Why right wing christians are obsessed with israel

Back in July of 2000, Christian economist Dr. Gary North
wrote an essay explaining why Christian fundamentalists support Israel. This bizarre and disturbing message exposes the twisted hatred behind the concept of the Rapture.

The full article may be found at Preterist Archive or at Lew Rockwell.com.

Here’s the short version:

"We can avoid death, but only because two-thirds of the Jews of Israel will inevitably die in a future holocaust. America must therefore support the nation of Israel in order to keep the Israelis alive until after the Rapture."

Here, North describes the basics of Christian eschatology — end-times doctrine. To sum up, the Bible refers to Jesus’ reign of 1,000 years on Earth before the Judgment. This is “the Millenium”.

  • Premillenialists believe that Jesus will return before the Kingdom is established, and will reign from a literal throne in Jerusalem. That is, Jesus will do it, people aren’t capable.
  • Postmillenialists believe Jesus will come after the Kingdom has been established by people on Earth. That is, people have to do it; “If we build it, He will come” might be their refrain.
  • Amillenialists see the “Kingdom” as spiritual, not physical. This view, dominant among “mainstream” Christians since Augustine’s City of God,
    differentiates between the spiritual and permanent “city of God” and the temporary cities and nations of men. They believe it can only come after Judgment, when the world is populated solely by sin-free Christians (everyone else being tortured for eternity in Hell).

As Dr. North put it, Israel is key to the premillenialists’ desire to “get out of life alive”. He’s talking about the “Rapture”.

The concept of the Rapture has only been popular since the 1870s, but has captured the bizarre fantasies of millions of Christians worldwide; witness the success of the Left Behind
series, which has even spawned video games!
As it is said, “everyone wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die.” They believe it because it’s what they want to believe.

Onward "Christian" Zionists - Full Documentary‬:
guno-----you just claimed that "right wing" Christians are all into RAPTURE THEORY??? I grew up in a
very Christian, (in general wasp)----very republican,
VERY RIGHT WING ---town of people -----who were also so Nazi that there were Nazi propaganda pamphlets
scattered here and there-----even in the then small public
library I owe it to those right wingers that I know
Nazi propaganda so well--------it focused on HATRED OF ALL THINGS "ZIONIST" (which even included ZIP codes and fluoridation of the water supply------etc etc)

You and your Nazi crap gets old. Germany wasn't the only country to have a problem with Jews., and not the last.
guno-----you just claimed that "right wing" Christians are all into RAPTURE THEORY??? I grew up in a
very Christian, (in general wasp)----very republican,
VERY RIGHT WING ---town of people -----who were also so Nazi that there were Nazi propaganda pamphlets
scattered here and there-----even in the then small public
library I owe it to those right wingers that I know
Nazi propaganda so well--------it focused on HATRED OF ALL THINGS "ZIONIST" (which even included ZIP codes and fluoridation of the water supply------etc etc)

Congratulations you must be very old, because now it is mainly leftist who are the Jew haters. What was your point again? To prop up the narrative of the fake Jew? or did I misread your comment?

yes Jake----I am very old----(damn you) -----I was also a precocious reader and a very well behaved quiet child. -----in a town that had only recently given up its "restricted" status. Circa 1960.
I still remember that the Brooklyn dodgers played the
New York Yankees in the 1955 world's series-----but
----I was practically a baby then. As a quiet kid-----
I got "INVITED"-------I got invited as guest to the town
restricted swim/golf club------I got invited to SUNDAY
SCHOOL class in the local Protestant church. and---- I read anything that fell into my gaze.--------
I know from whence persons like Penelope------originate (I never attended "Hebrew school"----I lea bit of hebew as an adolescent-----JAKE!!!) There is more-----as a jew in a Nazi infected area------when I encountered MUSLIMS -----I became their PROTECTOR---------I knew how much the Nazis hated persons who spoke English with an "ACCENT"---
the muslims in question were young doctors -----in a large county hospital where I had a college time weekend job. ------mostly from Pakistan, India and
Iran----there was even one from AFGHANISTAN----way back then. I got invited to visit a mosque----way back then before muslims GOT STIFLED
guno-----you just claimed that "right wing" Christians are all into RAPTURE THEORY??? I grew up in a
very Christian, (in general wasp)----very republican,
VERY RIGHT WING ---town of people -----who were also so Nazi that there were Nazi propaganda pamphlets
scattered here and there-----even in the then small public
library I owe it to those right wingers that I know
Nazi propaganda so well--------it focused on HATRED OF ALL THINGS "ZIONIST" (which even included ZIP codes and fluoridation of the water supply------etc etc)

You and your Nazi crap gets old. Germany wasn't the only country to have a problem with Jews., and not the last.

Germany is not the only country to harbor scum like you------anti Semitism ---including genocide was the POLICY of the roman catholic church since the time of Nazi pig CONSTANTINE. You claimed that you originated in that filth and, it is clear, that SHIT that you are -----you never repudiated your filth. --------do you despise Pope JOHN XXIII????-------in fact the enslavement of blacks and rape of their women and lynching of their children is the outcome of filth like you, too. ------your kind also committed genocide upon the Native American Indians-----are you related to Nazi shit HERNAN CORTEZ----pimp of Isabella?
guno-----you just claimed that "right wing" Christians are all into RAPTURE THEORY??? I grew up in a
very Christian, (in general wasp)----very republican,
VERY RIGHT WING ---town of people -----who were also so Nazi that there were Nazi propaganda pamphlets
scattered here and there-----even in the then small public
library I owe it to those right wingers that I know
Nazi propaganda so well--------it focused on HATRED OF ALL THINGS "ZIONIST" (which even included ZIP codes and fluoridation of the water supply------etc etc)

You and your Nazi crap gets old. Germany wasn't the only country to have a problem with Jews., and not the last.

Germany is not the only country to harbor scum like you------anti Semitism ---including genocide was the POLICY of the roman catholic church since the time of Nazi pig CONSTANTINE. You claimed that you originated in that filth and, it is clear, that SHIT that you are -----you never repudiated your filth. --------do you despise Pope JOHN XXIII????-------in fact the enslavement of blacks and rape of their women and lynching of their children is the outcome of filth like you, too. ------your kind also committed genocide upon the Native American Indians-----are you related to Nazi shit HERNAN CORTEZ----pimp of Isabella?

what a filthy mouth you have.
All of the tribes
All the tribes. So does that mean everyone who is a direct genetic descendent?

If the Bible is accurate,we all came from the same two people,Adam and Eve.

Wouldn't that mean we are all brothers and sisters? No argument,here,just a question.

No, we were all created in the image of God - Genesis 1:26. But after the fall, MaryAnne, Jesus Christ, who is God, came in the flesh to redeem mankind. The first Christians - the first believers in Jesus Christ were "JEWS". Did you know that? Yes, and that is why Jesus rebuking the Pharisees who were like the Nicolaitans today - (that would be like the Catholic Institution - Nicolaitans means Controllers of Laity - they act as the gate keeper to God and heaven - which is utterly wicked - which is why Jesus hates the deeds of the Nicolaitans - the false religious system see Rev.) were called by Jesus, vipers, children of the devil. You see if they had been sons of Abraham - if they had received Jesus Christ as the many surrounding him did - even his disciples - then they would have been called Children of God. For as many as have believed on Christ have become the sons of God and are called the children of God ( and many Jews still will come to the LORD because the Scriptures tell us they will). So tell me this. If your father is different from my Father how could we be brothers? Or sisters? It is impossible. That is why there is no fellowship between darkness and light. Between Belial and Christ. Between the children of Satan and the children of God. I hope that explains to you the reason that all people must be born again. All have sinned, all have fallen short of the glory of God. Our redeemer is Jesus Christ (not a religious system or religion) and we must come to Jesus Christ for redemption. To become a son of God. To have our names written in the Lambs book of Life. Otherwise we cannot enter the Kingdom of heaven. The good news is that God loves us so much he was willing to come to earth in the flesh to redeem us. The bad news is some people are going to reject the sacrifice God offered Once for the sins of mankind and that will ultimately mean eternal separation from God and eternal suffering and torment in hell.

There is no reason for any person to go to hell. Jesus Christ is the Word and the Word is very clear, Whosoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved. It is the person who rejects the Gift of Salvation offered through Jesus Christ and his sacrifice at the Cross - that will perish and that by his own decision. Not the LORD's.

Religion is based on pride, arrogance, self-will and works accomplished by the flesh.

A relationship with God, comes through receiving Jesus Christ - the one who does come to Him must humble himself, acknowledge the sin that separates us from God, and repent of it - inviting Christ into their heart to become their Lord and Savior. It is a relationship that God is after - not dead rituals, false religious system based on works. (dead works)
Actually, Genesis says we were created in 'our image.' 'Our' meaning the angels and/or God. But since God has no image (except when He wishes to have one ala the burning bush and such) the inference is we were created in the angels' image specificly not God's.
Thinking of cherubs, that a cherub is very much what a baby looks like, Genesis makes sense that we look like angels. Cherub ones at any rate.
guno-----you just claimed that "right wing" Christians are all into RAPTURE THEORY??? I grew up in a
very Christian, (in general wasp)----very republican,
VERY RIGHT WING ---town of people -----who were also so Nazi that there were Nazi propaganda pamphlets
scattered here and there-----even in the then small public
library I owe it to those right wingers that I know
Nazi propaganda so well--------it focused on HATRED OF ALL THINGS "ZIONIST" (which even included ZIP codes and fluoridation of the water supply------etc etc)

Congratulations you must be very old, because now it is mainly leftist who are the Jew haters. What was your point again? To prop up the narrative of the fake Jew? or did I misread your comment?

yes Jake----I am very old----(damn you) -----I was also a precocious reader and a very well behaved quiet child. -----in a town that had only recently given up its "restricted" status. Circa 1960.
I still remember that the Brooklyn dodgers played the
New York Yankees in the 1955 world's series-----but
----I was practically a baby then. As a quiet kid-----
I got "INVITED"-------I got invited as guest to the town
restricted swim/golf club------I got invited to SUNDAY
SCHOOL class in the local Protestant church. and---- I read anything that fell into my gaze.--------
I know from whence persons like Penelope------originate (I never attended "Hebrew school"----I lea bit of hebew as an adolescent-----JAKE!!!) There is more-----as a jew in a Nazi infected area------when I encountered MUSLIMS -----I became their PROTECTOR---------I knew how much the Nazis hated persons who spoke English with an "ACCENT"---
the muslims in question were young doctors -----in a large county hospital where I had a college time weekend job. ------mostly from Pakistan, India and
Iran----there was even one from AFGHANISTAN----way back then. I got invited to visit a mosque----way back then before muslims GOT STIFLED

The thing is, this piece of shit "Guno" regularly defends muslim nutjobs, while he demonizing Christians, most of whom are defenders of Israel. The leftist are continually moving away form defending Israel and siding with the musim nutjobs. Look at this president, the BDS movement ect..I don't see how it's helpful to post about some "Republican" Nazis you might have know 60 years ago. How is that helpful? Israel cant stand on it's own. they need these Christians who support them. They don't need these leftist who capitulate to the muslim nutjobs.
Mary Ann, let me give you another example of the difference between followers of Jesus Christ and the false religious system followers. There are Catholic people who do not understand (because they were taught lies) that they should never bow down to a man, kiss his ring, kneel before him as if he were a god. The bible repeatedly gives us examples of such a thing happening - even angels told the people who did such a thing - do not do it!

Yet a false religious leader who desires praise for himself and desires people to bow down before him as if he is a god will not stop their followers from doing such a thing. This is what the pope does. He desires the praises of the people which belong to Jesus Christ alone.


example of what not to do - the apostle Peter would have forbid any man to do this sort of thing.

Peter, whom the Roman Vatican claims was the first pope (but was not) did not permit anyone to bow down to him. Peter would never have called himself "infallible". Did you know that? It's true.

Look at these two scriptures:

And as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him and fell down at his feet, and worshipped him. But Peter took him up, saying, Stand up, I myself am a man. Acts 10:25,26

Do you see the humility of Peter? God forbid that any man should give him any praise - all praise was only to go to God! Not man! Peter was a true servant of Christ.

Peter was a married man. According to the Bible, Peter never went to Rome once. Peter was called to preach to the Jews.

Paul was called to preach to the Gentiles and it was Paul (not Peter) who went to Rome.

By keeping the Bible from the people for centuries, the Roman Catholic Vatican was able to hide the truth from their people. They are what Jesus called - The Nicolaitans - a false religious system that controls the people (the laity) and claims to be the "only way" to heaven. They pretend to be gatekeepers. If you do not go through them you cannot get to God. This is the lie they put upon Galileo - telling him he could not have a relationship with God but must go through them. (Romanist Catholic System)

So these people do not only refuse to come to Christ themselves that they may be born again - but they prevent others from coming to Christ - acting as Gatekeepers - in order to convert them into twice the sons of hell they are. Note the terminology. Sons of hell. You are either a child of God or a child of the devil.
Last edited:
Back in July of 2000, Christian economist Dr. Gary North
wrote an essay explaining why Christian fundamentalists support Israel. This bizarre and disturbing message exposes the twisted hatred behind the concept of the Rapture.

The full article may be found at Preterist Archive or at Lew Rockwell.com.

Here’s the short version:

"We can avoid death, but only because two-thirds of the Jews of Israel will inevitably die in a future holocaust. America must therefore support the nation of Israel in order to keep the Israelis alive until after the Rapture."

Here, North describes the basics of Christian eschatology — end-times doctrine. To sum up, the Bible refers to Jesus’ reign of 1,000 years on Earth before the Judgment. This is “the Millenium”.

  • Premillenialists believe that Jesus will return before the Kingdom is established, and will reign from a literal throne in Jerusalem. That is, Jesus will do it, people aren’t capable.
  • Postmillenialists believe Jesus will come after the Kingdom has been established by people on Earth. That is, people have to do it; “If we build it, He will come” might be their refrain.
  • Amillenialists see the “Kingdom” as spiritual, not physical. This view, dominant among “mainstream” Christians since Augustine’s City of God,
    differentiates between the spiritual and permanent “city of God” and the temporary cities and nations of men. They believe it can only come after Judgment, when the world is populated solely by sin-free Christians (everyone else being tortured for eternity in Hell).

As Dr. North put it, Israel is key to the premillenialists’ desire to “get out of life alive”. He’s talking about the “Rapture”.

The concept of the Rapture has only been popular since the 1870s, but has captured the bizarre fantasies of millions of Christians worldwide; witness the success of the Left Behind
series, which has even spawned video games!
As it is said, “everyone wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die.” They believe it because it’s what they want to believe.

Onward "Christian" Zionists - Full Documentary‬:

Those are some scary folks.
guno-----you just claimed that "right wing" Christians are all into RAPTURE THEORY??? I grew up in a
very Christian, (in general wasp)----very republican,
VERY RIGHT WING ---town of people -----who were also so Nazi that there were Nazi propaganda pamphlets
scattered here and there-----even in the then small public
library I owe it to those right wingers that I know
Nazi propaganda so well--------it focused on HATRED OF ALL THINGS "ZIONIST" (which even included ZIP codes and fluoridation of the water supply------etc etc)

You and your Nazi crap gets old. Germany wasn't the only country to have a problem with Jews., and not the last.

Germany is not the only country to harbor scum like you------anti Semitism ---including genocide was the POLICY of the roman catholic church since the time of Nazi pig CONSTANTINE. You claimed that you originated in that filth and, it is clear, that SHIT that you are -----you never repudiated your filth. --------do you despise Pope JOHN XXIII????-------in fact the enslavement of blacks and rape of their women and lynching of their children is the outcome of filth like you, too. ------your kind also committed genocide upon the Native American Indians-----are you related to Nazi shit HERNAN CORTEZ----pimp of Isabella?

what a filthy mouth you have.

Scum slut genocidal whores as is Penelope---are
SO "fastidious" I know you, well, penelope
It's a sticky topic and I believe that many rank-and-file Christians do want to express a certain form of agape toward us Jews. I really, really want to believe it.

But the Televangelists, the ones who make $$$ off of the "We lose Israel" cottage industry, I do think they are not nearly as loving and indeed, they only hope that we Jews stay alive long enough to fullfill their end-times eschatology, which means they want us to die at a time that passes their "prophecy" from the last book of the New Testament.

^ This is why Repub-voting SOCONs always want Israel armed to the teeth to hasten their demise and the bringing about of the christian sky pixie. I got no prob w/ either religion/mythology but I DO have a prob using US Tax $$$ to effectuate it.
guno-----you just claimed that "right wing" Christians are all into RAPTURE THEORY??? I grew up in a
very Christian, (in general wasp)----very republican,
VERY RIGHT WING ---town of people -----who were also so Nazi that there were Nazi propaganda pamphlets
scattered here and there-----even in the then small public
library I owe it to those right wingers that I know
Nazi propaganda so well--------it focused on HATRED OF ALL THINGS "ZIONIST" (which even included ZIP codes and fluoridation of the water supply------etc etc)

You and your Nazi crap gets old. Germany wasn't the only country to have a problem with Jews., and not the last.

Germany is not the only country to harbor scum like you------anti Semitism ---including genocide was the POLICY of the roman catholic church since the time of Nazi pig CONSTANTINE. You claimed that you originated in that filth and, it is clear, that SHIT that you are -----you never repudiated your filth. --------do you despise Pope JOHN XXIII????-------in fact the enslavement of blacks and rape of their women and lynching of their children is the outcome of filth like you, too. ------your kind also committed genocide upon the Native American Indians-----are you related to Nazi shit HERNAN CORTEZ----pimp of Isabella?

what a filthy mouth you have.

Scum slut genocidal whores as is Penelope---are
SO "fastidious" I know you, well, penelope
soap. Wash your mouth w/it :thup: YOU ALWAYS talk like this troll. Why?
Something Jews alway have known about the goyims professed"love" for us Jews and israel , it is their sick delusional twisted end times fantasies. That is what drives them in how they "think"

On the Road to Armageddon How Evangelicals Became Israel s Best Friend by Timothy P. Weber - Beliefnet.com

You Muzzie Beasts have attacked us repeatedly, Batshit. Of course we side with the Jews over you.

But whatcha GUANO do? :dunno:
Us? So you profess to be a thumper
It's a sticky topic and I believe that many rank-and-file Christians do want to express a certain form of agape toward us Jews. I really, really want to believe it.

But the Televangelists, the ones who make $$$ off of the "We lose Israel" cottage industry, I do think they are not nearly as loving and indeed, they only hope that we Jews stay alive long enough to fullfill their end-times eschatology, which means they want us to die at a time that passes their "prophecy" from the last book of the New Testament.

^ This is why Repub-voting SOCONs always want Israel armed to the teeth to hasten their demise and the bringing about of the christian sky pixie. I got no prob w/ either religion/mythology but I DO have a prob using US Tax $$$ to effectuate it.

"Israel armed to the teeth to hasten their demise" is a oxymoron you moron:eusa_eh: You're not the brightest bulb on this board :uhh:
Interesting. This once again reminds me that even a broken clock can be right twice a day. (pope comment) Inwardly I am a Jew. The Bible is very clear that the born again believer is inwardly a Jew. Read the King James Bible, Penelope.

And yet most Jews will say they are a race, do you practice Judaism.

I realize that your weird, unfounded hatred drives you (as with all anti-semites) to say weird things, but Judaism is a religion. Jews are first and foremost adherents to a religions. Jews are not a race at all, although some jews share some genetic commonality, but not always. There are chinese Jews who have absolutely no genetic commonality with the overwhelming majority of Jews living in Eretz Yisrael, the land that G-d gave to the Jews many thousands of years ago. Some claim that Jews are simply a culture, but that is not accurate, either.

I have never said that Jews are a race. There are Black Jews, there are Asian jews, there are White Jews, there are hispanic Jews, hell, there are even Jews among the Eskimos of Alaska (also one of the longest-lived of tribes in the world). So, to call Jews a "race" is pretty damned ridiculous.

You might want to discuss this with PM Bibi. So lets see, we have lots of Jews calling themselves a Jew but really are not, got it. (gee that is what Jesus said) Only those who practice Judaism are Jews.

You were to be Jews when you came from the Judea where the Judah tribe lived, now your all Jews, what is it.

You can't have it both ways, with all the intermarriage, no one is a full Jew either.

You call me weird because I don't believe all the Jew baloney, ha ha. Crap you jews don't know who you are.

for further notice, God never gave you anything, only wacked out people believe the fables in your book.

Some truth to your statement. The Bible tells us that there will be those who "call themselves Jews (members of the tribe of Judah) but are not."

Revelation 2:9, "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

Revelation 3:9, "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."

Here's what Jesus called many of the religious Jews of His day:

John 8:44, "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

Matthew 3:7, "But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?"

Matthew 12:34, "O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh."

Matthew 23:33, "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?"

Matthew 23:13, "But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in."

Christ called members of the Rabbinical Priesthood of Judaism: "Children of their father the devil"; a "generation of vipers"; and "hypocrites." He certainly didn't come across as all lovey-dovey where the religious "Jews" were concerned.

Only if you want to address with from the Christian perspective, which is your good right. But it is not from the perspective of Judiasm. Revelations and Matthew are not books within the Tanakh...

Even the "Tanakh" foresees the virgin birth and Gospel message of Christ but modern Judaism rejects the fulfillment of the prophecy so it goes without saying that Judaism would reject Christ's New Covenant message.
And yet most Jews will say they are a race, do you practice Judaism.

I realize that your weird, unfounded hatred drives you (as with all anti-semites) to say weird things, but Judaism is a religion. Jews are first and foremost adherents to a religions. Jews are not a race at all, although some jews share some genetic commonality, but not always. There are chinese Jews who have absolutely no genetic commonality with the overwhelming majority of Jews living in Eretz Yisrael, the land that G-d gave to the Jews many thousands of years ago. Some claim that Jews are simply a culture, but that is not accurate, either.

I have never said that Jews are a race. There are Black Jews, there are Asian jews, there are White Jews, there are hispanic Jews, hell, there are even Jews among the Eskimos of Alaska (also one of the longest-lived of tribes in the world). So, to call Jews a "race" is pretty damned ridiculous.

You might want to discuss this with PM Bibi. So lets see, we have lots of Jews calling themselves a Jew but really are not, got it. (gee that is what Jesus said) Only those who practice Judaism are Jews.

You were to be Jews when you came from the Judea where the Judah tribe lived, now your all Jews, what is it.

You can't have it both ways, with all the intermarriage, no one is a full Jew either.

You call me weird because I don't believe all the Jew baloney, ha ha. Crap you jews don't know who you are.

for further notice, God never gave you anything, only wacked out people believe the fables in your book.

Some truth to your statement. The Bible tells us that there will be those who "call themselves Jews (members of the tribe of Judah) but are not."

Revelation 2:9, "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

Revelation 3:9, "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."

Here's what Jesus called many of the religious Jews of His day:

John 8:44, "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

Matthew 3:7, "But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?"

Matthew 12:34, "O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh."

Matthew 23:33, "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?"

Matthew 23:13, "But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in."

Christ called members of the Rabbinical Priesthood of Judaism: "Children of their father the devil"; a "generation of vipers"; and "hypocrites." He certainly didn't come across as all lovey-dovey where the religious "Jews" were concerned.

Only if you want to address with from the Christian perspective, which is your good right. But it is not from the perspective of Judiasm. Revelations and Matthew are not books within the Tanakh...

Even the "Tanakh" foresees the virgin birth and Gospel message of Christ but modern Judaism rejects the fulfillment of the prophecy so it goes without saying that Judaism would reject Christ's New Covenant message.
^^^ these are even scarier folks.

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