Why right wing christians are obsessed with israel

Pasting a new holy text onto a pre-extant holy text is co-opting the previous. Not fulfilling it.
invalid characterization and invalid conclusion......if you choose not to believe your own prophesies that is your choice......your holy texts are still there unchanged....no one has taken anything away from you, therefore nothing has been co-opted......

So if I launched a guerilla movement to go into chruches and rip out the OT portion from their Bibles you'd be cool with that? :)
????.....are you suggesting Christians ripped the Torah out of synagogues?....the original Christians were Jews who believed the prophecies of the OT were fulfilled by Jesus......do you somehow think that in doing so they forfeited the right to read the prophesies?......

That's a nice little distortion. The Bible wasn't written by the Jews who became Christians. Bible was combined centuries later by the Catholic Church pick and choosing which texts to include or leave out. The living followers of Jesus usually only had 1 local text/gospel for use. Whole Bibles didn't come about until much later.
?????....the "Whole Bible" is a gathering of documents written by Jews who became the original Christians.....that is hardly a distortion......it can only be avoided by denying history.....
No, it isn't. There are many born again believers who do not believe in a pre - Tribulation Rapture, Guno. I'm one of them. I'm not expecting an early departure from the greatest hour of trial the world has ever faced - the Tribulation. It will be all out war on the Church - the greatest trial of our faith we will ever face (the true Church -not the antichrist Whore of Babylon claiming to be "The Church").

If you will study the Scriptures you will learn that Abraham was justified by faith. Not by his works. Those who are born again Believers are justified by faith. By faith we have been adopted into the Family of God. Although some of us were born Gentiles - inwardly we are Jews and Abraham is indeed the Father of our Faith. Your book is my book - my book is your book if you are inwardly a Jew and hopefully you will one day be because athough you may be a Jew outwardly it avails you nothing in eternity if you reject your Messiah which is the only way to enter into heaven. I look towards that day when the prophecy of Zechariah will be fulfilled and the Jewish people will see Messiah face to face and see the nail scars in his hands and in his feet and ask him, Lord, what are those wounds in your hands? And he will tell them, Those are the wounds that I received in the house of my friends. Then there will be a moment of realizing this is Jesus, Christ Crucified, Our Messiah.

It is written:

And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer,Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.
Zechariah 13:6

If you thought the reunion of Joseph and his brothers was moving just wait until you see the reunion between Jesus Christ and His own Brethren. You haven't seen anything yet. That story is a picture of the story of Christ and His own brethren, Guno. Of which you are one. When you say the things you say, Guno? I know that you do not know what you are doing. I do not hold it against you. I believe that one day you will know and then you will say, how could I have been so blind?

Well I guess Pope Francis was right in your case, inside of you there is a little Jew.

Interesting. This once again reminds me that even a broken clock can be right twice a day. (pope comment) Inwardly I am a Jew. The Bible is very clear that the born again believer is inwardly a Jew. Read the King James Bible, Penelope.

And yet most Jews will say they are a race, do you practice Judaism.

I realize that your weird, unfounded hatred drives you (as with all anti-semites) to say weird things, but Judaism is a religion. Jews are first and foremost adherents to a religions. Jews are not a race at all, although some jews share some genetic commonality, but not always. There are chinese Jews who have absolutely no genetic commonality with the overwhelming majority of Jews living in Eretz Yisrael, the land that G-d gave to the Jews many thousands of years ago. Some claim that Jews are simply a culture, but that is not accurate, either.

I have never said that Jews are a race. There are Black Jews, there are Asian jews, there are White Jews, there are hispanic Jews, hell, there are even Jews among the Eskimos of Alaska (also one of the longest-lived of tribes in the world). So, to call Jews a "race" is pretty damned ridiculous.

You might want to discuss this with PM Bibi. So lets see, we have lots of Jews calling themselves a Jew but really are not, got it. (gee that is what Jesus said) Only those who practice Judaism are Jews.

You were to be Jews when you came from the Judea where the Judah tribe lived, now your all Jews, what is it.

You can't have it both ways, with all the intermarriage, no one is a full Jew either.

You call me weird because I don't believe all the Jew baloney, ha ha. Crap you jews don't know who you are.

for further notice, God never gave you anything, only wacked out people believe the fables in your book.

Penelope----why do you continue to talk to yourself addressing topics of which you are utterly ignorant? People call you weird because you express yourself like a psychotic.
No one cares what you believe. God told you what he has done? Does God speak with you often? How do you
know what jews know themselves to be?
All of the tribes
All the tribes. So does that mean everyone who is a direct genetic descendent?

Not sure how anyone can be an indirect genetic descendant.

The Lord is calling all of the tribes, but as with any family only a remnant will respond. Many will not be converted until He returns. But the gathering has begun and the restoration under way
Recent genetic testing has shown us that the Palestinian people are in actuality descendents of the native Jewish that converted to Islam. Testing has shown that the Palestinans are closely related to both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews as well as being closely related to the Samaritans. The Y doesn't lie.

Palestinian people - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Something Jews alway have known about the goyims professed"love" for us Jews and israel , it is their sick delusional twisted end times fantasies. That is what drives them in how they "think"

On the Road to Armageddon How Evangelicals Became Israel s Best Friend by Timothy P. Weber - Beliefnet.com

The Muslim Terrorists are doing their own version of end times and want to bring in their Messiah. They are conducting their own Holy War.
They believe that as soon as the get their Caliphate that their Messiah will rise and take power.

Peach---that's mostly a Shiite thing--. Sunnis see the caliphate as a kind of UTOPIA------and seek a world wide
Caliphate in which muslims rule according to shariah law.
It's not necessarily an END TIMES thing----the world caliphate is an END unto itself
Christianity and the Jewish faith are one in the same on many levels,they are joined at the hip.

No they are not, two different things. the books should never of been attached.

The two books go hand and hand and work together very beautifully.
The book of Daniel goes very well with Revelation and gives more understanding and depth to helping understand Revelation.
They are heavily invested in "Holy Land" tours, etc. One has to remember that Christianity is still a money-making venture as it was in medieval times.
All of the tribes
All the tribes. So does that mean everyone who is a direct genetic descendent?

Not sure how anyone can be an indirect genetic descendant.

The Lord is calling all of the tribes, but as with any family only a remnant will respond. Many will not be converted until He returns. But the gathering has begun and the restoration under way
Recent genetic testing has shown us that the Palestinian people are in actuality descendents of the native Jewish that converted to Islam. Testing has shown that the Palestinans are closely related to both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews as well as being closely related to the Samaritans. The Y doesn't lie.

Palestinian people - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It is clear that you do not understand population genetics----
In fact genetic studies simply reveal that both jews and
arabs originate in the levant------have their origins in the Levant----and nothing more than that. These findings refute some very interesting propaganda created by Nazis in the early 20th centure which was that the jews of today originate from the hills of northern asia. Do not worry----lots of people
find the study of genetics to be confusing. Lots
of people misinterpret There is actually no way to tell
that arabs originate from jews who converted to islam----by
a genetic study
All of the tribes
All the tribes. So does that mean everyone who is a direct genetic descendent?

Not sure how anyone can be an indirect genetic descendant.

The Lord is calling all of the tribes, but as with any family only a remnant will respond. Many will not be converted until He returns. But the gathering has begun and the restoration under way
Recent genetic testing has shown us that the Palestinian people are in actuality descendents of the native Jewish that converted to Islam. Testing has shown that the Palestinans are closely related to both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews as well as being closely related to the Samaritans. The Y doesn't lie.

Palestinian people - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nether does the Bible that says;
Abraham is their Father and each come from a different Mother.
They all claim that Abraham is their Father.
Christianity and the Jewish faith are one in the same on many levels,they are joined at the hip.

No they are not, two different things. the books should never of been attached.

The two books go hand and hand and work together very beautifully.
The book of Daniel goes very well with Revelation and gives more understanding and depth to helping understand Revelation.

the book of Daniel is mystical as is the book of revelations----
----it seems to me that the book of revelations was written
by a jew familiar with jewish mysticism. Daniel is written in
Aramaic. AS to "understanding"------how does Daniel become a key to understanding Revelations? does Daniel tell you
who the WHORE OF BABYLON is? In what language
was Revelations written?
I think it serves as a diversion too. Since they hate the other groups that Nazi's hated, they think they can be like, "oh, no, we love the Jews, and want them to stay on the other side of the world, so yeah, not Nazi's" and people will forget the rest of it.
All of the tribes
All the tribes. So does that mean everyone who is a direct genetic descendent?

Not sure how anyone can be an indirect genetic descendant.

The Lord is calling all of the tribes, but as with any family only a remnant will respond. Many will not be converted until He returns. But the gathering has begun and the restoration under way
Recent genetic testing has shown us that the Palestinian people are in actuality descendents of the native Jewish that converted to Islam. Testing has shown that the Palestinans are closely related to both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews as well as being closely related to the Samaritans. The Y doesn't lie.

Palestinian people - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nether does the Bible that says;
Abraham is their Father and each come from a different Mother.
They all claim that Abraham is their Father.

You do not understand, just read the link. Some Palestinians even have the Cohen modal halpotype meaning that not only are some of them descended from the native Jewish population but these Palestinians having the Cohen modal halpotype means that they are descendents of the Levites not just Abraham but also a distinct tribe of Ancient Israel. Sorry but genetics is proving that the Palestinians are in fact direct descendents of both the Jews and Samaritans who converted to Islam and that makes them true natives to the region. Genetics don't lie.
Something Jews alway have known about the goyims professed"love" for us Jews and israel , it is their sick delusional twisted end times fantasies. That is what drives them in how they "think"

On the Road to Armageddon How Evangelicals Became Israel s Best Friend by Timothy P. Weber - Beliefnet.com

The Muslim Terrorists are doing their own version of end times and want to bring in their Messiah. They are conducting their own Holy War.
They believe that as soon as the get their Caliphate that their Messiah will rise and take power.

Peach---that's mostly a Shiite thing--. Sunnis see the caliphate as a kind of UTOPIA------and seek a world wide
Caliphate in which muslims rule according to shariah law.
It's not necessarily an END TIMES thing----the world caliphate is an END unto itself

The ISIS militant group is further advancing its extreme religious agenda by destroying Shiite mosques and Islamic shrines around the ancient Iraqi city of Mosul, which they captured last month.
ISIS Destroys Shiite Mosques And Shrines In Iraq Dangerously Fracturing Country PHOTOS
Your ignorance was delightful to read.

Using your definition, not hardly even one Christian would therefore be a true Christian.

You logic have more holes in it than Leerdammer Cheese.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't be Christian, Mormon, or Muslim without the 'Jew baloney.' :)

Indeed, for all three religions claim Avraham as a starting point. All four are indeed Abrahamic religions and at least claim to worship the same almighty deity.

That, and Judaism is where the Messiah concept comes from.
That, and Christianity co-opting Hebrew scripture for much of its theology.

NT was wrote in Greek. A lot of paraphrasing from the old, but the Jews stole from the Canaanite who took from the Sumerians, Greek, Persians as well. Hebrew was the Canaanite language.

Penelope----parts of the New Testament was written in Greek. The tanach had by that point already been translated into Greek-----What did the jews steal from
the "CANAANITE" and in what language"? What did the
"CANAANITE" take from the Sumerians, Greek, Persians?
Hebrew was the language which developed amongst jews
-----a community which originated with Abraham who had
migrated from a city in Mesopotamia to Canaan. It is not "Canaanite" ---do you know the CANAANITE alphabet
Something Jews alway have known about the goyims professed"love" for us Jews and israel , it is their sick delusional twisted end times fantasies. That is what drives them in how they "think"

On the Road to Armageddon How Evangelicals Became Israel s Best Friend by Timothy P. Weber - Beliefnet.com

The Muslim Terrorists are doing their own version of end times and want to bring in their Messiah. They are conducting their own Holy War.
They believe that as soon as the get their Caliphate that their Messiah will rise and take power.

Peach---that's mostly a Shiite thing--. Sunnis see the caliphate as a kind of UTOPIA------and seek a world wide
Caliphate in which muslims rule according to shariah law.
It's not necessarily an END TIMES thing----the world caliphate is an END unto itself

The ISIS militant group is further advancing its extreme religious agenda by destroying Shiite mosques and Islamic shrines around the ancient Iraqi city of Mosul, which they captured last month.
ISIS Destroys Shiite Mosques And Shrines In Iraq Dangerously Fracturing Country PHOTOS

Killing Shiites is what sunnis do and have been doing for
almost 1400 years. It is an old feud related to Muhummad's son-in-law who some people thought should
have been the SUCCESSOR. The population of Iraq is
actually MOSTLY Shiite---but sunnis are stronger----Saddam was sunni. Iran is Shiite and now Shiites supported by Iran
have taken over in Yemen which is majority sunni.
sit tight-----Iran is ON THE MOVE
Christianity and the Jewish faith are one in the same on many levels,they are joined at the hip.

No they are not, two different things. the books should never of been attached.

The two books go hand and hand and work together very beautifully.
The book of Daniel goes very well with Revelation and gives more understanding and depth to helping understand Revelation.

the book of Daniel is mystical as is the book of revelations----
----it seems to me that the book of revelations was written
by a jew familiar with jewish mysticism. Daniel is written in
Aramaic. AS to "understanding"------how does Daniel become a key to understanding Revelations? does Daniel tell you
who the WHORE OF BABYLON is? In what language
was Revelations written?

The whore of Babylon is an evil world system, controlled by the Antichrist, during the last days before Jesus’ return. The whore of Babylon also has religious connotations – spiritual adultery with the beast being the focus of an ungodly, end-times religious system.

No historian is really certain about the original language of the New Testament in general, but most agree it was either Aramaic or Greek.

We know about old Aramaic texts such as the Syriac and the Diatesseron through writings of early theologians, but we don't actually have anything nearly as old in Aramaic as the Greek versions that currently exist.
All of the tribes
All the tribes. So does that mean everyone who is a direct genetic descendent?

Not sure how anyone can be an indirect genetic descendant.

The Lord is calling all of the tribes, but as with any family only a remnant will respond. Many will not be converted until He returns. But the gathering has begun and the restoration under way
Recent genetic testing has shown us that the Palestinian people are in actuality descendents of the native Jewish that converted to Islam. Testing has shown that the Palestinans are closely related to both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews as well as being closely related to the Samaritans. The Y doesn't lie.

Palestinian people - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nether does the Bible that says;
Abraham is their Father and each come from a different Mother.
They all claim that Abraham is their Father.

You do not understand, just read the link. Some Palestinians even have the Cohen modal halpotype meaning that not only are some of them descended from the native Jewish population but these Palestinians having the Cohen modal halpotype means that they are descendents of the Levites not just Abraham but also a distinct tribe of Ancient Israel. Sorry but genetics is proving that the Palestinians are in fact direct descendents of both the Jews and Samaritans who converted to Islam and that makes them true natives to the region. Genetics don't lie.

You still got it wrong because you know neither history nor
genetics. I am not in the mood to teach you intro to population genetics-----but I will tell you -----you don't know it.

here is a clue-----the presence of a Cohen Y in a male---
does not PROVE that he is descended from the LEVITES ---
It proves that he has a REMOTE ANCESTOR in common with Moses and Aaron both of whom (being brothers) were
members of the TRIBE OF LEVI-----meaning their tribe
was founded by one of Jacob's sons whose name was LEVI.----the remote ancestor could have existed 20,000
years ago The fact that SO MANY people now called
cohens and levites------have this chromosome----means
that they have a commonality------in descent and THAT IS
ALL IT DEMONSTRATES----it cannot "prove" anything more than that. The cohen Y chromosome is not
EXCLUSIVE -----to AARON and MOSES--------I know this
explanation has you more confused than you were before. For the record---
the literature is filled with silly misinterpretations------OVER interpretations---
of genetic studies.
Last edited:
Christianity and the Jewish faith are one in the same on many levels,they are joined at the hip.

No they are not, two different things. the books should never of been attached.

The two books go hand and hand and work together very beautifully.
The book of Daniel goes very well with Revelation and gives more understanding and depth to helping understand Revelation.

the book of Daniel is mystical as is the book of revelations----
----it seems to me that the book of revelations was written
by a jew familiar with jewish mysticism. Daniel is written in
Aramaic. AS to "understanding"------how does Daniel become a key to understanding Revelations? does Daniel tell you
who the WHORE OF BABYLON is? In what language
was Revelations written?

The whore of Babylon is an evil world system, controlled by the Antichrist, during the last days before Jesus’ return. The whore of Babylon also has religious connotations – spiritual adultery with the beast being the focus of an ungodly, end-times religious system.

No historian is really certain about the original language of the New Testament in general, but most agree it was either Aramaic or Greek.

We know about old Aramaic texts such as the Syriac and the Diatesseron through writings of early theologians, but we don't actually have anything nearly as old in Aramaic as the Greek versions that currently exist.

I do not particularly buy your interpretation of the whore
of Babylon.----but I do not have anything better. My guess
is that much of the NT was originally written in Greek-----
greek was the fancy language of the time. Some of the
apostles were greeks
All the tribes. So does that mean everyone who is a direct genetic descendent?

Not sure how anyone can be an indirect genetic descendant.

The Lord is calling all of the tribes, but as with any family only a remnant will respond. Many will not be converted until He returns. But the gathering has begun and the restoration under way
Recent genetic testing has shown us that the Palestinian people are in actuality descendents of the native Jewish that converted to Islam. Testing has shown that the Palestinans are closely related to both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews as well as being closely related to the Samaritans. The Y doesn't lie.

Palestinian people - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nether does the Bible that says;
Abraham is their Father and each come from a different Mother.
They all claim that Abraham is their Father.

You do not understand, just read the link. Some Palestinians even have the Cohen modal halpotype meaning that not only are some of them descended from the native Jewish population but these Palestinians having the Cohen modal halpotype means that they are descendents of the Levites not just Abraham but also a distinct tribe of Ancient Israel. Sorry but genetics is proving that the Palestinians are in fact direct descendents of both the Jews and Samaritans who converted to Islam and that makes them true natives to the region. Genetics don't lie.

You still got it wrong because you know neither history nor
genetics. I am not in the mood to teach you intro to population genetics-----but I will tell you -----you don't know it.

here is a clue-----the presence of a Cohen Y in a male---
does not PROVE that he is descended from the LEVITES ---
It proves that he has a REMOTE ANCESTOR in common with Moses and Aaron both of whom (being brothers) were
members of the TRIBE OF LEVI-----meaning their tribe
was founded by one of Jacob's sons whose name was LEVI.----the remote ancestor could have existed 20,000
years ago The fact that SO MANY people now called
cohens and levites------have this chromosome----means
that they have a commonality------in descent and THAT IS
ALL IT DEMONSTRATES----it cannot "prove" anything more than that. The cohen Y chromosome is not
EXCLUSIVE -----to AARON and MOSES--------I know this
explanation has your more confused than you were before
You are a liar. Cohen Y means they are related to Aaron. If they were just related to some remote ancestor of the Levites they would only be Levi Y but they are not they are Aaron Y and that means their remote ancestor is Aaron.
Not sure how anyone can be an indirect genetic descendant.

The Lord is calling all of the tribes, but as with any family only a remnant will respond. Many will not be converted until He returns. But the gathering has begun and the restoration under way
Recent genetic testing has shown us that the Palestinian people are in actuality descendents of the native Jewish that converted to Islam. Testing has shown that the Palestinans are closely related to both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews as well as being closely related to the Samaritans. The Y doesn't lie.

Palestinian people - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nether does the Bible that says;
Abraham is their Father and each come from a different Mother.
They all claim that Abraham is their Father.

You do not understand, just read the link. Some Palestinians even have the Cohen modal halpotype meaning that not only are some of them descended from the native Jewish population but these Palestinians having the Cohen modal halpotype means that they are descendents of the Levites not just Abraham but also a distinct tribe of Ancient Israel. Sorry but genetics is proving that the Palestinians are in fact direct descendents of both the Jews and Samaritans who converted to Islam and that makes them true natives to the region. Genetics don't lie.

You still got it wrong because you know neither history nor
genetics. I am not in the mood to teach you intro to population genetics-----but I will tell you -----you don't know it.

here is a clue-----the presence of a Cohen Y in a male---
does not PROVE that he is descended from the LEVITES ---
It proves that he has a REMOTE ANCESTOR in common with Moses and Aaron both of whom (being brothers) were
members of the TRIBE OF LEVI-----meaning their tribe
was founded by one of Jacob's sons whose name was LEVI.----the remote ancestor could have existed 20,000
years ago The fact that SO MANY people now called
cohens and levites------have this chromosome----means
that they have a commonality------in descent and THAT IS
ALL IT DEMONSTRATES----it cannot "prove" anything more than that. The cohen Y chromosome is not
EXCLUSIVE -----to AARON and MOSES--------I know this
explanation has your more confused than you were before
You are a liar. Cohen Y means they are related to Aaron. If they were just related to some remote ancestor of the Levites they would only be Levi Y but they are not they are Aaron Y and that means their remote ancestor is Aaron.

Your response is very vulgar. I will try to not despise you---
it is not your fault that you believe nonsense. I was reading
genetics before you were born. I studied it extensively----
It is clear to me that you do not grasp even the basics.----
not your fault-----lots of people do not. In fact I was reading
genetics when the ORIGINAL studies of the cohen Y were
published. The doc who did the studies ----understood what he did------He never claimed that having a cohen Y
PROVES that a person is a cohen/levite. I assure you---
you have no idea what the results of those studies reveal,
For the record-----I am a levite------so the whole thing did
interest me (I am a girl---so I have no Y chromosome---
but my brothers do)
I am a levite
Yeah and I am a direct descendent from Aksucia Princess of Mars. You are just some anonymous person behind a screen there is no way to verify anything you said, in fact if one reads this: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/tcga/tcgapdf/Nebel-HG-00-IPArabs.pdf
there is ample evidence from genetic testing and the historical records that the Palestinians are the descendents of the native Jewish population that converted to Islam. Who am I supposed to believe actual scientist and historians who did this study or a person who goes on the internet and pretends to be both a Levite and a scientist without offering proof. Until you can offer proof of your assertion then I am calling you a liar. Because it is obvious that those with Aaron Y are related to Aaron and not just the Levites because if they were just related to the Levites they would have been just Levi Y
I am a levite
Yeah and I am a direct descendent from Aksucia Princess of Mars. You are just some anonymous person behind a screen there is no way to verify anything you said, in fact if one reads this: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/tcga/tcgapdf/Nebel-HG-00-IPArabs.pdf
there is ample evidence from genetic testing and the historical records that the Palestinians are the descendents of the native Jewish population that converted to Islam. Who am I supposed to believe actual scientist and historians who did this study or a person who goes on the internet and pretends to be both a Levite and a scientist without offering proof. Until you can offer proof of your assertion then I am calling you a liar. Because it is obvious that those with Aaron Y are related to Aaron and not just the Levites because if they were just related to the Levites they would have been just Levi Y

believe anything you wish------your posts prove that you are both vulgar and not too bright ----Your posts also prove that you know nothing about the study of genetics. Most people do not.
Now to help you out-----both AARON and MOSES are of the
tribe of levi--------their genetic material is not available----thus your statement actually makes no sense. BTW----aaron and moses are not the only LEVITES back then-----Korach
was a levite too as were his sons. They have lots of LEVITE descendants (korach died in the desert but his sons survived)<<<that's the story. ---see?---I know----afterall ----its my family

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