Why right wing christians are obsessed with israel

As the leftist Jews support those who negotiate for the terms of the destruction of Israel. Christians like this support and fight for Israel:thup:

That guy is crazy.

John Hagee is what the Bible calls a "hireling." He's 100% bought and paid for my Israeli. He's obsessed with all things Israeli. I wouldn't give him one dollar of Monopoly money and I consider him an idolator for worshiping a people rather than a Savior.
All of the tribes
All the tribes. So does that mean everyone who is a direct genetic descendent?

If the Bible is accurate,we all came from the same two people,Adam and Eve.

Wouldn't that mean we are all brothers and sisters? No argument,here,just a question.

did you pass ninth grade literature class?-------I will help you---->> I think that I will never see,
a poem as lovely as a tree....

do you really get from that line that Joyce Kilmer
thought that a tree is a poem?.

did the Odyssey confuse you too? Did Macbeth
frighten you?
All of the tribes
All the tribes. So does that mean everyone who is a direct genetic descendent?

Not sure how anyone can be an indirect genetic descendant.

The Lord is calling all of the tribes, but as with any family only a remnant will respond. Many will not be converted until He returns. But the gathering has begun and the restoration under way
Recent genetic testing has shown us that the Palestinian people are in actuality descendents of the native Jewish that converted to Islam. Testing has shown that the Palestinans are closely related to both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews as well as being closely related to the Samaritans. The Y doesn't lie.

Palestinian people - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nether does the Bible that says;
Abraham is their Father and each come from a different Mother.
They all claim that Abraham is their Father.

Abraham was not a jew, but from the land of UR .

Abraham was the "FOUNDER" of what are today
the jewish people. "FOUNDER" of given
populations is actually a technical term in the lingo population genetics.
Try not to dicuss topics about which you know nothing. <<< which is just about everything, you
disgusting illiterate pile of shit
That's a nice little distortion. The Bible wasn't written by the Jews who became Christians. Bible was combined centuries later by the Catholic Church pick and choosing which texts to include or leave out. The living followers of Jesus usually only had 1 local text/gospel for use. Whole Bibles didn't come about until much later.
?????....the "Whole Bible" is a gathering of documents written by Jews who became the original Christians.....that is hardly a distortion......it can only be avoided by denying history.....

Bibles proper, were official canonized scripture (of the Catholic Church.) In breaking the texts up including (heavily corrupted) versions of the Jewish Tanach, and the NT texts as "The Holy Bible" the Catholics were trying to assume an aire of legitimacy by attaching their new religion to a prior one.

Interestingly, as an aside, the Ethiopian Orthodox Canon remains much as it was at the very beginning. Being so far removed from Europe and Rome, it remained more in its' oriignal form unaffected by various Church schizms. Unfortunately, there seems to be no English version of this canon, nor any effort underway to make one. Contents are available though for comparison to KJV/Catholic canons,

The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church
Christianity and the Jewish faith are one in the same on many levels,they are joined at the hip.

No they are not, two different things. the books should never of been attached.

The two books go hand and hand and work together very beautifully.
The book of Daniel goes very well with Revelation and gives more understanding and depth to helping understand Revelation.
Only because they tried to turn Jews into Christians and copied a lot into the NT, but Jesus is an off shoot of Mithraism and Dionysus, Greek with some Roman. The only thing we took from Moses was the 10 commandments and not really them. Jews buried their people twice, Jesus said let the dead bury the dead. May sound a lot alike, but not so. Jews didn't believe in virgin births, nor did they believe the suffering servant is Jesus but Jerusalem. the Jews of the first century were very different as well, Greek and Romanized.

Penelope----you are trying to discuss books you never read by throwing fragments of silly idiot writings around. What does "we took...." mean? Jesus was a person ----he was not Mithraism-----
I think you are tying ---albeit not well----to say that the
early Christians were influenced by the religion
Mithraism.-------the sentence>>>> "the jews of the first century were different as well....." makes no sense. When using a COMPARATIVE---like
"different" the "different has to refer to something----"different" from what? Jews have ---still extant---
extensive writings from the first century. People who read books do not have to GUESS and CONJECTURE as do you.. If you want to know about jews of the first century-----feel free to ask.

The Jews of the 1st century were as vulgar as the Jews in Ezekiel .

how would a vulgar disgusting illiterate whore like you
know anything about the jews of the first century----you never read their writings ------The jews of the time of Ezekiel were not vulgar-------you are shit as are all
those linked to you. No wonder you refuse to provide your background. I was born of two jewish
parents-----both citizens of the US-----I can, with some accuracy, discern that you were spawned in a dung heap----My great grandparents were literate
Well I guess Pope Francis was right in your case, inside of you there is a little Jew.

Interesting. This once again reminds me that even a broken clock can be right twice a day. (pope comment) Inwardly I am a Jew. The Bible is very clear that the born again believer is inwardly a Jew. Read the King James Bible, Penelope.

And yet most Jews will say they are a race, do you practice Judaism.

I realize that your weird, unfounded hatred drives you (as with all anti-semites) to say weird things, but Judaism is a religion. Jews are first and foremost adherents to a religions. Jews are not a race at all, although some jews share some genetic commonality, but not always. There are chinese Jews who have absolutely no genetic commonality with the overwhelming majority of Jews living in Eretz Yisrael, the land that G-d gave to the Jews many thousands of years ago. Some claim that Jews are simply a culture, but that is not accurate, either.

I have never said that Jews are a race. There are Black Jews, there are Asian jews, there are White Jews, there are hispanic Jews, hell, there are even Jews among the Eskimos of Alaska (also one of the longest-lived of tribes in the world). So, to call Jews a "race" is pretty damned ridiculous.

You might want to discuss this with PM Bibi. So lets see, we have lots of Jews calling themselves a Jew but really are not, got it. (gee that is what Jesus said) Only those who practice Judaism are Jews.

You were to be Jews when you came from the Judea where the Judah tribe lived, now your all Jews, what is it.

You can't have it both ways, with all the intermarriage, no one is a full Jew either.

You call me weird because I don't believe all the Jew baloney, ha ha. Crap you jews don't know who you are.

for further notice, God never gave you anything, only wacked out people believe the fables in your book.

Some truth to your statement. The Bible tells us that there will be those who "call themselves Jews (members of the tribe of Judah) but are not."

Revelation 2:9, "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

Revelation 3:9, "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."

Here's what Jesus called many of the religious Jews of His day:

John 8:44, "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

Matthew 3:7, "But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?"

Matthew 12:34, "O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh."

Matthew 23:33, "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?"

Matthew 23:13, "But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in."

Christ called members of the Rabbinical Priesthood of Judaism: "Children of their father the devil"; a "generation of vipers"; and "hypocrites." He certainly didn't come across as all lovey-dovey where the religious "Jews" were concerned.

Only if you want to address with from the Christian perspective, which is your good right. But it is not from the perspective of Judiasm. Revelations and Matthew are not books within the Tanakh...
Retrieving sources for this thread yesterday I noticed one said for the rapture to occur all the world's jews have to be in Israel. So worry ye not, unless someone comes and tries to carry me bodily to an airplane the rapture, 2nd coming, and end of the world shall never come to pass. :)
Interesting. This once again reminds me that even a broken clock can be right twice a day. (pope comment) Inwardly I am a Jew. The Bible is very clear that the born again believer is inwardly a Jew. Read the King James Bible, Penelope.

And yet most Jews will say they are a race, do you practice Judaism.

I realize that your weird, unfounded hatred drives you (as with all anti-semites) to say weird things, but Judaism is a religion. Jews are first and foremost adherents to a religions. Jews are not a race at all, although some jews share some genetic commonality, but not always. There are chinese Jews who have absolutely no genetic commonality with the overwhelming majority of Jews living in Eretz Yisrael, the land that G-d gave to the Jews many thousands of years ago. Some claim that Jews are simply a culture, but that is not accurate, either.

I have never said that Jews are a race. There are Black Jews, there are Asian jews, there are White Jews, there are hispanic Jews, hell, there are even Jews among the Eskimos of Alaska (also one of the longest-lived of tribes in the world). So, to call Jews a "race" is pretty damned ridiculous.

You might want to discuss this with PM Bibi. So lets see, we have lots of Jews calling themselves a Jew but really are not, got it. (gee that is what Jesus said) Only those who practice Judaism are Jews.

You were to be Jews when you came from the Judea where the Judah tribe lived, now your all Jews, what is it.

You can't have it both ways, with all the intermarriage, no one is a full Jew either.

You call me weird because I don't believe all the Jew baloney, ha ha. Crap you jews don't know who you are.

for further notice, God never gave you anything, only wacked out people believe the fables in your book.

Some truth to your statement. The Bible tells us that there will be those who "call themselves Jews (members of the tribe of Judah) but are not."

Revelation 2:9, "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

Revelation 3:9, "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."

Here's what Jesus called many of the religious Jews of His day:

John 8:44, "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

Matthew 3:7, "But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?"

Matthew 12:34, "O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh."

Matthew 23:33, "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?"

Matthew 23:13, "But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in."

Christ called members of the Rabbinical Priesthood of Judaism: "Children of their father the devil"; a "generation of vipers"; and "hypocrites." He certainly didn't come across as all lovey-dovey where the religious "Jews" were concerned.

Only if you want to address with from the Christian perspective, which is your good right. But it is not from the perspective of Judiasm. Revelations and Matthew are not books within the Tanakh...

Statistik-----you are talking to a person who never
read the books to which you refer------she is a propaganda parrot-----she does not even understand
the words which she parrots
Retrieving sources for this thread yesterday I noticed one said for the rapture to occur all the world's jews have to be in Israel. So worry ye not, unless someone comes and tries to carry me bodily to an airplane the rapture, 2nd coming, and end of the world shall never come to p
That's a nice little distortion. The Bible wasn't written by the Jews who became Christians. Bible was combined centuries later by the Catholic Church pick and choosing which texts to include or leave out. The living followers of Jesus usually only had 1 local text/gospel for use. Whole Bibles didn't come about until much later.
?????....the "Whole Bible" is a gathering of documents written by Jews who became the original Christians.....that is hardly a distortion......it can only be avoided by denying history.....

Bibles proper, were official canonized scripture (of the Catholic Church.) In breaking the texts up including (heavily corrupted) versions of the Jewish Tanach, and the NT texts as "The Holy Bible" the Catholics were trying to assume an aire of legitimacy by attaching their new religion to a prior one.

Interestingly, as an aside, the Ethiopian Orthodox Canon remains much as it was at the very beginning. Being so far removed from Europe and Rome, it remained more in its' oriignal form unaffected by various Church schizms. Unfortunately, there seems to be no English version of this canon, nor any effort underway to make one. Contents are available though for comparison to KJV/Catholic canons,

The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church
Christianity and the Jewish faith are one in the same on many levels,they are joined at the hip.

No they are not, two different things. the books should never of been attached.

The two books go hand and hand and work together very beautifully.
The book of Daniel goes very well with Revelation and gives more understanding and depth to helping understand Revelation.
Only because they tried to turn Jews into Christians and copied a lot into the NT, but Jesus is an off shoot of Mithraism and Dionysus, Greek with some Roman. The only thing we took from Moses was the 10 commandments and not really them. Jews buried their people twice, Jesus said let the dead bury the dead. May sound a lot alike, but not so. Jews didn't believe in virgin births, nor did they believe the suffering servant is Jesus but Jerusalem. the Jews of the first century were very different as well, Greek and Romanized.

Penelope----you are trying to discuss books you never read by throwing fragments of silly idiot writings around. What does "we took...." mean? Jesus was a person ----he was not Mithraism-----
I think you are tying ---albeit not well----to say that the
early Christians were influenced by the religion
Mithraism.-------the sentence>>>> "the jews of the first century were different as well....." makes no sense. When using a COMPARATIVE---like
"different" the "different has to refer to something----"different" from what? Jews have ---still extant---
extensive writings from the first century. People who read books do not have to GUESS and CONJECTURE as do you.. If you want to know about jews of the first century-----feel free to ask.

Oh irosie your ignorance is astounding. the story of Jesus, if he was a really a man is not about Jesus, but about Mithra and Greek ideologies.

oh Penelope----you are so much an illiterate blob of shit ------you never read the story of jesus. I am fully aware of the interpretations of some fake scholars and some at least literate that there are
parallels between Mithraism and the poetic
accounts of the birth of Jesus and his demise.
There are scholarly discussions about Abraham Lincoln's life in the "LOG CABIN" as being
comparable to the life of Jesus too. ------have
you ever read a real book?. Unlike you, I have
read the bible------I have also read the odyssey-----
unlike you-----I have a fine grasp of fine literature.
All of the tribes
All the tribes. So does that mean everyone who is a direct genetic descendent?

Not sure how anyone can be an indirect genetic descendant.

The Lord is calling all of the tribes, but as with any family only a remnant will respond. Many will not be converted until He returns. But the gathering has begun and the restoration under way
Recent genetic testing has shown us that the Palestinian people are in actuality descendents of the native Jewish that converted to Islam. Testing has shown that the Palestinans are closely related to both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews as well as being closely related to the Samaritans. The Y doesn't lie.

Palestinian people - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nether does the Bible that says;
Abraham is their Father and each come from a different Mother.
They all claim that Abraham is their Father.

Abraham was not a jew, but from the land of UR .

I am a jew from the land of brotherly love------
upset irosie that I don't worship you jews. Ishmael was circumcised before Issac and also all the servants, you have nerve to think Issac was better than Ishmael since both came from Abraham. Also Jacob and Esau had the same Mother born at the same time, Esau is just as

Jew as you are, see your all the same, those Arab Muslims belong to your family.
Back in July of 2000, Christian economist Dr. Gary North
wrote an essay explaining why Christian fundamentalists support Israel. This bizarre and disturbing message exposes the twisted hatred behind the concept of the Rapture.

The full article may be found at Preterist Archive or at Lew Rockwell.com.

Here’s the short version:

"We can avoid death, but only because two-thirds of the Jews of Israel will inevitably die in a future holocaust. America must therefore support the nation of Israel in order to keep the Israelis alive until after the Rapture."

Here, North describes the basics of Christian eschatology — end-times doctrine. To sum up, the Bible refers to Jesus’ reign of 1,000 years on Earth before the Judgment. This is “the Millenium”.

  • Premillenialists believe that Jesus will return before the Kingdom is established, and will reign from a literal throne in Jerusalem. That is, Jesus will do it, people aren’t capable.
  • Postmillenialists believe Jesus will come after the Kingdom has been established by people on Earth. That is, people have to do it; “If we build it, He will come” might be their refrain.
  • Amillenialists see the “Kingdom” as spiritual, not physical. This view, dominant among “mainstream” Christians since Augustine’s City of God,
    differentiates between the spiritual and permanent “city of God” and the temporary cities and nations of men. They believe it can only come after Judgment, when the world is populated solely by sin-free Christians (everyone else being tortured for eternity in Hell).

As Dr. North put it, Israel is key to the premillenialists’ desire to “get out of life alive”. He’s talking about the “Rapture”.

The concept of the Rapture has only been popular since the 1870s, but has captured the bizarre fantasies of millions of Christians worldwide; witness the success of the Left Behind
series, which has even spawned video games!
As it is said, “everyone wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die.” They believe it because it’s what they want to believe.
Last edited:
All of the tribes
All the tribes. So does that mean everyone who is a direct genetic descendent?

Not sure how anyone can be an indirect genetic descendant.

The Lord is calling all of the tribes, but as with any family only a remnant will respond. Many will not be converted until He returns. But the gathering has begun and the restoration under way
Recent genetic testing has shown us that the Palestinian people are in actuality descendents of the native Jewish that converted to Islam. Testing has shown that the Palestinans are closely related to both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews as well as being closely related to the Samaritans. The Y doesn't lie.

Palestinian people - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nether does the Bible that says;
Abraham is their Father and each come from a different Mother.
They all claim that Abraham is their Father.

Abraham was not a jew, but from the land of UR .

Abraham was a Hebrew and Hebrews became the Jews.
upset irosie that I don't worship you jews. Ishmael was circumcised before Issac and also all the servants, you have nerve to think Issac was better than Ishmael since both came from Abraham. Also Jacob and Esau had the same Mother born at the same time, Esau is just as

Jew as you are, see your all the same, those Arab Muslims belong to your family.

Why would I want a lump of shit like you to "worship" me. Penelope? You flatter me by your hatred as has the hatred of many people including your heros
Saddam Hussein and Adolf Hitler What does the fact that Ishmael was a son of Abraham have to do with anything?------Adolf Hitler was the son of an established Catholic family------does that suggest that
you MUST CALL HIM YOUR OWN? Esau is---by
tradition considered to be a founder of the EDOMITES-------a group no longer extant. There is
no evidence that arab muslims have anything to do with me other than the fact that tens of thousands of
years ago our roots were in the area of land now called THE LEVANT and so share features
of genetic material------and we are LINGUISTICALLY linked by virtue of the use of a semitic language. ---- The Hindus of the INDUS
valley are linguistically linked to Europeans. Sanskrit is an INDO-EUROPEAN language.

Do you have any notion of the dung heap that spawned you?
All the tribes. So does that mean everyone who is a direct genetic descendent?

Not sure how anyone can be an indirect genetic descendant.

The Lord is calling all of the tribes, but as with any family only a remnant will respond. Many will not be converted until He returns. But the gathering has begun and the restoration under way
Recent genetic testing has shown us that the Palestinian people are in actuality descendents of the native Jewish that converted to Islam. Testing has shown that the Palestinans are closely related to both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews as well as being closely related to the Samaritans. The Y doesn't lie.

Palestinian people - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nether does the Bible that says;
Abraham is their Father and each come from a different Mother.
They all claim that Abraham is their Father.

Abraham was not a jew, but from the land of UR .

Abraham was a Hebrew and Hebrews became the Jews.

that's about it-------do not be distressed by Penelope----Nazis play with semantics. In fact lots of their
propaganda depends on silly semantic games.
Back in July of 2000, Christian economist Dr. Gary North
wrote an essay explaining why Christian fundamentalists support Israel. This bizarre and disturbing message exposes the twisted hatred behind the concept of the Rapture.

The full article may be found at Preterist Archive or at Lew Rockwell.com.

Here’s the short version:

"We can avoid death, but only because two-thirds of the Jews of Israel will inevitably die in a future holocaust. America must therefore support the nation of Israel in order to keep the Israelis alive until after the Rapture."

Here, North describes the basics of Christian eschatology — end-times doctrine. To sum up, the Bible refers to Jesus’ reign of 1,000 years on Earth before the Judgment. This is “the Millenium”.

  • Premillenialists believe that Jesus will return before the Kingdom is established, and will reign from a literal throne in Jerusalem. That is, Jesus will do it, people aren’t capable.
  • Postmillenialists believe Jesus will come after the Kingdom has been established by people on Earth. That is, people have to do it; “If we build it, He will come” might be their refrain.
  • Amillenialists see the “Kingdom” as spiritual, not physical. This view, dominant among “mainstream” Christians since Augustine’s City of God,
    differentiates between the spiritual and permanent “city of God” and the temporary cities and nations of men. They believe it can only come after Judgment, when the world is populated solely by sin-free Christians (everyone else being tortured for eternity in Hell).

As Dr. North put it, Israel is key to the premillenialists’ desire to “get out of life alive”. He’s talking about the “Rapture”.

The concept of the Rapture has only been popular since the 1870s, but has captured the bizarre fantasies of millions of Christians worldwide; witness the success of the Left Behind
series, which has even spawned video games!
As it is said, “everyone wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die.” They believe it because it’s what they want to believe.

LOL:uhoh3: Kook websites, from a Kook fake Jew:cuckoo:

Christian Reconstructionism is a fundamentalist Calvinisttheonomic movement, founded by Rousas John Rushdoony, that has had an important influence on the Christian Right in the United States. Reconstructionists advocate theocracy and the restoration of Mosaic law, such as the Biblical admonition to stone homosexuals to death; thus, Reconstructionists are generally characterized as political radicals. The movement declined in the 1990s and was declared dead in a 2008

Christian Reconstructionism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Last edited:
guno-----you just claimed that "right wing" Christians are all into RAPTURE THEORY??? I grew up in a
very Christian, (in general wasp)----very republican,
VERY RIGHT WING ---town of people -----who were also so Nazi that there were Nazi propaganda pamphlets
scattered here and there-----even in the then small public
library I owe it to those right wingers that I know
Nazi propaganda so well--------it focused on HATRED OF ALL THINGS "ZIONIST" (which even included ZIP codes and fluoridation of the water supply------etc etc)
guno-----you just claimed that "right wing" Christians are all into RAPTURE THEORY??? I grew up in a
very Christian, (in general wasp)----very republican,
VERY RIGHT WING ---town of people -----who were also so Nazi that there were Nazi propaganda pamphlets
scattered here and there-----even in the then small public
library I owe it to those right wingers that I know
Nazi propaganda so well--------it focused on HATRED OF ALL THINGS "ZIONIST" (which even included ZIP codes and fluoridation of the water supply------etc etc)

Congratulations you must be very old, because now it is mainly leftist who are the Jew haters. What was your point again? To prop up the narrative of the fake Jew? or did I misread your comment?
Interesting. This once again reminds me that even a broken clock can be right twice a day. (pope comment) Inwardly I am a Jew. The Bible is very clear that the born again believer is inwardly a Jew. Read the King James Bible, Penelope.

And yet most Jews will say they are a race, do you practice Judaism.

I realize that your weird, unfounded hatred drives you (as with all anti-semites) to say weird things, but Judaism is a religion. Jews are first and foremost adherents to a religions. Jews are not a race at all, although some jews share some genetic commonality, but not always. There are chinese Jews who have absolutely no genetic commonality with the overwhelming majority of Jews living in Eretz Yisrael, the land that G-d gave to the Jews many thousands of years ago. Some claim that Jews are simply a culture, but that is not accurate, either.

I have never said that Jews are a race. There are Black Jews, there are Asian jews, there are White Jews, there are hispanic Jews, hell, there are even Jews among the Eskimos of Alaska (also one of the longest-lived of tribes in the world). So, to call Jews a "race" is pretty damned ridiculous.

You might want to discuss this with PM Bibi. So lets see, we have lots of Jews calling themselves a Jew but really are not, got it. (gee that is what Jesus said) Only those who practice Judaism are Jews.

You were to be Jews when you came from the Judea where the Judah tribe lived, now your all Jews, what is it.

You can't have it both ways, with all the intermarriage, no one is a full Jew either.

You call me weird because I don't believe all the Jew baloney, ha ha. Crap you jews don't know who you are.

for further notice, God never gave you anything, only wacked out people believe the fables in your book.

Some truth to your statement. The Bible tells us that there will be those who "call themselves Jews (members of the tribe of Judah) but are not."

Revelation 2:9, "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

Revelation 3:9, "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."

Here's what Jesus called many of the religious Jews of His day:

John 8:44, "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

Matthew 3:7, "But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?"

Matthew 12:34, "O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh."

Matthew 23:33, "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?"

Matthew 23:13, "But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in."

Christ called members of the Rabbinical Priesthood of Judaism: "Children of their father the devil"; a "generation of vipers"; and "hypocrites." He certainly didn't come across as all lovey-dovey where the religious "Jews" were concerned.

Only if you want to address with from the Christian perspective, which is your good right. But it is not from the perspective of Judiasm. Revelations and Matthew are not books within the Tanakh...

All the tribes. So does that mean everyone who is a direct genetic descendent?

Not sure how anyone can be an indirect genetic descendant.

The Lord is calling all of the tribes, but as with any family only a remnant will respond. Many will not be converted until He returns. But the gathering has begun and the restoration under way
Recent genetic testing has shown us that the Palestinian people are in actuality descendents of the native Jewish that converted to Islam. Testing has shown that the Palestinans are closely related to both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews as well as being closely related to the Samaritans. The Y doesn't lie.

Palestinian people - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nether does the Bible that says;
Abraham is their Father and each come from a different Mother.
They all claim that Abraham is their Father.

Abraham was not a jew, but from the land of UR .

Abraham was a Hebrew and Hebrews became the Jews.

Abraham had 8 sons, and chances are he was an arab. Hebrew is a language, and Hebrew is the Canaanite language.
Back in July of 2000, Christian economist Dr. Gary North
wrote an essay explaining why Christian fundamentalists support Israel. This bizarre and disturbing message exposes the twisted hatred behind the concept of the Rapture.

The full article may be found at Preterist Archive or at Lew Rockwell.com.

Here’s the short version:

"We can avoid death, but only because two-thirds of the Jews of Israel will inevitably die in a future holocaust. America must therefore support the nation of Israel in order to keep the Israelis alive until after the Rapture."

Here, North describes the basics of Christian eschatology — end-times doctrine. To sum up, the Bible refers to Jesus’ reign of 1,000 years on Earth before the Judgment. This is “the Millenium”.

  • Premillenialists believe that Jesus will return before the Kingdom is established, and will reign from a literal throne in Jerusalem. That is, Jesus will do it, people aren’t capable.
  • Postmillenialists believe Jesus will come after the Kingdom has been established by people on Earth. That is, people have to do it; “If we build it, He will come” might be their refrain.
  • Amillenialists see the “Kingdom” as spiritual, not physical. This view, dominant among “mainstream” Christians since Augustine’s City of God,
    differentiates between the spiritual and permanent “city of God” and the temporary cities and nations of men. They believe it can only come after Judgment, when the world is populated solely by sin-free Christians (everyone else being tortured for eternity in Hell).

As Dr. North put it, Israel is key to the premillenialists’ desire to “get out of life alive”. He’s talking about the “Rapture”.

The concept of the Rapture has only been popular since the 1870s, but has captured the bizarre fantasies of millions of Christians worldwide; witness the success of the Left Behind
series, which has even spawned video games!
As it is said, “everyone wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die.” They believe it because it’s what they want to believe.

I thought I read he was a jew.

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