Why right wing christians are obsessed with israel

Yup. Rapture can't happen until however many Jews reside in Israel. So Christians have regular fundraising programs trying to get Jews to Israel hoping to trigger the end of the world.

YOu say "Christians" without any qualifiers.

I know that you are not trying to imply ALL Christians, but could you perhaps give some idea of just how many Christians you think do this?

Because I was raised Christian, among Christians, and I have never seen this, nor even ever known a Christian who has participated or given money or even personally been aware of any such fundraising.

I am not denying it occurs, I am asking for some perspective on just how wide spread the practice is.

With all due respect that you don't know this isn't surprising. The average Christian knows less about their own theology than the average non-Christian (why they are non-Christian usually.)

I am aware it. YOu are the one discussing it. I am asking you how wide spread you think the practice is.

Because I am a supporter of Israel and this has no thought has no impact on me. I have friends who are supporters of Israel and this thought is not their reasons.

Scroll up to post 63 (near top of this page)

Most of that post is about how little of the money goes to help the intended needy.

And what little mention of what you discuss is

"and that it's not just all based on the rapture, and eschatology, but it is based on their love for Israel and the Jewish people."

So, I'm still not getting any idea on how widespread this belief is supposedly to be.

I have some religious friends. But I hesitate to ask this question. The one couple I really want to stay on good terms with because their one daughter is a good friend of my daughter.

Wouldn't ask friends about it. But the information's on the web to peruse at your convenience.

Google like, dispensationalism

"Some of these Christian Zionists adhere to a previously rare theology called “Dispensationalism,” in which select scriptures from the Old Testament are interpreted to predict a series of violent events that will lead to the “second coming” of Christ. This Dispensationalist belief calls for all Jews to “return” to Israel/Palestine, which will then bring a cataclysmic “rapture,” in which 120,000 Jews will convert to Christianity and the millions remaining will be killed in a cruel and bloody battle, which will then, in turn, bring the return to earth of Jesus Christ."
Religious Aspects of the Current Israel Palestine Crisis
YOu say "Christians" without any qualifiers.

I know that you are not trying to imply ALL Christians, but could you perhaps give some idea of just how many Christians you think do this?

Because I was raised Christian, among Christians, and I have never seen this, nor even ever known a Christian who has participated or given money or even personally been aware of any such fundraising.

I am not denying it occurs, I am asking for some perspective on just how wide spread the practice is.

With all due respect that you don't know this isn't surprising. The average Christian knows less about their own theology than the average non-Christian (why they are non-Christian usually.)

I am aware it. YOu are the one discussing it. I am asking you how wide spread you think the practice is.

Because I am a supporter of Israel and this has no thought has no impact on me. I have friends who are supporters of Israel and this thought is not their reasons.

Scroll up to post 63 (near top of this page)

Most of that post is about how little of the money goes to help the intended needy.

And what little mention of what you discuss is

"and that it's not just all based on the rapture, and eschatology, but it is based on their love for Israel and the Jewish people."

So, I'm still not getting any idea on how widespread this belief is supposedly to be.

I have some religious friends. But I hesitate to ask this question. The one couple I really want to stay on good terms with because their one daughter is a good friend of my daughter.

Wouldn't ask friends about it. But the information's on the web to peruse at your convenience.

Google like, dispensationalism

"Some of these Christian Zionists adhere to a previously rare theology called “Dispensationalism,” in which select scriptures from the Old Testament are interpreted to predict a series of violent events that will lead to the “second coming” of Christ. This Dispensationalist belief calls for all Jews to “return” to Israel/Palestine, which will then bring a cataclysmic “rapture,” in which 120,000 Jews will convert to Christianity and the millions remaining will be killed in a cruel and bloody battle, which will then, in turn, bring the return to earth of Jesus Christ."
Religious Aspects of the Current Israel Palestine Crisis

I did goggle it.

Wikipedia does have an article on it, but with no numbers at all.

They mention Jerry Falwall and Pat Robertson, but with little to show how large this idea loomed in their minds, nor how much it impacted their actions, or the movements they were a part of.
Yup. Rapture can't happen until however many Jews reside in Israel. So Christians have regular fundraising programs trying to get Jews to Israel hoping to trigger the end of the world.

YOu say "Christians" without any qualifiers.

I know that you are not trying to imply ALL Christians, but could you perhaps give some idea of just how many Christians you think do this?

Because I was raised Christian, among Christians, and I have never seen this, nor even ever known a Christian who has participated or given money or even personally been aware of any such fundraising.

I am not denying it occurs, I am asking for some perspective on just how wide spread the practice is.

With all due respect that you don't know this isn't surprising. The average Christian knows less about their own theology than the average non-Christian (why they are non-Christian usually.)

I am aware it. YOu are the one discussing it. I am asking you how wide spread you think the practice is.

Because I am a supporter of Israel and this has no thought has no impact on me. I have friends who are supporters of Israel and this thought is not their reasons.

Scroll up to post 63 (near top of this page)

Most of that post is about how little of the money goes to help the intended needy.

And what little mention of what you discuss is

"and that it's not just all based on the rapture, and eschatology, but it is based on their love for Israel and the Jewish people."

So, I'm still not getting any idea on how widespread this belief is supposedly to be.

I have some religious friends. But I hesitate to ask this question. The one couple I really want to stay on good terms with because their one daughter is a good friend of my daughter.

Don't worry the non practicing Jewish guy will tell you what you believe. as will as the OP fake Jew and the Jew who thinks being a Jew is only a practice of a religion and you can opt out :eusa_doh:
Seems to me you're the one obsessed fake Jew. I think you need psychological counceling :cuckoo:

started to wear the cross yet?, you goyim ass licker

Four of the first six posts are yours... WTG

And that bothers you somehow, n00b?
you have to admit its valid evidence of Guno's obsession....though in truth its an obsession with Christianity, not with Judaism.......does the fact you've been around long enough to call this guy a noob blind you to that fact?.....
...Ya listen to Guns, a right-wing hack using Judaism like a golf club. Unfortunately, he's pretty ignorant about Scriptural Judaism memmorzing only party lines and warmongering rhetoric about guns.
As the leftist Jews support those who negotiate for the terms of the destruction of Israel. Christians like this support and fight for Israel:thup:

You might want to discuss this with PM Bibi. So lets see, we have lots of Jews calling themselves a Jew but really are not, got it. (gee that is what Jesus said) Only those who practice Judaism are Jews.

You were to be Jews when you came from the Judea where the Judah tribe lived, now your all Jews, what is it.

You can't have it both ways, with all the intermarriage, no one is a full Jew either.

You call me weird because I don't believe all the Jew baloney, ha ha. Crap you jews don't know who you are.

for further notice, God never gave you anything, only wacked out people believe the fables in your book.

Your ignorance was delightful to read.

Using your definition, not hardly even one Christian would therefore be a true Christian.

You logic have more holes in it than Leerdammer Cheese.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't be Christian, Mormon, or Muslim without the 'Jew baloney.' :)

Indeed, for all three religions claim Avraham as a starting point. All four are indeed Abrahamic religions and at least claim to worship the same almighty deity.

That, and Judaism is where the Messiah concept comes from.
That, and Christianity co-opting Hebrew scripture for much of its theology.
its not co-opting.....its fulfillment......
"Even more significant for this study, over one-third of those Americans who support Israel report that they do so because they believe the Bible teaches that the Jews must possess their own country in the Holy Land before Jesus can return."
On the Road to Armageddon How Evangelicals Became Israel s Best Friend by Timothy P. Weber - Beliefnet.com

Thank you.

So, maybe as many as 15 million have some of the belief you describe.


"They make up about one-third of America's 40 or 50 million evangelical Christians and believe that the nation of Israel will play a central role in the unfolding of end-times events. "
Read more at On the Road to Armageddon How Evangelicals Became Israel s Best Friend by Timothy P. Weber - Beliefnet.com
"Even more significant for this study, over one-third of those Americans who support Israel report that they do so because they believe the Bible teaches that the Jews must possess their own country in the Holy Land before Jesus can return."
On the Road to Armageddon How Evangelicals Became Israel s Best Friend by Timothy P. Weber - Beliefnet.com

Thank you.

So, maybe as many as 15 million have some of the belief you describe.


"They make up about one-third of America's 40 or 50 million evangelical Christians and believe that the nation of Israel will play a central role in the unfolding of end-times events. "
Read more at On the Road to Armageddon How Evangelicals Became Israel s Best Friend by Timothy P. Weber - Beliefnet.com

Quite significant when you consider there's only about 14 million Jews on the entire planet.
Pasting a new holy text onto a pre-extant holy text is co-opting the previous. Not fulfilling it.
invalid characterization and invalid conclusion......if you choose not to believe your own prophesies that is your choice......your holy texts are still there unchanged....no one has taken anything away from you, therefore nothing has been co-opted......
Your ignorance was delightful to read.

Using your definition, not hardly even one Christian would therefore be a true Christian.

You logic have more holes in it than Leerdammer Cheese.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't be Christian, Mormon, or Muslim without the 'Jew baloney.' :)

Indeed, for all three religions claim Avraham as a starting point. All four are indeed Abrahamic religions and at least claim to worship the same almighty deity.

That, and Judaism is where the Messiah concept comes from.
That, and Christianity co-opting Hebrew scripture for much of its theology.
its not co-opting.....its fulfillment......
Excuses for theft are hardly applicable. De'hey-Zeus as a clever manipulator who realized the power of appeals to fear and superstitions.
"Even more significant for this study, over one-third of those Americans who support Israel report that they do so because they believe the Bible teaches that the Jews must possess their own country in the Holy Land before Jesus can return."
On the Road to Armageddon How Evangelicals Became Israel s Best Friend by Timothy P. Weber - Beliefnet.com

Thank you.

So, maybe as many as 15 million have some of the belief you describe.


"They make up about one-third of America's 40 or 50 million evangelical Christians and believe that the nation of Israel will play a central role in the unfolding of end-times events. "
Read more at On the Road to Armageddon How Evangelicals Became Israel s Best Friend by Timothy P. Weber - Beliefnet.com

Quite significant when you consider there's only about 14 million Jews on the entire planet.
would that be the number of ethnic Jews or the number who still engage in the religion of Judaism?........
Pasting a new holy text onto a pre-extant holy text is co-opting the previous. Not fulfilling it.
invalid characterization and invalid conclusion......if you choose not to believe your own prophesies that is your choice......your holy texts are still there unchanged....no one has taken anything away from you, therefore nothing has been co-opted......
Nothing co-opted except Hebrew scripture. It's called th OT.
Pasting a new holy text onto a pre-extant holy text is co-opting the previous. Not fulfilling it.
invalid characterization and invalid conclusion......if you choose not to believe your own prophesies that is your choice......your holy texts are still there unchanged....no one has taken anything away from you, therefore nothing has been co-opted......

So if I launched a guerilla movement to go into chruches and rip out the OT portion from their Bibles you'd be cool with that? :)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't be Christian, Mormon, or Muslim without the 'Jew baloney.' :)

Indeed, for all three religions claim Avraham as a starting point. All four are indeed Abrahamic religions and at least claim to worship the same almighty deity.

That, and Judaism is where the Messiah concept comes from.
That, and Christianity co-opting Hebrew scripture for much of its theology.
its not co-opting.....its fulfillment......
Excuses for theft are hardly applicable. De'hey-Zeus as a clever manipulator who realized the power of appeals to fear and superstitions.
I certainly hope you don't consider yourself a clever manipulator.......your childish manipulation of religious names cheapen your posts even further.....
"Even more significant for this study, over one-third of those Americans who support Israel report that they do so because they believe the Bible teaches that the Jews must possess their own country in the Holy Land before Jesus can return."
On the Road to Armageddon How Evangelicals Became Israel s Best Friend by Timothy P. Weber - Beliefnet.com

Thank you.

So, maybe as many as 15 million have some of the belief you describe.


"They make up about one-third of America's 40 or 50 million evangelical Christians and believe that the nation of Israel will play a central role in the unfolding of end-times events. "
Read more at On the Road to Armageddon How Evangelicals Became Israel s Best Friend by Timothy P. Weber - Beliefnet.com

Quite significant when you consider there's only about 14 million Jews on the entire planet.

NOt to significant when you consider that the US has a population of over 300 million, and that even outside of the evangelical population, that support for Israel has always been high.
Pasting a new holy text onto a pre-extant holy text is co-opting the previous. Not fulfilling it.
invalid characterization and invalid conclusion......if you choose not to believe your own prophesies that is your choice......your holy texts are still there unchanged....no one has taken anything away from you, therefore nothing has been co-opted......

So if I launched a guerilla movement to go into chruches and rip out the OT portion from their Bibles you'd be cool with that? :)
????.....are you suggesting Christians ripped the Torah out of synagogues?....the original Christians were Jews who believed the prophecies of the OT were fulfilled by Jesus......do you somehow think that in doing so they forfeited the right to read the prophesies?......

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