Why Republicans are the world's greatest heros!

Firstly, and most obviously, because they introduced capitalism to China 30 years ago and thereby cut the world's poverty rate in half!!

What could be more heroic than that?

Whatever they did for Communist China only pails to what the Republicans did to Iraqi.

reading this line, dems no longer appear to be the world's greatest spellers, or are they using these pails to carry their tear drops ? ha ha ha .., and then, which Iraqi would that be..., Armadinajihad ?
Firstly, and most obviously, because they introduced capitalism to China 30 years ago and thereby cut the world's poverty rate in half!!

What could be more heroic than that?

um, what the Chinese have isn't really "capitalism".

They are still run by the communist party and franchises are still handed out by the Party/State.

What China and multi-national corporations did was move manufacturing to these poor people and take away our middle class lifestyle.

But most of China's 1.3 billion people still live in grinding poverty, and the wealth disparity between the wealthy and poor is really going to come back and bite people in the ass.

We will be paying for this bit of "heroism" for a long time, I suspect.

Have you been there and seen that disparity. I had dinner in the home of a Chinese physician. The only difference in his apartment and the ones in our housing projects is that ours have bathrooms. No difference in lifestyle, yet the doctor's number 1 question for us was, 'how do you get a day off?'

Guess you missed the shanty towns around construction site and dorms at corporate parks. As well as most of the rest of the country.
what is YOUR definition of a conservative?

may i chime in.., thank you !

my idea/definition of a conservative is one who REJECTS ALL forms of liberalism,e.g., extravagant life style, voting for a commie to lead this country, going to movies where there are anti gun actors blazing away thousands of rounds of ammo to kill one "slingshot" carrying criminal (?) qweers (sic) getting married, abortion on demand, believing .gov is their "Daddy", fire two shotgun blasts in the air to scare away home invaders, higher taxes, no morals/anything goes/if it feeeeels good.., do it.

i could fill a few pages with examples of liarberalism, but any one with a half cents worth of brain power can figure this one out by themselves........., oooopsie ! guess that excludes the liberals........:gay: ............ :laugh2:

Firstly, and most obviously, because they introduced capitalism to China 30 years ago and thereby cut the world's poverty rate in half!!

What could be more heroic than that?

And if the GOP had the full run of things, it would only be a matter of time before our daughters were mail order brides to China :cuckoo:

under liberalism 20 million slowly starved to death, under Republicanism 20 million now by cars!!

You posted this in the wrong forum.

You should re-post this under the "Pull Shit Outta Your Ass" forum.
um, what the Chinese have isn't really "capitalism".

They are still run by the communist party and franchises are still handed out by the Party/State.

What China and multi-national corporations did was move manufacturing to these poor people and take away our middle class lifestyle.

But most of China's 1.3 billion people still live in grinding poverty, and the wealth disparity between the wealthy and poor is really going to come back and bite people in the ass.

We will be paying for this bit of "heroism" for a long time, I suspect.

Guess you missed the shanty towns around construction site and dorms at corporate parks. As well as most of the rest of the country.

China actually has the largest middle class in the world right now with only a 13.4% poverty rate according to the World Bank (lower than America's 16% poverty rate). Much of the country is going through many reforms and are no longer living in the 'shanty towns' suggested. So what you are both saying is not accurate in the slightest. Most of the disparity you believe is happening in China is only in your head.

Many of the citizens do not trust the Government to protect their wealth or property, which is why many of the main-landers are migrating to Hong Kong. The other problem is that there really is no protect of property, which is inherent in a Capitalist, Free Market society.

There are lots of problems in China, but hardly any of those problems are economical.
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Firstly, and most obviously, because they introduced capitalism to China 30 years ago and thereby cut the world's poverty rate in half!!

What could be more heroic than that?
Doing something for this country, instead of something to it!


Now YOU sir, are on to something! Frankly, though, the British were arguably the first to introduce China to Capitalism when they forced their Opium on them back in the 19th Century!

Although monarchs have ruled China for much of it's history, capitalism has always been one of the mainstays. Trade with the west was particularly lucrative. However, British drug pushers of the east Indian Trading Company, backed by the British government, forced opium on the Chinese. The Chinese sought to end the devastating effects Opium was having on their populace by arresting drug dealers and burning supplies. In retaliation, the British brought the full force of their military might down upon China resulting in forced reparations and a continuation of rampant drug addiction. I'd say the British Right WIng Capitalists gave the Chinese a GOOD introduction to capitalism , wouldn't you?

Later, President Reagan continued that right wing legacy by selling and dealing drugs in South American. I guess it;'s just the "conservative" thing to do!
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Nixon's visit to China occurred during the vietnam War. IMHO that took guts on his part. Nixon knew that China was an ally of North Vietnam and he was anxious to get out of an unpopular war that was draining our economy. By visiting China and establishing a diplomatic relationship with them, Nixon had hoped to end the Vietnam war graciously. His visit also, inadvertanly, opened the door for China to flood our universities with students and to virtually corner cheap labor markets through out the west.

Nixon was no Hero. His visit to China was a precursor that all but doomed the American middle Class to extinction.
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Firstly, and most obviously, because they introduced capitalism to China 30 years ago and thereby cut the world's poverty rate in half!!

What could be more heroic than that?

Ed, the big government liberals have you duped.

Let me explain.

China has government run capitalism not the conservative American model.

Yes that is better than pure socialism. But QUIT claiming it is what America should aspire to. Yes he big railroad welfare program of Lincoln and strong central government of Lincoln helped shape our country for the better but they are not staples of small government.


Big picture man.

But yeah, China not following the strange one world government patent law we seem to want is good for their economy lol.
Firstly, and most obviously, because they introduced capitalism to China 30 years ago and thereby cut the world's poverty rate in half!!

What could be more heroic than that?

Abraham Lincoln was a republican.

There were a lot of great Republicans. Then, in the middle 60's, all the racists that were in the Democratic Party left and joined the Republican Party because they couldn't stand blacks. That's why the Republican Party is 90% white today and home of the KKK and the Ayran Nation and the NRA.
Truth is, the rest of the world is terrified by Republicans. After what they did to Iraq and the world economy.
Truth is, the rest of the world is terrified by Republicans. After what they did to Iraq and the world economy.

So why are the rest of the world doing the same things as Republicans? I guess it's because Obama believes they are good ideas too.

You mean starting wars and a failed austerity program? Trying to push religion and voter suppression? Just because other countries do the same things as Republicans in this country, doesn't mean they don't find Republican frightening.
You mean starting wars and a failed austerity program?

No, I mean escalating wars. And I don't see any austerity, do you?


Trying to push religion and voter suppression?

Obama is a christian by his own admission. I fail to see what voter suppression has to do with anything.

Just because other countries do the same things as Republicans in this country, doesn't mean they don't find Republican frightening.

Especially when Democrats do it. Democrats advocate the same stupidity as Republicans, and the rest of the world just follows.

But thanks for pointing our that America doesn't have a monopoly on stupidity.

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