Why right wing christians are obsessed with israel

Something Jews alway have known about the goyims professed"love" for us Jews and israel , it is their sick delusional twisted end times fantasies. That is what drives them in how they "think"

On the Road to Armageddon How Evangelicals Became Israel s Best Friend by Timothy P. Weber - Beliefnet.com

Yup. Rapture can't happen until however many Jews reside in Israel. So Christians have regular fundraising programs trying to get Jews to Israel hoping to trigger the end of the world.
Most christians dont even realize what's behind their unholy alliance with is real and most Israeli dont care as long as christians defend them.
Google, christian fundraising to get jews to israel

Outrageously High Fundraising and Compensation Costs - What You Need Know About Those Emotional TV Commercials Asking You to Help Impoverished Jews

"Many have no doubt seen the rather frequent and emotion-laden advertisements on Fox News asking for your donations to help struggling Jewish people around the world. The ads come from the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ) founded and run by Rabbi Yeckiel Eckstein. Recent ads have featured what the ministry claimed were elderly holocaust survivors in the former Soviet Union and poor Jewish people in Israel...
... Additionally, Rabbi Eckstein's total compensation in 2012 amounted to over $1.2 million! Moreover, compensation paid to two of Rabbi Eckstein's daughters and a son-in law amounts to over $250,000. Combining the adjusted fundraising costs noted above and his compensation, over 40% of a donor dollar goes to fundraising and Rabbi Eckstein's excessive compensation."

Rabbi Why evangelical Christians give millions to Israel CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

"In the last 12 months, the evangelical Christian community in the United States has given $100 million to charitable causes in Israel, according to Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, Founder and President of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews...

...But Eckstein says that those tensions have largely eased.

“There are those within the Jewish community, especially in the earlier years, who were very concerned about the influence of... Jerry Falwell, Pat Roberson, the Christian right," he says.

"Those Jewish concerns have been allayed over the years," he continues. "... (Jews) realize that these people are genuine, they are not doing it for some conditional reason and that it's not just all based on the rapture, and eschatology, but it is based on their love for Israel and the Jewish people.""
No, it isn't. There are many born again believers who do not believe in a pre - Tribulation Rapture, Guno. I'm one of them. I'm not expecting an early departure from the greatest hour of trial the world has ever faced - the Tribulation. It will be all out war on the Church - the greatest trial of our faith we will ever face (the true Church -not the antichrist Whore of Babylon claiming to be "The Church").

If you will study the Scriptures you will learn that Abraham was justified by faith. Not by his works. Those who are born again Believers are justified by faith. By faith we have been adopted into the Family of God. Although some of us were born Gentiles - inwardly we are Jews and Abraham is indeed the Father of our Faith. Your book is my book - my book is your book if you are inwardly a Jew and hopefully you will one day be because athough you may be a Jew outwardly it avails you nothing in eternity if you reject your Messiah which is the only way to enter into heaven. I look towards that day when the prophecy of Zechariah will be fulfilled and the Jewish people will see Messiah face to face and see the nail scars in his hands and in his feet and ask him, Lord, what are those wounds in your hands? And he will tell them, Those are the wounds that I received in the house of my friends. Then there will be a moment of realizing this is Jesus, Christ Crucified, Our Messiah.

It is written:

And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer,Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.
Zechariah 13:6

If you thought the reunion of Joseph and his brothers was moving just wait until you see the reunion between Jesus Christ and His own Brethren. You haven't seen anything yet. That story is a picture of the story of Christ and His own brethren, Guno. Of which you are one. When you say the things you say, Guno? I know that you do not know what you are doing. I do not hold it against you. I believe that one day you will know and then you will say, how could I have been so blind?

Well I guess Pope Francis was right in your case, inside of you there is a little Jew.

Interesting. This once again reminds me that even a broken clock can be right twice a day. (pope comment) Inwardly I am a Jew. The Bible is very clear that the born again believer is inwardly a Jew. Read the King James Bible, Penelope.

And yet most Jews will say they are a race, do you practice Judaism.

I realize that your weird, unfounded hatred drives you (as with all anti-semites) to say weird things, but Judaism is a religion. Jews are first and foremost adherents to a religions. Jews are not a race at all, although some jews share some genetic commonality, but not always. There are chinese Jews who have absolutely no genetic commonality with the overwhelming majority of Jews living in Eretz Yisrael, the land that G-d gave to the Jews many thousands of years ago. Some claim that Jews are simply a culture, but that is not accurate, either.

I have never said that Jews are a race. There are Black Jews, there are Asian jews, there are White Jews, there are hispanic Jews, hell, there are even Jews among the Eskimos of Alaska (also one of the longest-lived of tribes in the world). So, to call Jews a "race" is pretty damned ridiculous.

You might want to discuss this with PM Bibi. So lets see, we have lots of Jews calling themselves a Jew but really are not, got it. (gee that is what Jesus said) Only those who practice Judaism are Jews.

You were to be Jews when you came from the Judea where the Judah tribe lived, now your all Jews, what is it.

You can't have it both ways, with all the intermarriage, no one is a full Jew either.

You call me weird because I don't believe all the Jew baloney, ha ha. Crap you jews don't know who you are.

for further notice, God never gave you anything, only wacked out people believe the fables in your book.

Your ignorance was delightful to read.

Using your definition, not hardly even one Christian would therefore be a true Christian.

You logic have more holes in it than Leerdammer Cheese.
Well I guess Pope Francis was right in your case, inside of you there is a little Jew.

Interesting. This once again reminds me that even a broken clock can be right twice a day. (pope comment) Inwardly I am a Jew. The Bible is very clear that the born again believer is inwardly a Jew. Read the King James Bible, Penelope.

And yet most Jews will say they are a race, do you practice Judaism.

I realize that your weird, unfounded hatred drives you (as with all anti-semites) to say weird things, but Judaism is a religion. Jews are first and foremost adherents to a religions. Jews are not a race at all, although some jews share some genetic commonality, but not always. There are chinese Jews who have absolutely no genetic commonality with the overwhelming majority of Jews living in Eretz Yisrael, the land that G-d gave to the Jews many thousands of years ago. Some claim that Jews are simply a culture, but that is not accurate, either.

I have never said that Jews are a race. There are Black Jews, there are Asian jews, there are White Jews, there are hispanic Jews, hell, there are even Jews among the Eskimos of Alaska (also one of the longest-lived of tribes in the world). So, to call Jews a "race" is pretty damned ridiculous.

You might want to discuss this with PM Bibi. So lets see, we have lots of Jews calling themselves a Jew but really are not, got it. (gee that is what Jesus said) Only those who practice Judaism are Jews.

You were to be Jews when you came from the Judea where the Judah tribe lived, now your all Jews, what is it.

You can't have it both ways, with all the intermarriage, no one is a full Jew either.

You call me weird because I don't believe all the Jew baloney, ha ha. Crap you jews don't know who you are.

for further notice, God never gave you anything, only wacked out people believe the fables in your book.

Your ignorance was delightful to read.

Using your definition, not hardly even one Christian would therefore be a true Christian.

You logic have more holes in it than Leerdammer Cheese.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't be Christian, Mormon, or Muslim without the 'Jew baloney.' :)
Interesting. This once again reminds me that even a broken clock can be right twice a day. (pope comment) Inwardly I am a Jew. The Bible is very clear that the born again believer is inwardly a Jew. Read the King James Bible, Penelope.

And yet most Jews will say they are a race, do you practice Judaism.

I realize that your weird, unfounded hatred drives you (as with all anti-semites) to say weird things, but Judaism is a religion. Jews are first and foremost adherents to a religions. Jews are not a race at all, although some jews share some genetic commonality, but not always. There are chinese Jews who have absolutely no genetic commonality with the overwhelming majority of Jews living in Eretz Yisrael, the land that G-d gave to the Jews many thousands of years ago. Some claim that Jews are simply a culture, but that is not accurate, either.

I have never said that Jews are a race. There are Black Jews, there are Asian jews, there are White Jews, there are hispanic Jews, hell, there are even Jews among the Eskimos of Alaska (also one of the longest-lived of tribes in the world). So, to call Jews a "race" is pretty damned ridiculous.

You might want to discuss this with PM Bibi. So lets see, we have lots of Jews calling themselves a Jew but really are not, got it. (gee that is what Jesus said) Only those who practice Judaism are Jews.

You were to be Jews when you came from the Judea where the Judah tribe lived, now your all Jews, what is it.

You can't have it both ways, with all the intermarriage, no one is a full Jew either.

You call me weird because I don't believe all the Jew baloney, ha ha. Crap you jews don't know who you are.

for further notice, God never gave you anything, only wacked out people believe the fables in your book.

Your ignorance was delightful to read.

Using your definition, not hardly even one Christian would therefore be a true Christian.

You logic have more holes in it than Leerdammer Cheese.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't be Christian, Mormon, or Muslim without the 'Jew baloney.' :)

Indeed, for all three religions claim Avraham as a starting point. All four are indeed Abrahamic religions and at least claim to worship the same almighty deity.
And yet most Jews will say they are a race, do you practice Judaism.

I realize that your weird, unfounded hatred drives you (as with all anti-semites) to say weird things, but Judaism is a religion. Jews are first and foremost adherents to a religions. Jews are not a race at all, although some jews share some genetic commonality, but not always. There are chinese Jews who have absolutely no genetic commonality with the overwhelming majority of Jews living in Eretz Yisrael, the land that G-d gave to the Jews many thousands of years ago. Some claim that Jews are simply a culture, but that is not accurate, either.

I have never said that Jews are a race. There are Black Jews, there are Asian jews, there are White Jews, there are hispanic Jews, hell, there are even Jews among the Eskimos of Alaska (also one of the longest-lived of tribes in the world). So, to call Jews a "race" is pretty damned ridiculous.

You might want to discuss this with PM Bibi. So lets see, we have lots of Jews calling themselves a Jew but really are not, got it. (gee that is what Jesus said) Only those who practice Judaism are Jews.

You were to be Jews when you came from the Judea where the Judah tribe lived, now your all Jews, what is it.

You can't have it both ways, with all the intermarriage, no one is a full Jew either.

You call me weird because I don't believe all the Jew baloney, ha ha. Crap you jews don't know who you are.

for further notice, God never gave you anything, only wacked out people believe the fables in your book.

Your ignorance was delightful to read.

Using your definition, not hardly even one Christian would therefore be a true Christian.

You logic have more holes in it than Leerdammer Cheese.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't be Christian, Mormon, or Muslim without the 'Jew baloney.' :)

Indeed, for all three religions claim Avraham as a starting point. All four are indeed Abrahamic religions and at least claim to worship the same almighty deity.

That, and Judaism is where the Messiah concept comes from.
And yet most Jews will say they are a race, do you practice Judaism.

I realize that your weird, unfounded hatred drives you (as with all anti-semites) to say weird things, but Judaism is a religion. Jews are first and foremost adherents to a religions. Jews are not a race at all, although some jews share some genetic commonality, but not always. There are chinese Jews who have absolutely no genetic commonality with the overwhelming majority of Jews living in Eretz Yisrael, the land that G-d gave to the Jews many thousands of years ago. Some claim that Jews are simply a culture, but that is not accurate, either.

I have never said that Jews are a race. There are Black Jews, there are Asian jews, there are White Jews, there are hispanic Jews, hell, there are even Jews among the Eskimos of Alaska (also one of the longest-lived of tribes in the world). So, to call Jews a "race" is pretty damned ridiculous.

You might want to discuss this with PM Bibi. So lets see, we have lots of Jews calling themselves a Jew but really are not, got it. (gee that is what Jesus said) Only those who practice Judaism are Jews.

You were to be Jews when you came from the Judea where the Judah tribe lived, now your all Jews, what is it.

You can't have it both ways, with all the intermarriage, no one is a full Jew either.

You call me weird because I don't believe all the Jew baloney, ha ha. Crap you jews don't know who you are.

for further notice, God never gave you anything, only wacked out people believe the fables in your book.

Your ignorance was delightful to read.

Using your definition, not hardly even one Christian would therefore be a true Christian.

You logic have more holes in it than Leerdammer Cheese.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't be Christian, Mormon, or Muslim without the 'Jew baloney.' :)

Indeed, for all three religions claim Avraham as a starting point. All four are indeed Abrahamic religions and at least claim to worship the same almighty deity.

Abraham was a liar, and the OT is based on a lie, being Isaac thought he gave his blessing to Esau.
Also one time Cyrus built your temple, and another time and edomite did,
not only that, the Jewish religion is rather dead, Christianity is an outgrowth of it, the better way of looking at God, virgin birth equals a new way of worshipping God. Most Jews ceased being jewish in the first century, except a few zealous ones.
I realize that your weird, unfounded hatred drives you (as with all anti-semites) to say weird things, but Judaism is a religion. Jews are first and foremost adherents to a religions. Jews are not a race at all, although some jews share some genetic commonality, but not always. There are chinese Jews who have absolutely no genetic commonality with the overwhelming majority of Jews living in Eretz Yisrael, the land that G-d gave to the Jews many thousands of years ago. Some claim that Jews are simply a culture, but that is not accurate, either.

I have never said that Jews are a race. There are Black Jews, there are Asian jews, there are White Jews, there are hispanic Jews, hell, there are even Jews among the Eskimos of Alaska (also one of the longest-lived of tribes in the world). So, to call Jews a "race" is pretty damned ridiculous.

You might want to discuss this with PM Bibi. So lets see, we have lots of Jews calling themselves a Jew but really are not, got it. (gee that is what Jesus said) Only those who practice Judaism are Jews.

You were to be Jews when you came from the Judea where the Judah tribe lived, now your all Jews, what is it.

You can't have it both ways, with all the intermarriage, no one is a full Jew either.

You call me weird because I don't believe all the Jew baloney, ha ha. Crap you jews don't know who you are.

for further notice, God never gave you anything, only wacked out people believe the fables in your book.

Your ignorance was delightful to read.

Using your definition, not hardly even one Christian would therefore be a true Christian.

You logic have more holes in it than Leerdammer Cheese.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't be Christian, Mormon, or Muslim without the 'Jew baloney.' :)

Indeed, for all three religions claim Avraham as a starting point. All four are indeed Abrahamic religions and at least claim to worship the same almighty deity.

That, and Judaism is where the Messiah concept comes from.

Judasim is still waiting on their savior, even though it was King Cyrus.
I realize that your weird, unfounded hatred drives you (as with all anti-semites) to say weird things, but Judaism is a religion. Jews are first and foremost adherents to a religions. Jews are not a race at all, although some jews share some genetic commonality, but not always. There are chinese Jews who have absolutely no genetic commonality with the overwhelming majority of Jews living in Eretz Yisrael, the land that G-d gave to the Jews many thousands of years ago. Some claim that Jews are simply a culture, but that is not accurate, either.

I have never said that Jews are a race. There are Black Jews, there are Asian jews, there are White Jews, there are hispanic Jews, hell, there are even Jews among the Eskimos of Alaska (also one of the longest-lived of tribes in the world). So, to call Jews a "race" is pretty damned ridiculous.

You might want to discuss this with PM Bibi. So lets see, we have lots of Jews calling themselves a Jew but really are not, got it. (gee that is what Jesus said) Only those who practice Judaism are Jews.

You were to be Jews when you came from the Judea where the Judah tribe lived, now your all Jews, what is it.

You can't have it both ways, with all the intermarriage, no one is a full Jew either.

You call me weird because I don't believe all the Jew baloney, ha ha. Crap you jews don't know who you are.

for further notice, God never gave you anything, only wacked out people believe the fables in your book.

Your ignorance was delightful to read.

Using your definition, not hardly even one Christian would therefore be a true Christian.

You logic have more holes in it than Leerdammer Cheese.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't be Christian, Mormon, or Muslim without the 'Jew baloney.' :)

Indeed, for all three religions claim Avraham as a starting point. All four are indeed Abrahamic religions and at least claim to worship the same almighty deity.

Abraham was a liar, and the OT is based on a lie, being Isaac thought he gave his blessing to Esau.
Also one time Cyrus built your temple, and another time and edomite did,
not only that, the Jewish religion is rather dead, Christianity is an outgrowth of it, the better way of looking at God, virgin birth equals a new way of worshipping God. Most Jews ceased being jewish in the first century, except a few zealous ones.

"the Jewish religion is rather dead, Christianity is an outgrowth of it"

Ya, like a cancerous tumour.
I realize that your weird, unfounded hatred drives you (as with all anti-semites) to say weird things, but Judaism is a religion. Jews are first and foremost adherents to a religions. Jews are not a race at all, although some jews share some genetic commonality, but not always. There are chinese Jews who have absolutely no genetic commonality with the overwhelming majority of Jews living in Eretz Yisrael, the land that G-d gave to the Jews many thousands of years ago. Some claim that Jews are simply a culture, but that is not accurate, either.

I have never said that Jews are a race. There are Black Jews, there are Asian jews, there are White Jews, there are hispanic Jews, hell, there are even Jews among the Eskimos of Alaska (also one of the longest-lived of tribes in the world). So, to call Jews a "race" is pretty damned ridiculous.

You might want to discuss this with PM Bibi. So lets see, we have lots of Jews calling themselves a Jew but really are not, got it. (gee that is what Jesus said) Only those who practice Judaism are Jews.

You were to be Jews when you came from the Judea where the Judah tribe lived, now your all Jews, what is it.

You can't have it both ways, with all the intermarriage, no one is a full Jew either.

You call me weird because I don't believe all the Jew baloney, ha ha. Crap you jews don't know who you are.

for further notice, God never gave you anything, only wacked out people believe the fables in your book.

Your ignorance was delightful to read.

Using your definition, not hardly even one Christian would therefore be a true Christian.

You logic have more holes in it than Leerdammer Cheese.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't be Christian, Mormon, or Muslim without the 'Jew baloney.' :)

Indeed, for all three religions claim Avraham as a starting point. All four are indeed Abrahamic religions and at least claim to worship the same almighty deity.

That, and Judaism is where the Messiah concept comes from.
That, and Christianity co-opting Hebrew scripture for much of its theology.
I realize that your weird, unfounded hatred drives you (as with all anti-semites) to say weird things, but Judaism is a religion. Jews are first and foremost adherents to a religions. Jews are not a race at all, although some jews share some genetic commonality, but not always. There are chinese Jews who have absolutely no genetic commonality with the overwhelming majority of Jews living in Eretz Yisrael, the land that G-d gave to the Jews many thousands of years ago. Some claim that Jews are simply a culture, but that is not accurate, either.

I have never said that Jews are a race. There are Black Jews, there are Asian jews, there are White Jews, there are hispanic Jews, hell, there are even Jews among the Eskimos of Alaska (also one of the longest-lived of tribes in the world). So, to call Jews a "race" is pretty damned ridiculous.

You might want to discuss this with PM Bibi. So lets see, we have lots of Jews calling themselves a Jew but really are not, got it. (gee that is what Jesus said) Only those who practice Judaism are Jews.

You were to be Jews when you came from the Judea where the Judah tribe lived, now your all Jews, what is it.

You can't have it both ways, with all the intermarriage, no one is a full Jew either.

You call me weird because I don't believe all the Jew baloney, ha ha. Crap you jews don't know who you are.

for further notice, God never gave you anything, only wacked out people believe the fables in your book.

Your ignorance was delightful to read.

Using your definition, not hardly even one Christian would therefore be a true Christian.

You logic have more holes in it than Leerdammer Cheese.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't be Christian, Mormon, or Muslim without the 'Jew baloney.' :)

Indeed, for all three religions claim Avraham as a starting point. All four are indeed Abrahamic religions and at least claim to worship the same almighty deity.

Abraham was a liar, and the OT is based on a lie, being Isaac thought he gave his blessing to Esau.
Also one time Cyrus built your temple, and another time and edomite did,
not only that, the Jewish religion is rather dead, Christianity is an outgrowth of it, the better way of looking at God, virgin birth equals a new way of worshipping God. Most Jews ceased being jewish in the first century, except a few zealous ones.

Keep spewing, it's fun to watch.
You might want to discuss this with PM Bibi. So lets see, we have lots of Jews calling themselves a Jew but really are not, got it. (gee that is what Jesus said) Only those who practice Judaism are Jews.

You were to be Jews when you came from the Judea where the Judah tribe lived, now your all Jews, what is it.

You can't have it both ways, with all the intermarriage, no one is a full Jew either.

You call me weird because I don't believe all the Jew baloney, ha ha. Crap you jews don't know who you are.

for further notice, God never gave you anything, only wacked out people believe the fables in your book.

Your ignorance was delightful to read.

Using your definition, not hardly even one Christian would therefore be a true Christian.

You logic have more holes in it than Leerdammer Cheese.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't be Christian, Mormon, or Muslim without the 'Jew baloney.' :)

Indeed, for all three religions claim Avraham as a starting point. All four are indeed Abrahamic religions and at least claim to worship the same almighty deity.

That, and Judaism is where the Messiah concept comes from.
That, and Christianity co-opting Hebrew scripture for much of its theology.

NT was wrote in Greek. A lot of paraphrasing from the old, but the Jews stole from the Canaanite who took from the Sumerians, Greek, Persians as well. Hebrew was the Canaanite language.
You might want to discuss this with PM Bibi. So lets see, we have lots of Jews calling themselves a Jew but really are not, got it. (gee that is what Jesus said) Only those who practice Judaism are Jews.

You were to be Jews when you came from the Judea where the Judah tribe lived, now your all Jews, what is it.

You can't have it both ways, with all the intermarriage, no one is a full Jew either.

You call me weird because I don't believe all the Jew baloney, ha ha. Crap you jews don't know who you are.

for further notice, God never gave you anything, only wacked out people believe the fables in your book.

Your ignorance was delightful to read.

Using your definition, not hardly even one Christian would therefore be a true Christian.

You logic have more holes in it than Leerdammer Cheese.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't be Christian, Mormon, or Muslim without the 'Jew baloney.' :)

Indeed, for all three religions claim Avraham as a starting point. All four are indeed Abrahamic religions and at least claim to worship the same almighty deity.

Abraham was a liar, and the OT is based on a lie, being Isaac thought he gave his blessing to Esau.
Also one time Cyrus built your temple, and another time and edomite did,
not only that, the Jewish religion is rather dead, Christianity is an outgrowth of it, the better way of looking at God, virgin birth equals a new way of worshipping God. Most Jews ceased being jewish in the first century, except a few zealous ones.

Keep spewing, it's fun to watch.

so what are you, a jew or not?
You might want to discuss this with PM Bibi. So lets see, we have lots of Jews calling themselves a Jew but really are not, got it. (gee that is what Jesus said) Only those who practice Judaism are Jews.

You were to be Jews when you came from the Judea where the Judah tribe lived, now your all Jews, what is it.

You can't have it both ways, with all the intermarriage, no one is a full Jew either.

You call me weird because I don't believe all the Jew baloney, ha ha. Crap you jews don't know who you are.

for further notice, God never gave you anything, only wacked out people believe the fables in your book.

Your ignorance was delightful to read.

Using your definition, not hardly even one Christian would therefore be a true Christian.

You logic have more holes in it than Leerdammer Cheese.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't be Christian, Mormon, or Muslim without the 'Jew baloney.' :)

Indeed, for all three religions claim Avraham as a starting point. All four are indeed Abrahamic religions and at least claim to worship the same almighty deity.

That, and Judaism is where the Messiah concept comes from.
That, and Christianity co-opting Hebrew scripture for much of its theology.

Which when asking a Chabad rabbi friend of mine what he thought about that said,

"It's a damned travesty."
Your ignorance was delightful to read.

Using your definition, not hardly even one Christian would therefore be a true Christian.

You logic have more holes in it than Leerdammer Cheese.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't be Christian, Mormon, or Muslim without the 'Jew baloney.' :)

Indeed, for all three religions claim Avraham as a starting point. All four are indeed Abrahamic religions and at least claim to worship the same almighty deity.

Abraham was a liar, and the OT is based on a lie, being Isaac thought he gave his blessing to Esau.
Also one time Cyrus built your temple, and another time and edomite did,
not only that, the Jewish religion is rather dead, Christianity is an outgrowth of it, the better way of looking at God, virgin birth equals a new way of worshipping God. Most Jews ceased being jewish in the first century, except a few zealous ones.

Keep spewing, it's fun to watch.

so what are you, a jew or not?

Yes, I am, and your question makes no sense at all. But then again, you are Penelope, who hates Jews, so why am I not surprised?

Hossfly - does Penelope make any sense to you?
Your ignorance was delightful to read.

Using your definition, not hardly even one Christian would therefore be a true Christian.

You logic have more holes in it than Leerdammer Cheese.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't be Christian, Mormon, or Muslim without the 'Jew baloney.' :)

Indeed, for all three religions claim Avraham as a starting point. All four are indeed Abrahamic religions and at least claim to worship the same almighty deity.

That, and Judaism is where the Messiah concept comes from.
That, and Christianity co-opting Hebrew scripture for much of its theology.

NT was wrote in Greek. A lot of paraphrasing from the old, but the Jews stole from the Canaanite who took from the Sumerians, Greek, Persians as well. Hebrew was the Canaanite language.

Known text were written in Greek. But also in Hebrew, the native language of the authors. But no Hebrew NT texts are known to still exist. What the Vatican Secret Archives have is a good question. Bet that's where the Ark of the Covenant is. :)
Something Jews alway have known about the goyims professed"love" for us Jews and israel , it is their sick delusional twisted end times fantasies. That is what drives them in how they "think"

On the Road to Armageddon How Evangelicals Became Israel s Best Friend by Timothy P. Weber - Beliefnet.com

Yup. Rapture can't happen until however many Jews reside in Israel. So Christians have regular fundraising programs trying to get Jews to Israel hoping to trigger the end of the world.

YOu say "Christians" without any qualifiers.

I know that you are not trying to imply ALL Christians, but could you perhaps give some idea of just how many Christians you think do this?

Because I was raised Christian, among Christians, and I have never seen this, nor even ever known a Christian who has participated or given money or even personally been aware of any such fundraising.

I am not denying it occurs, I am asking for some perspective on just how wide spread the practice is.

With all due respect that you don't know this isn't surprising. The average Christian knows less about their own theology than the average non-Christian (why they are non-Christian usually.)

I am aware it. YOu are the one discussing it. I am asking you how wide spread you think the practice is.

Because I am a supporter of Israel and this has no thought has no impact on me. I have friends who are supporters of Israel and this thought is not their reasons.
Something Jews alway have known about the goyims professed"love" for us Jews and israel , it is their sick delusional twisted end times fantasies. That is what drives them in how they "think"

On the Road to Armageddon How Evangelicals Became Israel s Best Friend by Timothy P. Weber - Beliefnet.com

Yup. Rapture can't happen until however many Jews reside in Israel. So Christians have regular fundraising programs trying to get Jews to Israel hoping to trigger the end of the world.

YOu say "Christians" without any qualifiers.

I know that you are not trying to imply ALL Christians, but could you perhaps give some idea of just how many Christians you think do this?

Because I was raised Christian, among Christians, and I have never seen this, nor even ever known a Christian who has participated or given money or even personally been aware of any such fundraising.

I am not denying it occurs, I am asking for some perspective on just how wide spread the practice is.

With all due respect that you don't know this isn't surprising. The average Christian knows less about their own theology than the average non-Christian (why they are non-Christian usually.)

I am aware it. YOu are the one discussing it. I am asking you how wide spread you think the practice is.

Because I am a supporter of Israel and this has no thought has no impact on me. I have friends who are supporters of Israel and this thought is not their reasons.

Scroll up to post 63 (near top of this page)
Something Jews alway have known about the goyims professed"love" for us Jews and israel , it is their sick delusional twisted end times fantasies. That is what drives them in how they "think"

On the Road to Armageddon How Evangelicals Became Israel s Best Friend by Timothy P. Weber - Beliefnet.com

Yup. Rapture can't happen until however many Jews reside in Israel. So Christians have regular fundraising programs trying to get Jews to Israel hoping to trigger the end of the world.

YOu say "Christians" without any qualifiers.

I know that you are not trying to imply ALL Christians, but could you perhaps give some idea of just how many Christians you think do this?

Because I was raised Christian, among Christians, and I have never seen this, nor even ever known a Christian who has participated or given money or even personally been aware of any such fundraising.

I am not denying it occurs, I am asking for some perspective on just how wide spread the practice is.

With all due respect that you don't know this isn't surprising. The average Christian knows less about their own theology than the average non-Christian (why they are non-Christian usually.)

I am aware it. YOu are the one discussing it. I am asking you how wide spread you think the practice is.

Because I am a supporter of Israel and this has no thought has no impact on me. I have friends who are supporters of Israel and this thought is not their reasons.

Scroll up to post 63 (near top of this page)

Most of that post is about how little of the money goes to help the intended needy.

And what little mention of what you discuss is

"and that it's not just all based on the rapture, and eschatology, but it is based on their love for Israel and the Jewish people."

So, I'm still not getting any idea on how widespread this belief is supposedly to be.

I have some religious friends. But I hesitate to ask this question. The one couple I really want to stay on good terms with because their one daughter is a good friend of my daughter.

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