Why Republicans refer to President Obama as the "messiah".

I think republicans refer to Obama as that A-hole in the White House more than "messiah" but if it bothers the radical left I'll start using the word. It ain't a conspiracy though.

no doubt people on the left are concerned with what racist pond scum like you think.

but if he makes you tear at your hair, then i'm really happy the black dude is in the whitehouse.

but someone should probably tell you that *white*house does not refer to the color of the the inhabitant's skin.
Why Republicans refer to President Obama as the "messiah".

False premise. Republicans in general and conservatives overall do NOT refer to Obumbler as a "messiah."

When a comment along those lines is sometimes made by a Republican or a conservative {i.e., "Obamessiah"}, however, it is an allusion to the fact that you mindless droid liberals tend to look upon the very much fallible schmuck, Obumbler, as being heaven sent.
When I see some of the Obots cultish fixation on Obambam

this comes to mind

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Republicans think in terms of people who are leaders as being "divine"..

they do that because they still can't figure out why they lost...

and they know they mindlessly follow their "leaders" (e.g. ronnie) so they make the same assumption about the 52% of voters who voted for the president.

mostly, it's because people who use that phrase are idiots.

So are people that use the phrase "Tea-Baggers".

BTW, Messiah is a word, not a phrase.

i don't use the phrase "tea baggers", though you really can't blame them when the idiots hung tea bags from their hats. :cuckoo:

"the messiah" is a phrase.

you're welcome.
Hey dummy. You guys did, we just listened. The looney left owns it.

Louis Farrakhan called Sen. Obama the Messiah,
Of course that never happened! The Right simply change what people actually say to fit the meme the Right created. Farrakhan said Obama was the "HERALD" of the Messiah.

her·ald (hĕr′əld)
1. A person who carries or proclaims important news; a messenger.
2. One that gives a sign or indication of something to come; a harbinger:
Want to know where the use of "Messiah" in connection with a failed president began?

Start by asking Disco Louie Farrakhan.

Now you libs....be patient. If you have no adult around to sound out the words of the written introduction to you just hang in there. There's video of the Messiahship proclamation if you'll just wait a tiny bit for it.
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Another example of the Right changing the actual words said to fit their meme and the dumb sheep swallowing it without question.

August 22, 2008
RUSH: * The Messiah is a humorous term and used in this context because that's what he's trying to portray himself as: The Anointed One. "I'm the one you've been waiting for," is what he means when he says, "We're the ones we've been waiting for." I'm the one you've been looking for.
Hey dummy. You guys did, we just listened. The looney left owns it.

Louis Farrakhan called Sen. Obama the Messiah,
Of course that never happened! The Right simply change what people actually say to fit the meme the Right created. Farrakhan said Obama was the "HERALD" of the Messiah.

her·ald (hĕr′əld)
1. A person who carries or proclaims important news; a messenger.
2. One that gives a sign or indication of something to come; a harbinger:

Want to know where the use of "Messiah" in connection with a failed president began?

Start by asking Disco Louie Farrakhan.


Now you libs....be patient. If you have no adult around to sound out the words of the written introduction to you just hang in there. There's video of the Messiahship proclamation if you'll just wait a tiny bit for it.
Gee, even after you point out what Farrakhan actually said, the mindless idiots still mindlessly parrot their programming!!! :cuckoo: But at least the moron showed us that the Right will take anything said out of context to support their meme, which is why no quote from the Right can ever be trusted! At one point Farrakhan specifically said Obama was NOT the Messiah, but the Right leaves that out!!!!

Here is what Farrakhan actually said:

Farrakhan addresses world at Saviours' Day 2008

“Brothers and sisters, Barack Obama to me, is a herald of the Messiah. Barack Obama is like the trumpet that alerts you something new, something better is on the way,”

[Sen. Obama] “is not the Messiah for sure, but anytime, he gives you a sign of uniting races, ethnic groups, ideologies, religions and makes people feel a sense of oneness,…that is I believe the work of God."
they do that because they still can't figure out why they lost...

and they know they mindlessly follow their "leaders" (e.g. ronnie) so they make the same assumption about the 52% of voters who voted for the president.

mostly, it's because people who use that phrase are idiots.

So are people that use the phrase "Tea-Baggers".

BTW, Messiah is a word, not a phrase.

i don't use the phrase "tea baggers", though you really can't blame them when the idiots hung tea bags from their hats. :cuckoo:

"the messiah" is a phrase.

you're welcome.
They did more than that, the Tea Bag Brotherhood chose the nickname themselves, made buttons expressing their pride in being tea baggers, and sold the buttons to their followers!

The conservatives' messiah delivers them from sin and shame while the moonbat messiah delivers them from prosperity. I guess that's a legitimate comparison, as is the term teabagger. The TEA partiers have balls facing the irrationality of the left while the moonbat teabaggers lick each others' balls.

We're all in good company here.
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So are people that use the phrase "Tea-Baggers".

BTW, Messiah is a word, not a phrase.

i don't use the phrase "tea baggers", though you really can't blame them when the idiots hung tea bags from their hats. :cuckoo:

"the messiah" is a phrase.

you're welcome.
They did more than that, the Tea Bag Brotherhood chose the nickname themselves, made buttons expressing their pride in being tea baggers, and sold the buttons to their followers!


you're just sad LOSER
you can't come up with anything else but parade this picture around...AND for what, because people call your Dear leader, Messiah?
"Barack Obama is like the trumpet that alerts you something new, something better is on the way,”
I agree, there has to be something better on the way. We can't get any worse than him.

[Sen. Obama] “is not the Messiah for sure, but anytime, he gives you a sign of uniting races, ethnic groups, ideologies, religions and makes people feel a sense of oneness,…that is I believe the work of God."
Boy, did he miss the mark on THAT one? "Uniting races, ethnic groups, ideologies, religions and makes people feel a sense of oneness"??? He's the most divisive, race mongering, charlatan in American history.
Hey dummy. You guys did, we just listened. The looney left owns it.

Louis Farrakhan called Sen. Obama the Messiah,
Of course that never happened! The Right simply change what people actually say to fit the meme the Right created. Farrakhan said Obama was the "HERALD" of the Messiah.

her·ald (hĕr′əld)
1. A person who carries or proclaims important news; a messenger.
2. One that gives a sign or indication of something to come; a harbinger:

Oh bullshit
How terribly pathetic
If this doesn't scream messiah I don't know what does


Obama Youth Brigade March in Formation - YouTube
Oh my good lord. People actually attribute their future successes to Obama? To a single man?

Not even the founders are worshipped like that.
Shades of 1939.
I had seen other videos of people worshipping the leftist messiah with their chants and soapbox praises, but never that particular one.

More than merely worshipping is the idea that these people cannot succeed on their own or within their spheres of influence. They would fail without Obama. How utterly pathetic they must be.

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