdivisions go hand in hand with the natural affections of the human mind. The descent of property of every kind therefore to all the children, or to all the brothers and sisters, or other relations in equal degree is a politic measure, and a practicable one. Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they rise."
-- Thomas Jefferson; from letter to James Madison (Oct. 28, 1785)
You still didn't answer why you think a corporation looking to make a profit by offshoring jobs for profit is an heroic act.

Dear, I said introducing capitalism was heroic because it saved about 20 million human beings from slow starvation and eliminated half the world's poverty!!

Did you think the Girls Scouts did that????????????

We've been playing along with your assertion that Nixon introduced capitalism to China but that appears to be little more than an assumption. What about his visit made you assume that he or the republicans were responsible for China's capitalistic ventures, most of which took place years after Nixon had left office! Do you have more info?
You think CHINA is a capitalist nation?


That explains much about your POV, then.

I had it explained to me once by a Republican. China is the ultimate capitalist nation with the head of government more like a CEO.

Most of the industries that export goods from China are wholly owned by the Chinese Army.

Anyone foolish enough to think THAT IS CAPITALISM doesn't understand the concept of capitalism.
you perfect idiot liberal !! As if thats a significant issue when 10 million Chinese were starving to death each year under liberalism

You take the cake for pure stupidity!

Where do you get that 10 million Chinese were starving to death or that "liberalism" was the cause.

Or is "Liberalism" just your catchphrase for everything you don't like. Mao was a liberal. Hitler was a liberal. That guy who cut you off in traffic while talking on his cell phone was a liberal.

Got it.

Seek professional help.
So there was no capitalism before Jefferson?

Technically, no. Property Rights did not exist anywhere in the world before the late 17th century. Before that, you had nobles and kings who could confiscate the fruits of someone else's labor without an issue.

lol. as if someone who said such things would be considered a capitalist these days :lmao:

"I hope we shall... crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country."
-- Thomas Jefferson; from letter to George Logan (Nov. 12, 1816)

"legislators cannot invent too many devices for subdividing property, only taking care to let their subdivisions go hand in hand with the natural affections of the human mind. The descent of property of every kind therefore to all the children, or to all the brothers and sisters, or other relations in equal degree is a politic measure, and a practicable one. Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they rise."
-- Thomas Jefferson; from letter to James Madison (Oct. 28, 1785)


I appluad your attempt to understand economics via a study of American history.

And yes, Tommy Jeff said all sorts of noble things about economics..things that actually sound very FREEDOM loving.

Now the next step you ought to take is to study what he actually did while in office.

What you will discover is that when push came to shove?

He acted much like the FEDERALISTs, too.

Jefferson might be the biggest hypocrite of the Flounding Fathers.

But I do not fault him for that, I appreciate that when out of power it is easy to be idealistic.

But when handed the power, then one must be more pragmatic about dealing with issues.

And that pretty much describes what the Jeffersonians did, too.

Had it not been for Hamilton and the FEDERALIST policies that were applied to this nation during the time of Washington's administrations, Jefferson's time in office would have been a disaster.
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Mao was a liberal. Hitler was a liberal. That guy who cut you off in traffic while talking on his cell phone was a liberal.

Dear, Hitler, Stalin and Mao were liberals because they favored ever stronger central government. Obama had 2 communist parents voted to the left of Bernie Sanders, an open communist, and favors ever stronger central government!

Why do you think our liberals spied for Stalin?? Think!!!
Jefferson's time in office would have been a disaster.

Far more importantly, without Jefferson to define the idea of freedom from liberal government in the Declaration and Constitution there would have been no America. Without Jefferson to eliminate the liberal Federalists and create the Republicans in the Second American Revolution of 1800 there would have been Hamiltonian monarchy.

In short, the language and idea of freedom from liberal government would have been effectively removed from the founding. Thanks to Jefferson, Republican ideas defined the founding and liberals were left spying for Stalin and voting for Obama.
So there was no capitalism before Jefferson?

Technically, no. Property Rights did not exist anywhere in the world before the late 17th century. Before that, you had nobles and kings who could confiscate the fruits of someone else's labor without an issue.

Lol. You got me. Now we just say you are a drug dealer, Japanese spy, or enemy combatant and confiscate your property?
Jefferson's time in office would have been a disaster.

Far more importantly, without Jefferson to define the idea of freedom from liberal government in the Declaration and Constitution there would have been no America. Without Jefferson to eliminate the liberal Federalists and create the Republicans in the Second American Revolution of 1800 there would have been Hamiltonian monarchy.

In short, the language and idea of freedom from liberal government would have been effectively removed from the founding. Thanks to Jefferson, Republican ideas defined the founding and liberals were left spying for Stalin and voting for Obama.

Ey Ed, what is your definition of liberal? A Republican? You are against the Dept of Homeland Security I assume and the associated act? Them being as liberal with the constitution as national healthcare.
So there was no capitalism before Jefferson?

Technically, no. Property Rights did not exist anywhere in the world before the late 17th century. Before that, you had nobles and kings who could confiscate the fruits of someone else's labor without an issue.

well, don't forget that for 1000's of years people mostly had their own possessions, like food, clothes, shoes, shelter etc. They usually recognized that if you made, grew, or killed something you at least had a superior claim to it.

There is a famous book in political anthropology called "The Gift" which recounts how many 1000's of years ago social relationships were formed through gift giving. A gift was given, then a superior gift was to be given back to confirm a relationship. It was much like capitalism without money.

This in theory was the natural behavior that led to the natural rights that Aristotle, Locke, Smith, Jefferson, and Friedman sought to teach while opposing liberals like Hitler, Stalin, and Mao sought to impose upon us modern scientific or engineered central government schemes. We know how trying to fool mother nature works out.
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So there was no capitalism before Jefferson?

Technically, no. Property Rights did not exist anywhere in the world before the late 17th century. Before that, you had nobles and kings who could confiscate the fruits of someone else's labor without an issue.

well, don't forget, that for 1000's of years people had their own possessions, like clothes, shoes, etc. They usually recognized that if you made, grew, or killed something you had a superior claim to it.
There is a famous book in political anthropology called "The Gift" which recounts how many 1000's of years ago social relationships were formed through gift giving. A gift was given, then a superior gift was to be given back. It was capitalism without money.

This in theory was the natural behavior the Aristotle, Smith, Jefferson and Friedman sought to teach us.

Wait, what is your definition if capitalism? Mine disagrees with the obligation and is based on free market.
Jefferson's time in office would have been a disaster.

Far more importantly, without Jefferson to define the idea of freedom from liberal government in the Declaration and Constitution there would have been no America. Without Jefferson to eliminate the liberal Federalists and create the Republicans in the Second American Revolution of 1800 there would have been Hamiltonian monarchy.

In short, the language and idea of freedom from liberal government would have been effectively removed from the founding. Thanks to Jefferson, Republican ideas defined the founding and liberals were left spying for Stalin and voting for Obama.

Ey Ed, what is your definition of liberal? A Republican? You are against the Dept of Homeland Security I assume and the associated act? Them being as liberal with the constitution as national healthcare.

Ok. So liberal to you has nothing to do with the constitution. Just big government.

How about thia Homeland Security Dept and Patriot Act? Liberal or Conservative? You must have an opinion.
Ok. So liberal to you has nothing to do with the constitution. Just big government.

yes to me, Jefferson, Buckley, and Friedman. How is it possible that after decades you still don't know your ABC's?????????????????

How about thia Homeland Security Dept and Patriot Act? Liberal or Conservative? You must have an opinion.
Dear, you are 100% stupid!! The military is generally not partisan since we all generally want national defense.
Ok. So liberal to you has nothing to do with the constitution. Just big government.

yes to me, Jefferson, Buckley, and Friedman. How is it possible that after decades you still don't know your ABC's?????????????????

How about thia Homeland Security Dept and Patriot Act? Liberal or Conservative? You must have an opinion.
Dear, you are 100% stupid!! The military is generally not partisan since we all generally want national defense.

Ok. So a conservative is conservative about what if it is not the constitution?
Sorry to offend you.

Did ya have an answer? What is a conservative conservative about?

You keep talking liberal and republican or conservative this and that. Just collecting your definitions

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