Why right wing christians are obsessed with israel

"Even more significant for this study, over one-third of those Americans who support Israel report that they do so because they believe the Bible teaches that the Jews must possess their own country in the Holy Land before Jesus can return."
On the Road to Armageddon How Evangelicals Became Israel s Best Friend by Timothy P. Weber - Beliefnet.com

Thank you.

So, maybe as many as 15 million have some of the belief you describe.


"They make up about one-third of America's 40 or 50 million evangelical Christians and believe that the nation of Israel will play a central role in the unfolding of end-times events. "
Read more at On the Road to Armageddon How Evangelicals Became Israel s Best Friend by Timothy P. Weber - Beliefnet.com

Quite significant when you consider there's only about 14 million Jews on the entire planet.
would that be the number of ethnic Jews or the number who still engage in the religion of Judaism?........

"as of 2014 13,900,000"
Jewish Population of the World Jewish Virtual Library

Presumedly, going for the highest number possible, these kidns of population figures would include religious and ethnic Jews together.
Pasting a new holy text onto a pre-extant holy text is co-opting the previous. Not fulfilling it.
invalid characterization and invalid conclusion......if you choose not to believe your own prophesies that is your choice......your holy texts are still there unchanged....no one has taken anything away from you, therefore nothing has been co-opted......

So if I launched a guerilla movement to go into chruches and rip out the OT portion from their Bibles you'd be cool with that? :)
????.....are you suggesting Christians ripped the Torah out of synagogues?....
Indeed, for all three religions claim Avraham as a starting point. All four are indeed Abrahamic religions and at least claim to worship the same almighty deity.

That, and Judaism is where the Messiah concept comes from.
That, and Christianity co-opting Hebrew scripture for much of its theology.
its not co-opting.....its fulfillment......
Excuses for theft are hardly applicable. De'hey-Zeus as a clever manipulator who realized the power of appeals to fear and superstitions.
I certainly hope you don't consider yourself a clever manipulator.......your childish manipulation of religious names cheapen your posts even further.....
That does nothing to assist an argument for one of your gawds who was just a man who understood how to manipulate human emotions of fear and superstition.
Pasting a new holy text onto a pre-extant holy text is co-opting the previous. Not fulfilling it.
invalid characterization and invalid conclusion......if you choose not to believe your own prophesies that is your choice......your holy texts are still there unchanged....no one has taken anything away from you, therefore nothing has been co-opted......

So if I launched a guerilla movement to go into chruches and rip out the OT portion from their Bibles you'd be cool with that? :)
????.....are you suggesting Christians ripped the Torah out of synagogues?....the original Christians were Jews who believed the prophecies of the OT were fulfilled by Jesus......do you somehow think that in doing so they forfeited the right to read the prophesies?......

That's a nice little distortion. The Bible wasn't written by the Jews who became Christians. Bible was combined centuries later by the Catholic Church pick and choosing which texts to include or leave out. The living followers of Jesus usually only had 1 local text/gospel for use. Whole Bibles didn't come about until much later.
Pasting a new holy text onto a pre-extant holy text is co-opting the previous. Not fulfilling it.
invalid characterization and invalid conclusion......if you choose not to believe your own prophesies that is your choice......your holy texts are still there unchanged....no one has taken anything away from you, therefore nothing has been co-opted......

So if I launched a guerilla movement to go into chruches and rip out the OT portion from their Bibles you'd be cool with that? :)
????.....are you suggesting Christians ripped the Torah out of synagogues?....
That, and Judaism is where the Messiah concept comes from.
That, and Christianity co-opting Hebrew scripture for much of its theology.
its not co-opting.....its fulfillment......
Excuses for theft are hardly applicable. De'hey-Zeus as a clever manipulator who realized the power of appeals to fear and superstitions.
I certainly hope you don't consider yourself a clever manipulator.......your childish manipulation of religious names cheapen your posts even further.....
That does nothing to assist an argument for one of your gawds who was just a man who understood how to manipulate human emotions of fear and superstition.
I wasn't aware we were having such an argument.....I thought we were discussing whether Christianity had co-opted Hebrew scriptures.......did you accidentally paste a quote from your trolling library by mistake?......
Pasting a new holy text onto a pre-extant holy text is co-opting the previous. Not fulfilling it.
invalid characterization and invalid conclusion......if you choose not to believe your own prophesies that is your choice......your holy texts are still there unchanged....no one has taken anything away from you, therefore nothing has been co-opted......

So if I launched a guerilla movement to go into chruches and rip out the OT portion from their Bibles you'd be cool with that? :)
????.....are you suggesting Christians ripped the Torah out of synagogues?....
That, and Christianity co-opting Hebrew scripture for much of its theology.
its not co-opting.....its fulfillment......
Excuses for theft are hardly applicable. De'hey-Zeus as a clever manipulator who realized the power of appeals to fear and superstitions.
I certainly hope you don't consider yourself a clever manipulator.......your childish manipulation of religious names cheapen your posts even further.....
That does nothing to assist an argument for one of your gawds who was just a man who understood how to manipulate human emotions of fear and superstition.
I wasn't aware we were having such an argument.....I thought we were discussing whether Christianity had co-opted Hebrew scriptures.......did you accidentally paste a quote from your trolling library by mistake?......
You spend your waking moments unaware.
Pasting a new holy text onto a pre-extant holy text is co-opting the previous. Not fulfilling it.
invalid characterization and invalid conclusion......if you choose not to believe your own prophesies that is your choice......your holy texts are still there unchanged....no one has taken anything away from you, therefore nothing has been co-opted......

So if I launched a guerilla movement to go into chruches and rip out the OT portion from their Bibles you'd be cool with that? :)
????.....are you suggesting Christians ripped the Torah out of synagogues?....the original Christians were Jews who believed the prophecies of the OT were fulfilled by Jesus......do you somehow think that in doing so they forfeited the right to read the prophesies?......

That's a nice little distortion. The Bible wasn't written by the Jews who became Christians. Bible was combined centuries later by the Catholic Church pick and choosing which texts to include or leave out. The living followers of Jesus usually only had 1 local text/gospel for use. Whole Bibles didn't come about until much later.
?????....the "Whole Bible" is a gathering of documents written by Jews who became the original Christians.....that is hardly a distortion......it can only be avoided by denying history.....
invalid characterization and invalid conclusion......if you choose not to believe your own prophesies that is your choice......your holy texts are still there unchanged....no one has taken anything away from you, therefore nothing has been co-opted......

So if I launched a guerilla movement to go into chruches and rip out the OT portion from their Bibles you'd be cool with that? :)
????.....are you suggesting Christians ripped the Torah out of synagogues?....
its not co-opting.....its fulfillment......
Excuses for theft are hardly applicable. De'hey-Zeus as a clever manipulator who realized the power of appeals to fear and superstitions.
I certainly hope you don't consider yourself a clever manipulator.......your childish manipulation of religious names cheapen your posts even further.....
That does nothing to assist an argument for one of your gawds who was just a man who understood how to manipulate human emotions of fear and superstition.
I wasn't aware we were having such an argument.....I thought we were discussing whether Christianity had co-opted Hebrew scriptures.......did you accidentally paste a quote from your trolling library by mistake?......
You spend your waking moments unaware.
and you spend yours trolling......
Pasting a new holy text onto a pre-extant holy text is co-opting the previous. Not fulfilling it.
invalid characterization and invalid conclusion......if you choose not to believe your own prophesies that is your choice......your holy texts are still there unchanged....no one has taken anything away from you, therefore nothing has been co-opted......

So if I launched a guerilla movement to go into chruches and rip out the OT portion from their Bibles you'd be cool with that? :)
????.....are you suggesting Christians ripped the Torah out of synagogues?....the original Christians were Jews who believed the prophecies of the OT were fulfilled by Jesus......do you somehow think that in doing so they forfeited the right to read the prophesies?......

That's a nice little distortion. The Bible wasn't written by the Jews who became Christians. Bible was combined centuries later by the Catholic Church pick and choosing which texts to include or leave out. The living followers of Jesus usually only had 1 local text/gospel for use. Whole Bibles didn't come about until much later.

that is why they have 4 gospels, NEWS, north , east, west and south.
Pasting a new holy text onto a pre-extant holy text is co-opting the previous. Not fulfilling it.
invalid characterization and invalid conclusion......if you choose not to believe your own prophesies that is your choice......your holy texts are still there unchanged....no one has taken anything away from you, therefore nothing has been co-opted......

So if I launched a guerilla movement to go into chruches and rip out the OT portion from their Bibles you'd be cool with that? :)
????.....are you suggesting Christians ripped the Torah out of synagogues?....the original Christians were Jews who believed the prophecies of the OT were fulfilled by Jesus......do you somehow think that in doing so they forfeited the right to read the prophesies?......

That's a nice little distortion. The Bible wasn't written by the Jews who became Christians. Bible was combined centuries later by the Catholic Church pick and choosing which texts to include or leave out. The living followers of Jesus usually only had 1 local text/gospel for use. Whole Bibles didn't come about until much later.
?????....the "Whole Bible" is a gathering of documents written by Jews who became the original Christians.....that is hardly a distortion......it can only be avoided by denying history.....

Bibles proper, were official canonized scripture (of the Catholic Church.) In breaking the texts up including (heavily corrupted) versions of the Jewish Tanach, and the NT texts as "The Holy Bible" the Catholics were trying to assume an aire of legitimacy by attaching their new religion to a prior one.

Interestingly, as an aside, the Ethiopian Orthodox Canon remains much as it was at the very beginning. Being so far removed from Europe and Rome, it remained more in its' oriignal form unaffected by various Church schizms. Unfortunately, there seems to be no English version of this canon, nor any effort underway to make one. Contents are available though for comparison to KJV/Catholic canons,

The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church
So if I launched a guerilla movement to go into chruches and rip out the OT portion from their Bibles you'd be cool with that? :)
????.....are you suggesting Christians ripped the Torah out of synagogues?....
Excuses for theft are hardly applicable. De'hey-Zeus as a clever manipulator who realized the power of appeals to fear and superstitions.
I certainly hope you don't consider yourself a clever manipulator.......your childish manipulation of religious names cheapen your posts even further.....
That does nothing to assist an argument for one of your gawds who was just a man who understood how to manipulate human emotions of fear and superstition.
I wasn't aware we were having such an argument.....I thought we were discussing whether Christianity had co-opted Hebrew scriptures.......did you accidentally paste a quote from your trolling library by mistake?......
You spend your waking moments unaware.
and you spend yours trolling......
Typical for extremists, you're unable to defend the co-option of Hebrew theology in the formulation of christianity.
invalid characterization and invalid conclusion......if you choose not to believe your own prophesies that is your choice......your holy texts are still there unchanged....no one has taken anything away from you, therefore nothing has been co-opted......

So if I launched a guerilla movement to go into chruches and rip out the OT portion from their Bibles you'd be cool with that? :)
????.....are you suggesting Christians ripped the Torah out of synagogues?....the original Christians were Jews who believed the prophecies of the OT were fulfilled by Jesus......do you somehow think that in doing so they forfeited the right to read the prophesies?......

That's a nice little distortion. The Bible wasn't written by the Jews who became Christians. Bible was combined centuries later by the Catholic Church pick and choosing which texts to include or leave out. The living followers of Jesus usually only had 1 local text/gospel for use. Whole Bibles didn't come about until much later.
?????....the "Whole Bible" is a gathering of documents written by Jews who became the original Christians.....that is hardly a distortion......it can only be avoided by denying history.....

Bibles proper, were official canonized scripture (of the Catholic Church.) In breaking the texts up including (heavily corrupted) versions of the Jewish Tanach, and the NT texts as "The Holy Bible" the Catholics were trying to assume an aire of legitimacy by attaching their new religion to a prior one.
so now your complaint isn't that they "co-opted" Jewish scripture but that they didn't take all of it?........deal with it, D, the first Christians were Jews and Christians had the right to read Jewish texts.......
invalid characterization and invalid conclusion......if you choose not to believe your own prophesies that is your choice......your holy texts are still there unchanged....no one has taken anything away from you, therefore nothing has been co-opted......

So if I launched a guerilla movement to go into chruches and rip out the OT portion from their Bibles you'd be cool with that? :)
????.....are you suggesting Christians ripped the Torah out of synagogues?....
its not co-opting.....its fulfillment......
Excuses for theft are hardly applicable. De'hey-Zeus as a clever manipulator who realized the power of appeals to fear and superstitions.
I certainly hope you don't consider yourself a clever manipulator.......your childish manipulation of religious names cheapen your posts even further.....
That does nothing to assist an argument for one of your gawds who was just a man who understood how to manipulate human emotions of fear and superstition.
I wasn't aware we were having such an argument.....I thought we were discussing whether Christianity had co-opted Hebrew scriptures.......did you accidentally paste a quote from your trolling library by mistake?......
You spend your waking moments unaware.

sleep walking though life
????.....are you suggesting Christians ripped the Torah out of synagogues?....
I certainly hope you don't consider yourself a clever manipulator.......your childish manipulation of religious names cheapen your posts even further.....
That does nothing to assist an argument for one of your gawds who was just a man who understood how to manipulate human emotions of fear and superstition.
I wasn't aware we were having such an argument.....I thought we were discussing whether Christianity had co-opted Hebrew scriptures.......did you accidentally paste a quote from your trolling library by mistake?......
You spend your waking moments unaware.
and you spend yours trolling......
Typical for extremists, you're unable to defend the co-option of Hebrew theology in the formulation of christianity.
actually I have been defending it against those actually debating it......its only the trolls I ignore.....
So if I launched a guerilla movement to go into chruches and rip out the OT portion from their Bibles you'd be cool with that? :)
????.....are you suggesting Christians ripped the Torah out of synagogues?....the original Christians were Jews who believed the prophecies of the OT were fulfilled by Jesus......do you somehow think that in doing so they forfeited the right to read the prophesies?......

That's a nice little distortion. The Bible wasn't written by the Jews who became Christians. Bible was combined centuries later by the Catholic Church pick and choosing which texts to include or leave out. The living followers of Jesus usually only had 1 local text/gospel for use. Whole Bibles didn't come about until much later.
?????....the "Whole Bible" is a gathering of documents written by Jews who became the original Christians.....that is hardly a distortion......it can only be avoided by denying history.....

Bibles proper, were official canonized scripture (of the Catholic Church.) In breaking the texts up including (heavily corrupted) versions of the Jewish Tanach, and the NT texts as "The Holy Bible" the Catholics were trying to assume an aire of legitimacy by attaching their new religion to a prior one.
so now your complaint isn't that they "co-opted" Jewish scripture but that they didn't take all of it?........deal with it, D, the first Christians were Jews and Christians had the right to read Jewish texts.......

Sure they did. But the people who made the proper Bible later did not have the right to paste their new non-Jewish reliigon's holy book onto someone else's. Be like if Islam attached Qu'ran onto the end of Revelations.
????.....are you suggesting Christians ripped the Torah out of synagogues?....the original Christians were Jews who believed the prophecies of the OT were fulfilled by Jesus......do you somehow think that in doing so they forfeited the right to read the prophesies?......

That's a nice little distortion. The Bible wasn't written by the Jews who became Christians. Bible was combined centuries later by the Catholic Church pick and choosing which texts to include or leave out. The living followers of Jesus usually only had 1 local text/gospel for use. Whole Bibles didn't come about until much later.
?????....the "Whole Bible" is a gathering of documents written by Jews who became the original Christians.....that is hardly a distortion......it can only be avoided by denying history.....

Bibles proper, were official canonized scripture (of the Catholic Church.) In breaking the texts up including (heavily corrupted) versions of the Jewish Tanach, and the NT texts as "The Holy Bible" the Catholics were trying to assume an aire of legitimacy by attaching their new religion to a prior one.
so now your complaint isn't that they "co-opted" Jewish scripture but that they didn't take all of it?........deal with it, D, the first Christians were Jews and Christians had the right to read Jewish texts.......

Sure they did. But the people who made the proper Bible later did not have the right to paste their new non-Jewish reliigon's holy book onto someone else's. Be like if Islam attached Qu'ran onto the end of Revelations.
but they weren't "someone else"......they are a religion that believes in the OT prophesies, descended from those who wrote them......now if you want to talk about folks who just attached what they wrote to other peoples beliefs you ought to think about those Gnostics.......they grabbed on to EVERYONE's beliefs......
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't be Christian, Mormon, or Muslim without the 'Jew baloney.' :)

Indeed, for all three religions claim Avraham as a starting point. All four are indeed Abrahamic religions and at least claim to worship the same almighty deity.

Abraham was a liar, and the OT is based on a lie, being Isaac thought he gave his blessing to Esau.
Also one time Cyrus built your temple, and another time and edomite did,
not only that, the Jewish religion is rather dead, Christianity is an outgrowth of it, the better way of looking at God, virgin birth equals a new way of worshipping God. Most Jews ceased being jewish in the first century, except a few zealous ones.

Keep spewing, it's fun to watch.

so what are you, a jew or not?

Yes, I am, and your question makes no sense at all. But then again, you are Penelope, who hates Jews, so why am I not surprised?

Hossfly - does Penelope make any sense to you?
Statistikhengst Penelope makes no sense because she is arguing for the sake of argument. Whatever is said, she will say the opposite. If you say a log floated downstream she will insist that water runs up hill.
Indeed, for all three religions claim Avraham as a starting point. All four are indeed Abrahamic religions and at least claim to worship the same almighty deity.

Abraham was a liar, and the OT is based on a lie, being Isaac thought he gave his blessing to Esau.
Also one time Cyrus built your temple, and another time and edomite did,
not only that, the Jewish religion is rather dead, Christianity is an outgrowth of it, the better way of looking at God, virgin birth equals a new way of worshipping God. Most Jews ceased being jewish in the first century, except a few zealous ones.

Keep spewing, it's fun to watch.

so what are you, a jew or not?

Yes, I am, and your question makes no sense at all. But then again, you are Penelope, who hates Jews, so why am I not surprised?

Hossfly - does Penelope make any sense to you?
Statistikhengst Penelope makes no sense because she is arguing for the sake of argument. Whatever is said, she will say the opposite. If you say a log floated downstream she will insist that water runs up hill.

Ok, got it....
Indeed, for all three religions claim Avraham as a starting point. All four are indeed Abrahamic religions and at least claim to worship the same almighty deity.

Abraham was a liar, and the OT is based on a lie, being Isaac thought he gave his blessing to Esau.
Also one time Cyrus built your temple, and another time and edomite did,
not only that, the Jewish religion is rather dead, Christianity is an outgrowth of it, the better way of looking at God, virgin birth equals a new way of worshipping God. Most Jews ceased being jewish in the first century, except a few zealous ones.

Keep spewing, it's fun to watch.

so what are you, a jew or not?

Yes, I am, and your question makes no sense at all. But then again, you are Penelope, who hates Jews, so why am I not surprised?

Hossfly - does Penelope make any sense to you?
Statistikhengst Penelope makes no sense because she is arguing for the sake of argument. Whatever is said, she will say the opposite. If you say a log floated downstream she will insist that water runs up hill.

That's not true, If a log is floating downstream I will say that log is floating downhill.
Something Jews alway have known about the goyims professed"love" for us Jews and israel , it is their sick delusional twisted end times fantasies. That is what drives them in how they "think"

On the Road to Armageddon How Evangelicals Became Israel s Best Friend by Timothy P. Weber - Beliefnet.com

The Muslim Terrorists are doing their own version of end times and want to bring in their Messiah. They are conducting their own Holy War.
They believe that as soon as the get their Caliphate that their Messiah will rise and take power.
NowAbraham was a liar, and the OT is based on a lie, being Isaac thought he gave his blessing to Esau.
Also one time Cyrus built your temple, and another time and edomite did,
not only that, the Jewish religion is rather dead, Christianity is an outgrowth of it, the better way of looking at God, virgin birth equals a new way of worshipping God. Most Jews ceased being jewish in the first century, except a few zealous ones.

Keep spewing, it's fun to watch.

so what are you, a jew or not?

Yes, I am, and your question makes no sense at all. But then again, you are Penelope, who hates Jews, so why am I not surprised?

Hossfly - does Penelope make any sense to you?
Statistikhengst Penelope makes no sense because she is arguing for the sake of argument. Whatever is said, she will say the opposite. If you say a log floated downstream she will insist that water runs up hill.

Ok, got it....
And Guano is dead wrong about Gentiles who admire Jews and Israel and their reasons.
My personal experience was in late 1945 when I was 6 and the GIs came back from Europe and I learned all about the Holocaust. At the same time in school the Weekly Reader had stories about the plight of the Jews. Then when the Exodus tried to unload their passengers it was big news in the papers, radio and newsreels at the movies. Everyone was infatuated with the way the Jews came from Europe, started a country and changed the landscape, all the while fighting the Arabs who wanted them gone. In school we read about and studied their progress. Everyone in every class had a pen pal and to this day my classmates, in their mid-seventies still communicate with their old pen pals and many of them have exchanged visits. From Sept 1948 until the 1967 war, my pen pal named Yuri and I wrote often. He was killed in the '67 war and what saddened me was the fact that he was an orphan from birth and had no family except his Army buddies. For me there's nothing religious about it. Guano is sick in the head.

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